Abbott, Wayne, 53, 54

Adams, Alonzo, 74

affinity group, 167–168, 172

African-American leaders, xiii–xiv

African Americans

churches, 240–241

culture, 38–41

vs. immigrant groups, 229

professionals, 14

progress in U.S., 8

African Diaspora, 52

Allen, Richard, 240

America, shape of, 239–240

American dream, 13

American Marketing Association, 172, 177

Amnesty International, 225–226

Apprentice (TV show), 1–3, 5, 11–12, 61–62

Arinzeh, Treena, 246

Armstrong, Thomas, 64

assimilation, 35


background, 25–27, 41–43

gifts, 69–70

mentors, 118

relationships, 95–96

on teams, 138

website, 28

Bailey, Simon T., Release Your Brilliance, 75

barriers to advancement, overcoming, 14

BCT Partners, 142, 179

beliefs, 64, 75–77

Black business owners, 53–54

Black Data Processing Association (BDPA), 151

Black History Month, 40, 42

Black people, identity, 31

Black Wall Street, 53

Blackwell, Angela Glover, 204, 228

Blackwell, Marissa, 196–197

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, 66

bonding social capital, 101, 132–133

Booker, Cory, 243

borrowed networks, 106–107, 109

bottom lines, double and triple, 159–160

Breaking Through (Thomas and Gabarro), 81–82, 84, 108, 121–122

Brownlee, Paula P., 249

Bryan, William Jennings, 256

Burt, Ronald, 103

business enterprise development, 199–200

business owner, 185, 193

Byrne, Robert, 251

Canada, Geoffrey, 227, 228

capacity building, 208–209

capitalism, 200

career aspirations, 9

career planning, 85, 174–175

case study, 170–174

Carol’s Daughter Holdings LLC, 183–185

Carson, Emmett D., 249

Carter, Majora, 224–225, 228

Carver, George Washington, 58

CASHFLOW Quadrant, 185–186

CBS Radio, 127, 259n

changing game, vs. redefining, 216–217

church, 240–241

citizenship, 55

civic ventures, 203–206

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 25

Civil Rights Era, 22

Civil Rights organizations, 241

civil society organizations (CSO), 205

Click: Ten Truths for Building Extradinary Relationships (Fraser), 97

code switch, 96

Coleman, James, 100

collaborations, 154–155, 221

collaborative organizations, 144–146, 148

Comfort Zone, 48, 50–54

commitment, to excellence, 85

community investment, 178–182

community ventures, 203–206

competence, 73

conflict, between self-image and public image, 34

connectedness, 89–91, 254

cooperation, and synergy, 221

courage, 158

Covey, Stephen R., The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 89–91, 96, 217

