
  1. χ2 distribution
  2. χ2 test
  3. Accuracy
    1. 1998 FGDC standards
    2. definition of
    3. examples of
    4. local
    5. network
  4. Adjoint
    1. blunder detection
    2. coordinate transformation files
    3. differential leveling files
    4. estimating errors in traverses
    5. GNSS baseline files
    6. horizontal network files
    7. overview
    8. three-dimensional geodetic networks
    9. triangulation files
    10. trilateration files
  6. Adjustment
    1. constrained
    2. minimally constrained
  7. Adjustment of control coordinates
  8. Affine coordinate transformation
    1. general least squares method
  9. Alternative hypothesis
  10. Angle
    1. error in astronomical observation
    2. error in directional method
    3. error in instrument centering
    4. error in leveling
    5. error in observation
    6. error in pointing
    7. error in reading
    8. error in repetition method
    9. error in target centering
    10. error using range poles
    11. error using total station
    12. intersection adjustment
    13. ISO 17123-3 standard
    14. observation equation
    15. reading errors
    16. resection adjustment
    17. weight in
  11. Apogee
  12. ASPRS Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data
  13. Astronomical observation
  14. Azimuth
  15. Azimuth observation equation


  1. Baarda, Willem
  2. Back solution
  3. Baseline
    1. adjustment of
    2. analysis of
    3. analysis of repeat
    4. loop closure errors
  4. Bessel's correction
  5. Bimodal distribution
  6. Bivariate distribution
  7. Blunder
    1. a priori methods
    2. definition of
    3. detection of
    4. example of
    5. graphical methods
    6. signs of residuals


  1. Carrier phase-shift observations
  2. Chi-squared distribution
  3. Chi-squared test
  4. Cholesky decomposition
  5. Class
    1. frequency
    2. interval
    3. relative frequency
    4. width
  6. Class width
    1. definition of
    2. example of
  7. Cofactor
  8. Cofactor matrix
    1. of adjusted observations
    2. of adjusted unknowns
    3. definition of
    4. examples
    5. of residuals
  9. Collimation error
  10. Compound event
  11. Conditional equation
  12. Confidence interval
    1. definition of
    2. mean
    3. population variance
    4. ratio of two population variances
    5. sample
    6. using STATS
  13. Conformal coordinate transformation
    1. general least squares method
    2. three-dimensional
    3. two-dimensional
  14. Constrained adjustment
    1. definition of
    2. elimination of constraints method
    3. Helmert's method
    4. least squares
    5. minimally
    6. by over-weighting
    7. redundancies
  15. Constraint equation
    1. control station coordinate adjustment
    2. elimination of
    3. Helmert's method
  16. Constraints, geometric
  17. Control coordinates
    1. adjustment of
    2. estimating uncertainties in
  18. Control, minimum amount of
  19. Conventional Terrestrial Pole (CTP)
  20. Coordinate system
    1. earth-centered, earth-fixed
    2. geocentric
    3. geodetic
    4. local geodetic
    5. satellite
  21. Coordinate transformation
    1. affine using general least squares method
    2. conformal using general least squares method
    3. eight parameter
    4. four parameter similarity
    5. projective using general least squares method
    6. seven-parameter similarity
    7. six parameter
    8. three-dimensional conformal
    9. three-dimensional using general least squares method
    10. two-dimensional affine
    11. two-dimensional conformal
    12. two-dimensional projective
  22. Covariance
  23. Covariance matrix
    1. of adjusted observations
    2. of adjusted unknowns
    3. definition of
    4. development of
    5. example of
    6. in traverse course


  1. Data
    1. classes in
    2. graphical representation of
    3. population
    4. range of
    5. sample
  2. Data snooping
  3. Datum
  4. Deflection of vertical
  5. Degrees of freedom
  6. Density function
  7. Detectable blunder
  8. Determinant
  9. Differencing
    1. double
    2. single
    3. triple
  10. Differential leveling
    1. adjustment of
    2. collimation error in
    3. leveling errors in
    4. observation equation
    5. random errors in
    6. reading error in
    7. rod plumbing error in
    8. systematic errors in
    9. in three-dimensional adjustment
    10. weights in
  11. Discrepancy
  12. Dispersion
  13. Distance observation equation
    1. definition of
    2. linearized
  14. Distribution
    1. F
    2. normal
    3. sampling
    4. t
    5. X2
  15. Double differencing


