Appendix I

Simulink Schemes

This appendix provides examples of simulation in Matlab–Simulink environment that appear in the book. Examples are divided up chapterwise. The simulation model for each scheme is described. In addition, the reader can access the Elsevier website to access the file for each example.

Chapter 1

Example 1.1

The purpose of Example 1.1 is to obtain the Norton model of a nonlinear load. This consists of a three-phase noncontrolled rectifier with a resistor and an inductance connected in series at the dc side. This load is connected to a three-phase sinusoidal source with a source impedance modeled by an inductance and a resistor. In order to modify the network conditions an RL branch is connected to the system by means of the switch, k. Figure A.1 shows the power system scheme in Simulink. Block modeling nonlinear three-phase load and measuring block to obtain the harmonic rms values of voltage and current are also shown. In the latter, a SimPowerSystem block is used, which allows us to obtain the Fourier analysis of the input signal over a running window of one cycle of the fundamental frequency.
Figure A.1 Power circuit scheme, Example 1.1.

Chapter 2

Example 2.2

In this example we have tried to obtain the characteristic values of the voltages and currents, as well as the different power terms exclusively in the Simulink environment. It has been used as both SimPowerSystems and Signal Processing blockset; blocks of the latter have been used to determine the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and subsequent algebraic manipulation of output.
Figure A.2 shows the display of three-phase power system consisting of an unbalanced source and two loads in star: balanced nonlinear load and unbalanced linear load.
Figure A.2 Three-phase power circuit consists of an unbalanced source and two loads in star: balanced nonlinear load and unbalanced linear load.
Figure A.3 shows the balanced nonlinear load. It consists of three bridge rectifiers connected in a star with an RC branch in the dc side (for it has been used as a Universal Bridge block of SimPowerSystems). Figure A.4 shows unbalanced linear load consisting of three star RL branches.
Figure A.3 Balanced nonlinear load consists of three bridge rectifiers connected in a star with RC branch in his dc side used in the Example 2.2.
Figure A.4 Unbalanced linear load consists of three star RL branches for Example 2.2.
Figures A.5 and A.6 show block diagrams for computing the sum of the squares of the rms values of the harmonics of the phase-to-neutral voltages, line-to-line voltages, line currents and neutral current. We used buffer blocks (to store the signal samples), magnitude FFT (to compute the absolute value of the DFT), submatrix (to extract the values of interest in the results matrix), and matrix sum (to sum the elements of row/column/all elements of the input array) of the signal processing blockset.
Figure A.5 Block diagrams for computing the sum of the squares of the rms values of the harmonics of the phase-to-neutral voltages, and line-to-line voltages in Example 2.2.
Figure A.6 Block diagrams for computing the sum of the squares of the rms values of the harmonics of line currents and neutral current in Example 2.2.
From the results of the block diagrams of Figures A.5 and A.6 effective values of voltage and current are determined by the Std. IEEE 1459, Figure A.7.
Figure A.7 Block diagrams for determining effective values of voltage and current by the Std. IEEE 1459.
Finally, Figure A.8 shows the block diagrams that determine the power terms; blocks 3-phase sequence analyzer of SimPowerSystem for the positive sequence components of the voltage and current are used.
Figure A.8 Block diagrams that determine the power terms in Example 2.2.

Chapter 3

Example 3.4a

Figure A.9. shows a system consisting of a three phase power source and a nonlinear load for simulating Example 3.4a. The display of the current source after compensation has been simulated through a switch that switches at 80 ms.
Figure A.9 System consisting of a three-phase power source and a nonlinear load for simulating the Example 3.4a. The display of the current source after compensation has been simulated through a switch that switches 80 ms.
The simulation model of an ac–ac converter, and block diagrams for obtaining compensation currents are included in Chapter 3, Figures 3.11 and 3.12. The block diagram of Figure 3.12 uses the dot product block of Simulink to determine the different power variables.

