
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


7-segment LED display 122, 123

7-segment LEDs 122


accelerometer 177-180

Acorn Computers 4

Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) processors 6

analog pins 158, 159

android app

reference link 39

anode 82

arithmetic operations 51

audio 187, 188


basketball game

creating, with Micro:bit 231, 232

BBC Computer Literacy Project 4

BBC Micro:bit

versus Raspberry Pi 20

beats per minute (bpm) 218

Binary Input Output System (BIOS) 40

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5

Boolean values 47

breadboarding 96

breadboards 96-98

breakout boards 13, 14

reference link 14

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 4

built-in data structures

dictionaries 65

lists 62-64

tuples 65

built-in modules 75, 76

built-in programmable 5x5 LED matrix 82

animations, displaying 88-91

built-in push buttons, working with 92, 93

characters, displaying 83-85

images, displaying 88-91

individual LEDs, working with 85-88

text, displaying 83-85

bus lines 97

buzzer 135-138


capacitive touch 242, 243

cathode 82

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) 21

chaser effect 115-117

LED Bar Graph, using 118

circuit diagrams

creating, Fritzing used 16

class method 74


used, for retrieving system properties 76

code comments 50, 51

compass 183-188

conditional statements 54

conductive photocell 163

conductive thread 257

CPython 22

CR2032-type power cell 12

crocodile clips 97

custom melodies 216


data logging 180-182

data type conversion 52, 53

dictionaries 65

direct current (DC) motor 165

Double Pole Single Throw (DPST) 126

Dual In-line Package (DIP) 126

Dual In Package Integrated Circuit (DIP ID) 96

duty cycle 164


edge connectors 7

reference link 8, 14

exception handling 83

external push button

connecting 128, 129



computing 58

fall detector

designing, with Micro:bit 255, 256

Fibonacci series

computing 59


appending 150

creating 145-150

reading 145-150

flat filesystem 145

floating-point numbers 46

frequency 218

Fritzing 15

circuit diagrams, creating 16

URL 15

functions 66

example 66-69


General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) device 164

General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin 13, 101

global variables 69, 70

GPIO expanders

reference link 14

GPIO pins

wired network, creating with 227-229


hex file format

reference link 29

hex file for V1 firmware

reference link 41

hex file for V2.0 firmware

reference link 41

hex file for V2.20 and V2.21 firmware

reference link 41


indirect recursion 72

Integrated Circuit (IC) 6

Integrated Development and Learning Environment (IDLE) 22, 153

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) 30


adding, to projects 205, 206

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) 112

I/O extensions

reference link 14

iOS app

reference link 40


joystick 170

connecting 171-173

Ground (GND) 170

supply (VCC) 170

SW 171

VRx or Hor 170

VRy or Ver 171


keys 65


LED Bar Graph

pins, enabling 118

using 118


4-bit binary counter, creating 113-115

blinking 103

blinking, alternately 105-107

GPIO pins, using 111, 112

programming 98-103

traffic lights, simulating 108-110

virtual SOS message, creating 103, 104


creating 150, 151

Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR) 163

light-emitting diode (LED) 82, 164

light sensor 247-250

lists 62

example 62-64

local variables 69, 70

logical operations 51

loops 54-57


magnetometer 183

MAX7219/7221 based 7 Segment 8 Digit display

interfacing 206-208

MB 102 breadboard 96

melodies 213-215

method 73, 74


programming frameworks 260

used, for programming pedometer 254, 255

using, to design fall detector 255, 256


analog pins 158, 159

basketball game, creating with 231, 232

history 4

out-of-box experience 13

powering up 9-13

rock, paper, scissors game, creating with 233-237

voting machine, creating with 237, 238

Micro:bit, advanced features

capacitive touch 242, 243

light sensor 247-250

temperature sensor 244-247

Micro:bit board

firmware, upgrading manually 40-42

Microbit Foundation 4


Micro:bit V1 4

specifications 5-7

Micro:bit V2

specifications 5-7


working with 152-155


working with 220-222

MicroPython 22, 46

offline IDEs, using 30

reference link 201

Thonny Python IDE 31-37

MicroPython code editors 23

online code editor 23-29

read-eval-print loop (REPL), using 29

MI power board, Kitronik

reference link 12, 13

Mu editor 38, 39

reference link 38

multiple analog devices

handling 167, 168

multiple push buttons

connecting 133-135


nanotesla (nT) 186

National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science 21


drawbacks 190

products 190-195

NeoPixel-compatible 190

NeoPixel library 195-205

reference link 195

NeoPixel product pins

DC pin (+) 191

DIN 191

DOUT 191

GND 191

networking 227

Nordic nRF51822 SoC

reference link 6

Nordic nRF52833

reference link 6


object 73

object-oriented programming 73

octave 216-218

offline IDEs

editors and smartphone apps, working with 39

Mu editor 38, 39

using, for MicroPython 30

online code editor 23-29

reference link 23

OS module 151

out-of-the-box experience program

reference link 43

restoring 43


pedometer 254

programming, with Micro:bit 254, 255

photocell 163

photoresistor 162, 164

connecting 163

ping pong mechanism 72

pip installs Python (pip) 22, 153

pitch 218, 219

potentiometer 159

connecting 160

readings 161

prime numbers

computing 57

Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 129

procedures 73

program 45

properties 73

prototyping 96

push buttons 126-128

activities 126

connecting, external push button 128, 129

PWM signals 164, 165

RGB LED, using 168, 170


distribution 22

implementation 22

programming language 21

URL 21

Python 3 46

Python distribution 22

Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) 22

URL 22

Python programming 46

arithmetic operations 51

code comments 50, 51

conditional statements 54

data type conversion 52, 53

logical operations 51

loops 54-57

string operations 51

user input, handling 53

variables 48-50



messages, receiving 229-231

messages, sending 229-231

reference link 231

turning off 229

turning on 229

working with 229

Random Access Memory (RAM) 6

random module

exploring 74, 75

Raspberry Pi 4

reference link 20

versus BBC Micro:bit 20

read-eval-print loop (REPL) 23

using 29

recursion 70, 71

indirect recursion 72

Red, Green, Blue, and White (RGBW) 190

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 6

revolutions per minute (RPM) value 165

RGB LED 119-122, 168

using, for PWM signals 168, 170

rock, paper, scissors game 233

creating, with Micro:bit 233-237


servo motor 165

connection, with Micro:bit 165, 166

sewable components 257

sewable computing 257-260

shake motion 180

Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) 126

Single Wire Protocol 190

slide switch 129-131

button push time, counting 131-133

multiple push buttons, connecting 133-135

Software Automated Mouth (SAM) 222

solderless circuits 96-98


connecting 212, 213


working with 222-225

statements 46

stepper motor 138-140

string operations 51

subroutines 66

System on Chip (SoC) 6

system properties

retrieving, with code 76


temperature sensor 244-247

tempo 218

Text To Speech (TTS) 222

thermostat 244

Thonny editor 46

Thonny Python IDE 31-37

URL 31


URL 99

tuples 65

example 65


user-defined class 73


values 65

variables 48-50

voting machine

creating, with Micro:bit 237, 238


wearable computing 257-260

wired network

with GPIO pins 227-229

write mode 146

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