
AB(C) test, 93, 174175

principle of, 176

Accidental discoveries, 4647

Accountability, 86

Active adaptivity, 121123

Active approach

to acquiring qualitative information, 184185

to acquiring quantitative information, 185186

Adaptive Software Development, 71

Adaptivity, 193

barriers to, 3435

cooperation, 3536

fear of failure, 36

resistance, 35

Adjustment potential, 2223

Agile Alliance, 71

Agile coach, 90, 100101, 115, 116, 194

Agile development, 7172, 74

Agile management

accountability, 86

active and passive adaptivity

active adaptivity, 121123

internal and external requirements, 124125

passive adaptivity, 119120

benefits of, 75

change to organization, 197198

changing, out of urgency, and ambition, 196197

culture and leadership, 8788

from directive to servant leadership, 8889

within Spotify, 8993

eight principles of, 8387, 194

alignment, 84

creating value, 8384

empowerment, 8485

learning by experimenting, 85

synchronous and visual communication, 85

understanding the customer, 84

emergence of

agile development, 7172

continuous manufacturing, 6566

Darwinism, 61

80/20 rule, 6165

Lean Startup, 74

marginal gains, 7374

OODA cycle, 6870

PDCA cycle, 6667

scientific management, 65

scientific method, 5961

spiral model, 7071

Toyota Production System (Lean), 6768

as integrated approach

agility, 7981

General Electric, 7778

McDonald’s, 7879

for internal and external customers, 8183

“must-win battle,” 198199

no theoretical ideal model for, 195196

speed and flexibility, 8586

Think–Do–Learn process, 125130, 194195

vicious circle of directive control, 88

Agile manager, 101, 194

Agile organization

ING Netherlands

actualization and implementation, 112

background and goals, 111

organizational structure, 112114

roles, 115116

solution, 112

organizing for agile management, 9798

information technology, crucial role of, 102

organizational structures, 100102

self-organization, 9899

self-assessment, 102111

success factors of, 99

Agile working, 112

Agilean, 80

Agility, 7981

in elite sports

baseball, 5354

football, 5253

road bicycle racing, 5456

Agility-thinking, 59

historical development of, 60

Ajax, 52

Amazon Web Services, 65, 172, 191

Ambition, 196197

Analysis paralysis, 63

Ansoff Matrix, 32, 34, 121123, 125

App Store, 133134

Apple, 16, 132134

Apple TV, 133

Armstrong, Neil, 14

Atychiphobia. See Fear of failure

Autopilot, 3

Backlogs, 196

Ballamy, Steve, 15

Barriers to adaptivity, 3435

cooperation, 3536

fear of failure, 36

resistance, 35

Baseball, agility in, 5354

Behavioral analysis, 186

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), 197

Bio-/neurometric research, 185

BlackBerry, 17, 133

Blank, Steve, 169

Blue Ocean Strategy, 123

BMW C1 scooter, 169

Boehm, Barry, 70

Boehm’s Law, 4243

Box plot, 181

Boyd, John, 6870

Brailsford, Dave, 55

Brandt, Willy, 197

British Airways, 121

British Cycling Federation, 55

Build–measure–learn cycle, 125

Business model canvas (BMC), 82, 131136, 171, 189

Call center, 186

Cameron, William Bruce, 184

Ceteris paribus, 175

Chagas disease, 13

Challenger, 181

Chambers, Robert, 13

Change target groups, 197

Changes, 2526

barriers to adaptivity, 3435

cooperation, 3536

fear of failure, 36

resistance, 35

consequences of, 3334

drivers in market, 30

external, 2931

internal, 3133

types of, 33

VUCA, 2629

Channels, 134135, 190

Chapters, 112, 114

lead, 115

Churchill, Winston, 4951

Cirque du Soleil, 124

Cognitive dissonance, 174

Combined operations, 50

Continuous manufacturing, 6566

Control group, 175

Controversial theory, 1314

Cooperation, as barrier to adaptivity, 3536

Cost structures field, of Business Model Canvas, 135, 136

Cross-table, 181

Crossing the chasm, 171

Crowdsourcing, 187

Culture and leadership, 8788

from directive to servant leadership, 8889

within Spotify, 8993

Customer behaviour, 111

