


  • baby clouds, 239240

  • back-end database, 28

  • backup and recovery, 142

  • BC/DR (business continuity and disaster recovery), 142

  • “being elastic”, 5

  • best practices, 25

  • best-of-breed technology, 1617

  • biometrics, 219

  • bloatware, 166167

  • block storage, 40

  • blockchain, 145

  • “bolt-on” model, 45

  • born-in-the-cloud companies, 227228

  • breaches, 140, 204. See also security

    • detection, 135136

    • learning from, 150

    • protecting against, 135

  • business

    • agility, 7, 89

    • AI (artificial intelligence)

    • CapEx versus OpEx, 56, 15

    • ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) score, 153

    • optimization

      • AI (artificial intelligence), 7071

      • cloud native, 105106

      • data analytics, 8283

      • DevOps (development and operations), 78

      • edge computing and IoT, 8687

      • ML (machine learning), 7071

      • serverless technology, 75

    • startups, 1415

    • sustainability goals, 153

    • systems operations, 4

    • value. See also value


  • CapEx, 56, 15

  • capital, 3

  • cloud computing. See also multicloud

    • AI (artificial intelligence). See also AI (artificial intelligence)

      • optimizing, 7071

      • use cases, 6970

    • analytics, 7879

      • connecting the data, 7980

      • overutilization, 81

      • underutilization, 81

    • benefits, 224225

      • democratization of computing, 229231

      • punching above your weight, 231233, 240241

      • support for remote and virtual enterprises, 227228

      • support for remote work, 225227

      • support for sustainability, 229

      • support for world changes and evolutions, 228

    • breaches

      • detection, 135136

      • protecting against, 135

    • compute, 44

    • container/s, 9192

      • abstraction, 90

      • -based development, 9698

      • benefits, 89

      • costs, 9293

      • host operating system, 90

      • isolation, 90

      • J2EE, 89

      • operational complexity, 9899

      • orchestration, 88, 9396

      • portability, 9293

      • structure, 90

      • use cases, 91

    • cost savings, 45, 1213

    • data center/s, 4

    • development trends, 1819

    • DevOps (development and operations), 75. See also DevOps (development and operations)