  1. Earth curvature and refraction error
  2. EDM calibration
  3. Eight parameter transformation. See Projective coordinate transformation
  4. Elimination of constraints
  5. Ellipse
    1. analysis of
    2. computation of
  6. Equation
    1. normal
    2. observation (See also Observation equation)
    3. residual
  7. Error
    1. in angular misclosure of traverse
    2. in azimuth observations
    3. in azimuths of traverses
    4. collimation
    5. definition of
    6. earth curvature and refraction
    7. in electronic distance measurement
    8. ellipse
    9. GNSS
    10. gross
    11. instrumental
    12. in leveling
    13. in linear misclosure of traverse
    14. natural
    15. personal
    16. radial
    17. random
    18. sources in angles
    19. sources in electronic distance measurement
    20. standard
    21. systematic
    22. in traverse course
    23. in trigonometric leveling
    24. in zenith angles
  8. Error ellipse
    1. advantages of
    2. confidence level of
    3. in network design
    4. overview
  9. Error propagation
    1. in angles
    2. definition of
    3. in distances
    4. equation
    5. in leveling
    6. in traverse surveys
  10. Estimator
  11. EXCEL®
    1. accompanying files
    2. errors in traverse computations
    3. estimating error in observations
    4. spreadsheet use
  12. External reliability


  1. F distribution
  2. FGDC standards
  3. Fisher distribution
  4. Fit of points to a line
  5. Fit of points to a parabola
  6. Forward solution
  7. Four-parameter similarity transformation. See Conformal coordinate transformation
  8. Free network adjustment
  9. Frequency histogram
  10. Functional model


  1. General law of propagation of variances (GLOPOV)
  2. General least squares method
    1. affine coordinate transformation
    2. conformal coordinate transformation
    3. projective coordinate transformation
    4. solution
    5. for straight line
    6. three-dimensional coordinate transformation
  3. Geocentric coordinate system
  4. Geodetic height
  5. Geodetic network, three-dimensional adjustment of
  6. Geoid separation
  7. Geometric constraints
  8. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
    1. baselines
    2. observations
    3. overview
    4. preanalysis of observations
  10. GNSS. See Global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
  11. Goodness of fit test
  12. GPS


  1. Height
    1. geodetic
    2. geoid
    3. orthometric
  2. Helmert transformation
  3. Helmert's method
  4. Histogram
    1. bimodal
    2. definition of
    3. example of
    4. skewed
    5. using STATS
  5. Hour angle
    1. Greenwich
    2. local
  6. Hypothesis testing
    1. alternative hypothesis
    2. false negative
    3. false positive
    4. level of significance of
    5. null hypothesis
    6. for the population mean
    7. power of test
    8. ratio of two variances
    9. rejection criterion
    10. test decision
    11. test statistic
    12. type I error
    13. type II error
    14. using STATS
    15. for variance


  1. Indirect measurement
  2. Internal reliability
  3. Iteration, termination of


  1. Jacobian matrix


  1. Keplarian parameters
    1. argument of perigee
    2. eccentricity
    3. Greenwich hour angle of the vernal point
    4. inclination angle
    5. right ascension of the ascending node
    6. semimajor axis


