Chapter 11. Oozie Operations

We covered all the functional aspects of Oozie in Chapters 4 through 8. We learned how to write workflows, coordinators, and bundles, and mastered the fundamentals of Oozie. Chapters 9 and 10 covered advanced topics like security and developer extensions. In this final chapter, we will cover several operational aspects of Oozie. We will start with the details of the Oozie CLI tool and the REST API. We will look at the Oozie server and explore some tips on administering and tuning it for better stability and performance. We will also cover typical operational topics like retry and reprocessing of Oozie jobs. Last but not the least, we will look at debugging techniques and resolutions for some common failures. We will also sprinkle in a few topics that are useful but don’t quite fit in any of the previous chapters.

Oozie CLI Tool

The primary interface for managing and interacting with Oozie is oozie, the command-line utility that we have used throughout this book (e.g., to submit jobs, check their status, kill them, etc.). Internally, it actually uses Oozie’s web service (WS) API, which we will look at in detail in the next section. The CLI is available on the Oozie client node, which is also typically the Hadoop edge node with access to all the Hadoop ecosystem CLI clients and tools like Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, and others. This edge node is also usually configured to talk to and reach the Hadoop cluster, Hive meta-store, and the Oozie server. The Oozie client only needs to talk to the Oozie server and it’s the server’s responsibility to interact with the Hadoop cluster.

Consequently, the CLI has an -oozie option that lets you specify the location of the server, which is also the end point for reaching the Oozie server’s web service. The CLI also takes the Unix environment variable OOZIE_URL as the default value for the server. It’s convenient and recommended to define this environment variable on the Oozie client machine to save yourself the effort of passing in the -oozie with every command you type on the Unix terminal. Example 11-1 shows how to invoke the CLI command with and without the environment variable. This option lists all the jobs in the system.


The CLI executable oozie is available in the bin/ subdirectory under the oozie client deployment directory. For the remainder of this chapter, we will assume we have the oozie executable available in our Unix path and we will skip the absolute path in our examples for invoking the CLI.

Example 11-1. Using the OOZIE_URL environment variable
$ oozie jobs -oozie

$ export OOZIE_URL=
$ oozie jobs 

The Oozie CLI tool can be finicky when it comes to the order of the arguments. This is a common issue with a lot of the CLI tools in the Hadoop ecosystem. So if you get some unexplained invalid command errors, always pay attention to the sequence of the arguments in your command line. For instance, with this example, you might get different results with oozie jobs -oozie <URL> and oozie -oozie <URL> jobs.

In addition to the OOZIE_URL environment variable, OOZIE_TIMEZONE and OOZIE_AUTH are two other variables that can make using the CLI tool easier, though most users don’t need it as often as the server URL.

CLI Subcommands

The oozie CLI tool is feature rich and supports a lot of options. It’s covered extensively in the Oozie documentation.These options are organized into many subcommands. The subcommands are logical groupings of the different actions and options that the CLI supports, and are listed here (some of these have only one command option that serves one specific function, while the others have several options):

oozie version

Prints client version

oozie job

All job-related options

oozie jobs

Bulk status option

oozie admin

Admin options that deal with server status, authentication, and other related details

oozie validate

Validate the job XML

oozie sla

SLA-related options

oozie info

Print detailed info on topics like supported time zone

oozie mapreduce

Special option to submit standalone MapReduce jobs via Oozie

oozie pig

Special option to submit standalone Pig jobs via Oozie

oozie hive

Special option to submit standalone Hive jobs via Oozie

oozie help

Get help on the CLI and its subcommands

Users can also get help on the CLI tool or specific subcommands by typing in the following commands on the Oozie client machine’s Unix terminal.

$ oozie help
$ oozie help job
$ oozie help sla

Useful CLI Commands

In this section, we will touch on some of the more useful and interesting CLI commands that can make the user’s life easier. We will assume that the OOZIE_URL is set up appropriately in our environment and hence skip the -oozie option in all of the CLI examples we cover the rest of the way.

The validate subcommand

One of the primary complaints about Oozie is that the code-test-debug cycle can be a little complicated with too many steps. Specifically, every time the job XML is modified, it has to be copied to HDFS and users often forget this step and end up wasting a lot of time. Even if they remember to do it, these steps can get annoyingly repetitive if they find errors in the XML after executing the workflow and have to fix the XML and iterate a few times to get it right. The validate command can be used to do some basic XML validation on the job file before copying it to HDFS. This won’t catch all the errors in the job definition, but it is definitely recommended for every job XML file that users write. Although this only catches some basic syntax errors in the XML, it can and will save some time:

$ oozie validate my_workflow.xml
$ oozie validate my_coordinator.xml

The job subcommand

The most commonly used CLI options are for submitting and checking the status of jobs as we have seen in earlier chapters. The CLI has been designed for simplicity, and it doesn’t matter whether the job in question is a workflow, coordinator, or a bundle; the command tends to be the same. Following are the CLI commands to submit a job (-submit) or to submit and run it in one shot (-run). The job ID is returned as shown here if the command succeeds:

$ oozie job -config ./ –submit
job: 0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W

$ oozie job -config ./ –run
job: 0000007-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W

It’s the following property during submission, usually defined in the file, that tells the Oozie server what kind of job is being submitted or run. Only one of these three properties can be defined per job submission, meaning a job can be either a workflow, a coordinator, or a bundle:

Path to a workflow application directory/file


Path to a coordinator application directory/file


Path to a bundle application directory/file

The following commands are commonly used for monitoring as well as managing running jobs. The -info option gives you the latest status information on the job and the other options like -kill and -suspend are self-explanatory. You will need the job ID for all of these commands. We have already seen many of these commands in action throughout this book:

$ oozie job -info 0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W
Job ID : 0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W
Workflow Name : identity-WF
App Path      : hdfs://localhost:8020/user/joe/ch01-identity/app
Status        : RUNNING
Run           : 0
User          : joe
Group         : -
Created       : 2013-06-06 20:35 GMT
Started       : 2013-06-06 20:35 GMT
Last Modified : 2013-06-06 20:35 GMT
Ended         : -
CoordAction ID: -

ID                                                 Status
0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W@:start:       OK   
0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W@identity-MR   RUNNING 

$ oozie job –suspend 0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W
$ oozie job –resume 0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W
$ oozie job –kill 0000006-130606115200591-oozie-joe-W

The -info option for a coordinator job could print pages and pages of output depending on how long it has been running and how many coordinator actions it has executed so far. So there is a -len option to control the amount of output dumped onto the screen. The default len is 1,000 and the coordinator actions are listed in chronological order (oldest action first). However, this order is reversed and actions are listed in reverse chronological order (newest action first) on the Oozie web UI for better usability:

$ oozie job -info 0000084-141219003455004-oozie-joe-C -len 10

The other useful option under the job subcommand of the CLI is the -dryrun. It is another form of validating the job XML, with the property file taken into account. It might not look like it’s telling you much about a workflow, but it is still a good practice to run it before submitting a job. For the coordinators, it tells you things like how many actions will be run during the lifetime of the job, which can be useful information. Here is some sample output:

$ oozie job -dryrun -config

$ oozie job -dryrun -config 
***coordJob after parsing: ***
<coordinator-app xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.2" name="test-coord" 
frequency="1" start="2014-12-22T02:47Z" end="2014-12-23T02:49Z" 
timezone="UTC" freq_timeunit="DAY" end_of_duration="NONE">
***actions for instance***
***total coord actions is 2 ***

Adding the -debug flag to the -job command can generate a lot of useful information that can help with debugging. One great benefit of the -debug option is that it prints the actual web services API that the CLI command calls internally. This can come in handy for users who are trying to develop Oozie client apps using the web services API.

