Authors Biography
Tuur Stuyck started working with computer graphics as early as 2006. He created several
computer-animated short stories that were selected by international film festivals and won a
number of prizes at national youth film festivals. He later became a jury member for the Mak-
ingMovies and Kunstbende youth film festivals. In addition to working on his own short movies
during his high school and university years, Tuur also worked summer jobs at Cyborn Animation
Studios in Antwerp, Belgium.
In 2008, he started his Bachelors degree in engineering at KU Leuven, where he majored
in Computer Science and minored in Electrical Engineering and graduated cum laude in 2011.
In 2013, Tuur graduated magna cum laude with a Master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering
from KU Leuven. He obtained his Ph.D. in the Computer Graphics Research Group under the
supervision of Prof. Dr. ir. Philip Dutré in 2017. During his Ph.D. research, he was awarded
second place in the 2016 ACM SIGGRAPH research competition for his work on art directable
Tuur also collaborated with Adobe Research working on natural media simulation. Addi-
tionally, Stuyck interned twice at Pixar Animation Studios researching art-directed cloth simu-
lations for feature film production. After graduating, he joined Pixar as a Postdoctoral Research
Scientist. He currently works as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at Facebook Reality Labs
(previously known as Oculus Research).
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