Chapter 2. Oozie Concepts

This chapter covers the basic concepts behind the workflow, coordinator, and bundle jobs, and how they relate to one another. We present a use case for each one of them. Throughout the book, we will elaborate on these concepts and provide more detailed examples. The last section of this chapter explains Oozie’s high-level architecture.

Oozie Applications

In Unix, the /bin/echo file is an executable. When we type /bin/echo Hello in a terminal session, it starts a process that prints Hello. Oozie applications are analogous to Unix executables, and Oozie jobs are analogous to Unix processes. Oozie users develop applications, and one execution of an application is called a job.


Throughout the book, unless explicitly specified, we do not differentiate between applications and jobs. Instead, we simply call them a workflow, a coordinator, or a bundle.

Oozie Workflows

An Oozie workflow is a multistage Hadoop job. A workflow is a collection of action and control nodes arranged in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that captures control dependency where each action typically is a Hadoop job (e.g., a MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Sqoop, or Hadoop DistCp job). There can also be actions that are not Hadoop jobs (e.g., a Java application, a shell script, or an email notification).

The order of the nodes in the workflow determines the execution order of these actions. An action does not start until the previous action in the workflow ends. Control nodes in a workflow are used to manage the execution flow of actions. The start and end control nodes define the start and end of a workflow. The fork and join control nodes allow executing actions in parallel. The decision control node is like a switch/case statement that can select a particular execution path within the workflow using information from the job itself. Figure 2-1 represents an example workflow.

Oozie workflow diagram showing a basic sequence of action
            and control nodes.
Figure 2-1. Oozie Workflow

Because workflows are directed acyclic graphs, they don’t support loops in the flow.

Workflow use case

For this use case, we will consider a site for mobile applications that keeps track of user interactions collecting the timestamp, username, and geographic location of each interaction. This information is written to log files. The logs files from all the servers are collected daily. We would like to process all the logs for a day to obtain the following information:

  • ZIP code(s) for each user

  • Interactions per user

  • User interactions per ZIP code

First, we need to convert geographic locations into ZIP codes. We do this using a to-ZIP MapReduce job that processes the daily logs. The input data for the job is (timeStamp, geoLocation, userName). The map phase converts the geographic location into ZIP code and emits a ZIP and username as key and 1 as value. The intermediate data of the job is in the form of (ZIP + userName, 1). The reduce phase adds up and emits all the occurrences of the same ZIP and username key. Each output record of the job is then (ZIP, userName, interactions).

Using the (ZIP, userName, interactions) output from the first job, we run two additional MapReduce jobs, the user-ZIPs job and user-interactions job.

The map phase of the user-ZIPs job emits (userName, ZIP) as intermediate data. The reduce phase collects all the ZIP codes of a userName in an array and emits (userName, ZIP[]).

For the user-interactions job, the map phase emits (userName, 1) as intermediate data. The reduce phase adds up all the occurrences for the same userName and emits (userName, number-of-interactions).

The to-ZIP job must run first. When it finishes, we can run the user-ZIPs and the user-interactions MapReduce jobs. Because the user-ZIPs and user-interactions jobs do not depend on each other, we can run both of them in parallel.

Figure 2-2 represents the daily-logs-workflow just described.

              daily-logs-workflow Oozie workflow diagram for the
              MapReduce jobs described by the use case.
Figure 2-2. The daily-logs-workflow Oozie workflow

Oozie Coordinators

An Oozie coordinator schedules workflow executions based on a start-time and a frequency parameter, and it starts the workflow when all the necessary input data becomes available. If the input data is not available, the workflow execution is delayed until the input data becomes available. A coordinator is defined by a start and end time, a frequency, input and output data, and a workflow. A coordinator runs periodically from the start time until the end time, as shown in Figure 2-3.

Oozie coordinator lifecycle state machine.
Figure 2-3. Lifecycle of an Oozie coordinator

Beginning at the start time, the coordinator job checks if the required input data is available. When the input data becomes available, a workflow is started to process the input data, which on completion, produces the corresponding output data. This process is repeated at every tick of the frequency until the end time of the coordinator job. If the input data is not available for a workflow run, the execution of the workflow job will be delayed until the input data becomes available. Normally, both the input and output data used for a workflow execution are aligned with the coordinator time frequency. Figure 2-4 shows multiple workflow jobs run by a coordinator job based on the frequency.

An Oozie coordinator job.
Figure 2-4. An Oozie coordinator job

It is possible to configure a coordinator to wait for a maximum amount of time for the input data to become available and timeout if the data doesn’t show up.

If a coordinator does not define any input data, the coordinator job is a time-based scheduler, similar to a Unix cron job.