Sometimes users want to tweak and change a few properties of a running coordinator or a bundle job. The -change option helps achieve this. Properties like the end-time and concurrency of a coordinator are ideal for the -change option, which only accepts a handful of properties. For instance, users may not want to stop and restart a coordinator job just to extend the endtime. Starting with version 4.1.0, Oozie also supports an -update option, which can update more properties of a running job via the file than the -change option. Following are a few example commands showcasing both options. Using the -dryrun with the -update spits out all the changes for the user to check before updating:

$ oozie job -change 0000076-140402104721144-oozie-joe-C -value 

$ oozie job -change 0000076-140402104721144-oozie-joe-C -value 

$ oozie job -config -update 
    0000076-140402104721144-oozie-joe-C -dryrun

We recommend becoming conversant with the job –rerun option, as it helps with the important task of reprocessing jobs (we will cover it in detail in “Reprocessing”).

The jobs subcommand

The oozie CLI also provides a -jobs subcommand. This is primarily intended to be a monitoring option. It handles jobs in bulk unlike the -job option that handles a specific job. The basic -jobs command lists all the jobs in the system with their statuses. By default, this lists only the workflow jobs in reverse chronological order (newest first, oldest last) based on the job’s creation time. You can add the -jobtype flag to get the coordinator or bundle jobs listed. If you print the coordinator jobs using the jobtype=coordinator option, the different coordinators will be listed in reverse chronological order based on the next materialization time of the next action in each one of them. This command also takes the -len command to control the output printed on to the screen and provides a rich set of filters. You can list the jobs filtered by a specific user, job status, creation time, or some other criteria.

There is also a special -bulk option specifically meant for bundles. Oozie bundles in large enterprises can get really hairy to monitor with multiple coordinators. -bulk helps monitor the bundles with a variety of filters to organize the information better. This option requires a bundle name, but the rest of the filters are optional.

Listed here are several useful examples of the -jobs subcommand:

$ oozie jobs
$ oozie jobs -jobtype coordinator
$ oozie jobs -jobtype=bundle
$ oozie jobs -len 20 -filter status=RUNNING
$ oozie jobs -bulk bundle=my_bundle_app
$ oozie jobs -bulk 'bundle=my_bundle_app;actionstatus=SUCCEEDED'
$ oozie jobs -bulk bundle=test-bundle;actionstatus=SUCCEEDED

The -bulk option requires bundle name and not the bundle job ID. Also, only the FAILED or KILLED jobs are listed by default. Use the actionstatus filter to look at jobs that are in other states, as shown in the preceding example. When using the CLI, escape the ; or quote the entire filter string.

More subcommands

The admin subcommand provides users with support for some system-wide administrative actions. One interesting option with this subcommand is the -queuedump flag that dumps all the elements in the server queue. The MapReduce, Pig, and Hive subcommands are available for submitting MapReduce, Pig, and Hive jobs right from the command line without having to write a workflow job. These will run as standalone actions and Oozie generates the workflow XML internally, saving some work for the user. All the required JARs, libraries, and supporting files have to be uploaded to HDFS beforehand as always. These jobs are created and run right away. Although these CLI features (which are meant to submit action types) can come in handy occasionally.


The sla subcommand has been deprecated starting with Oozie version 4.0 since the new SLA framework explained in “JMS-Based Monitoring” has been implemented. Also, the hive subcommand is a recent addition to the CLI to go with the pig and mapreduce commands. As always, double-check the Oozie documentation online to see what options are supported by the particular version of the Oozie CLI you are using.


Oozie supports an HTTP-based REST API. This web service API is JSON-based and all responses are in UTF8. Any HTTP client that can make web service calls can submit and monitor Oozie jobs. There is library support in most programming languages like Python for making HTTP REST calls. As you can guess, this API is useful for interacting programmatically with Oozie. The use cases for this include automating the monitoring of your Oozie jobs and building custom web UIs to render all that information. Oozie’s own internal services like the Oozie CLI, Oozie’s web UI, and the Java client API that we will discuss in “Oozie Java Client” use this REST API. Oozie documentation covers this API well, but we will get you up to speed in this section with useful examples, tips, and tricks.

As mentioned earlier, if you run the oozie –job with the -debug flag, you will actually see the exact REST API call printed for your reference as shown in Example 11-2.

Example 11-2. The -debug option
$ oozie job -info 0000025-140522211231058-oozie-joe-C@80 -debug
ID : 0000025-140522211231058-oozie-joe-C@80
Action Number        : 80
Console URL          : -
Error Code           : -
Error Message        : -
External ID          : 0000273-140814212041682-oozie-joe-W
External Status      : -
Job ID               : 0000025-140522211231058-oozie-joe-C
Tracker URI          : -
Created              : 2014-12-18 01:14 GMT
Nominal Time         : 2014-12-18 01:15 GMT
Status               : SUCCEEDED
Last Modified        : 2014-12-18 03:13 GMT
First Missing Dependency : -

The URI is the OOZIE_URL where the Oozie server is running. As of Oozie version 4.1.0, the server supports three different versions of the REST API. Versions v0, v1, and v2 may have slightly different features, interfaces, and responses. The following endpoints are supported in the latest version v2 and the previous versions are not too different, but do check the documentation for the specific details. Readers should be familiar with the listed subcommands from the previous section on CLI.

  • /versions

  • /v2/admin

  • /v2/job

  • /v2/jobs

  • /v2/sla


Since the Oozie CLI, REST API, and the Java client are all different ways to do the same thing, the examples covered might have some duplicate content. We do try to use different use cases in these examples to minimize overlap and repetition.

Most readers are probably familiar with curl, the common command-line tool used on many Unix systems to transfer data to and from a URL. Curl supports the HTTP protocol among several other protocols and is often used for making web service calls from the command line and from scripts on Unix systems. Run man curl on your Unix box if you need more information on curl. In this section, we will mostly use curl for showcasing the Oozie REST API. Following are some simple examples using curl with the server’s response printed as well to give you a flavor of what’s returned by Oozie:

$ curl ""

$ curl ""

Since one of the primary uses for the web services API is enabling programmatic access to the Oozie services, let’s take a look at a short and sweet example program in Python that accesses a job status of a particular coordinator action and prints the results:

import json
import urllib2
url = '
req = urllib2.Request(url)
print urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

Most of the responses from the Oozie web server are in JSON format. So readers are advised to use JSON formatting and printing utilities to print the server’s response in more readable formats. On most Unix systems, piping the JSON output through python -m json.tool on the command line generates a readable output, as shown in Example 11-3.