      • all-cloud, 77

      • some-cloud, 7778

    • edge computing, 8485

    • feature parity, 112

    • federation, 188191

    • five powers, 232

    • hybrid, 110113

    • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 5, 2223

    • lift-fix-and-shift approach, 2527

    • market, 178180, 237240

    • MSP (managed service provider), 61

    • multitenancy, 4546

      • “bolt-on” model, 45

      • resource utilization, 158

      • “share nothing” approach, 45

      • sustainability and, 160161

      • trade-offs, 4546

    • PaaS (Platform as a Service), 5

    • performance

    • power consumption, 154, 160164

    • pricing, 177178

    • providers. See provider/s

    • resource sharing, 46, 47

      • cross-channel attack, 4951

      • dedicated host, 47

      • dedicated instance, 47

      • Shared model, 4647

    • SaaS (Software as a Service), 45

    • second-tier providers, 62

    • security, 1718, 112, 132134, 137

      • abstraction and automation, 146

      • AI/ML integration, 139

      • automation, 138

      • BC/DR (business continuity and disaster recovery), 142

      • blockchain, 145

      • cross-cloud, 144

      • cross-platform, 202204

      • detect, 135136

      • encryption, 137138

      • failure to manage complexity, 141142

      • future of, 217219

      • IAM (identity and access management), 138

      • non-native, 144

      • observability, 146, 147148

      • proactive, 147

      • protect, 134135

      • removing focus from non-cloud systems, 139141

      • response, 136

      • talent shortage, 142143

      • track, 136

      • versus traditional security, 137

    • services, 1213. See also service/s

    • “share nothing” approach, 45

    • shared responsibility, 25

    • skills, 214215

      • changes in the mix, 233236

      • cost of, 13

      • finding the right people, 194195

      • generalist versus specialist, 214215

      • shortage, 193194

    • SLA (service-level agreement), 176

    • storage, 23

      • add-ons, 3940

      • automation, 4142

      • efficiency, 24, 25

      • future of, 43

      • leveraging growth, 3839

      • migration, 2324, 25

      • versus on-premises, 3337

      • raw, 2223

      • support for change, 24

    • sustainability, 160, 165

    • time-share model, 3, 155156

    • trends, 172173

    • utility model, 34

    • value, 23, 14, 1920, 236237

      • agility, 89

      • curve, 78, 11

      • disruptors, 16

      • hard, 6

      • innovation, 912

      • soft, 68, 1112, 13

      • speed, 9

      • transformative business, 6

    • cloud native, 88, 91, 101104

    • architecture, 102104

    • cost argument, 106108

    • definition, 102

    • optimization argument, 105106

    • portability, 104105

  • CloudOps, 209210, 234235

  • clustering, 88, 93, 9495. See also container/s

    • master node, 94

    • slave node, 94

  • CNCF cloud native, 101, 102104, 107

  • collaboration, provider, 180181

  • commoditization, 182183, 185

  • complexity

  • compliance, hybrid cloud, 199

  • compute, 44, 63

    • costs, 4849

    • cross-channel attack, 4951

    • overbuying, reasons for, 5758

    • packages, 5657

    • performance

    • picking the most optimized configuration, 5457

    • reserved instance, 5961

    • resource sharing, 46, 47

      • dedicated host, 47

      • dedicated instance, 47

      • Shared model, 4647

    • consultants, 58

    • container/s, 88, 89, 9092

    • abstraction, 90

    • -based development, 9698

    • benefits, 89

    • cluster, 95

    • cost considerations, 9293

    • host operating system, 90

    • isolation, 90

    • J2EE, 89

    • leveraging, 93

    • multicloud, 119

    • orchestration, 88, 9396

      • cost considerations, 99100

      • declarative programming, 96