Coordinator use case

Building on the “Workflow use case”, the daily-logs-workflow needs to run on a daily basis. It is expected that the logs from the previous day are ready and available for processing at 2:00 a.m.

To avoid the need for a manual submission of the daily-logs-workflow every day once the log files are available, we use a coordinator job, the daily-logs-coordinator job.

To process all the daily logs for the year 2013, the coordinator job must run every day at 2:00 a.m., starting on January 2, 2013 and ending on January 1, 2014.

The coordinator defines an input data dependency on logs files: rawlogs. It produces three datasets as output data: zip_userName_interactions, userName_interactions, and userName_ZIPs. To differentiate the input and output data that is used and produced every day, the date of the logs is templatized and is used as part of the input data and output data directory paths. For example, every day, the logs from the mobile site are copied into a rawlogs/YYYYMMDD/ directory. Similarly, the output data is created in three different directories: zip_userName_interactions/YYYYMMDD/, userName_interactions/YYYYMMDD/, and userName_ZIPs/YYYYMMDD/. For both the input and the output data, YYYYMMDD is the day of the logs being processed. For example, for May 24, 2013, it is 20130524.

When the daily-logs-coordinator job is running and the daily rawlogs input data is available at 2:00 a.m. of the next day, the workflow is started immediately. However, if for any reason the rawlogs input data is not available at 2:00 a.m., the coordinator job will wait until the input data becomes available to start the workflow that processes the logs. If the daily rawlogs are not available for a few days, the coordinator job keeps track of all the missed days. And when the rawlogs for a missing day shows up, the workflow to process the logs for the corresponding date is started. The output data will have the same date as the date of the input data that has been processed. Figure 2-5 captures some of these details.

daily-logs-coordinator Oozie
              coordinator run as defined in the use case.
Figure 2-5. daily-logs-coordinator Oozie coordinator

Oozie Bundles

An Oozie bundle is a collection of coordinator jobs that can be started, stopped, suspended, and modified as a single job. Typically, coordinator jobs in a bundle depend on each other. The Output data produced by a coordinator job becomes input data for other coordinator jobs. These types of interdependent coordinator jobs are also called data pipelines.

Bundle use case

We will extend the “Coordinator use case” to explain the concept of a bundle. Specifically, let’s assume that in addition to the daily processing, we need to do a weekly and a monthly aggregation of the daily results.

For this aggregation, we use an aggregator-workflow workflow job that takes three different inputs for a range of dates: zip_userName_interactions, userName_interactions, and userName_ZIPs.

The weekly aggregation is done by the weekly-aggregator-coordinator coordinator job with a frequency of one week that aggregates data from the previous week.

The monthly aggregation is done by the monthly-aggregator-coordinator coordinator job with a frequency of one month that aggregates data from the previous month.

We have three coordinator jobs: daily-logs-coordinator, weekly-aggregator-coordinator, and monthly-aggregator-coordinator. Note that we are using the same workflow application to do the reports aggregation. We are just running it using different date ranges.

A logs-processing-bundle bundle job groups these three coordinator jobs. By running the bundle job, the three coordinator jobs will run at their corresponding frequencies. All workflow jobs and coordinator jobs are accessible and managed from a single bundle job.

This logs-processing-bundle bundle job is also known as a data pipeline job.

Parameters, Variables, and Functions

Most jobs running on a regular basis are parameterized. This is very typical for Oozie jobs. For example, we may need to run the same workflow on a daily basis, each day using different input and output directories. In this case, we need two parameters for our job: one specifying the input directory and the other specifying the output directory.

Oozie parameters can be used for all type of Oozie jobs: workflows, coordinators, and bundles. In “A Simple Oozie Job”, we specified the parameters for the job in the file used to submit the job:


In “Oozie Coordinators”, we saw a coordinator that triggers a daily workflow to process the logs from the previous day. The coordinator job needs to pass the location of the logs to process for the corresponding day to each workflow. This is done using parameters as well.

Variables allow us to use the job parameters within the application definition. For example, in “A Simple Oozie Job”, the MapReduce action uses the three parameters of the job to define the cluster URIs as well as the input and output directories to use for the job:

  <action name="identity-MR">
        <delete path="${exampleDir}/data/output"/>

In addition to variables, Oozie supports a set of functions that can be used to carry out sophisticated logic for resolving variable values during the execution of the Oozie job. For example, the ${wf:id()} function resolves to the workflow job ID of the current job. The ${hadoop:counters('identity-MR')} function returns the counters of the MapReduce job run by the identity-MR action. We cover these functions in detail in Chapters 5, 6, and 7.