Example 11-3. Handling JSON output
$ curl "" 
   | python -m json.tool
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
104  2187  104  2187    0     0   146k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  237k
    "bundlejobs": [
            "acl": null, 
            "bundleCoordJobs": [], 
            "bundleExternalId": null, 
            "bundleJobId": "0000083-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B", 
            "bundleJobName": "test-bundle", 
            "createdTime": "Thu, 01 Jan 2015 08:39:10 GMT", 
            "endTime": null, 
            "group": null, 
            "kickoffTime": "Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:25:00 GMT", 
            "pauseTime": null, 
            "startTime": null, 
            "status": "SUCCEEDED", 
            "timeOut": 0, 
            "timeUnit": "NONE", 
            "toString": "Bundle id[0000083-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B] 
            "user": "joe"
    "len": 50, 
    "offset": 1, 
    "total": 1

The examples so far have shown how to read status and other information from the server using HTTP GET. Let’s now look at an example that submits or writes something to the server using HTTP POST. Oozie’s REST API can be used to start and run jobs.


When we submit a workflow or a coordinator (or even an action) using the REST API, we have to send the job configuration as the XML payload via the HTTP POST. Similar to what we do with the CLI, artifacts like the JARs for UDFs, other libraries, and job XML like the workflow.xml and the coordinator.xml have to be copied to HDFS and be in place ahead of the submission. In that sense, the Oozie REST API is not a complete solution for job submissions. However, users can use HttpFS, the REST HTTP gateway for HDFS to upload the files.

We will see a complete example of submitting a Pig action via the REST API. Users can submit Pig, MapReduce, and Hive actions as individual jobs without having to write a workflow.xml, which Oozie will generate internally for running the job. This is called proxy job submission and for a Pig job, the following configuration elements are mandatory:

(the NameNode)


(the JobTracker)

The username of the user submitting the job


The actual Pig code, not a file path


HDFS directory that contains any JARs required for the job


Must be set to true

Let’s now build an XML payload with the required configuration for our example Pig job submission (we will keep the job simple with no UDF JARs or other special requirements):

$ cat pigjob.xml

               A = load '/user/joe/rest_api/pig/input/' using 
                      PigStorage(',') AS (name:chararray, id:int);
               B = foreach A generate $0 as name;
               store B into '/user/joe/rest_api/pig/output';

Given this configuration and the Pig code, let’s make the REST API call for the proxy job submission—if it’s successful, you will get a job ID returned as shown here:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8" -d @pigjob.xml 


Oozie Java Client

In addition to the REST API, Oozie also supports a Java client API for easy integration with Java code. It supports the same kind of operations and is actually a wrapper on top the REST API. We won’t spend a lot of time explaining it here, but readers can refer to the Oozie documentation for more details. The brief example should give you a feel for the client code and the key classes in the Java package (the code shown here should be self-explanatory for most Java programmers):

import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.client.WorkflowJob;
import org.apache.oozie.client.WorkflowAction;

OozieClient myOozieClient 
    = new OozieClient(“");
// Create job configuration and set the application path
Properties myConf = myOozieClient.createConfiguration();
myConf.setProperty("jobTracker", "");
myConf.setProperty("inputDir", "/user/joe/input");
myConf.setProperty("outputDir", "/user/joe/output

// Submit and start the workflow job
String jobId =;

// Wait until the workflow job finishes printing the status every 30 seconds
while (myOozieClient.getJobInfo(jobId).getStatus() == Workflow.Status.RUNNING) {
        System.out.println("Workflow job running ...");
        Thread.sleep(30 * 1000);

System.out.println("Workflow job completed ...");

If users want to write a client to connect to a secure Hadoop cluster, Oozie’s Java API provides another client class (org.apache.oozie.client.AuthOozieClient) that they can plug in seamlessly. The client needs to be initialized as shown here:

AuthOozieClient myOozieClient  = new 

This client supports Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication, pseudo/simple authentication, and anonymous access for client connections. Users can also create their own client that supports custom authentication (refer to the Oozie documentation for more details).

The oozie-site.xml File

As is customary with all the tools in the Hadoop ecosystem, Oozie has its own “site” XML file on the server node, which captures numerous settings specific to operating Oozie. A lot of the settings that define operational characteristics and Oozie extensions are specified in this oozie-site.xml file. We have been covering a lot of those settings across many chapters of this book if and when the context presented itself; for example, many of the security settings were covered in detail in “Oozie Security”. But there are several more settings available for tuning various aspects of Oozie. The defaults work well in most cases and users will never have to tune most of these settings. But some settings are more useful than others.

Also, following normal Hadoop conventions, an oozie-default.xml is deployed that captures all the default values for these settings and also serves as reference documentation for what the server is actually running. These settings can be overridden with your own setting in the oozie-site.xml. Be sure to review the sample oozie-default.xml available as part of the Apache Oozie documentation to familiarize yourself with the various settings and options available. We will cover some more of those settings in this chapter, but not all.


It can be very educational to browse through the oozie-default.xml file. It can be a quick reference to a lot of the features, options, limits, and possible extensions. Users sometimes are not aware of the options available to them or the system limits that are configurable. So just browsing these “default” files and values can be eye opening for new users of any Hadoop tool in general and Oozie in particular.

The best source of truth for all server configuration is the Oozie web UI of the operational Oozie system (Figure 11-1). Clicking on the System Info tab on the UI lets users see the current configuration that the server is running with. And clicking on the + sign next to the setting of interest expands it and shows the value. This is way easier than fumbling through the site and default XML files trying to figure out which property is where and what value it is set to. The figure below shows the relevant part of the UI. This information is also available via the REST API, though not available through the CLI.

The “System Info” tab on the Oozie UI.
Figure 11-1. Server configuration

One basic setting is the property. Example 11-4 shows the complete list of services supported by Oozie. You should turn on or off the services of your choice in the oozie-site.xml file. This is for the Oozie administrator to define and manage.

Example 11-4. List of Oozie services
            All services to be created and managed by Oozie Services singleton.
            Class names must be separated by commas.

            To add/replace services defined in '' with custom
            implementations. Class names must be separated by commas.

The Oozie Purge Service

One of Oozie’s many useful services that can be managed through the settings in the oozie-site.xml is the database purge service. As you know, Oozie uses a database for its metadata and state management. This database has to be periodically cleaned up so that we don’t bump into database-related performance issues. This service—the purge service—can be turned on by enabling org.apache.oozie.service.PurgeService. The server allows users to tune several aspects of the purge service (e.g., how soon to purge workflow jobs, how often the purge service should run, etc.). Do keep in mind that the purge service removes only completed and successful jobs; it never touches the failed, killed, suspended, or timed-out jobs. Table 11-1 shows some of the settings that can be tuned to manage the purge service.

Table 11-1. PurgeService settings
SettingDefault valueDescription
oozie.service.PurgeService.older.than30Completed workflow jobs older than this value, in days, will be purged by the PurgeService.
oozie.service.PurgeService.coord.older.than7Completed coordinator jobs older than this value, in days, will be purged by the PurgeService.
oozie.service.PurgeService.bundle.older.than7Completed bundle jobs older than this value, in days, will be purged by the PurgeService.
oozie.service.PurgeService.purge.old.coord.actionfalseWhether to purge completed workflows and their corresponding coordinator actions of long-running coordinator jobs if the completed workflow jobs are older than the value specified in oozie.service.PurgeService.older.than
oozie.service.PurgeService.purge.limit100Completed Actions purge: limit each purge to this value. This will make sure the server is not spending too much time and resources purging and overloading the server for other operations.
oozie.service.PurgeService.purge.interval3600Interval at which the purge service will run, in seconds. This and the previous setting lets you decide whether you want to run short purges more often or run long purges less often.

