Workflow Viewer

Suppose you want to see list of pending workflows. We can create a dashlet that will list down all the pending workflows for Groups (the same way you can also create for users). The list is quite useful for administrators.

Follow the steps to create dashlets:

  1. Create a Java file CustomWorkflowStatusBean in the package and paste the downloaded code from the Packt website.
  2. Add the following code in the faces-config-custom.xml file:
    <managed-bean-class> </managed-bean-class>
  3. Create a JSP file workflow-status.jsp in the specified location<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/JSP/extension/dashlets/folder. Paste the downloaded code from the Packt website.
  4. Add the following code in the web-client-config-custom.xml file:
    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Dashboards">
    <dashlet id="wfstatus-bean" label="In-flight Workflow Status"
    description="In-flight Workflow Status of invited project" jsp="/jsp/extension/dashlets/workflow-status.jsp" />
  5. Run Ant to compile the code and create a JAR file in<install-alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib.
  6. Start the Alfresco server.
  7. Log in as admin.
  8. Configure In-flight Workflow Status dashlets. Refer to the Web Publishing dashlets section in Chapter 4, Web Content Production with Web Forms, to configure.
  9. You will see the following screen that lists all the pending workflows:
    Workflow Viewer
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