Application Deployment Model

An Oozie application is comprised of one file defining the logic of the application plus other files such as configuration and JAR files and scripts. A workflow application consists of a workflow.xml file and may have configuration files, Pig scripts, Hive scripts, JAR files, and more. Coordinator applications consist of a coordinator.xml file. Bundle applications consist of a bundle.xml file.


In most of our examples, we use the filename workflow.xml for the workflow definition. Although the default filename is workflow.xml, you can choose a different name if you wish. However, if you use a different filename, you’ll need to specify the full path including the filename as the workflow app path in In other words, you can’t skip the filename and only specify the directory. For example, for the custom filename my_wf.xml, you would need to define${exampleDir}/app/my_wf.xml. The same convention is true for coordinator and bundle filenames.

Oozie applications are organized in directories, where a directory contains all files for the application. If files of an application need to reference each other, it is recommended to use relative paths. This simplifies the process of relocating the application to another directory if and when required. The JAR files required to execute the Hadoop jobs defined in the action of the workflow must be included in the classpath of Hadoop jobs. One basic approach is to copy the JARs into the lib/ subdirectory of the application directory. All JAR files in the lib/ subdirectory of the application directory are automatically included in the classpath of all Hadoop jobs started by Oozie. There are other efficient ways to include JARs in the classpath and we discuss them in Chapter 9.

Oozie Architecture

Figure 2-6 captures the Oozie architecture at a very high level.

Oozie server architecture diagram.
Figure 2-6. Oozie server architecture

When Oozie runs a job, it needs to read the XML file defining the application. Oozie expects all application files to be available in HDFS. This means that before running a job, you must copy the application files to HDFS. Deploying an Oozie application simply involves copying the directory with all the files required to run the application to HDFS. After introducing you to all aspects of Oozie, additional advice is given in “Application Deployment Tips”.

The Oozie server is a Java web application that runs in a Java servlet container. By default, Oozie uses Apache Tomcat, which is an open source implementation of the Java servlet technology. Oozie clients, users, and other applications interact with the Oozie server using the oozie command-line tool, the Oozie Java client API, or the Oozie HTTP REST API. The oozie command-line tool and the Oozie Java API ultimately use the Oozie HTTP REST API to communicate with the Oozie server.

The Oozie server is a stateless web application. It does not keep any user or job information in memory between user requests. All the information about running and completed jobs is stored in a SQL database. When processing a user request for a job, Oozie retrieves the corresponding job state from the SQL database, performs the requested operation, and updates the SQL database with the new state of the job. This is a very common design pattern for web applications and helps Oozie support tens of thousands of jobs with relatively modest hardware. All of the job states are stored in the SQL database and the transactional nature of the SQL database ensures reliable behavior of Oozie jobs even if the Oozie server crashes or is shut down. When the Oozie server comes back up, it can continue to manage all the jobs based on their last known state.

Oozie supports four types of databases: Derby, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. Oozie has built-in purging logic that deletes completed jobs from the database after a period of time. If the database is properly sized for the expected load, it can be considered maintenance-free other than performing regular backups.

Within the Oozie server, there are two main entities that do all the work, the Command and the ActionExecutor classes.

A Command executes a well-defined task—for example, handling the submission of a workflow job, monitoring a MapReduce job started from a workflow job, or querying the database for all running jobs. Typically, commands perform a task and produce one or more commands to do follow-up tasks for the job. Except for commands executed directly using the Oozie HTTP REST API, all commands are queued and executed asynchronously. A queue consumer executes the commands using a thread pool. By using a fixed thread pool for executing commands, we ensure that the Oozie server process is not stressed due to a large number of commands running concurrently. When the Oozie server is under heavy load, the command queue backs up because commands are queued faster than they can be executed. As the load goes back to normal levels, the queue depletes. The command queue has a maximum capacity. If the queue overflows, commands are dropped silently from the queue. To handle this scenario, Oozie has a background thread that re-creates all dropped commands after a certain amount of time using the job state stored in the SQL database.

There is an ActionExecutor for each type of action you can use in a workflow (e.g., there is an ActionExecutor for MapReduce actions, and another for Pig actions). An ActionExecutor knows how to start, kill, monitor, and gather information about the type of job the action handles. Modifying Oozie to add support for a new type of action in Oozie requires implementing an ActionExecutor and a Java main class, and defining the XML syntax for the action (we cover this topic in detail in Chapter 10).

Given this overview of Oozie’s concepts and architecture, you should now feel fairly comfortable with the overall idea of Oozie and the environment in which it operates. We will expand on all of these topics as we progress through this book. But first, we will guide you through the installation and setup of Oozie in the next chapter.

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