Example 3.4b

Figure 3.16 of Chapter 3 includes the block diagram for obtaining the currents of constant power compensation with zero-sequence current null. Transfer Fcn block of Simulink is used to simulate a low-pass filter of second order.

Example 3.5

The power system of Example 3.5 is the same as that used in Example 3.4. Figure 3.21 of Chapter 3 shows the block diagram for generating compensation currents.

Example 3.6

Figure 3.23 of Chapter 3 shows the block diagram for obtaining the compensation currents. Transfer Fcn block of Simulink is used to simulate a low-pass filter of second order.

Example 3.8

The power circuit of Example 3.8 uses blocks three-phase source and universal bridge of SimPowerSystems, Figure A.10. The voltages at the PCC before and after compensation are simulated using a switch of Simulink that switches at t = 0.08 s.
Figure A.10 Power circuit for the simulation of compensation through a series active filter of load-type rectifier with capacitive branch on the dc side.
Figure A.11 shows block diagrams of the subsystems that perform transformation of phases coordinates to 0αβ coordinates (left figure) and 0αβ coordinates to phases coordinates (right figure). The Simulink blocks are used: matrix concatenate input signals to create a contiguous output signals, and product to perform the matrix multiplications.
Figure A.11 Block diagrams of the subsystems that perform transformation of phases coordinates to 0αβ coordinates (to the left) and 0αβ coordinates to phases coordinates (to the right).
Figure A.12 presents the calculation of the instantaneous power variables indicated in Figure 3.34, Chapter 3; The Simulink block and transfer Fcn were reused to simulate a low-pass filter of second order to determine the oscillatory component of the instantaneous power.
Figure A.12 Block diagram for obtaining the instantaneous power variables of Figure 3.34 of Chapter 3.
Simulink blocks, permute dimensions, and matrix concatenate, provide different current components as shown in Figure 3.34 of Chapter 3 to get the compensation voltage, Figure A.13.
Figure A.13 Block diagram for obtaining the current components as shown in Figure 3.34 of Chapter 3 to determine the compensation voltage.

Chapter 4

Example 4.1

Figure A.14 shows the simulation model of a system with compensation through an ideal shunt active power filter consisting of three controlled current source of SimPowerSystems applied at t = 0.18 s. The nonlinear load consists of three single-phase rectifiers star-connected as shown in Figure 4.2 of Chapter 4.
Figure A.14 Simulation model of a system with compensation through an ideal shunt active power filter consists of three current source applied at t = 0.18 s.
Figure A.15 shows how to obtain reference currents; the real power is determined from a Butterworth low-pass filter of fourth order from analog filter design block of signal processing blockset.
Figure A.15 Block diagram for obtaining the reference currents; the real power is determined from a fourth order Butterworth low-pass filter.

Example 4.2

Figures 4.7 and 4.8 of Chapter 4 present the simulation models of Example 4.2.

Example 4.3

Figure A.16 shows the compensated power system of Example 4.3. Thyristor and the universal bridge blocks of SimPowerSystems are used to model the load, and inverter as static compensator, respectively.
Figure A.16 Simulation model of compensated power system of Example 4.3.
Data-type conversion, logical operator, and relay blocks of Simulink, and analog filter design of signal processing blockset as in Example 4.1, are used to model the control circuit of static compensator, Figure A.17.
Figure A.17 Control circuit of static compensator.

Example 4.4

Figures 4.15 and 4.16 of Chapter 4 show the simulation models of the main and control circuits of the SPWM full-bridge three-phase inverter.

