
Information processing has always been an important factor in the development of human society and its role is still increasing. The inventions of advanced information devices paved the way for achievements in a diversity of fields like trade, navigation, agriculture, industry, transportation and communication. The term ‘information device’ refers here to systems for the sensing, acquisition, processing and outputting of information from the real world. Usually, they are measurement systems. Sensing and acquisition provide us with signals that bear a direct relation to some of the physical properties of the sensed object or process. Often, the information of interest is hidden in these signals. Signal processing is needed to reveal the information and to transform it into an explicit form. Further, in the past 10 years image processing (together with intelligent computer vision) has gone through rapid developments. There are substantial new developments on, for example, machine learning methods (such as Adaboost and it's varieties, Deep learning etc.) and particle filtering like parameter estimation methods.

The three topics discussed in this book, classification, parameter estimation and state estimation, share a common factor in the sense that each topic provides the theory and methodology for the functional design of the signal processing part of an information device. The major distinction between the topics is the type of information that is outputted. In classification problems the output is discrete, that is a class, a label or a category. In estimation problems, it is a real-valued scalar or vector. Since these problems occur either in a static or in a dynamic setting, actually four different topics can be distinguished. The term state estimation refers to the dynamic setting. It covers both discrete and real-valued cases (and sometimes even mixed cases).

The similarity between the topics allows one to use a generic methodology, that is Bayesian decision theory. Our aim is to present this material concisely and efficiently by an integrated treatment of similar topics. We present an overview of the core mathematical constructs and the many resulting techniques. By doing so, we hope that the reader recognizes the connections and the similarities between these constructs, but also becomes aware of the differences. For instance, the phenomenon of overfitting is a threat that ambushes all four cases. In a static classification problem it introduces large classification errors, but in the case of a dynamic state estimation it may be the cause of instable behaviour. Further, in this edition, we made some modifications to accommodate engineering requests on intelligent computer vision.

Our goal is to emphasize the engineering aspects of the matter. Instead of a purely theoretical and rigorous treatment, we aim for the acquirement of skills to bring theoretical solutions to practice. The models that are needed for the application of the Bayesian framework are often not available in practice. This brings in the paradigm of statistical inference, that is learning from examples. Matlab®1is used as a vehicle to implement and to evaluate design concepts.

As alluded to above, the range of application areas is broad. Application fields are found within computer vision, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, process engineering, geo-informatics, bio-informatics, information technology, mechatronics, applied physics, and so on. The book is of interest to a range of users, from the first-year graduate-level student up to the experienced professional. The reader should have some background knowledge with respect to linear algebra, dynamic systems and probability theory. Most educational programmes offer courses on these topics as part of undergraduate education. The appendices contain reviews of the relevant material. Another target group is formed by the experienced engineers working in industrial development laboratories. The numerous examples of Matlab® code allow these engineers to quickly prototype their designs.

The book roughly consists of three parts. The first part, Chapter 2, presents an introduction to the PRTools used throughout this book. The second part, Chapters 3, 4 and 5, covers the theory with respect to classification and estimation problems in the static case, as well as the dynamic case. This part handles problems where it is assumed that accurate models, describing the physical processes, are available. The third part, Chapters 6 up to 8, deals with the more practical situation in which these models are not or only partly available. Either these models must be built using experimental data or these data must be used directly to train methods for estimation and classification. The final chapter presents three worked out problems. The selected bibliography has been kept short in order not to overwhelm the reader with an enormous list of references.

The material of the book can be covered by two semester courses. A possibility is to use Chapters 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 for a one-semester course on Classification and Estimation. This course deals with the static case. An additional one-semester course handles the dynamic case, that is Optimal Dynamic Estimation, and would use Chapter 5. The prerequisites for Chapter 5 are mainly concentrated in Chapter 4. Therefore, it is recommended to include a review of Chapter 4 in the second course. Such a review will make the second course independent from the first one.

Each chapter is closed with a number of exercises. The mark at the end of each exercise indicates whether the exercise is considered easy (‘0’), moderately difficult (‘*’) or difficult (‘**’). Another possibility to acquire practical skills is offered by the projects that accompany the text. These projects are available at the companion website. A project is an extensive task to be undertaken by a group of students. The task is situated within a given theme, for instance, classification using supervised learning, unsupervised learning, parameter estimation, dynamic labelling and dynamic estimation. Each project consists of a set of instructions together with data that should be used to solve the problem.

The use of Matlab® tools is an integrated part of the book. Matlab® offers a number of standard toolboxes that are useful for parameter estimation, state estimation and data analysis. The standard software for classification and unsupervised learning is not complete and not well structured. This motivated us to develop the PRTools software for all classification tasks and related items. PRTools is a Matlab® toolbox for pattern recognition. It is freely available for non-commercial purposes. The version used in the text is compatible with Matlab® Version 5 and higher. It is available from

The authors keep an open mind for any suggestions and comments (which should be addressed to [email protected]). A list of errata and any other additional comments will be made available at the companion website.


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