Customer discovery and validation approach, 74

Customer experiences, 165168

Customer job, 146

Customer journey, 135, 190, 194, 197

mapping, 146147

Customer panel. See Focus group

Customer potential, 173

Customer relationships field, of Business Model Canvas, 135

Customer satisfaction, 151

Customer segments field, of Business Model Canvas, 134

Customer shadowing, 185

Customer value, 151

impact on, 152

propositions, 161165

Daily Standups, 156, 157

Darwin, Charles, 2, 1113

Darwinism, 13, 61

Decathlon, 166

Decision-making unit (DMU), 141

Decision tree, 181

Decoupled releases, 91, 92

Define–measure–analyze–design–verify cycle, 125

Define–measure–analyze–improve–control cycle, 125

Definition of done, 154155, 169

Deming Wheel. See Plan–Do–Check–Act (PDCA) cycle

Demo, 172

Desk research, 186

Despicable Me 2 (film), 41

Deus ex machine moment, 16

Digital analytics, 102

Digital and offline behavior, 188

Diversification, 34, 123

Do phase, of agile management

customer experiences, 165168

customer-value propositions, 161165

minimum viable product, learning faster and cheaper with, 168172

testing, 172176

AB(C) test, 174176

commitments rather than words, 173174

Domino-effect, of changing requirements, 82

Dreamliner, 164

Dunbar’s number, 98

Dynamic Systems Development Method, 71

Dyson, 124

Early adopters, 171

Early majority, 171

Eastman Kodak, 1415

Edison, Thomas, 46

80/20 rule, 6165, 131

Eisenhower, Dwight, 198

Empirical Cycle, 61

Empiricism, 61

Empowerment, 8485

through smart alignment, 9091

End-to-end responsibility, for achieving goals, 84

Energy-maneuverability theory, 68

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, 100

Experiment meeting, 181, 188


controlled, 47

as powerful tool, 3942

External changes, 2931

Extreme programming, 71

ExxonMobil, 21

Eyetracking, 185

Face-to-face conversations, 186

Facebook, 17, 197

Fail walls, 92

Failcon, 44

Failing, 4244

away with the social taboo around, 4546

controlled, 47

fear limits creativity, 4447

leading the way, 4344

Falsification, 158

Fear of failure, 4447

as barrier to adaptivity, 36

Feature-Driven Development, 71

Federico, Vilfredo, 62

Field sales executive, 186

Fight-or-flight response, 35

Firmographics, 141

FitzRoy, Robert, 12, 13

Flexibility, 197

Focus group, 171, 184

Football, agility in, 5253

Ford, Henry, 197

Ford Motor Company, 6566

Fosbury, Dick, 43

Frasier, 40

FuckUp Nights, 44

Fuji, 15

Fun seekers, 143

Functional MRI (fMRI) scans, 173

Game changer, 133

Genchi gembutsu, 137

General Electric (GE), 7778

General Motors, 21

Google, 16, 17, 111, 197

Forms, 172

Gould, John, 12

Governance, 101102, 111

Greatness (video), 88

Guesstimates, 174

Guiding coalition, 197

Hamel, Gary, 77

Harley Owners Group, 41

Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO) effect, 174

Histogram, 181

Huddle meeting, 101, 156

Huddle room, 91

Human resource management (HRM) policy, 100

Hypotheses, 93

agile management with, 158160

Ikea, 98, 164165

Impact–effort matrix, 150153

Improved assessment-process in HRM, 161

Income streams, 190

Individual depth-interview, 184185

Information systems, 99

Information technology, crucial role of, 102

ING Netherlands

agile organization

actualization and implementation, 112

background and goals, 111

organizational structure, 112114

roles, 115116

solution, 112

Innovation, 81

Internal changes, 3133

Internal research, 186

iPhone, 133134

iPod, 132134

Iridium, 1819, 30

Ishikawa diagram, 181

iTunes, 31, 65, 133134

Jobs, Steve, 132, 184

Jumping to conclusions, 181

Juran, Joseph, 62

Kanban, 71, 156158

Key activities field, of Business Model Canvas, 135, 136

Key interviews, 171

Key partners field, of Business Model Canvas, 135, 136

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 159

Key resources field, of Business Model Canvas, 135, 136

Kodak, 30

