C H A P T E R 11
In this book, we introduced different approaches to cloth simulation. We hope you enjoyed read-
ing through the document and feel motivated to dive deeper into the topic of cloth simulation.
We started by explaining the cloth fundamentals and how we can integrate these over time using
explicit integration. It is a very simple approach but suffers from frequent instabilities unless we
take very small time steps. To alleviate this restriction, we turned to implicit integration where
we saw how we needed to compute the force derivatives. We discussed mass-spring systems and
explained how these can be solved using an optimization reformulation.
Mass-spring models are very easy to set-up but it is very difficult to control them in order
to represent real-world materials and garments. is is due to the fact that the behavior is very
dependent on the interconnection of the particles with springs. To ameliorate the situation, we
saw how a continuum-inspired approach to the problem can be used. e cloth is no longer
discretized using point masses and springs but forces are defined over triangles as a whole. We
looked at a way to control these cloth simulations given reference particle states using optimiza-
tion with the help of the adjoint formulation. We finished this document by giving an overview
to the collision detection and response problem. Additionally, we discussed further reading.
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