Example 4.5

This is a simulation model with a high level of detail, which involved the use of a large number of subsystems. A description of each subsystem is given here.
Figure A.18 shows the general arrangement of the MATLAB–Simulink file used for Example 4.5. The APF block contains the power circuit of the active conditioner, including the passive components and the measuring elements (signals grouped in the buses medV, medI). The block Supply contains the voltage sources and the equivalent line impedance of the supply network; and the block Load contains the unbalanced nonlinear load. The block APF Control calculates the control references and sets the gate signals for the power transistors of the converter (bus Dp).
Figure A.18 General arrangement of the Simulink file for Example 4.5.
Figure A.19 shows the components that model the supply network, with unbalanced voltages, as well as its equivalent impedances. Figure A.20 shows the load used in Example 4.5.
Figure A.19 Power supply with unbalance and source impedance.
Figure A.20 Unbalanced nonlinear load for Example 4.5.
Figure A.21 presents the power circuit of the APF, with the passive components and coupling transformers, as well as the measuring elements. The simulation model of Example 4.5 has been implemented to model approximately the experimental prototype described in Section 4.6 and Appendix II. The coupling transformers TP have a turn ratio of 1:2 to adapt the voltage levels between the dc and ac sides of the converter. So, the reference voltage of each dc side capacitor is set to 250 V, and the entire set works with low voltage levels. The model of the transformers includes the short circuit and magnetizing impedances, as well as the LP inductance and its dc resistance. On the other side, the measurements are grouped in the buses medI and medV. The bus medI contains the supply currents iSabcn, load currents iLabcn and compensation currents before, iCPabc, and after, iC2abc, the coupling transformers TP. The bus medV contains the supply voltages, vSabc, and those of the dc capacitors, vdc1 and vdc2. The incoming signal bus Dps contains the logic switching signals for the six power transistors of the converter.
Figure A.21 Power circuit of the shunt APF and passive components.
Figure A.22 shows the structure of the general control block of the APF. A sample and hold, ZOH, of 50 μs is applied to the input signals to model the effect of the DSP board used in the calculation of this control. Afterwards, the signals are divided by their nominal values to set the later calculations in per unit values. Block voltage refs PU calculates the balanced sinusoidal voltage references vLref that are used in Example 4.5b. Block currents refs PU calculates the compensating current references, iCref, of the converter; including the regulation of the dc side voltages. Finally, the block switching signals sets the gate logic signals for the power transistors, with the periodical sampling, PS, current control described in Section 4.3.2.
Figure A.22 General control block.
Figure A.23 shows the structure of the voltage refs PU block. It calculates the balanced fundamental and amplitude regulated component of the supply voltage measurements. In the first stage the signal v+, that contains the balanced fundamental component of the voltages, is obtained with the set of phase shift filters. The rest of components are filtered in a second stage with a band pass filter, and its amplitude is regulated to the nominal value. In the third stage the three-phase signal v1 + PU is built, also with the use of a phase shift filter and with null instantaneous zero-sequence component.
Figure A.23 Calculation of the load voltage reference.
Figure A.24 shows the modeling of the trigger circuit of the converter, that in the experimental setup is made with an external circuit that compares directly the measured compensating current, iCmed, with the corresponding reference, iCref, provided by the DSP board; with a previous sample and hold, ZOH, to model the sampling and the corresponding delay, 1/z, of the digital board. The initial scale factor 2 is due to the turns ratio of the coupling transformers TP. The second ZOH models the PS sampling of the external circuit, and the logic gates set the complementary trigger signals for each branch of the converter, as well as the validation through the RUN signal to run/stop the APF.
Figure A.24 Trigger signals for the current control of the shunt converter.
Figure A.25 shows the control block to calculate the current references iCref. The power balance of the APF is in the upper part of the figure, and calculates the compensating current references iCL due to the load currents. The block vdcreg calculates the additional active component to compensate the internal power losses of the conditioner to regulate the dc-side voltages. On the other part, the selector iCbal that appears in the upper part of the power balance allows us to use the measured value of iC in this balance, when the APF is working. The values of iC can differ substantially from their reference over relatively long time periods, and this way the estimation of the internal power balanced is enhanced, reducing possible power fluctuations. Thus, the idcreg component is excluded from this balance, assumed that it has a low dependence on the active/desired component of the load currents. Finally, the saturation block Sat2PU limits the compensating currents at the output of the converter, to avoid instantaneous values of these currents higher than those assigned to the physical devices.
Figure A.25 Calculation of the compensating current references for Example 4.5a.
Figure A.26 shows the implemented control for the regulation of the dc side voltages. The three-phase signal Idc3F has the same waveform as the voltage reference vLref used, and an amplitude proportional to the difference between the total voltage of both capacitors and its reference VdcREF. A low-pass filter is applied to this signal to allow the oscillating component of the instantaneous power that is being compensated to be provided by the APF, considering that the dc side capacitances had been dimensioned for this task. A small dc component, idcdif, proportional to the difference between both capacitor voltages, is added to this signal to balance them. When zero-sequence currents are to be compensated, it produces differences between both voltages. The low-pass filter selects the dc component to be compensated, which has an accumulative effect, and so as to maintain this difference in acceptable values.
Figure A.26 Regulation of the dc side voltages.
Finally, Figure A.27 shows the control block Currents refs PU, which is used to calculate the current references for the case 4.5b, where the compensated currents are aimed to be proportional to the balanced fundamental component of the voltages. The difference with figure A1.8 is in the construction of the signal iaL with the voltage reference vLref.
Figure A.27 Calculation of the compensating current references for Example 4.5b.

