Creating web forms

Let's take the same example as mentioned previously, of the Cignex website. We will create web forms for the blogs and news sections. Also, we will associate these web forms with the rendition templates. Finally, we will create content using web forms and preview it.

The process to define and create web forms in Alfresco is as follows:

  1. Identify structure to be used for each web form.
  2. Define your XSD file.
  3. Create a web form using XSD.

Identifying the structure to be used for each web form

To create a web form you are required to create an XML Schema Definition (XSD) file with an extension as .xsd. XSD specifies how to formally describe the elements in an XML document. Before creating an XSD file you will need to decide what all user interface components you want to display in a web form. To create a schema for a web form, you analyze its structure defining each structural element as you encounter it. As mentioned previously, we will create web forms for the news and blogs sections. Consider that some of the elements that are required in creating an XSD file for news are: Brief Title, News Page Headline, News Page Sub Headline, News Page Content, News Article Graphic, Image Caption, Image Title, and News Date. Now that you have decided the elements, you will learn how to create an XSD file for simple user interface controls. You will know more about advanced controls in the short while.

Defining a schema

To create an XSD file we have to start with the standard XML declaration followed by the xs:schema element that defines a schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=
> </xs:schema>

In the previous schema, we use the standard namespace (xs), and the URI associated with this namespace is the schema language definition, which has the standard value of It is important to specify a namespace (xlmns:trn) for your web forms to eliminate collisions. You can have the same namespace for a specific development project. We will use this element while generating renditions. The alf namespace is added to enable label, alert, and appearance elements while writing an XSD.

Defining a complex element

Now we can define elements inside a complex element. First we have to define a root element. Let's define news as a root element. This element has an attribute and it contains other elements, therefore we consider it as a complex type. The child elements of the news element are surrounded by an xs:sequence element that defines an ordered sequence of sub-elements. The syntax for defining a complex element is:

<xs:element name="news"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> ... </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Defining a simple element

We can also define a few simple elements inside the complex element. Simple elements are those elements that do not contain any attribute. Each element is defined with a name and type. Let's define a few simple elements such as shortTitle, contentHeader, contentSubHeader, contentText, and so on.

The syntax for defining a simple element is:

<xs:element name="shortTitle" type="xs:normalizedString"/>

Here shortTitle is the name of the element and normalizedString is the data type of the element. Following is an example of simple elements defining inside complex elements.

<xs:element name="news"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="shortTitle" type="xs:normalizedString "/> <xs:element name="contentHeader" type="xs:normalizedString "/> <xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="contentText" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

An XML schema has a lot of built-in data types. Each of these data types has a default widget rendering within the generated XForm in Alfresco.

The following table shows the associated widgets with the most commonly used XSD data types:

XSD Data Type

User Interface Widgets



xs:string, xs:anyType

WYSIWYG editor, Text area


Calendar control


Time picker


Asset picker



xs:integer, xs:float, xs:double, xs:decimal

Slider control


Radio button, Drop down

Now we will learn a few attributes that can be applied to an element in order to make it mandatory, optional, default value, or fixed value.

Default and fixed values for elements

An attribute may have a default or fixed value. A default value is automatically assigned to the element and you can specify any other value. A fixed value is also automatically assigned to the element, but you cannot specify another value. This can be considered as a read-only value. Following is the code snippet for defining default value.

<xs:element name="contentHeader" type="xs:normalizedString" 
default="News Full Headline">

Optional and required values for elements

We can define the number of possible occurrences for an element with the maxOccurs and minOccurs attributes. maxOccurs specifies the maximum number of occurrences for an element and minOccurs specifies the minimum number. The default value for both maxOccurs and minOccurs is 1, which means the field is mandatory.

To set the element as optional, you have to set the value of minOccurs to 0 as follows:

<xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">

The element can appear multiple times by setting the maxOccurs attribute of the element to "unbounded", which means that there can be as many occurrences of the element as the content contributor wishes. We can also fix the occurrences of the element by specifying any number.