craft mastery, 161

creativity, 55, 157, 220

C-suite, 7

Cuban Missile Crisis, 138–139

cultural background, 39

cultural capital, 52

cultural identity, 32

cultural reciprocity, 96

culture, 22

Davis, Shani, 4

decision makers, 83

dense networks, 105–106, 107, 132

destiny, 256

developmental relationships, 114–117

discipline, 64, 72–77

discomfort, 48, 49

discrimination, 60

disparities, progress in, 13

diversity, 93–96, 136, 138–139, 221

Dodd, Chris, 126

double bottom line, 159–160, 179, 200

double-consciousness, 35

DuBois, W.E.B., 35, 230

economies of scope, 224

Eden Organix, 207–208

Edmond, Alfred, 61

education, vs. wisdom, 110

Einstein, Albert, 87

Eliot, T.S., 48

emotional bank account, 96

employees, entrepreneurial mindset for, 193

End Racial Profiling Act (ERPA), 226

entrepreneurial mindset, 157–158, 160–161, 183, 191–193

entrepreneurship, 141, 159, 163, 186

need for African-American, 188–191

social, 200–203

strategies for, 194–200

ethnic identity, 35

ethnic organizations, 177

evaluation criteria, 82

ever-changing game, 6–8

excellence, 58–86, 254

congruence and, 78

defining, 62–63

facets, 63–75

need for, 79–80

strategies for demonstrating, 80–85

Executive Leadership Council, 173

existential intelligence, 68

experience, diversity of, 54–56

expertise, profiting from, 195

exposure to world, obtaining broad, 47, 48–57

Eyes on the Prize (PBS documentary), 43

failure, or success, 113

Fairchild, Greg, 190

faith, 77

family, 133

financial capital, 186–187

formal groups, 134

for-profit companies, social benefit of, 208

Fraser, George, Click: Ten Truths for Building Extraordinary Relationships, 97

Free African Society, 241

friends, 101, 133

funding, 208–209

Gabarro, John, Breaking Through, 81–82, 84, 108, 121–122

game, 6–7

learning what it is about, 23–25

mastering, 161–162, 214

need to redefine, 8–9

playing, 89, 214, 217

two sets of rules, 59–62

ultimate goal, 256

game redefinition, 14–16, 215–216

approach to, 163–164

meaning of, 251–252

prerequisites for, 213–214

Gandhi, Mahatma, 214, 237, 249

gatekeepers, 83

gender identity, 32

Generation Y, 23

gifts, 36–37, 63, 64, 69

giving, 233–248, 251

Gladwell, Malcolm, Outliers, 73

glass ceiling, 5–6, 259n globalization, 88–89

God, 37, 124–125

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 138

Gordon, Bruce, 21

Granovetter, Mark, 101

Graves, Earl, 97, 190, 213

How to Succeed in Business Without Being White, 85, 243

greatness, xiv, 253–258

Green Worker Cooperatives, 207

Greyston Bakery, 207

group mentoring, 119

group relationships, 131–134

groupthink, 138

growth and development, visual depiction, 48

growth paradigm, 209

growth ventures, 197–199

Growth Zone, 48, 50–51, 56

Grundy, Dallas, 179

Harlem Children’s Zone, 227–228

Harper, Hill, 136

Harpo Productions, 211, 226–227

Hewlin, Patricia, 9–10

Hibbert, Lawrence, 179

Hill, Lauryn, 1

Hinton, Mel, 54

Hockerts, Kai, 201

home ownership, 8

Housing Act of 1968, 25

How to Succeed in Business Without Being White (Graves), 85, 243

Hughes, Cathy, 4

Hughes, Langston, 239

human capital, 64

Hunt, Rodney, 198

Huxley, Aldous, 57

identity, 9–10, 15, 25, 28–35, 37–41, 242, 249–250

identity negotiation, 30, 33–35

Imani (faith), 23, 39

immigrant groups, vs. African Americans, 229

Imus, Don, 4, 126

income streams, 192

influencers, 83

informal groups, 133

informal mentoring, 120

information sharing, 99

inner circles, 134–136, 142

innovation, 55, 202

instincts, 112

institution building, 210–212, 231–232, 238

intellectual capital, 137

intelligences, theory of multiple, 64–68, 80

interconnectedness, trends, 87–89

interdependence, 86

interpersonal intelligence, 66

intrapersonal intelligence, 67–68

intrapreneurship, 158–159, 163, 166–177, 178–182

investor, 186, 208–209

Jacobs, Jeff, 226–227

Jarvis, Rebecca, 1–3, 11

Jealous, Benjamin, 225–226, 228

Jewish community, 230

job applicants, 60–61

job assignment, 85

Johnson, Bob, 189

Johnson, Jeff, 79–80

Johnson, John H., 190

judgment, and wisdom, 111

Karenga, Maulana, 38

Kavanaugh, James, 225

Kelly, Gwen, 180

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 117, 237

Kiyosaki, Robert, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, 185

knowledge, 110, 195

Kujichagulia (self-determination), 23, 39

Kuumba (creativity), 39, 217

Kwanzaa, 23, 31, 38, 249–250

language, 32

leaders, xiii leadership, 55, 140

learning your game, 82–84

legacy, 234–239

Lemelle, Zack, 82–83

Lewis, Reginald, 190

Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun?, 235

Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 248

Lieberson, Stanley, A Piece of the Pie, 230

life, legacy of, 237–239

lifestyle ventures, 194–197

light, legacy of, 235–236

linguistic intelligence, 64–65

logical-mathematical intelligence, 65

love, legacy of, 236–237

Maafa, 240

Mair, Joanna, 201

Majora Carter Group, LLC, 225

managing, vs. mentoring, 120–121

Mandela, Nelson, 236

Martin, Roland, 79, 132–133

mastering the game, 161–162

Media Matters for America, 259n

melting pot, 22

mentors, 109, 114, 116, 117–123, 171, 176–177

Merck & Co., 95

mergers, 200

meritocracy, 10–12, 15, 61–62

merits, or race, 59

The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley), 188

Mind, Body & Soul Enterprises (MBS), 141

“moment”, 3–5

Monroe, Bryan, 128

morality, and discipline, 75–77

Morris, Gabriella, 181, 228

Moss, Otis, 242

MSNBC, 127

multiculturalism movement, 22

musical intelligence, 65–66

National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), 128, 131