Chapter 5

Examples 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3

In Examples 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 an active filter with a series connection is used for mitigating the harmonics generated by a HVS-type load. The load consists of a non-controlled three-phase rectifier with a capacitor and a resistor in parallel at the dc side. The system is fed by a three-phase sinusoidal source with a source impedance formed by a resistor in series with an inductance. The active filter is connected via three single-phase transformers of 1:1 turn ratio, with a ripple LC filter. The inverter is configured using a three-phase IGBT bridge. Figure A.28 shows the scheme of the power circuit.
Figure A.28 Power circuit scheme, Examples 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.
The nonlinear load is modeled with the block “Universal bridge” of the library SymPowerSystem from Simulink. Figure A.29 shows the Simulink scheme used.
Figure A.29 HVS load. Noncontrolled three-phase rectifier with capacitor and resistor connected in parallel at the dc side.
Furthermore, the block labeled “PWM” generates trigger pulses of the IGBTs from the comparison reference signal and the output signal of the inverter. This includes a D flip-flop, which limits the switching frequency below the clock frequency. Figure A.30 shows the scheme in Simulink in this block.
Figure A.30 PWM control scheme used in all examples.
The “Reference calculation” block has as output signal the reference voltage that the active filter must generate. Their scheme in Simulink is shown in Figure A.31. The fundamental component of the input signal is obtained by the block labeled “Fundamental.” This block has been developed using the scheme shown in Figure A.32. The Kv and K values are adjusted depending on the selected control strategy, by detecting the current source, by detection of the load voltage and hybrid strategy.
Figure A.31 Reference calculation block used in Examples 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.
Figure A.32 “Fundamental” block to determine the fundamental component.

Example 5.4

In Example 5.4 a case study is analyzed from its state model for the three compensation strategies applied to the series active filter, which compensates a HVS type load. For simulation, a file “.m” from MATLAB is generated with the following script:

Chapter 6

Example 6.1

In Example 6.1, a system with two nonlinear loads connected to a busbar is simulated. Two loads are connected to a sinusoidal voltage source by means of a line modeled by a RL branch. Subsequently, a passive filter is connected to eliminate the 5th harmonic and to compensate load reactive power, of the load number two. This case allowed illustration of the drawbacks of passive filters connected in parallel to the power system. The circuit scheme in Simulink is shown in Figure A.33.
Figure A.33 Circuit model, Example 6.1.

Examples 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4

Examples 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 use the same power circuit configuration. This is shown in Figure A.34. Here, a passive filter tuned to the 5th order harmonic is included.
Figure A.34 Power system model for Examples 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5.
An HCS-type load is used, which is composed of a three-phase noncontrolled rectifier with an inductance and resistor connected in series at the dc side. Figure A.35 shows the scheme of the model used.
Figure A.35 HCS load. Noncontrolled three-phase rectifier with inductance and resistor connected in series at the dc side.
The other blocks included in the scheme in Figure A.34 are the same as Examples 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, according to the compensation strategy applied to the active filter.