With long-term coordinator jobs like the ones that run for a year or two, the purge service by default does not purge completed workflows belonging to that job even past the purge time limits for workflows as long as the coordinator job is still running. This used to be a common source of confusion and problem for users. The solution was to end the coordinator jobs and recycle them every week or month or whatever the DB load dictated. So the setting oozie.service.PurgeService.purge.old.coord.action was introduced in version 4.1.0 to allow users to purge successfully completed actions even if they belong to running coordinators.

Job Monitoring

Job monitoring is an integral part of any system for effective operation and management. For a system like Oozie that often deals with time- and revenue-critical jobs, monitoring those jobs is paramount. For instance, if a job fails or runs longer than expected, it is important to know what happened and take remedial action in a timely fashion. Oozie provides multiple ways to monitor the jobs:

User Interface

Oozie web UI displays the jobs and the associated status and timelines. This UI is very basic and users can only browse jobs.


Users can write their own custom monitoring system and poll Oozie using the REST API or Java API that we covered earlier in this chapter to get the latest job information.


Oozie workflow supports an Email action that can send an email when a workflow action finishes.


Oozie provides a callback framework where a user can pass the callback URL during workflow submissions. When a job/action finishes, Oozie notifies through the user-defined callback URL and passes the status as payload. This notification service follows a best effort approach and provides no guarantees. More details on this notification feature can be found in the Apache Oozie documentation for both workflows and coordinators.

These approaches implement some parts of an effective job monitoring system, but there are significant shortcomings with each. So the Oozie community decided to implement a monitoring system based on JMS to tackle this problem from the ground up. This is a recent initiative starting with Oozie version 4.0.0.

JMS-Based Monitoring

Oozie supports publishing job information through any JMS-compliant message bus and the consumer can asynchronously receive the messages and handle them using custom processing logic. There are two types of notifications: job and SLA. The first one publishes the job status information that includes when the job started, completed, and so on. Currently, Oozie only supports status change notification for coordinator actions and workflow jobs. There is no support yet for coordinator jobs, workflow actions, and bundle jobs.

The second notification type addresses SLA monitoring. SLAs are very important for mission-critical applications and that information usually feeds daily executive dashboards and other operational reports in large enterprises. Oozie’s SLA notifications primarily include various kinds of SLA “met” and “missed” messages. Until version 4.0.0, Oozie supported SLA monitoring in a rather passive way where clients had to poll Oozie to get the SLA information and then determine the status themselves. In post 4.0.0 versions, users can define the expected SLA and the subsequent behavior through workflow and coordinator definition. Oozie pushes the SLA messages through JMS as soon as it is determined. There is also support for a REST API for clients to poll for the status. Moreover, Oozie can send an email when an SLA event occurs. Users can also visually view the SLA status through the new SLA tab of the Oozie UI.

Installation and configuration

The Oozie administrator has to install the JMS-based message bus to support this feature. After the message bus is properly installed, the Oozie server needs to be configured through the oozie-site.xml file. The configuration details are covered in the official Apache Oozie documentation.


Most of the testing in Oozie for this feature happened with ActiveMQ, but it should work well with any other JMS-compliant message bus. With that said, readers will probably be better off sticking with ActiveMQ to the extent possible.

Consuming JMS messages

The main tenet of the JMS-based notification system is that Oozie makes the job and SLA status messages available through a push-based model. The primary focus of this feature is not the presentation or the UI layer. Although Oozie provides a basic and generic UI for all, users are encouraged to design their own UI based on these JMS messages because monitoring UI requirements tends to be quite varied and specific at every deployment.

In order to consume the JMS messages, clients needs to write a conventional JMS consumer. Oozie provides the JMS topic name, message format, and message selectors. Oozie is also flexible in that it allows the users to configure the JMS topic name and selectors. JMS selector is a feature by which the clients can skip the messages they are not interested in. More details on this subject can also be found in the Apache Oozie documentation.

Oozie Instrumentation and Metrics

Oozie code is very well instrumented and it can be used to closely monitor the performance of the server. Several samplers, timers, and counters are generated by this instrumentation, and it can be enabled by turning on the org.apache.oozie.service.InstrumentationService service. These metrics are available through the instrumentation log on the server and the web services API using the admin/instrumentation endpoint (refer to the documentation for more details). Listed here are some sample JVM variables that can help you manage Oozie server’s Java process:


Starting with Oozie version 4.1.0, a new and improved metrics service has been implemented with the intention of eventually replacing the existing instrumentation service. It is turned off by default in 4.1.0, but will become the primary and only source of metrics over the course of the next few releases. This new service is based on the codahale metrics package and is API-compatible with the existing instrumentation service. The newer metrics are a lot more accurate and detailed and come with very little changes to the output format. The biggest drawback of the existing instrumentation service is that the metrics are accumulated over time going all the way back to when the Oozie server was started. This can become stale over time. The new metrics don’t suffer from this limitation and support a sliding time window for its calculations. Users can turn these metrics on by enabling the following service:


The two metrics services don’t work in parallel and users have to pick one or the other. If the new metrics package is enabled, the admin/instrumentation REST endpoint and the Instrumentation tab on the UI will be replaced by the admin/metrics endpoint and the Metrics tab, respectively.


Reprocessing is an important operational undertaking in any complex system. We briefly touched on how bundles help with managing and reprocessing pipelines in Chapter 8. We will now look at reprocessing in detail and see how Oozie supports it at the workflow, coordinator, and bundle levels. In a production environment, job reprocessing is a very common and critical activity. There are three scenarios when a user needs to rerun the same job:

  • The job failed due to a transient error.

  • The job succeeded but the input data was bad.

  • The application logic was flawed or there was a bug in the code.

As you can see, the second and third scenarios can force reprocessing even when the jobs have succeeded. Oozie provides convenient ways to reprocess completed jobs through the CLI or the REST API. Reprocessing is driven through the job -rerun subcommand and option of the Oozie CLI. Let’s first look at workflow reprocessing.

Workflow Reprocessing

Rerunning a workflow job is fairly straightforward and much simpler compared to the coordinator or the bundle. But Oozie does enforce a few constraints for reprocessing. Workflow jobs should be in a SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or KILLED state to be eligible for reprocessing. Basically it should be in a terminal state. The following command will rerun a workflow job that is already done:

$ oozie job -rerun 0000092-141219003455004-oozie-joe-W -config

In order to rerun a workflow on Oozie versions before 4.1.0, you have to specify all of the workflow properties (in the file). This is slightly different from the coordinator and bundle reprocessing, which reuses the original configuration as explained later in this section. This inconsistency has been fixed in Oozie 4.1.0 and workflows can also reuse the original properties now.