      • imperative programming, 96

      • master node, 94

      • operational complexity, 9899

      • scalability, 95

      • slave node, 94

    • portability, 9293

    • structure, 90

    • use cases, 91

  • cost/s. See also value

    • AI (artificial intelligence), 66, 6869

    • cloud computing, 14

    • cloud egress, 43

    • cloud native, 106108

    • compute, 4849, 5758

    • container and container orchestration, 9293, 99100

    • hard, 6

    • multicloud, 116117

    • overallocation, 72

    • savings, 45

    • serverless technology, 7374, 75

    • of skills, 13

    • storage

      • leveraging, 3839

      • on-premises versus cloud, 3537

    • CPU (central processing unit), 44, 5152, 55

    • cross-channel attack, 4951

    • cross-cloud

    • platforms, 199201, 202

    • security, 144

    • services, 3233, 130, 184, 185186

  • cross-platform

  • CSBs (cloud service brokers), 116


  • data, 2728

    • AI and, 68

    • analytics, 7880

      • AI (artificial intelligence), 8182

      • overutilization, 81

      • underutilization, 81

    • compliance, 199

    • encryption, 50, 137138

    • fabric, 79

    • federated, 188191, 213214

    • governance, 27

    • insecure transmission, 199

    • layer, unified, 27

    • meta, 27

    • migrating to the cloud, 2324

    • patterns, 6768

    • PII (personally identifiable information), 33

    • security, 27, 31

    • silos, 31

    • structured versus unstructured, 3033

    • support for change, 24

    • training, 69

    • underutilized, 80

    • virtualization, 2930, 32, 79

  • data center/s, 4

  • database/s, 28

    • application performance and, 53

    • back-end, 28

    • decoupling, 28

    • federation, 188189

    • purpose-built, 40

    • virtualization, 188189

  • declarative programming, 96

  • decoupling, 28

  • dedicated host, 47

  • dedicated instance, 47

  • deep learning, 66, 67, 149

  • democratization of computing, 229231

  • detection, 135136

  • development

    • cloud-based, 1819

    • container-based, 9798

    • green, 166167

    • low-code/no-code approach, 216, 231

  • DevOps (development and operations), 19, 75

    • all-cloud, 77

    • cloud native, 103

    • disruptive approach, 76

    • finding business optimization, 78

    • innovative solutions, 76

    • iteration, 76

    • no-cloud, 77

    • some-cloud, 7778

    • tool pipeline, 75

  • DevSecOps (development, security, and operations), 19

  • disruptors, 65, 172. See also innovation

    • DevOps (development and operations), 76

    • value of cloud computing, 16

  • Docker, 88, 89, 90

  • DR (disaster recovery), 19

  • dumb terminals, 155


  • edge computing, 8384, 221222

    • finding business optimization, 8687

    • IoT and, 8586

    • public cloud and, 84

  • EDP (Enterprise Discount Program), 61

  • efficiency, 24, 25. See also sustainability

  • elasticity, 5

  • encryption, 50, 137138

  • ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) score, 153


  • feature parity, 112

  • federation, 188191, 213214

  • FinOps (Financial Operations) system, 5758, 116, 211212

  • five powers of cloud computing, 232

  • flexibility, best-of-breed, 116

  • fraud detection, AI (artificial intelligence), 42


  • GB (gigabyte), 59

  • governance, 27, 33

  • green application development, 166167


  • hard value, 6, 107

  • HDD (hard disk drive), versus cloud storage, 3337

  • heterogeneity, multicloud, 125126

  • hiring and keeping talented people, 195197. See also skills

  • HPC (high-performance computing), 10

  • hybrid cloud, 110112

    • compliance, 199

    • feature parity, 112

    • reasons for adoption, 187

    • services, 112

    • visibility, 199


  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 5, 2223, 231232. See also storage