Example 6.4

In this Example the hybrid compensator is analyzed for the three strategies. Nonlinear load is HCS type. Analogously to Example 5.4 an “.m” file is written to analyze the results. The script is reproduced below:

Chapter 7

Example 7.1

Figure A.36 shows the general arrangement of the MATLAB–Simulink file used for Example 7.1. The UPQC block contains the power circuit of the active conditioner, including the passive components and the measuring elements (signals grouped in the buses medV, medI). The block Supply has the voltage sources and the equivalent line impedance of the supply network; and the block Load120 contains the unbalanced nonlinear load. The block Control UPQC calculates the control references and sets the gate signals for the power transistors of the converter (bus Dps).
Figure A.36 General arrangement of the Simulink file for Example 7.1.
Figure A.37 shows the components that model the supply network, with unbalanced and harmonic voltages, as well as its equivalent impedances. Figure A.38 shows the load used in Example 7.1, including the ideal switch to produce the load change in the last stage of the simulation.
Figure A.37 Power supply with unbalance, voltage harmonics, and source impedance.
Figure A.38 Unbalanced nonlinear load for Example 7.1.
Figure A.39 presents the power circuit of the UPQC, with the passive components and coupling transformers, as well as the measuring elements. The simulation model of Example 7.1 has been implemented to model approximately the experimental prototype described in Section 7.3 and Appendix II. The shunt coupling transformers TP have a turn ratio of 1:2 to adapt the voltage levels between the dc and ac sides of the converter. So, the reference voltage of each dc side capacitor is set to 250 V, and the entire set works with low voltage levels. The model of the transformers includes the short circuit and magnetizing impedances. The series coupling transformers TS have a turn ratio of 1:1. The RSCS series branch explained in Section 7.2.3 is included as the snubber circuit of the bypass ideal switches below the series transformers. Inductance LS2 corresponds to the leakage inductance of these transformers. On the other side, the measurements are grouped in the buses medI and medV. The bus medI contains the supply currents iSabcn, load currents iLabcn and compensation currents before, iCPabc, and after, iC2abc, the coupling transformers TP. The bus medV contains the supply voltages, vSabc, load voltages, vLabc, and those of the DC capacitors, vdc1 and vdc2. The incoming signal bus Dps contains the logic switching signals for the twelve power transistors of the converter.
Figure A.39 Power circuit of the UPQC and passive components.
Figure A.40 shows the structure of the general control block of the UPQC. A sample and hold, ZOH, of 50 μs is applied to the input signals to model the effect of the DSP board used in the calculation of this control. Afterwards, the signals are divided by their nominal values to set the later calculations in per unit values. Block voltage refs PU calculates the references associated with the control of the series converter, like the load voltage reference vLref and the compensating voltages for the series filter, vCref. These signals are used in the block Gen_As, along with the values of the dc side voltages, to calculate the pulse widths, As, for the power transistors of the series converter in each sampling period. Block currents refs PU calculates the compensating current references, iCref, of the shunt converter; including the regulation of the dc side voltages. It also calculates the corrective signal REis (proportional to the tracking error of the supply currents iS), to be included in the control of the series converter. Finally, the block switching signals sets the gate logic signals for the power transistors, modeling the control methods implemented in each converter, as described in Section 7.2.1.
Figure A.40 General control block of the UPQC.