While the previous example will try to rerun the workflow, there are a few more details that will determine what exactly happens with that command. We cover some of the key aspects here:

  • It’s the user’s responsibility to make sure the required cleanup happens before rerunning the workflow. As you know, Hadoop doesn’t like the existence of an output directory and the prepare element introduced in “Action Types” exists just for this reason. It’s always a good idea to use the prepare element in every action in all workflows to make the actions retryable. This may not be useful for normal processing, but will be a huge help during reprocessing.

  • There are two configuration properties relevant to rerunning workflows, and We can use one or the other, not both. As always, they can be added to the file or passed in via the -D option on the command line.

  • The property is used to specify a comma-separated list of workflow action nodes to be skipped during the rerun.

  • By default, workflow reruns start executing from the failed nodes in the prior run. That’s why if you run the command in the preceding example on a successfully completed workflow, it will often return without doing anything. The property can be set to false to tell Oozie that the entire workflow needs to be rerun. This option cannot be used with the option.

  • There is a workflow EL function named wf:run() that returns the number of the execution attempt for this workflow. Workflows can make some interesting decisions based on this run number if they want to.


One of the advantages of the workflow retries requiring the job properties is that you could potentially give it a different workflow application path and different parameters. This can help with one-off fixes for one retry of the workflow without affecting the other runs. But this feature comes with a lot of caveats, so be careful to match up the old and new workflow pretty closely.

Here are a couple of examples (the first command will rerun a workflow that succeeded during the first try; the second command will skip a couple of nodes during reprocessing):

$ oozie job -rerun 0000092-141219003455004-oozie-oozi-W 

$ oozie job -rerun 0000092-141219003455004-oozie-oozi-W 

Coordinator Reprocessing

Coordinator actions can be reprocessed as long as they are in a completed state. But the parent coordinator job itself cannot be in a FAILED or KILLED state. Users can select the coordinator action(s) to rerun using either date(s) or action number(s). In addition, a user also has the option to specify either contiguous or noncontiguous actions to rerun. To rerun the entire coordinator job, a user can give the actual start time and end time as a range. However, a user can only specify one type of option in one retry attempt, either date or action number. For the coordinator reruns, Oozie reuses the original coordinator definition and configuration.

During reprocessing of a coordinator, Oozie tries to help the retry attempt by cleaning up the output directories by default. For this, it uses the <output-events> specification in the coordinator XML to remove the old output before running the new attempt. Users can override this default behavior using the –noCleanup option.

Moreover, a user can also decide to reevaluate the instances of data (current()/latest()) using the –refresh option. In this case, Oozie rechecks all current() instances and recalculates/rechecks the latest().

For example, the following command shows how to rerun a set of coordinator actions based on date. It also removes the old files and recalculates the data dependencies. This command reruns the actions with the nominal time between 2014-10-20T05:00Z to 2014-10-25T20:00Z and individual actions with nominal time 2014-10-28T01:00Z and 2014-10-30T22:00Z:

$ oozie job -rerun 0000673-120823182447665-oozie-hado-C -refresh
-date 2014-10-20T05:00Z::2014-10-25T20:00Z, 2014-10-28T01:00Z, 

The next command demonstrates how to rerun coordinator actions using action numbers instead of dates. It also doesn’t clean up the old output data files created in the previous run and doesn’t recalculate the data dependencies. The command reruns the action number 4 and 7 through 10:

$ oozie job -rerun 0000673-120823182447665-oozie-hado-C -nocleanup  
-action 4,7-10

Bundle Reprocessing

Bundle reprocessing is basically reprocessing the coordinator actions that have been run under the auspices of this particular bundle invocation. It does provide options to rerun some of the coordinators and/or actions corresponding to some of the dates. The options are -coordinator and -date. It’s easier to explain the usage through examples. Refer to the following examples with the responses captured to show what happens when a bundle is reprocessed:

$ oozie job -rerun 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B -coordinator test-coord
Coordinators [test-coord] of bundle 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B 
are scheduled to rerun on date ranges [null].

$ oozie job -rerun 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B -coordinator test-coord
 -date 2014-12-28T01:28Z
Coordinators [test-coord] of bundle 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B 
are scheduled to rerun on date ranges [2014-12-28T01:28Z].

$ oozie job -rerun 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B -coordinator test-coord 
-date 2014-12-28T01:28Z::2015-01-06T00:30Z
Coordinators [test-coord] of bundle 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B 
are scheduled to rerun on date ranges [2014-12-28T01:28Z::2015-01-06T00:30Z].

$ oozie job -rerun 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B -date 2014-12-28T01:28Z
All coordinators of bundle 0000094-141219003455004-oozie-joe-B are scheduled 
to rerun on the date ranges [2014-12-28T01:28Z].

With bundle reprocessing, you are actually rerunning a specific bundle ID, but the -coordinator option just needs the coordinator names of interest, not IDs. Oozie will find the specific coordinator action IDs to rerun. As for the -date option, enter the exact nominal time of the coordinator action you want to rerun or a date range using the X::Y syntax to cover all nominal times in that range. In some versions of Oozie, using a comma-separated list of dates results in some strange behaviors.

Server Tuning

An Oozie server running on decent-sized hardware usually performs well in most deployments. With that said, like any legitimate software service, there are various limits and performance issues that Oozie bumps into once in a while. There are several configurations and settings that can be tuned through the oozie-site.xml file that we introduced in “The oozie-site.xml File”.

JVM Tuning

As we already covered, the Oozie server is a Tomcat web server that runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Like any JVM application, memory is a major tunable for the Oozie server. By default, the server is configured to run with 1 GB of memory. This is controlled by the following line in the file under the <INSTALLATION_DIR>/conf directory. Oozie administrators can modify and upgrade the memory allocation by editing this line and restarting the server:


In case of performance issues, monitoring the load on the Oozie server process and analyzing the JVM performance metrics will help. All of the typical JVM concerns (e.g., memory, threads, garbage collection, etc.) apply to the Oozie server as well. The instrumentation and metrics covered in “Oozie Instrumentation and Metrics” can be a huge help in debugging these issues.

Service Settings

Oozier server is implemented using the Service Layers Pattern. The server is composed of many distinct services as listed in “The oozie-site.xml File”. One of the advantage of this design is that these logical services can be independently configured and tuned. Oozie has exposed many settings through oozie-site.xml for each of these services. We will look at few important services and their settings in this section.

The CallableQueueService

Of the many services that make up the Oozie service, the CallableQueueService is the most important from a performance perspective. This is the core work queue that drives all server-side activity. There are a handful of settings for this specific service in the oozie-site.xml file, and Table 11-2 captures the most important ones from a tuning perspective.

Table 11-2. CallableQueueService settings
SettingDefault valueDescription
oozie.service.CallableQueueService.queue.size10000Max callable queue size.
oozie.service.CallableQueueService.threads10Number of threads used for executing callables
oozie.service.CallableQueueService.callable.concurrency3Maximum concurrency for a given callable type. Each command is a callable type (submit, start, run, signal, job, jobs, suspend, resume, etc.). Each action type is a callable type (MapReduce, Pig, SSH, FS, sub-workflow, etc.). All commands that use action executors (action-start, action-end, action-kill and action-check) use the action type as the callable type.