Advanced schema attributes

There are some advanced schemas attributes provided that will enhance the capabilities provided within a form. For instance, you may want to display images in the web form. You may also think of validation in the web forms that will validate your content. For this, you are required to customize some of the widgets in web forms.

File pickers

Alfresco uses the xs:anyURI data type to overcome limitations such as inter-document relationships. Although XML standards do exist for defining relationships (XPointer and XLink), both are stagnant (no updates since 2001) and neither has achieved widespread adoption:

<xs:element name="contentGraphic" type="xs:anyURI" />

This results in an "asset picker" widget, which will allow the content contributor to browse and select content from the web project. The following code snippet provides the ability to specify an image picker to get the images from any folder in the web project:

<xs:element name="contentGraphic" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
<alf:label>News Article Graphic</alf:label>

On implementation of this code snippet, a Select button (shown in the following screenshot) will be displayed for each of the images:

File pickers

We also have a few other preconfigured appearance options defined in the web-client-config-wcm.xml file, which is placed under<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/.

Here are some examples of preconfigured appearances from the web-client-config-wcm.xml file:




Picks files from a specific folder


Searches files from a specific folder


Uploads images


Uploads HTML files


Uploads folders


Uploads any file

If you want to upload HTML files, you have to put html_file_picker inside the<alf:appearance> tag. For files and folders you can have file_picker and folder_picker respectively.

Suppose you want to provide restrictions to file pickers and be relative to the root of the web project folder. Thus, the contents of the specified folder will be available for selecting in the file picker. This can be achieved by uncommenting the section in the code below (which is highlighted in bold) in the same web-client-config-wcm.xml file:

<widget xforms-type="xf:upload"
<param name="selectable_types">wcm:avmcontent,wcm:avmfolder</param>
<param name="folder_restriction">/common/pages</param>

Define this widget in the XSD file, as follows:

<xs:element name="contentGraphic" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
<alf:label>News Article Graphic</alf:label>

This customized file picker will search for only folders inside common/pages folder as shown in the following screenshot:

File pickers

Another important feature, which will make search faster and time saving, is the reusability of search. You don't have to browse every time for the files.

The config_search_name parameter must be set to the name of a configured search. The file picker contents will be restricted to the results of this named configured search. The configured search must be stored in the Public Saved Searches folder.

The search is Lucene based and it will only query content of the Staging Sandbox. The public saved search is actually stored as an XML document in the Alfresco repository. Therefore, we can modify it with any Lucene query that is supported by Alfresco WCM search. The following code snippet will search for "training" as a text in all of the files of the web project submitted to the staging server:

<widget xforms-type="xf:upload"
<param name="config_search_name">training</param>

Define this widget in the XSD file, as follows:

<xs:element name="contentGraphic" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
<alf:label>News Article Graphic</alf:label>

The following screenshot shows how to save 'config_search_name' text in a public search folder so that this can used while searching in the web project:

File pickers

The file picker will search all files having the word "training" within its name. The following screenshot shows the search result:

File pickers

You can also customize file pickers. You have to define all customizations in web-client-config-wcm.xml. Using the following code snippet you will have the option of selecting only JPEG files from the web project. The selectable_types parameter must be set to restrict which types of content are selectable in the widget.

The filter_mimetypes parameter can be used to filter selectable files by MIME types:

<widget xforms-type="xf:upload"
<param name="selectable_types">wcm:avmcontent</param>
<param name="filter_mimetypes">image/jpeg</param>

Define this widget in the XSD file, as follows:

<xs:element name="image" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"

Since we have customized file picker, in the following screenshot you will find only JPEG files:

File pickers

With the previous code snippet, we have customized image_file_picker. In this manner, you can customize other file pickers also.


Please note all of the customization related to file pickers has to be provided in the specified file—<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/web-client-config-wcm.xml.

