Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: How “Real” Is the Value of Cloud Computing?

    1. What We Thought We Knew

      1. The Return to the Utility Model

      2. The Elusive “Cost Savings”

      3. It’s Not CapEx Versus OpEx, and It Never Was

      4. This Is About Business Value, and It Always Was

    2. What Could Go Wrong?

      1. Too Much Focus on Operational Cost Savings That Seldom Became a Reality

      2. Too Little Attention Paid to the Cost of Skills

      3. Cloud Providers Thrive on Profit

    3. What Went Right?

      1. Agility, Innovation, and Speed Become King

      2. Best-of-Breed Put the Business Back in Control

      3. Security Is Better in the Cloud

      4. Development Is Better in the Cloud

    4. Call to Action

  2. Chapter 2: The Realities and Opportunities of Cloud-Based Storage Services That Your Cloud Provider Will Not Tell You About

    1. Cloud Storage Evolves

    2. Junk Data on Premises Moved to the Cloud Is Still Junk Data

      1. Lift-Fix-and-Shift

      2. Cloud Storage Abstraction: Shortcut or Innovation?

      3. The Fallacy of Structured Versus Unstructured Data Storage

    3. Secrets to Finding the Best Cloud Storage Value

      1. What If the Best Cloud Storage Is Not in the Cloud?

      2. Leveraging Storage Growth

      3. Add-ons Needed

      4. How Will the Business Leverage Cloud Storage?

      5. Automation Is King

      6. Weaponizing AI

    4. The Future of Cloud Storage

    5. Call to Action

  3. Chapter 3: The Realities and Opportunities of Cloud-Based Compute Services That Your Cloud Provider Will Not Tell You About