The Queue in the service name might be slightly misleading. This is not a user-facing queue that manages just the job submissions and other user requests. This is an internal queue that’s used by Oozie code during processing. The queue items are various callables, which is an Oozie implementation primitive. User actions like scheduling a coordinator or submitting a workflow gets translated into many callables internally and that’s what this queue manages.

The default value for oozie.service.CallableQueueService.queue.size is 10,000, which is a decent size that works for most use cases. But if you notice some poor response times and unsatisfactory performance from Oozie, you can use the -admin subcommand of the CLI to look at the queue. The commands here tell us the current size of the queue, in addition to listing all the items that are occupying the queue. There are 549 items in this queue:

$ oozie admin -queuedump | wc -l

$ oozie admin -queuedump
[Server Queue Dump]:
delay=0, elements=org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInput
delay=64, elements=org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInput
delay=26829, elements=org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInput
delay=7768, elements=org.apache.oozie.command.coord.CoordActionInput
[Server Uniqueness Map Dump]:
Sat Jan 10 23:58:21 UTC 2015
Fri Jan 09 07:56:57 UTC 2015
Sat Jan 10 18:31:30 UTC 2015
Sat Jan 10 23:58:52 UTC 2015
Sat Jan 10 04:05:17 UTC 2015
Sat Jan 10 23:57:57 UTC 2015
Sat Jan 10 18:31:30 UTC 2015

While the queue size is rarely the problem, Oozie’s setting for the number of threads is rather conservative because Oozie cannot make any assumptions about the hardware size and resources at its disposal. In real production systems, users often bump the oozie.service.CallableQueueService.threads from 10 to 50 or even 100 depending on the server capacity. For best results, increasing the number of callable queue threads should also be accompanied by increasing the Oozie server’s VM heap size and GC parameters. Closely related to the number of threads is the oozie.service.CallableQueueService.callable.concurrency setting. Oozie’s callables have a notion of a callable type. This setting controls the maximum concurrency for any one callable type. The default of 3 means only 3 out of the 10 threads at any give time can be dedicated to any one type of callable. You could potentially list and browse the queue and understand the callable types and tune this concurrency number accordingly. In most cases, just proportionally increasing this to go with the thread count will suffice. For example, if you bump the number of threads to 100, increase the concurrency to 30. There are few more things to tune with the CallableQueueService, but these three settings will get you over the performance hump in most deployments.

The RecoveryService

The other interesting service is the Oozie RecoveryService. This is also an internal service, is not meant to be user facing, and has nothing to do with user-level job recovery or reprocessing. As you can tell, Oozie is a complicated distributed system that manages jobs on Hadoop, an even more complex system. There are many signaling, notification, and callback systems in place that Oozie leverages for dependency management, data availability checks, and the like. It’s almost inevitable that things will go wrong and notifications will be missed or signals will be lost given all the moving parts in play. So Oozie has implemented a recovery service, which keeps an eye on the jobs and the queue and recovers actions and jobs that appear to be hung or lost in space. The service itself runs every 60 seconds and looks for actions older than the configured number of seconds.

Table 11-3 shows the interesting settings that drive the recovery service. In real low-latency pipelines, it might be worthwhile to tune these default numbers down so the recovery happens quicker. Users sometimes complain about how the coordinator is still in the RUNNING state for a few minutes even after the corresponding workflow has completed successfully. If these delays bother the user, the following settings are the ones they have to look at closely.

Table 11-3. RecoveryService settings
SettingDefault valueDescription
oozie.service.RecoveryService.interval60Interval at which the RecoveryService will run, in seconds. of the actions which are eligible to be queued for recovery, in seconds.
oozie.service.RecoveryService.coord.older.than600Age of the coordinator jobs or actions which are eligible to be queued for recovery, in seconds.
oozie.service.RecoveryService.bundle.older.than600Age of the bundle which that are eligible to be queued for recovery, in seconds.

The other thing to keep an eye on from a performance perspective is the database statistics and tuning. We can’t get into the details here (because a lot of it depends on the particular DB system chosen), but having a DBA tune the MySQL or Oracle server and optimize things like DB connections can have a big impact on Oozie’s performance.

Oozie High Availability

Oozie introduced high availability (HA) in version 4.1. The idea of the HA feature is to remove the single point of failure, which is the Oozie server. The Oozie server, as you might have noticed throughout this book, is stateless. It stores all state information in the database. When the server process or the server machine goes down, the existing jobs on Hadoop obviously continue to work, but all the new requests to the Oozie server will fail and not get processed. This is where an HA setup helps. In Oozie HA, another Oozie server or a bank of multiple Oozie servers can run in parallel and if one server is down, the system continues to work with the other server handling the requests. These servers work in a true hot-hot fashion and any server can handle any client request.

The multiple Oozie servers are usually fronted by a software load-balancer or a virtual IP or a DNS round-robin solution so that the Oozie CLI or the REST API can use a single address to access the server and the multiple HA servers are hidden behind it. Otherwise, if the clients were talking to one specific server in this HA setup, it would require code or configuration change to switch the server to another when that server fails. This is not desirable nor practical. Using a load-balancer type architecture means that Oozie HA has the added benefit of distributing the load across two or more servers in addition to being fault tolerant.

Oozie HA makes sense only if the database runs in a different machine than the Oozie server and also supports multiple, concurrent connections. The derby database that is shipped with Oozie by default does not work for HA, as it does not support multiple connections. If the crash of an Oozie server also takes down the DB, the Oozie system will be down regardless. That’s why it’s recommended that the DB runs on other machines and also runs in the database HA mode so the system does not have any single points of failure.

Oozie HA is built on top of Apache Zookeeper, which is an open source server that helps with distributed coordination and Apache Curator, which simplifies the use of Zookeeper. It’s beyond the scope of this book to get into the details of these systems.


Apache Zookeeper can be a complicated service to manage and maintain. It is another distinct piece of software that Oozie HA introduces into your environment and some readers may have concerns around that. We recommend that readers gain some working knowledge of Zookeeper if they are interested in running Oozie HA.

While most Oozie client calls are independent requests that can go to any server and the server can respond after consulting the DB, the oozie job –log presents some interesting challenges in the HA mode. The Oozie logs are stored on the server where the job runs. So if the -log request goes to a specific server, it may or may not find the logs locally. It has to then talk to the other servers to fetch the relevant logs. This feature is also implemented using Zookeeper.


The other problem with -log is this: what if the server with the logs is down or unreachable? This scenario has not been handled yet in Oozie 4.1, and can only be solved with a major change to Oozie’s logging subsystem in a future release. So even with HA, be prepared to see some failures with -log if a server or two are down.

Given the stateless nature of the Oozie server, even in the non-HA mode, a crashed server can be brought back up with very limited loss of functionality except for the requests submitted during the time the server was down. The server can start from where it left off as long as it has access to the DB when it comes back up. There are several approaches to running a couple of Oozie servers in a hot-warm or a hot-cold setup with the DB server deployed on a different box that has been implemented successfully in various enterprises for fault tolerance. Readers are encouraged to understand and evaluate the various trade-offs before jumping all in and enabling Oozie HA.

