One way to find whether nearby cloth regions have interpenetrated is to use history. If we know
that the cloth started in a valid configuration, we can track it over time to figure out what
side cloth regions should be on. e problem with history-based algorithms is that any mistake
along the way will create persistent tangles that cant be resolved. A good approach to resolving
cloth-cloth collisions using a history-free cloth collision response algorithm based on global
intersection analysis of cloth meshes at each simulation step is given by Baraff et al. [2003].
Such a global intersection analysis will be necessary to obtain robust simulation results in a
production setting where cloth regularly gets pinched in between the elbows or armpit areas.
We refer the reader to the following resources for more information Provot [1997], Volino
and Magnenat-almann [2000], Bridson et al. [2002], and Schvartzman et al. [2010].
We have briefly introduced an overview to the collision detection and response problem and
provided references to more in-depth explanations. It is essential in most cloth simulations due
to the tight coupling of the body with the clothing. First, colliding primitives need to be detected
in an efficient manner. is is typically solved in different steps, each looking at collisions at
different scales. Colliding particles are modified with a collision response in order to resolve the
collision. e type of response can differ based on the type of interaction. For complex scenes,
discrete collision detection often doesnt suffice and continuous collision detection is needed.
A robust implementation will need to be able to gracefully recover from collisions when they
occur. It is not uncommon that cloth particles get pinched in armpits or elbows and this needs
to be treated in a separate way.
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