Tool tips and labels

You can also provide a label for an element specified in your XSD file. By default, the label created by the form processor for each element is simply the element's name. You could also get a tool tip for the label you have provided. Hence, the label becomes News Page Sub-Headline instead of contentSubHeader. Whenever you drag a mouse over the label you will get help for the label:

<xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<alf:label>News Page Sub-Headline</alf:label>
<alf:hint>Please enter the news page sub-headline if the news has a sub-headline.</alf:hint>
Tool tips and labels


You can also localize the label or alert by specifying a message bundle key in the annotation:

<xs:element name="emailId" type="xs:string">

This can be achieved by creating the following message bundle file. Create a property file with name in the Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Forms | <form space name>| with the following code:

email = Please enter a proper Email Id .

The property files can also be internationalized by having different versions for language or locale combination. The default configured property file locations from highest to lowest precedence are:

  1. Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Forms | <form space name> |
  2. Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Forms |
  3. placed in<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF /classes/alfresco/messages/.

You can provide validations to any of the fields. For instance, if you provide the correct order ID, the element will be highlighted in red. This indicates that the value of the element must be a string, it must be exactly six characters in a row, and those characters must be a number from 0 to 9:

<xs:element name="orderId">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{6}"/> </xs:restriction>
Customizing the WYSIWYG editor

You can customize the WYSIWYG editor easily. The WYSIWYG editor is the TinyMCE editor. When we define a simple element of type string, we can see Rich Text Editor with limited functionalities. We can also have many other features available with Rich Text Editor. See the following code for the advanced editor. With this we can have features such as alignment, font family, and font size:

<xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<alf:label>News Page Sub-Headline</alf:label>
<alf:hint>Please enter the news article sub-headline if the article has a sub-headline.</alf:hint>
Customizing the WYSIWYG editor

If you want more advanced features for the editor, such as table, you can use the following code in the XSD file:

<xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<alf:label>News Page Sub-Headline</alf:label>
<alf:hint>Please enter the news article sub-headline if the article has a sub-headline.</alf:hint>
Customizing the WYSIWYG editor

Suppose you want to customize these editors. You want to hide bold, italic feature and reduce the height of the editor. The customization code has to be placed in the<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF /classes/alfresco/web-client-config-wcm.xml file.

Place the following code:

<widget xforms-type="xf:textarea"
<param name="theme_advanced_buttons1">underline,separator, forecolor,backcolor, separator,link,unlink,image</param>
<param name="height">100</param>

Place this code in the XSD file:

<xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<alf:label>News Page Sub-Headline</alf:label>
<alf:hint>Please enter the news page sub-headline if the news has a sub-headline.</alf:hint>
Customizing the WYSIWYG editor

Another customization that will allow you to see the source code of the HTML and insert media files in the Rich Text Editor if required is as follows. Open the web-client-config-wcm.xml file. Replace the code with the following highlighted code:

<widget xforms-type="xf:textarea" appearance="custom"
<param name="theme_advanced_buttons1">bold,italic,underline, strikethrough,separator,fontselect, fontsizeselect,code</param>
<param name="theme_advanced_buttons2">link,unlink,image, separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright, justifyfull,separator,bullist,numlist,separator, undo,redo,separator,forecolor,backcolor</param>
<param name="height">600</param>
<param name="mode">exact</param>
<param name="force_p_newlines">true</param>
<param name="apply_source_formatting">true</param>
<param name="plugins">table,paste,media</param>
<param name="theme_advanced_buttons3">tablecontrols,media</ param>

Place the following code in the XSD file:

<xs:element name="contentSubHeader" type="xs:string" minOccurs="1"
<alf:label>News Page Sub-Headline</alf:label>
<alf:hint>Please enter the news pagesub-headline if the page has a sub-headline.</alf:hint>
Customizing the WYSIWYG editor


We can also easily install additional plugins by putting them in the<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/scripts/tiny_mce/plugins folder.