Lagging indicator, 159

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), 101

Leadership. See Culture and leadership

Leading indicators, 159

Lean approach, 68, 136

Lean Software Development, 71

Lean Startup approach, 74, 92, 194

Lean value-creation, 170

Lean’s pull principle, 153

Learn phase, of agile management

evolving through evaluation

self-evaluation, 179180

test results, 180182

pivoting, 188191

sources within voice of the customer, 182184

for active approach to acquiring qualitative information, 184185

for active approach to acquiring quantitative information, 185186

for passive approach to acquiring qualitative information, 186187

for passive approach to acquiring quantitative data, 187188

Learning by experimenting, 85

Limited blast radius, 92

Line-of-sight connection, 18

Line organizations, 36

Long tail (or fat-tail), 65

Maintenance, 80

Major League Baseball (MLB), 54

Manifesto for Agile Software Development, 72

Marginal gains approach, 7374

Market capitalization of Nokia, 16

Market development, 34, 122

Market penetration, 122

Market segments

from market definition to, 140143

to target-group segments, 143

Marktplaats, 190

The Marshmallow Challenge (video), 41

McCafé, 79

McDonald’s, 7879, 98, 111

Meetings, in agile management, 155156

Mendel, Gregor, 13

Men’s Health, 40

Metrics, agile management with, 158160

Michels, Rinus, 5253

Microsoft, 17

Minimum feature set, 169

Minimum viable product (MVP), 63, 84, 93, 161, 195

basics, 169172

devilish dilemma of, 170

forms suitable for internal and external customers, 171172

learning with, 168172

Minions (film), 41

Mobile-app programming, 16

Mock-up, 171

Modern world, turning point in history of, 4950

Moment of truth, 146

Money ball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, 54

Mood-board images, 145

Moore’s Law, 28

Mortgage Applications Process, 113

Motivation, 92

Muda, 137

Multidisciplinary change team, 197

Mura, 139

Murphy’s Law, 34

Must-win battle, 198

Mystery shopping, 187

NASA, 126

Natural selection, 19

Nested approach, 141142

Netflix service, 65, 111, 164, 190

New Coke, 169

Newton’s second law, 199

Nike, 172173

NIKEiD, 187

Nintendo, 124

Nokia, 14, 1518, 30, 133

Oakland Athletics, 5354

Observations, 187

Observe–orient–design–act cycle, 125

Ogilvy, David, 173

On the Origin of Species, 13

Online behavior, 188

Online research community, 185

OODA cycle, 6870

Open-source model, 91

Operational excellence, 123

Opinion articles, 186

Oprah Winfrey Show, 40


structures, 99102

as top athlete, 12

website and apps, behavior on, 187

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 20

“Outside-the-box” thinking, 45

Ownership, 87

Pareto Principle, 62

Passive adaptivity, 119120

Passive approach

to acquiring qualitative information, 186187

to acquiring quantitative data, 187188

Persil Power, 169

Persona, 135, 143144

current customer process for, 147

of electrician, 145

Plan–Do–Check–Act (PDCA) cycle, 6667, 126

Planners, 142


meeting, 155156, 157

new way of, 153158

Platform, 191

Points system, 155

Porter’s Five Forces model, 123, 125

Porter’s value-chain model, 81

Potentiation effect, 73

Pragmatic Programming, 71

Pragmatism, 61

Principles of Biology (Spender), 13

Private equity investors, 45

Process mapping, 136139

for car repair, 140

flow, 65

Product backlog, 100, 151, 153, 155, 169, 179

Product development, 34

Product owner, 100, 101, 115, 155156, 194

Profitability, 190191

Project Livewire, 41

Proposition, 189190

development, 122

Prototype, 42, 172

Proxy, 142

Qualitative information

active approach to acquiring, 184185

passive approach to acquiring, 186187

Quantitative information

active approach to acquiring, 185186

passive approach to acquiring, 187188

Research In Motion, 17

Resistance, as barrier to adaptivity, 35

“Retrospective,” 179180