  1. Lambert Conformal Conic
    1. as map projection system
    2. mathematics of
    3. reduction of distances
    4. reduction of geodetic azimuths
    5. reduction of observations
    6. stereographic
    7. Transverse Mercator
  2. Law of cosines
  3. Least squares
    1. adjustment of angles
    2. adjustment of distances
    3. adjustment of horizontal networks
    4. adjustment of intersections
    5. adjustment of resections
    6. advantages of
    7. affine coordinate transformation
    8. analysis of
    9. angle intersection
    10. conditional adjustment
    11. conditional adjustment model of
    12. conformal coordinate transformation
    13. constrained
    14. differential leveling adjustment
    15. fit of points to a line
    16. fit of points to a parabola
    17. fundamental principle
    18. generalized method
    19. minimally constrained
    20. parametric adjustment model of
    21. projective coordinate transformation
    22. simulated adjustment
    23. stochastic model in
    24. three-dimensional coordinate transformation
    25. three-dimensional geodetic network
  4. Line of apsides
  5. Link traverse misclosure error
  6. Local accuracy
  7. Localization


  1. Map projection coordinate systems
    1. coordinate transformation and
    2. horizontal surveys and
    3. Lambert Conformal Conic
    4. oblique stereographic
    5. overview
    6. reduction of distances
    7. reduction of geodetic azimuths
    8. reduction of observations
    9. stereographic
    10. Transverse Mercator
  2. Mapping standards
    1. files in
    2. map projections in
    3. statistical functions in
  4. Matrix
    1. addition
    2. Cholesky decomposition of
    3. cofactor
    4. column
    5. covariance
    6. definition of
    7. determinant of
    8. diagonal
    9. dimensions of
    10. elementary row transformations
    11. equality
    12. equivalent weight
    13. inverse of
    14. Jacobian
    15. multiplication
    16. partitioning of
    17. row
    18. scalar multiplication of
    19. size of
    20. solution of equations
    21. square
    22. symmetric
    23. transpose of
    24. types of
    25. unit
    26. vector
    27. weight
  5. Matrix algebra
  6. Matrix operations, computer algorithms of
  7. MATRIX software
    1. differential leveling
    2. horizontal network
    3. triangulation
    4. trilateration
    5. using
  8. Mean
    1. arithmetic
    2. confidence interval
    3. example of
    4. population
    5. sample
    6. standard deviation of
    7. weighted
  9. Measure of central tendency
    1. definition of
    2. mean
    3. median
    4. mode
  10. Measurements, direct and indirect
  11. Median
    1. definition of
    2. example of
  12. Minimally constrained adjustment
  13. Misclosure in traverse
  14. Mistakes
  15. Mode
    1. definition of
    2. example of
  16. Model
    1. functional
    2. mathematical
    3. stochastic
  17. Most probable value


  2. Network
    1. adjustment of
    2. definition of
    3. design of
    4. GNSS baseline
    5. leveling
  3. Noncentrality parameter
  4. Nonlinear equations
    1. angle
    2. azimuth
    3. distance
    4. linearized
    5. solution of
  5. Normal
    1. distribution
    2. distribution curve
    3. distribution function
    4. radius of
  6. Normal equation
    1. definition of
    2. direct formation
    3. systematic formulation of
    4. tabulation formation
  7. Normal matrix
    1. definition of
    2. direct formation of
  8. Null hypothesis
    1. definition of
    2. failure to reject


  1. Observation
    1. analysis of
    2. measurements and
    3. nonspur
    4. population
    5. propagation
    6. redundant
    7. sample
    8. spur
  2. Observation equation
    1. altitude angle
    2. angles
    3. azimuth
    4. baseline vector
    5. control station coordinates
    6. definition of
    7. differential leveling
    8. distance
    9. horizontal angle
    10. horizontal distance
    11. horizontal network
    12. overview
    13. projective coordinate transformation
    14. slant distance
    15. three-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation
    16. two-dimensional affine coordinate transformation
    17. two-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation
    18. two-dimensional coordinate transformation
    19. two-dimensional projective coordinate transformation
    20. vertical plane
  3. Orthometric height


  1. PDOP (Positional dilution of precision)
  2. Perigee
  3. Pope, Alan J.
  4. Population
  5. Population variance
  6. Positional dilution of precision (PDOP)
  7. Precision
  8. Probability
    1. computation of
    2. curve
    3. standard error
    4. theory of
  9. Probability curve
  10. Probability density function
  11. Probable error
    1. 50%
    2. 95%
    3. other values
    4. uses of
  12. Projective coordinate transformation
    1. general least squares method
  13. Propagation of variance
    1. general law
    2. special law
  14. Prototype equation
    1. angles
    2. azimuths
    3. baseline vector
    4. for differential leveling
    5. for distances
    6. horizontal angles
    7. horizontal network
    8. slant distances
  15. Pseudorandom noise codes
  16. Pseudoranging