  • IAM (identity and access management), 138, 217

  • imperative programming, 96

  • industry-specific services, 220

  • infrastructure, 65

  • innovation, 7, 14, 87, 114, 115, 119, 120, 178

    • cloud security, 1718

    • DevOps (development and operations), 76

    • disruptors, 13, 16, 117, 172

    • service, 6566

    • value, 912, 223

  • insights, 80, 146, 206207, 208

  • investment

  • IoT (Internet of Things), 10, 83

    • AI (artificial intelligence), 86

    • edge computing, 8586

    • finding business optimization, 8687

    • scaling, 8586

    • updates, 85

  • IPCs (inter-process communications), 51

  • isolation, 90

  • IT, 4. See also skills

    • carbon emissions, 153154

    • hiring and keeping talented people, 195197

    • power consumption, 154155

    • zero-touch, 209

  • iteration, 76



  • LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Python) stacks, 125126

  • learning systems, 207

  • legacy systems, 192193, 208

  • leveraging

    • AI (artificial intelligence), 70

    • best-of-breed technology, 114116

    • cloud storage, 40

    • container/s, 93

    • MSPs (managed service provider), 6263

    • reserved instances, 6061

    • resources, 5455

    • second-tier providers, 62

    • serverless, 72

    • storage growth, 3839

    • technology, 87, 100101

  • lift-and shift, 25

  • lift-fix-and-shift, 2527

  • Linthicum, D., Enterprise Application Integration, 29

  • lock-in, 9293, 102, 104105, 118119, 126


  • MagLev (magnetic levitation), 10

  • maintenance, automation, 4142

  • market, 7

    • assumptions, 89, 1112

    • capture, 180

    • cloud computing, 178180, 237240

    • commoditization, 183

    • innovation, 10

    • micro-cloud, 180

    • shift toward federated applications and data, 189

    • speed-to-, 9

    • technology, 176, 178

  • master node, 94

  • maturity model, 208209

  • MDM (master data management), 27

  • measuring, sustainability, 162163

  • memory

    • cache, 59

    • picking the right configuration, 59

    • size, 59

    • speed, 59

  • metacloud, 129130, 184186, 201

  • metadata, 27

  • metered service, 3

  • micro-cloud, market, 180

  • migration to the cloud, 2324, 25

    • lift-and shift, 25

    • lift-fix-and-shift approach, 2527

    • shared responsibility, 25

  • ML (machine learning), 6667

    • business optimization, 7071

    • leveraging, 70

    • security, 139

    • use cases, 6970

  • model

  • monitoring, security threats, 136

  • MSP (managed service provider), 61, 6263, 179

  • multicloud, 43, 62, 63, 110, 239

  • multitenancy, 4546

    • “bolt-on” model, 45

    • cross-channel attack, 4951

    • resource sharing, 46, 47

      • dedicated host, 47

      • dedicated instance, 47

      • Shared model, 4647

    • resource utilization, 158

    • “share nothing” approach, 45

    • sustainability and, 160161

    • trade-offs, 4546


  • NDA (nondisclosure agreement), 39

  • network/s

    • performance, 5152, 53

    • virtual private, 138

    • zero-trust access, 138

  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 5

  • no-cloud DevOps, 77

  • non-native cloud security, 144


  • object storage, 40

  • observability, 219

  • obsolete technology, 175

  • operating system, 56

    • host, 90

    • picking the right one, 5859

  • operational complexity, container orchestration, 9899

  • operations

    • artificial intelligence, 204

    • cloud, 209210, 234

    • cross-platform, 204205

    • multicloud, 123, 127

    • security observability, 146

    • storage, automation, 4142

  • OpEx, 56, 1213, 15

  • overallocation, 72

  • overbuying

    • compute, 5758

    • reserved instances, 6061


  • PaaS (Platform as a Service), 5

  • packages, 5657

  • passive response, 136

  • pattern/s, 6768, 81, 198, 206

    • encryption, 23

    • searching, 149

  • peer-to-peer authentication, 145

  • performance, 24

    • application, 5254

    • data virtualization, 30

    • network, 5152

  • PII (personally identifiable information), 33

  • pipeline, DevOps, 75

  • platform, 44

  • politics of sustainability, 158159

  • portability

    • cloud native applications, 104105

    • container, 9293

  • power. See also sustainability

  • prebuilt configurations, 5657

  • predictions, 198199

    • architectural optimization, 217

    • changing skills demands, 214216

    • cloud computing becomes local, 219

    • cloud security shifts focus, 217219

    • continue rise of complex cloud deployments, 199201

    • continued rise of edge computing, 221222

    • cross-platform data federation, 213214

    • cross-platform FinOps, 211212

    • cross-platform governance, 210211

    • cross-platform observability, 205210

    • cross-platform operations, 204205

    • cross-platform security, 202204

    • industry clouds become important, 220

    • less code, more design, 216

    • refocus on cross-cloud systems, 202

  • on-premises storage, versus cloud storage, 3337

  • pricing. See also cost/s

    • cloud services, 177178

    • storage

      • discounts, 39

      • on-premises versus cloud, 3537

    • private cloud, 111

    • proactive

    • response, 136

    • security, 147

      • AI, 149