Revenue streams field, of Business Model Canvas, 135

Review meeting, 169, 179

Ries’s method, 74

Road bicycle racing, agility in, 5456

Root cause, 180

Sabermetrics, 53

Samsung, 16

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), 101

Schultz, Howard, 121

Scientific management, 65

Scientific method, 5961

Scrum, 4, 71. See also Daily Standups

Seek advice, 146, 147

Segmentation criteria, 141

Self-assessment, of agility, 102111

Self-evaluation, 179180

Self-fulfilling prophecy, 64

Self-organization, 9899

Self-service, 91

Semler, Ricardo, 9798

Serendipity effect, 46

SERVQUAL model, 151, 165, 168

7S model, 32, 120, 125

Share of wallet, 143

Shared space, 98

Shell Oil, 21

Shewhart Cycle, 66

Shippable increment, 154

Shrinkage, growth and, 2022

Smartphone, 133

The smell of the place (video), 87

Social-media behavior, 187188

SpaceX, 197

Speed and flexibility, 8586

Spender, Herbert, 13

Spiral model, 7071

Split-run test, 175

Spotify, 3, 65, 111

culture and leadership within, 8990

empowerment through smart alignment, 9091

experimenting, failing, and learning, 9293

principles and rules, 90

respect and motivation, 92

trust instead of control, 9192

Sprint, 153, 169

backlog, 153

meetings, feedback cycle of, 125

Squads, 112, 113, 114

Starbucks, 122123

STEEPLED analysis model, 2930, 33, 119, 125

Story, 154, 169

Storyboarding, 166

for internal customer, 167

Surveys, 185

Swatch, 124

Sync meeting, 101, 156

Synchronous and visual communication, 85

Target group, 189


from market segments to, 143

to personas, 143146

Taylorism, 65

Teavana, 122

Technical test, 173

Telegraph Media Group (TMG), 27

Tesla model, 164

Test meeting, 181, 188

Testing, 172176. See also Experimentation

AB(C) test, 174176

commitments rather than words, 173174

focus in, 175

idea of, 40

reports, 186

results evaluation, 180182

Theatre, 124

Think phase, of agile management

business model canvas, 131136

customer journey, 146147

hypotheses and metrics, working with, 158160


from market definition to market segmentation, 140143

from market segments to target-group segments, 143

from target-group segments to personas, 143146

planning, 153158

definition of done and working with points, 154155

meetings, 155156

“story,” 154

visualizing, Kanban, 156158

prioritizing improvements, 149153

value-stream mapping and process mapping, 136140

Think–Do–Learn process, 125130, 194195, 199. See also specific phases

Think–try–adjust approach, 112, 125

Three, 166

Time-boxing, 153

Toyota Production System, 6768, 126, 136, 194

Toyshop, 50

Tracey Ullman Show, 40

Transformation storymap, 197

Triangulation, 183

Tribes, 112, 114

lead, 115

Try–listen–refine approach, 79, 125

20 percent rule, 46

Urgency, sense of, 196197

Urgent/important matrix, 198

User story methodology, 154

Unique buying reasons, 141

Value-creation, 84

Value Proposition Design, 161

Value proposition field, of Business Model Canvas, 135

Value-stream mapping, 82, 136140

Velocity, 153

Verification, 158

Video motion systems, 53

Visual working, planning and, 156158

Visualization, 139, 181

Voice of the customer (VOC), 84, 140, 144, 146, 195

sources within, 182184

active approach to acquiring qualitative information, 184185

active approach to acquiring quantitative information, 185186

passive approach to acquiring qualitative information, 186187

passive approach to acquiring quantitative data, 187188

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), 2627, 77, 149

Volvo, 41

Wal-Mart, 21

Wallace, Alfred Russell, 13

“Waterfall” approach, 168

Welch, Jack, 77


agility in

baseball, 5354

football, 5253

road bicycle racing, 5456

modern world, turning point in history of, 4950

Wired (magazine), 65

Women’s Health, 40

Yahoo!, 17

YouTube, 31, 167, 111, 172

Zara, 3940

Zooming-in, 190

Zooming-out, 190

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