Figure A.41 shows the structure of the voltage refs PU block. It calculates the balanced fundamental and amplitude regulated component of the supply voltages vSabc, to be used as reference for the load voltage vLref (This control block is the same as that used in Example 4.5, (see Figure A.23). With this signal and the prefiltered value of vS sets the main component of the series compensating voltages, vCref; afterwards, the corrective signal REis is added. The saturation block, Sat ± 0.3 pu, limits these compensating voltages to adequate values, according to the turn ratio of the series transformers, the assigned values for the dc-side capacitors, as well as the taking into consideration the dimensions of the equipment and the targets of the compensation.
Figure A.41 Calculation of the voltage references.
Figure A.42 shows the calculation of the duty ratios, As, for the three branches of the series converter. They use the last measured values of the dc side voltages to set accurate values of the average applied series voltages in each sampling period. Some saturation blocks are used to prevent divisions by zero (Saturation 3), and to limit the output signals As between 0 and 1.
Figure A.42 Calculation of the PWM duty cycles, As, for the series converter.
Figure A.43 shows the modeling of the trigger circuits of the converters. The As signals for the series converter are compared with a triangular wave that defines the commutation frequency at 20 kHz, with a previous sample and hold, ZOH, to model the sampling and the corresponding delay, 1/z, of the DSP board. The trigger control of the shunt converter is made with an external circuit in the experimental setup, that compares directly the measured compensating currents, iCmed, with the corresponding references, iCref, provided by the DSP board; with the previous sample and hold and corresponding delay. The initial scale factor 2 is due to the turns ratio of the coupling transformers TP. The second ZOH models the PS sampling of the external circuit, and the logic gates set the complementary trigger signals for each branch of the converter, as well as the validation through the RUN signal to run/stop the APF.
Figure A.43 Trigger signals for the UPQC converters of Example 7.1.
Figure A.44 shows the control block to calculate the current references. The power balance of the UPQC is in the upper part of the figure, and calculates the compensating current references iCL due to the load currents and supply voltage distortions. The block vdcreg calculates the additional active component to compensate the internal power losses of the conditioner to regulate the dc side voltages. This block vdcreg is the same as that implemented for the shunt APF (See Example 4.5, Figure A.26). The Dev block calculates the corrective component for damping the load voltage deviations; and the Dis block calculates the corrective component for the supply current deviations, that is sent to the control of the series converter. On the other part, the selector iCbal that appears in the upper part of the power balance allows to use the measured value of iC in this balance, when the APF is working. The values of iC can differ substantially from their references during relatively long time periods, and this way the estimation of the internal power balanced is enhanced, reducing possible power fluctuations. Thus, the idcreg component is excluded from this balance, assumed that it has a low dependence with the active/desired component of the load currents, and/or a more ideal series compensation. Finally, the saturation block Sat2PU limits the compensating currents at the output of the converter, to avoid instantaneous values of these currents higher than those assigned to the physical devices.
Figure A.44 Calculation of the current references.
Control of the shunt converter.
Figures A.45 and A.46 show the calculation of the corrective components GEvL and REiS, as well as their corresponding activation only when the UPQC is working.
Figure A.45 Calculation of the corrective signal GEvL for the shunt converter.
Figure A.46 Calculation of the corrective signal REiS for the series converter.

