Cleaning up deployment history

There are two ways to clean out old deployment reports in WCM:

  • Using Alfresco Explorer
  • Using scheduler

Using Alfresco Explorer

Administrator and Content Managers of the web project have the right to delete the Deployment Reports. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Staging Sandbox area of the web project.
  2. Click on the Actions menu.
  3. Click on the Delete All Deploy Reports submenu.
    Using Alfresco Explorer
  4. It will ask for confirmation; click on Yes to delete the reports.

Using scheduler

Using scheduler you can delete the reports older than the given number of days. You can configure this scheduler to run on a periodic basis. Follow the next steps to configure this scheduler.

  1. Rename the file deployment-attempt-cleaner-context.xml.sample to deployment-attempt-cleaner-context.xml specified at the location<alfresco_home>/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension.
  2. Configure the following highlighted changes:
    <bean id="avmDeploymentAttemptCleaner"
    <!-- number of days to keep deployment attempts -->
    <property name="maxAge">
    <property name="nodeService">
    <ref bean="NodeService" />
    <property name="transactionService">
    <ref bean="TransactionService" />
    <property name="searchService">
    <ref bean="SearchService" />
    <property name="importerBootstrap">
    <ref bean="spacesBootstrap" />
    <bean id="avmDeploymentAttemptCleanup"
    <property name="jobDetail">
    <bean id="avmDeploymentAttemptCleanerDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">
    <property name="jobClass">
    <property name="jobDataAsMap">
    <entry key="deploymentAttemptCleaner">
    <ref bean="avmDeploymentAttemptCleaner" />
    <property name="scheduler">
    <ref bean="schedulerFactory" />
    <!-- trigger at 5:00am each day -->
    <property name="cronExpression">
    <value>0 0 5 * * ? </value>

This will purge all deployment attempt nodes older than one day at 5 a.m. every morning.

Deployment report 1 day before

Go to the Staging Sandbox of the web project. Click on the View Deployments link.

You will find the history of all of the deployment reports on that page as shown next:

Deployment report 1 day before

Deployment report 1 day after

Since we have configured to clean up reports that are one day older, on the next day, we can see only those reports which are deployed today. All other reports, which are shown in the previous screenshot, have been purged.

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