      • pattern searching, 149

    • “Production Ready”, 175

    • programming

    • declarative, 96

    • imperative, 96

  • protection, 134138

  • provider/s

    • application service, 45

    • baby cloud, 239240

    • cloud computing, 14, 178180

    • collaboration, 180181

    • co-location, 192

    • commoditization, 183

    • edge computing, 221

    • managed service, 61, 179

    • market, 179180

    • market capture, 180

    • multicloud, 113

    • overlapping technology, 182183

    • power consumption, 161162

    • pricing, 177178

    • second-tier, 62

    • SLA (service-level agreement), 176

  • public cloud, 4, 16. See also cloud computing

    • edge computing, 84

    • security, 112

  • publications, technical, 241242

  • purpose-built databases, 40


  • R&D (research and development), 4, 1718, 174175

  • ransomware, 151

  • raw storage, 2223

  • recommendation engines, 68

  • remote work, cloud support for, 225227

  • renewable power, 163164

  • repatriation, 186187

  • replication, 128

  • reserved instance, 5961

  • resource/s

    • allocation, 5455, 7374

    • optimization, 165166

    • provisioning, serverless technology, 72

    • sharing, 46, 47. See also multitenancy

      • costs, 4849

      • cross-channel attack, 4951

      • dedicated host, 47

      • dedicated instance, 47

      • multitenancy, 160161

      • security, 49

      • Shared model, 4647

    • utilization, 158

  • response, 136

  • revenue, usage and, 15

  • risk. See also cost/s

    • of maintaining traditional systems, 174177

    • multicloud, 122

  • ROI (return on investment), 3


  • SaaS (Software as a Service), 45

  •, 45

  • scaling and scalability, 5

    • automated, 18

    • containers, 93, 95

    • IoT (Internet of Things), 8586

  • second-tier providers, leveraging, 62

  • security, 27, 33

    • abstraction, 146

    • AI (artificial intelligence), 146, 149

    • automation, 146, 149151

    • biometric, 219

    • cloud, 1718, 132134, 137

    • cross-platform, 202204

    • data, 31

    • identity-based, 138

    • mistakes

      • failure to manage complexity, 141142

      • lack of talent, 142143

      • little focus on BC/DR, 142

      • removing focus from non-cloud systems, 139141

    • multicloud, 123, 126127

    • native, 140

    • observability, 147148

    • pattern searching, 149

    • peer-to-peer authentication, 145

    • public cloud, 112

    • resource sharing, 4951

    • skill, 134

    • storage, automation, 4142

  • SEO (search engine optimization), 101

  • serverless technology, 7172

    • cost versus value, 7374

    • finding business optimization, 75

    • leveraging, 72

    • resource provisioning, 72

    • use cases, 7475

  • service/s, 27. See also compute

  • “share nothing” approach, 45

  • Shared model, 4647, 159160. See also multitenancy

  • shared responsibility, 25

  • single tenancy, dedicated instance, 47

  • skills

  • SLA (service-level agreement), 176

  • slave node, 94

  • “smart” devices, 83, 85

  • SOA (service-oriented architecture), 119

  • soft value, 68, 9, 13, 107

  • some-cloud DevOps, 7778

  • speed, 9, 14, 59. See also agility

  • spending, R&D, 174175

  • SSD (solid-state device), 34

  • startups, 1415

  • storage, 22

    • add-ons, 3940

    • automation, 4142

    • block, 40

    • databases, decoupling, 28

    • efficiency, 24, 25

    • growth of, 43

    • leveraging, 3839, 40

    • lift-and shift, 25

    • lift-fix-and-shift approach, 2527

    • object, 40

    • on-premises versus cloud, 3337

    • raw, 2223

    • shared responsibility, 25

    • support for change, 24

    • unified data access, 32, 33

    • value, 33

  • structured data, 3033

  • “sunset”, 173, 175

  • supercloud, 184186, 201

  • support for change, 24

  • sustainability, 153, 165, 169

  • system utilization, data center, 157158

  • systems operations, 4



  • Uber, 910, 15

  • ubiquitous deployments, 201

  • underallocation, 72

  • unified data access, 27, 28, 32, 33. See also data

  • unstructured data, 3033

  • use cases

    • AI (artificial intelligence), 6970

    • containers, 91

  • utility model, 34


  • value, 15

    • AI (artificial intelligence), optimizing, 7071

    • of ASPs (application service providers), 45

    • business

      • hard, 6

      • moving to the cloud as, 187188

      • soft, 68, 9

    • capital, 3

    • cloud computing, 14, 1920, 236237

      • agility, 89

      • CapEx versus OpEx, 56

      • innovation, 912

      • speed, 9

      • storage, 33

      • time-share model, 3

      • utility model, 34

    • of containers, 9698

    • curve, 78, 54, 105106

    • differentiator calculation, 11

    • hard, 107

    • innovation, 223

    • optimizing, 5455

    • serverless technology, 7374

    • service, 121122

    • soft, 13, 107

    • transformative business, 6

  • video streaming, 181183

  • virtual companies, 228

  • virtualization, 4, 2930, 32, 79

    • database, 188189

    • structured versus unstructured data, 3033

  • VPNs (virtual private networks), 138


  • Watson, 66

  • zero-touch IT, 209

  • ZTNA (zero-trust network access), 138

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