Example 7.2

Figure A.47 shows the general arrangement of the MATLAB–Simulink file used for the Example 7.2. The UPLC block contains the power circuit of the active conditioner, including the passive components and the measuring elements (signals grouped in the buses medV, medI). It has the same power circuit of the UPQC of Example 7.1 (see Figures 7.1 and A.39), and includes the connection of a second supply network between the conditioner and the load, as shown in Figure 7.46. The blocks Supply1 and Supply2 have the voltage sources and equivalent line impedances of these networks with the values indicated in Example 7.2; and include the output current measurements, iS1, iS2, to see the effects of the UPLC compensation. The block Load120 contains the same unbalanced nonlinear load as in Example 7.1 (see Figures 7.1 and A.38) without the ideal switch to produce the load change. The block UPLC Control calculates the control references and sets the gate signals for the power transistors of the converter (bus Dps).
Figure A.47 General arrangement of the Simulink file for Example 7.2.
Figure A.48 shows the structure of the general control block of the UPLC. A sample and hold, ZOH, of 50 μs is applied to the input signals to model the effect of the DSP board used in the calculation of this control. Afterwards, the signals are divided by their nominal values to set the later calculations in per unit values. Block voltage refs PU calculates the references associated with the control of the series converter, like the load voltage reference vLref and the compensating voltages for the series filter, vCref. These signals are used in the block Gen_As, in the way as in Example 7.1 (see Figures 7.1 and A.42). Block currents refs PU calculates the compensating current references, iCref, of the shunt converter; including the regulation of the dc side voltages. Finally, the block gate signals sets the gate logic signals for the power transistors, modeling the control methods implemented in each converter, in the same way as in Example 7.1 (see Figures 7.1 and A.43).
Figure A.48 General control block of the UPLC.
Figure A.49 shows the structure of the Voltage refs PU block. It calculates the balanced fundamental and amplitude regulated component of the supply voltages vSabc, to be used as reference for the load voltage vLref. This control block is the same as that used in Example 4.5 (see Figure A.23), but this time including the calculation of the quadrature signal Vq, according to expression (7.36). The block Fund. Comp. calculates the fundamental components of the load voltages, vLf, to be used in the voltage correcting terms at the control of the shunt converter. The references for the series compensating voltages, vCref, are built with the difference between the prefiltered value of vS and the reference for the load voltages, to isolate the load side from the distortions and unbalances of the supply 1 side; as well as the necessary values for the Power Flow Control through the series converter explained in Section 7.4.2 and implemented in the block UPFC refs. This block also calculates the current reference, iCregV, for the voltage control in the load side; that is set to the current refs PU block and the shunt converter. Finally, the saturation block, Sat ± 0.3 pu, limits the series compensating voltages to adequate values, according to the design considerations of the UPLC/UPQC.
Figure A.49 Calculation of the voltage references.
Figure A.50 shows the calculation of the fundamental components of the load side voltages. It uses the signals vPabc and vQabc, which come from the block vLref, to obtain the unitary sine and cosine signals. These signals multiply the instantaneous values of the voltages of each phase, which are filtered to obtain the main component. With a closed integral control loop, these magnitudes are set with zero steady state error and allow to build the fundamental component of each phase voltage in approximately two and a half cycles.
Figure A.50 Calculation of the fundamental components of the load voltages.
Figure A.51 shows the scheme of the UPFC refs block. It calculates the references for the series converter in the vCrefPQ block, and the references for the shunt converter in the iCregQ block.
Figure A.51 References for the UPFC targets.
Figure A.52 shows the calculation of the UPFC references for the series converter, according to the equations (7.37)–(7.44). The step blocks Pref and Qref set the references of the active and reactive powers, to define the current references, iREFp and iREFq, as well as the voltage signals references vCd and vCq of the power flow controller. The signals Ep, Eq are obtained from the block vLref, and are used to calculate the magnitudes in the d–q frame.
Figure A.52 UPFC references for the series converter.
Figure A.53 calculates the additional current reference iCregV for the shunt converter. In the first stage it obtains the filtered rms value of the aggregate value of the load voltages, to set the reactive current component according to expression (7.35).
Figure A.53 UPFC references for the shunt converter.
Figure A.54 shows the control block to calculate the current references. It has the same structure as that implemented in Example 7.1, with the addition of the current reference iQVref of the UPFC features, and the use of the fundamental components of the load voltages VLf to reduce the damping term GEv at that frequency in the block Dev.
Figure A.54 Calculation of the UPLC current references.
Control of the shunt converter.
Finally, Figure A.55 shows the calculation of the corrective component GEv. This damping term is reduced for the fundamental components of the voltage; and this signal is included in the internal power balance of the conditioner, so it actuates on a net basis only in the transient states.
Figure A.55 Calculation of the corrective signal GEv for the shunt converter of the UPLC.

Chapter 8

Example 8.1

In Example 8.1, the load flow problem of a power system of four buses is solved. A power source is connected at node 1 and a PV source operating with unity power factor at node 3. Two loads are connected to nodes 2 and 4.
To solve the load flow problem a tool included specifically in the SimPowerSystems library from MATLAB–Simulink has been used. To use this tool the Simulink model of the network shown in Figure A.56 must be built. Each of the nodes must be defined by type. Thus, node 1 will be the swing node, nodes 2 and 4 are PQ type and node 3 is PV type.
Figure A.56 Power circuit model, Example 8.1.