Example 11-5 shows the required and optional configuration settings for enabling Oozie HA. These settings must be added to the oozie-site.xml file on all the Oozie servers running HA (refer to the Oozie documentation for more details on the HA setup).

Example 11-5. Oozie HA settings

Debugging in Oozie

Debugging Oozie can be a challenge at times. While Hadoop itself is notoriously complicated when it comes to debugging and error logging, Oozie adds another layer on top and manages jobs through a launcher. New users often find this confusing as most Hadoop actions redirect their stdout/stderr to the launcher mapper, but those actions also run their own MapReduce jobs.

In reality, tracking down the job logs is not that hard once users get comfortable with Oozie’s execution model, but there is a steep learning curve. Hopefully, this book in general and this section in particular helps clarify and simplify things. The Oozie web UI actually has rich content when it comes to monitoring, though some users may complain that it takes to many clicks and windows to get to the required information. But at least everything is there.

The landing page of the Oozie UI has status information on all the jobs with the focus being on the workflow Jobs tab by default. Users can click and switch to the coordinator or bundle tab and see those jobs as well. This gives a nice overview of all the jobs running in the system. This information is similar to what users can see with oozie job –info (as covered in “Oozie CLI Tool”). This UI also has the System Info tab (as explained in “The oozie-site.xml File”). Let’s look at the job information. Figure 11-2 shows the main Oozie UI.

The “Workflow Jobs” tab on the Oozie UI.
Figure 11-2. Job status

All jobs are clickable, and clicking on a workflow brings up a window with more interesting information. In this page, you are seeing all the information concerning this workflow job. You see the status of all the actions that make up this workflow. You can also see the Job Definition and Job Configuration tabs, which capture the workflow.xml and, respectively. This is very convenient, as users have all job-related information in one place. The Job Log tab has Oozie-level job logging and might not be too useful for debugging Hadoop jobs. And the Job DAG tab captures the workflow DAG in a visual fashion. This UI is captured in Figure 11-3 with the main action highlighted.

Workflow Job details on the Oozie UI.
Figure 11-3. Workflow job details

The individual workflow actions are also clickable, and by clicking on the specific action, you get to the most useful action logs. The action-specific UI is captured in Figure 11-4.

Workflow Action details on the Oozie UI.
Figure 11-4. Workflow action details

The Console URL is our window into action-level debugging. That’s the URL that takes us to the launcher mapper on the Hadoop ResourceManager (RM), the JobTracker (JT), or the Hadoop Job History Server (JHS) if the job has already completed. You can get to the launcher mapper by clicking on the lens icon highlighted in Figure 11-4. Once you are on the Hadoop UI, then the normal Hadoop log analysis begins. What we need to look at is the log of the single map task (launcher mapper) corresponding to this job. Both stdout and stderr are captured in those logs.

In the same Action UI, we can see a Child Job URLs tab, which contains the Hadoop job URLs for all the child MapReduce jobs that the launcher kicks off to execute the actual action, whether it is Hive, Pig, or something else. Clicking on the lens icon in this UI also takes us to the corresponding Hadoop UI for the job. Users should look at both the launcher mapper logs and the logs for the actual MapReduce job(s) spawned for the action as part of debugging. Figure 11-5 shows the child URL for an example action.

Child job URL for the workflow Action.
Figure 11-5. Action child URL

Basically, debugging a Hadoop action might involve debugging two (or more) Hadoop jobs, and users can use the Oozie UI as the starting point to get to them. This UI also has all the information about the bundle, coordinator, workflow, action, job properties, and so on. Users should get comfortable navigating through all this information on the Oozie UI and that will make debugging job failures a lot easier.

Oozie Logs

In “Debugging in Oozie”, we saw how to get to all the job and action information. In this section, we will see where to find Oozie-level logs on the server. All the Oozie server-side logs can be found under the <INSTALLATION_DIR>/logs/ subdirectory. The main server log is called oozie.log and it gets rotated hourly. The instrumentation log covered in “Oozie Instrumentation and Metrics” is another useful resource and it gets rotated daily. The catalina.* files capture the web-server-level logging and can come in handy for problems related to the Tomcat web server. Following is a sample ls from the logs/ directory showing some of the key logs, both current and rotated logs:

$ ls

The Oozie logs are also available via the CLI command oozie job –log and the Oozie web UI. Those logs are just filtered versions of the oozie.log file sent to the client for the particular job ID(s).

Developing and Testing Oozie Applications

Given the complexity of deploying and debugging Oozie applications, coming up with an efficient develop-test-debug process is very important. Following are some recommendations on how to approach development of Oozie applications (some of these are just best practices and common sense tips, and you will do well to incorporate these into your development processes):

  • Develop Oozie applications in an incremental fashion. It might be too much to expect to write a workflow with 15 actions and test and get it running in one shot. Start with the first action and make sure it works via the workflow. Then expand incrementally.

  • Detach Oozie job development from the individual action development. It is a bad idea to debug Hive and Pig issues via Oozie workflows. Make sure you first develop the Hive or Pig code separately and get it working before trying to put it into an Oozie workflow. It is extremely inefficient to write a brand-new Hive or Pig script and test it through Oozie for the first time. It’s a lot easier to catch simple Hive and Pig errors using their respective CLI clients.

  • Expanding on the previous suggestion, when you are developing bundles with many coordinators interconnected by data dependencies or complex workflows with many fork/joins, it might be better to make sure the Oozie application logic works as intended before adding complex, long-running actions. In other words, build the shell of your Oozie application with fake actions and see if the control flow works the way you want it to. A simple shell action that just does an echo Hello is often good enough to test the Oozie parts of your application. You can then replace these fake shell actions with real actions.

  • Develop your job XMLs using an XML editor instead of a text editor. Use the validate and dryrun options of the Oozie CLI liberally to catch simple errors.

  • Write scripts to automate simple steps during development and testing. For example, every time you change your workflow XML, your script could run a validate command, remove the existing file/dir from HDFS, and copy the new file/directory to HDFS and run the app (if that’s required). Forgetting to copy the files to HDFS is a common oversight that costs users many minutes during every iteration.

  • Parameterize as much as possible. This makes the jobs very flexible and saves time during testing. For example, if you are developing a bundle and have to run it many times to test and fix during development, parameterize the kick-off-time control setting. This saves you time because you don’t have to reload the bundle XML to HDFS every time just for changing the kick-off-time. It can and should be controlled externally, outside the XML, using parameterization.

Application Deployment Tips

As you know, Oozie applications are deployed to HDFS. There are not a whole lot of rules on how the deployment should look except for a couple of conventions that we’ve already covered in the book. For instance, the workflow, coordinator, and bundle specification files are usually named a certain way and are under the application root directory. The job JARs are usually deployed under the lib/ subdirectory under the app root and get added to the CLASSPATH automatically. Other than these, there are not a whole lot of rules. New Oozie users always have many questions like whether the bundle, coordinator, and workflow files should be at the top level under the app root directory or should they be under multiple nested directory levels.