Dynamically populating lists (in drop-down lists) or conditional drop downs

A drop-down list can be handled with the xs:enumeration element within the xs:restriction element that defines the type of enumeration. For example, all the values in the list should be string, as follows:

<xs:element name="disclaimer" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="news" />
<xs:enumeration value="blogs" />
Reuse of common XSD and JSP

Use of includes will enable you to reuse the common structure across multiple files. You can also call a web script in include schemaLocation. Please note: for this, the virtual server should be running. We will see example of includes in the later sections.

<xs:include schemaLocation="/common/inc/contentType.xsd" />
<xs:include schemaLocation="/common/inc/contentType.jsp "/>
<xs:include schemaLocation="webscript://path/to/my/webscript?storeid={storeid}" />
<xs:import namespace="imported_namespace" schemaLocation="webscript://path/with/the/{storeid}/embedded?ticket={ticket}" />


For more information about XSD, refer to the website

In order to create the XSD file, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to<installed-alfresco>/extras. Create folder wcm/forms.
  2. Create a file named news.xsd in the above-specified path and populate it with the downloaded code from Packt's website.
  3. Create a file named blogs.xsd in the above-specified path and populate it with the downloaded code from Packt's website.
  4. Create a file named training.xsd in the above-specified path and populate it with the downloaded code from Packt's website.


Download the complete code samples from the Packt website.

The XSD file is now ready to use. The next task is to create web forms. For this you first have to create a web project. This section uses the web project that you have already created as a part of your Cignex sample application in Chapter 3. As a part of the sample application, you will manage content in the Cignex web project. For more information about the web project and sample application, refer to Chapter 3.

Create a web form in Alfresco

You can create a web form using two ways:

  • Directly from Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Forms space (Create Web Form). Using this first option we can only create web forms; it is not associated to any project.
  • Using Edit Web Project setting wizard in a web project (assuming you have already created a web project). It gives the flexibility to associate a web form with the web project.

The process to create web forms is as follows:

  1. Ensure that the Alfresco Server is up and running.
  2. Go to Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Forms.
    Create a web form in Alfresco
  3. Clicking on the Create Web Form link opens the Create Web Form Wizard window. This is the Create Web Form pane, as you can see from the list of steps at the left of the pane. You may also notice that the wizard window has four steps, as shown in the following screenshot. The first step is to upload the XSD file, the second step is to configure template for rendition output, the third step is to define the workflow for form data, and the fourth step is to confirm the web form.
  4. In the Step One window, you will notice a Browse button to upload the XSD file. Click on Browse to locate and upload the news.xsd file created in the folder<installed-alfresco>/extras/wcm/forms. After uploading, it will automatically fill up the values like Root element, Name, Title, and Output path pattern. You can change the output path pattern. This means the XML file will be created in the specified path. Take a look at the following screenshot and change the Output path pattern and Description as specified. Then click on Next.
    Create a web form in Alfresco
  5. In the Step Two window, the Configure Template page is shown. This step is optional. Leave all values blank and click on Next. (This step allows you to generate forms in various outputs. We will examine this in the next section of this chapter.)
  6. In the Step Three window, the Configure Workflow page is shown. Select the No not now option as shown in the following screenshot (this step allows the creation of default workflows for form data. You will know more about this in the next chapter):
    Create a web form in Alfresco
  7. Clicking on the Next button will take you to the Step Four window, which displays a summary of the web form. Click on the Finish button and this will create a web form. You will notice a new space called news inside Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Forms. Inside this space you will see the news.xsd file.
    Create a web form in Alfresco
  8. Continue the previous steps to upload the blogs.xsd and training.xsd files.


Please provide the Output path pattern as common/inc/${name}.xml for creating blogs and training web forms when the Web Form Details window is opened.

Do not proceed to the subsequent sections without first creating the web forms. The remaining sample solution is based on these web forms. Please specify the Output path pattern as shown in a previous screenshot for news, training, and the blogs web form.

The Alfresco Wiki website ( and contains information about forms and widgets.

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