Example 8.2

A distributed generation system is connected to a distribution network via a dc/ac converter. The instantaneous unity power factor control strategy is applied to the converter. Its performance is verified in two different situations voltage: sinusoidal, balanced voltage system and nonsinusoidal, unbalanced network voltage. To verify the operation of this strategy, the system is simulated in MATLAB–Simulink. Figure A.57 shows the circuit model.
Figure A.57 Power circuit model, Example 8.2.
The distribution grid is modeled by means of a programmable three-phase source of infinite power. This source allows inclusion of imbalances and harmonics in the voltage.
The “PWM” block generates trigger pulses for the IGBT bridge from the reference signal and the output of the inverter dc/ac. This block is the same as the one used in Example 5.2.
The reference signal is calculated by means of the “Reference” block. Since the active power is injected into the grid and the voltage vector at the point of connection, VDG, the reference current signal to be generated by the inverter is determined. Figure A.58 shows control scheme in Simulink. The “u^2” block calculates the instantaneous norm.
Figure A.58 “Reference” block scheme, Example 8.2.

Example 8.3

The power circuit of Example 8.3 is the same as in Example 8.2. The difference is in the control strategy converter. In this case, positive-sequence control strategy is applied. The “Reference” block is modified according to the scheme shown in Figure A.59.
Figure A.59 “Reference” block scheme, Example 8.3.
The “Direct” block determines the positive-sequence component of the network voltage. Its scheme is shown in Figure A.60; a and a2 operator are implemented with all-pass filters defined in Simulink using its transfer function.
Figure A.60 “Direct” block, which determine the direct-sequence component, Example 8.3.
The “Fundamental” block determines the fundamental component of the input signal. Its scheme is the same as described in Example 5.1.
The “Inv Transformation” block performs the inverse transformation, whereby the direct-sequence voltage vector of the fundamental harmonic is obtained. Figure A.61 shows its scheme.
Figure A.61 “Inv Transformation” block.
It calculates the Fortescue’s inverse transformation.

Example 8.4

In Example 8.4 the distributed generation source injects active power and compensates the harmonics and reactive power of the load. Figure A.62 shows the power circuit scheme in Simulink. The nonlinear load is formed by noncontrolled rectifier with a resistor and an inductance connected in series at the dc side, with the same scheme as the Example 6.1.
Figure A.62 Power circuit scheme, Example 8.4.
The control strategy is implemented in “Reference” block. The scheme of this block is shown in Figure A.63. Used blocks have been defined in the previous Examples, except the “Power” block, which calculates the average power of the load from the product of the voltage vector at the point of common connection and the load current vector.
Figure A.63 “Reference” block scheme, Example 8.4.

Example 8.5

In Example 8.5, a series interface connected between the utility grid and a microgrid is developed. The interface consists of an inverter connected in series with the system. The objective of the proposed control strategy is to avoid transferring voltage unbalances and current harmonics from the main grid to microgrid or from microgrid to main grid. Thus, the inverter must generate a compensation voltage such that at the network side, voltage unbalances are not transmitted to the microgrid and vice versa. Furthermore, the generated harmonic currents should not be transferred between two networks. Figure A.64 shows the power circuit in MATLAB–Simulink.
Figure A.64 Power circuit scheme, Example 8.5.
For other simulation examples presented, the only block having something new is called “Reference Calculation”. This block determines the reference signal to achieve the proposed control objective. The scheme is shown in Figure A.65. In this scheme, “Direct” and “Inv Transformation” blocks are the same used in Example 8.3. Figure A.66 shows “0-Component” block scheme.
Figure A.65 “Reference calculation” block, Example 8.5.
Figure A.66 “0-Component” block scheme, Example 8.5.
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