We can make it work with any deployment structure we choose, but certain organizing principles are recommended. Ideally, all files can be at the top level for simple bundles with just a handful of files. If the bundle is complex with many coordinators and if each coordinator in turn has many workflows with many JARs, it may be better to organize them in separate multilevel directories to reduce clutter. There may also be cases where the same coordinator might be part of different bundles and the same workflows may be part of different coordinators. Also, JARs are often shared between multiple workflows. For these scenarios, it’s important that we don’t duplicate and copy files and directories all over HDFS. So a mix of central directories at the top level for the shared components and nested directories for nonshared components will work well. These layouts are captured in Figure 11-6.

Oozie App Deployment on HDFS.
Figure 11-6. Application deployment on HDFS

Common Errors and Debugging

In this section, we cover some common errors and give various tips and solutions. We hope this section will save you some time by being a quick reference guide for some of the common mistakes we have seen repeated on Oozie.


A lot of the Oozie-level errors that the server throws are usually E0710 or E0701. You will see these errors in the Oozie UI and these errors usually mean it’s not a Hadoop issue, but something in the Oozie system.

Hive action and/or DistCp action doesn’t work: Oozie’s out-of-the-box workflow actions are segregated as core actions and action extensions. The extension actions are <hive>, <shell>, <email>, <distcp>, and <sqoop>; they are all enabled by default on most recent Oozie deployments. But if you do see strange errors running these extension actions, make sure the following setting is enabled in oozie-site.xml (you can check this on the Oozie UI as well, like we saw in “The oozie-site.xml File”):



Some actions work, others don’t: The Hive query or DistCp works fine on the command line and the workflow XML looks perfect, but the action still fails. This could be a library issue, so make sure the following setting to use the sharelib is set to true in your file (you might see a JA018 error in the Oozie UI for this issue):


Workflow XML schema errors: Always be aware of the XML schema version and features. When you see errors like the one shown here, check the schema:

Error: E0701 : E0701: XML schema error, cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: 
Invalid content was found starting with element 'global'. One of 
'{"uri:oozie:workflow:0.3":credentials, "uri:oozie:workflow:0.3":start}' 
is expected.

Issues with the <global> section: The example error previously shown relates to support for the <global> section. It’s only supported in workflow XML version 0.4 or higher, as shown here:

<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4" name="my-test-wf">

Also, with some of the extension actions like hive or shell, the <global> section might not work. Remember that the action definitions have their own schema version as well and confirm that you are using supported features both at the workflow level and the action level.

Schema version errors with action types: The action schema versions are different and often a lower number than the workflow schema version. Sometimes, users cut and paste the same version from the workflow header and that may not be the right version number. If you see the following error with a Hive action for instance, you should check the version number (it is probably too high):

Error: E0701 : E0701: XML schema error, cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching 
wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'hive'.

Syntax error with the HDFS scheme: Another annoyingly common error is a typo and syntax error in the workflow.xml or the file while representing the HDFS path URIs. It is usually represented as ${nameNode}/${wf_path} and users often end up with a double slash (//) following the NameNode in the URI. This could be because the NameNode variable has a trailing / or the path variable has a leading / or both. But read the error messages closely and catch typos and mistakes with the URI. For instance, you will see the following error message if the file has a typo in the workflow app root path:

Error: E0710 : E0710: Could not read the workflow definition, File does not
exist: //user/joe /oozie/my_wf/workflow.xml

Workflow is in a perpetual RUNNING state: You see that all the actions in a workflow have completed either successfully or with errors including the end states (end or kill), but the workflow is not exiting and is hung in the RUNNING state. This can happen if you have a typo or a syntax error in the aforementioned end states. This usually happens due to some error in the message section in the kill node as shown here:

 <kill name="fail">
        <message>Hive failed, error message[${$$wf:errorMessage

Workflow action is running long after the completion of its launcher mapper: Most of the workflow actions utilize a map-only Hadoop job (called launcher mapper) to launch the actual action. In some instances, users might find that the launcher mapper has completed successfully according to the ResourceManager or the JobTracker UI. However, the corresponding action in the Oozie UI might still be in a running state long after the launcher mapper has finished. This inconsistency can exist for as long as 10 minutes. In other words, the subsequent actions in the workflow might not be launched for 10 minutes. The possible reason for this delay is some issue with Hadoop’s callback that Oozie uses to get the status of the launcher mapper. More specifically, the root cause can be Hadoop not being able to invoke the callback just after the launcher mapper finishes or Oozie missing the Hadoop callback. The more common reason is Hadoop missing the callback due to security/firewall or other reasons. A quick check on the ResourceManager or JobTracker log will show the root cause. Oozie admins can also decrease the value of the oozie.service.ActionCheckerService.action.check.delay property from the default 600 seconds to 180 seconds or so in oozie-site.xml. This property determines the interval between two successive status checks for any outstanding launcher mappers. The reduction of this interval will definitely reduce the duration of the inconsistency between Oozie and the RM/JT. But it will also increase the load on the Oozie server due to more frequent checks on Hadoop. Therefore, it should only be used as an interim solution while the root cause is found and ultimately fixed.

MiniOozie and LocalOozie

There are ways to test and verify Oozie applications locally in a development environment instead of having to go to a full-fledged remote server. Unfortunately, these testing frameworks are not very sophisticated, well maintained, or widely adopted. So users have not had great success with these tools and these approaches may never substitute real testing against a real Oozie server and a Hadoop cluster. But it might still be worthwhile to try to get it working for your application. These approaches should work at least for simple workflows and coordinators:


Oozie provides a junit test class called MiniOozie for users to test workflow and coordinator applications. IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ can directly import the MiniOozie Maven project. Refer to the test case in the Oozie source tree under minitest/src/test/java for an example of how to use MiniOozie. MiniOozie uses LocalOozie internally.


We can think of LocalOozie as embedded Oozie. It simulates an Oozie deployment locally with the intention of providing an easy testing and debugging environment for Oozie application developers. The way to use it is to get an Oozieclient object from a LocalOozie class and use it like a normal Java Oozie API client.


Another alternative when it comes to testing and debugging is to run an Oozie server locally against a pseudodistributed Hadoop cluster and test everything on one machine. We do not recommend spending too much time trying to get these approaches working if you bump into issues.

The Competition

You might wonder what other products are available for solving the problem of job scheduling and workflow management for Hadoop. Oozie is not the only player in this field and we briefly introduce a few other products in this section. The overall consensus in the Hadoop community is that these alternatives are not as feature-rich and complete as Oozie, though they all have their own strengths and do certain things well. Most of these products do not have the same widespread adoption and community support that Oozie enjoys. The list is by no means exhaustive or complete:


The product that’s closest to Oozie in terms of customer adoption is Azkaban, an open source batch workflow scheduler created at LinkedIn. It has a lot of usability features and is known for its graphical user interface.


Spotify’s Luigi is another open source product that supports workflow management, visualization, and building complex pipelines on Hadoop. It’s known for its simplicity and is written in Python.


Hadoop Make or HAMAKE is a utility that’s built on the principles of dataflow programming. It’s client-based and is supposed to be lightweight.

A thorough comparison and analysis of these products are beyond the scope of this book. We do believe Oozie’s rich feature set, strong user community, and solid documentation set it apart, but we encourage you to do your own research on these products if interested. Oozie is often accused of being complex and having a steep learning curve, and we hope this book helps address that particular challenge.

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