    1. The Trade-offs of Multitenancy

      1. The Realities of Resource Sharing

      2. Costs Versus Consistency

      3. Cross-Partition and Cross-Tenant Hacks

    2. CPU Performance, Meet the Internet

      1. The Slowest Components Determine Performance

      2. How to Speed Things Up Through Design

      3. Picking the Most Optimized Compute Configuration

    3. Paying Too Much for Cloud Compute? Here’s Why

    4. Picking the Right Operating Systems

    5. Picking the Right Memory Configurations

    6. The Concept of Reserved Instances

    7. Going Off-brand

      1. Leveraging Second-Tier Cloud Providers

      2. Leveraging MSPs

      3. Multicloud by Necessity

    8. Call to Action

  4. Chapter 4: Innovative Services and Public Clouds: What Do You Really Pay For?

    1. AI/ML

      1. Overused?

      2. Overpriced?

      3. Finding the Right Use Cases

      4. Business Optimization of AI

    2. Serverless

      1. You Really Are Using Servers

      2. Cost Versus Value

      3. Finding the Right Use Cases

      4. Finding Business Optimization

    3. DevOps/DevSecOps

      1. No Cloud DevOps

      2. All Cloud DevOps

      3. Some-Cloud DevOps

      4. Finding Business Optimization

    4. Analytics

      1. Connecting the Data Is Key

      2. Analytics Over and Under

      3. AI Convergence

      4. Finding Business Optimization

    5. Edge and IoT

      1. Edge and the Cloud Realities

      2. Cloud Controls the Edge

      3. Edge Computing and IoT Realities

      4. Finding Business Optimization

    6. Emerging Technologies

    7. Call to Action

  5. Chapter 5: Containers, Container Orchestration, and Cloud Native Realities

    1. Containers

      1. What Works

      2. Containers: What Doesn’t Work

      3. Container: Cost Considerations

      4. Containers: Make the Tough Choices

    2. Container Orchestration and Clustering

      1. Container Orchestration: What Works

      2. What Doesn’t Work

      3. Container Orchestration: Cost Considerations

      4. Container Orchestration: Make Tough Choices

    3. Cloud Native

      1. What’s the Right Definition of Cloud Native?

      2. Portability Argument

      3. Optimization Argument

      4. Cost Argument

    4. Technology Meets Reality

    5. Call to Action

  6. Chapter 6: The Truths Behind Multicloud That Few Understand

    1. Hybrid Cloud Realities

    2. The Move to Plural Public Clouds

      1. Best-of-Breed?

      2. Price

      3. Business Realities

    3. Multicloud Upside Realities

      1. Lock-in Realities

      2. Power of Choice

      3. The Need to Own Your Destiny

      4. Risk Reduction

      5. Security Issues

      6. Governance Issues

      7. Ops Issues

    4. Multicloud Downside Realities

      1. Cost of Complexity

      2. Cost of Heterogeneity

      3. Lock-in

      4. Security Issues

      5. Governance Issues

      6. Ops Issues

    5. Key Concepts for Multicloud Success

    6. Call to Action

  7. Chapter 7: Cloud Security Meets the Real World

    1. An Insider’s Guide to Cloud Security Fundamentals

      1. Step 1: Protect

      2. Step 2: Detect

      3. Step 3: Respond

      4. Step 4: Track

    2. What Cloud Security Worked

      1. Data Encryption

      2. Identity-Based Security

      3. Security Automation

      4. AI/ML Integration

    3. What Cloud Security Didn’t Work

      1. Remove Focus from Non-Cloud Systems

      2. Failure to Manage Complexity

      3. Little Focus on BC/DR

      4. Lack of Security Talent

    4. The Rise of Non-Native Cloud Security

      1. The Movement to Cross-Cloud Security

      2. Security Peer-to-Peer Authentication

      3. Security Abstraction and Automation

      4. Security Intelligence (AI)

      5. Security Observability

    5. The Rise of Proactive Security

      1. The Importance of Observability

      2. Pattern Searching

      3. AI

    6. The Rise of Security Automation

    7. Call to Action

  8. Chapter 8: Cloud Computing and Sustainability: Fact Versus Fiction

    1. Initial Thinking: Cloud Data Centers, Bad

      1. More Data Centers, Bad

      2. More Shared Data Centers, Good

    2. The Politics of Sustainability

    3. Finally, Sharing Is Possible

      1. The Greenness of Multitenancy

      2. Not All Clouds Are Equal

      3. Resource Optimization and Sustainability

    4. Green Application Development?

    5. Multicloud as a Sustainability Weapon?

    6. What Is Your Real Impact?

    7. Call to Action

  9. Chapter 9: The Evolution of the Computing Market

    1. Forced March to the Cloud?

      1. The Shift in R&D Spending

      2. Leaving Systems Behind

    2. More Consumption, but Prices Stay Static

    3. The Power of a Few Players

      1. This Is About Market Capture

      2. Why They Don’t Work and Play Well Together

      3. Will Public Cloud Providers Become Like Video Streaming Services?

    4. The Emergence of Commoditization

      1. Rise of the Supercloud or Metacloud

      2. Likely Cost Shifts over Time

    5. The Emergence of System Repatriation

      1. Why Organizations Move to a Hybrid Model

      2. Why You Need to Justify the Move to Cloud as a Business Value

    6. The Rise of Federated Cloud Applications and Data

    7. Traditional Systems Remain…Why?

    8. Battle for Human Talent

      1. What to Exploit Right Now

      2. The Secrets of Keeping Cloud Talent

    9. Call to Action

  10. Chapter 10: Here’s the Future of Cloud Computing from an Insider’s Perspective… Be Prepared

    1. Continued Rise of Complex Cloud Deployments

    2. Refocus on Cross-Cloud Systems

      1. Cross-Platform Security

      2. Cross-Platform Operations

      3. Cross-Platform Observability

      4. Cross-Platform Governance

      5. Cross-Platform Financial Operations (FinOps)

      6. Cross-Platform Data Federation

    3. Changing Skills Demands

      1. Cloud Generalists vs. Cloud Specialist

      2. Less Code, More Design

      3. Architectural Optimization Is the Focus

    4. Cloud Security Shifts Focus

    5. Cloud Computing Becomes Local

    6. Industry Clouds Become Important

    7. Where Is Edge Computing?

    8. Call to Action

  11. Chapter 11: Wrapping Things Up: Miscellaneous Insider Insights

    1. Cloud Can Make Life Better

      1. Cloud Supports Remote Work

      2. Support for Remote and Virtual Enterprises

      3. Support for World Changes and Evolutions

      4. Support for Sustainability

      5. Democratization of Computing

      6. Punching Above Your Weight

    2. Changes in the Skills Mix

    3. The Objectives Change

    4. The Market Absorbs the Weak, and the Weak Emerge Again

    5. Cloud Technology Continues to Be a Value Multiplier

    6. Call to Action

  12. Index

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