National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), 129, 131

national identity, 32

National Philanthropic Trust, 247

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), 32–33, 44

naturalist intelligence, 67

nature and nurture, 37, 40

negotiation, 35

net worth, 12–13, 188

networks, 97, 98, 100

bridging gaps, 102–107

game-changing strategies, 107–109

overcoming obstacles, 122

strategic, 175–176

types, 105–107

Nguzo Saba, 38

Nia (Purpose), 23, 39

nonprofit organizations, 203, 205–206

Obama, Barack, 4, 58–59, 228, 240, 255

One Economy, 207

openness, 25

opportunity, 13–14, 15, 217

organizational diversity, 93

organizations, 144–150

broker collaborations among, 154–155

identifying to address needs, 151–152

identity-driven and issue-driven agendas, 152–154

institutions as, 211

strategies for involvement, 150–155, 177

Outliers (Gladwell), 73

Page, Clarence, 128

parents, role in identity development, 31

partnership, 141–143

passion, 36–37, 63, 70–72, 84–85, 157, 175, 203–205

“pay it forward”, 248

peer mentoring, 119

peers, 31, 114

personal diversity, 93–96

personal identity, 30, 31–32

personal objectives, in strength in numbers, 149

A Piece of the Pie (Lieberson), 230

Pike, Albert, 234

playing field, 7

pluralist society, 22

Porter, Aldwyn, 179

“post-racial”, 23

poverty rate, Black vs. white, 8

Powell, Kevin, 246

power, social identifiers and, 34

prejudice, reducing, 55

Price, Lisa, 195

Success Never Smelled So Sweet, 183–185

pricing services, 139

pride, 40

privilege, social identifiers and, 34

pro-Black, 40

process and product of discipline, 73

professional identity, 32

professional landscape, 161

professions, African American under -representation, 165

protègè, 116, 117–121

Prudential Financial Inc., 181

purpose, 35–37, 45–46, 249–250, 251

for African Americans, 37–41

individual and collective, 242

The Purpose-Driven Life (Warren), 37, 46

race, 10, 21–23, 123–124

racial identity, 35

racial profiling, 225–226

Ramsey, Rey, 207, 12

redefining game, 213–214, 216–217

registered business, 186

relationships, 89–91, 92, 254

building, 96–98, 161

developmental, 114–117

game-changing strategies for building, 107–109

group, 131–134

importance, 13

strength of, 99–101

Release Your Brilliance (Bailey), 75

religious identity, 32

resilience, 158

resourcefulness, 158

reverse mentoring, 119

Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families, 227

Riboud, Jean, 51

Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Kiyosaki), 185

roadmap for “ten strategies,” 17

Robbins, Anthony, 76–77

role model, 115

Rosenberg, Sid, 126–128

rules of the game, xiii, 7, 15–16, 83–84

Russell, Herman J., 198

Rutgers University women’s basketball team, 4, 126–128

Salk, Jonas, 38

Sankofa, 113–114

scale, 215, 216, 222–224, 228

scope, reaching, 222–224

seeing color in society, 92

self-determination, 45–46, 253

self-employed, 185, 193

self-mastery, 78, 161

services, pricing, 139

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 89–91, 96, 217

small businesses, failure risk, 199

Smalls, Anthony Jerome, 180

social capital, 100–101

social enterprise, 209

social entrepreneurs, 159, 200–203

social identity, 30, 32–33

social intrapreneurs, 159, 178–182

social mobility, 229

social ventures, creating, 206–208

society, 12–13, 15, 92, 229–231

Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 241

sparse networks, 106, 108

spatial intelligence, 65

spiritual foundation, 41

spiritual identity, 32

spirituality, 124–125

sponsors, 109

Stanley, Thomas, The Millionaire Next Door, 188

stereotypes, 40–41

Steward, David, 225, 228, 255

strategic career management, 174–175

strategic mentoring, 121, 176–177

strategic networking, 175–176

strategic organizational involvement, 177


for entrepreneurship, 194–200, 203–209

for game changing, 16–19

for giving, 244

interdependence, 47

for intrapreneurship, 168–177

for organizational involvement, 150–155

relationships, 56–57

strength in numbers, 126–131, 143, 149

Stringer, C. Vivian, 4, 129

success, xiii, 202, 253–258

Success Never Smelled So Sweet (Price), 183–185

sustainability, 202, 209

Sustainable South Bronx (SSBX), 224–225

Sweet Beginnings, 208

synergy, 215, 216, 219–222, 228

talents, 245–247

Tao Te Ching, 112

team mentoring, 119

teams, 137–140

technology growth, 88

theory of change, 202

Thomas, David, Breaking Through, 81–82, 84, 108, 121–122

Thompson, Don, 84–85, 228

time, giving, 245–247

tithing, 244

TJX Companies, 180

Todd, Thomas N., 165

touch, giving through, 248

transition mentoring, 119

treasure, donating, 247–248

triple bottom line, 159–160

Trump, Donald, 1–3, 5, 11–12, 61–62

trust, 94, 96, 102

Tubman, Harriet, 237

Ujamaa (cooperative economics), 39

Ujima (Collective work and responsibility), 39, 217

Umoja (unity), 39

United States

population, 87–88

and race, 21–23

volunteer service, 245–247

Walker, C.J., 183, 189, 235

Wal-Mart Stores Inc., 180

Warren, Rick, The Purpose-Driven Life, 37, 46, 251

Washington, Booker T., 243

weak ties, 99–101

wealth, 185–191

website, 19, 28

Westwood One, 259n

Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun? (Lewis), 235

Williamson, Marianne, 236

Wilson, Joe, 59

Wilson, Tod, 196, 197

Winfrey, Oprah, 189, 190, 211, 226–227, 228, 247, 255

wisdom, 110–113, 124

women, networks of, 109

work environment, inclusiveness, 94

World Wide Technology, 13, 225

worldview, 25

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