  1. Radial error
  2. Random error
    1. in angles
    2. definition of
    3. in electronic distance measurements
    4. in leveling
    5. properties of
  3. Range
    1. definition of
    2. example of
    3. in GNSS
  4. Redundancy number
    1. definition of
    2. effects in blunder detection
    3. relative
  5. Redundant observations
  6. Reference frames
  7. Reference variance
  8. Rejection criterion
  9. Relative positioning
  10. Relative redundancy
  11. Reliability
    1. external
    2. internal
  12. Reordering algorithms
  13. Resection, adjustment of
  14. Residuals
    1. analysis of
    2. cofactor matrix of
    3. computation of
    4. definition of
    5. equation
    6. equivalent
    7. properties of
    8. signs of
    9. standardized
    10. use of plots
  15. Root mean square error (RMSE)


  1. Sample
    1. definition of
    2. selecting size of
  2. Sample variance
  3. Sampling distribution
  4. Satellite system
    1. GNSS
    2. GPS
    3. TRANSIT
  5. Seven-parameter similarity transformation. See Three-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation
  6. Single differencing
  7. Site calibration. See Localization
  8. Six parameters transformation. See Affine coordinate transformation
  9. Slant distance
  10. Sparseness in matrix
  11. Special law of propagation of variance (SLOPOV)
  12. Spreadsheets, use of
  13. Standard deviation
    1. definition of
    2. example of
    3. of the mean
    4. modified for weighted observations
    5. reference
    6. in series
    7. in sum
    8. of unit weight
    9. of weighted mean
  14. Standard error
    1. definition of
  15. Standard error (continued)
    1. probability of
    2. relation to weight
    3. of weight w
  16. Standard error ellipse
  17. Standard error rectangle
  18. Standardized residual
  19. Statistic, definition of
  20. Statistical test
    1. F
    2. goodness-of-fit
    3. one-tailed
    4. for population mean
    5. for population variance
    6. for ratio of two variances
    7. t
    8. two-tailed
    9. χ2
  21. STATS
    1. confidence intervals
    2. histogram data
    3. hypothesis testing
  22. Stochastic model
  23. Storage optimization
  24. Survey planning and design
  25. Systematic error
    1. in azimuths
    2. definition of
    3. examples of
    4. in leveling
    5. in vertical angles


  1. t distribution
  2. Table
    1. confidence intervals
    2. F distribution
    3. standard normal distribution
    4. t distribution
    5. χ2
  3. Tabular method
  4. Tau criterion
  5. Taylor's theorem
    1. nonlinear equations and
    2. use of
  6. Test decision
  7. Test statistics
  8. Three-dimensional conformal coordinate transformation
    1. general least squares method
  9. Three-dimensional geodetic network adjustment
  10. Transformation between reference frames
  12. Traverse
    1. error in angular misclosure
    2. error in latitude and departure
    3. error in linear misclosure
    4. estimating errors using EXCEL®
    5. misclosure in
  13. Triangulation adjustment
  14. Trigonometric leveling, error in
  15. Trilateration adjustment
  16. Triple differencing
  17. True value, definition of
  18. Two-dimensional
    1. affine coordinate transformation
    2. conformal coordinate transformation
    3. projective coordinate transformation
  19. Type I error
  20. Type II error


  1. Valid parameters
  2. Variance
    1. alternative formula for
    2. definition of
    3. example of
    4. population
    5. reference
    6. sample
    7. of unit weight
  3. Vertical, deflection of


  1. Weight
    1. in angles
    2. definition of
    3. in differential leveling
    4. relation to correction
    5. relation to standard error
    6. relation to variance
  2. Weight matrix, equivalent
  3. Weighted mean
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