

  1. Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)
  2. Administration on Aging (AOA)
    1. elderly population estimates
  3. Adult obesity, U.S. state ranking
  4. Advisor-directed investment
    1. commitment
  5. Affordable Care Act
    1. costs
  6. Aldrich, David
    1. interview
  7. Allen, Robert G.
  8. Allison, John
  9. American Association of Railroads data
  10. American Association of Retired People (AARP) survey
  11. “American Dream Commitment” program
  12. American Enterprise Institute data
  13. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) drinking water report card
  14. American Tracking Associations, truck tonnage data
  15. American Trucking Association data
  16. American Water Works Association, pipe replacement value calculation
  17. Annie's, General Mills purchase
  18. Announcements, impact
  19. Annual deficit
  20. Annual reports, usage
  21. Aon PLC
  22. Apartments, demand
  23. Appification
  24. Apple, Inc.
    1. impact
    2. iPhone, introduction
    3. Other Products business
    4. presentation
    5. products
      1. Cirrus Logic, impact
      2. reveal, event
    6. revenue contribution form
    8. 3Q 2015 data summary
  25. Apple iOS
  26. Apple Watch, release
  27. Application (app)
    1. downloading
    2. revolution
  28. Arabica coffee bean prices, percentage change
  29. Arnott, Robert
  30. ASCAP
  31. Asness, Cliff
  32. Assets under management (AUM)
  33. Austrianism (Austrian economics)


  1. Baby Boomers
    1. mistrust level
  2. Back-end loads
  3. Bacon Cheeseburger Index (ConvergEx)
  4. Banking
    1. crisis (2007)
    2. regulatory example
  5. Bank of China
  6. Bank of Japan
  7. Bank runs
  8. Banks, excess reserves (holding)
  9. Bar code scanning, usage
  10. Bard, Carl
  11. Bear market, funds (cash balances)
  12. Beige Book (Federal Reserve)
  13. Bernanke, Ben
  14. Berra, Yogi
  15. Big Short, The (Lewis)
  16. Black, Conrad
  17. Black Friday, online sales
  18. Black swans
  19. Bonds
    1. cash flows, present value
    2. extra bonus points
    3. face value
    4. flat yield curve
    5. guidance
    6. high-yield bonds
    7. indenture
    8. inverted yield curve
    9. investment grade
    10. maturity
    11. prices, inflation (impact)
    12. pricing
    13. risk
    14. tour
    15. Treasury bonds
    16. yield
    17. yield curve
      1. flat yield curve
    18. zero coupon bonds
  20. Bottom-line earnings
  21. Brainard, Lael
  22. Braunberg, Andrew (interview)
  23. Bring your own device (BYOD)
  24. Brokerage firm
  25. Brokers
    1. advisor, service
    2. online brokers, usage
    3. types
  26. Buffett, Warren
  27. Bumper price points, impact
  28. Bureau of Economic Analysis, quarterly/annual GDP data
  29. Burry, Michael
  30. Business cycle
    1. change
    2. phases
    3. sector performance per business cycle phase
    4. stages
  31. Businesses
    1. application example
    2. demographic information collection
    3. economy participant
    4. financial health, metrics
    5. periodicals, reading
    6. real-life example
    7. tax collection
  32. Business inventory to sales ratio (Federal Reserve)
    1. recessions, relationship
  33. Business-to-business (B2B) companies
  34. Business-to-consumer (B2C) companies
  35. Business unit(s), profit ranking
  36. Buy-and-sleep investing
  37. Buyback
    1. company dollar-value buyback ranking
    2. yield


  1. Canevaro, Mike (interview)
  2. Can vs. Can
  3. Capacity utilization levels
    1. change
    2. decline
  4. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  5. Care level, requirement
  6. Carper, Tom
  7. Carter, Daryl
  8. Cash
    1. availability
    2. importance
  9. Cash flows
    1. positive strategy
    2. present value
    3. requirements
  10. Cashless consumption
  11. Cashless consumption
  12. Cash-strapped consumer
  13. Cash-strapped consumer
    1. apartment demand
  14. Cassidy, Bill
  15. Catalysts
    1. inhibitor, contrast
  16. “Catch the Dream” program
  17. Cato Institute, Monetary Policy conference
  18. Cellphone subscribers, number
  19. Center for Retirement Research (Boston College)
  20. Charles Schwab
  21. Chicago School
  22. Children, producing (decline)
  23. Chip companies, opportunity
  24. Churchill, Winston
  25. Cirrus Logic, Apple orders
  26. Closed-end funds (CEFs)
  27. Cocktail Thematics
    1. Investing, usage
    2. multiplicity
  28. Cocoa beans, monthly price (U.S. dollars per metric ton)
  29. Coffee
    1. costs, reduction
    2. input
    3. monthly price (U.S. cents per pound)
    4. podification
    5. prices
  30. College budget, level
  31. Commodities
    1. charts, examples
    2. data sources
  32. Companies
    1. annual report, usage
    2. balance sheet
      1. examination
    3. business
    4. chip companies, opportunity
    5. dollar-value buybacks ranking
    6. financial health
    7. function, identification
    8. growth, factors
    9. historical norms, pricing (comparison)
    10. in-stores sales, decline
    11. management team
    12. margins
    13. monitoring
    14. products/services, identification
    15. profitability, improvement
    16. profit, factors
    17. proxy statement
    18. quarterly reports, usage
    19. research and development (R&D) spending
    20. stock, decline (example)
    21. suppliers/inputs, identification
    22. suppliers, market dynamics
    23. team, track record
    24. theme, discovery
  33. Comparative valuations (Starbucks Corp.)
  34. Competitors
    1. impact, identification
    2. press releases, reading
  35. Computer/Tech Craze
  36. Connected Society
  37. Connected society
  38. Construction, data sources
  39. Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund assets
  40. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, creation
  41. Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    1. data
    2. perspective
  42. Consumers
    1. acceptance
    2. behavior, change
    3. cashless consumption
    4. cash, reduction
    5. data sources
    6. preferences, changes
      1. psychographic aspect
    7. purchasing dollars, usage
  43. Consumer spending (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics/U.S. Department of Labor)
  44. Copyright Royalty Board, Internet ruling
  45. Corporate funding, application example
  46. Corporate websites, Investor Relations section
  47. Countries, GDP ranking
  48. Coverage
  49. Credit contraction, impact
  50. Credit risk
  51. Customers, identification/change
  52. Cutting earnings
  53. Cyberattack
    1. frequency
    2. proficiency
    3. protection
  54. Cybercrime, pain point
  55. Cybersecurity
    1. role
    2. sector index
  56. Cyclical changes


  1. Darwin, Charles
  2. Data
    1. collection
      1. Cocktail Thematics, usage
    2. digest
    3. globalization corroboration
    4. mobile data, evolution
    5. production, expansion
    6. proliferation
    7. sources
    8. storage/transmission
      1. cost
      2. impact
  3. de Balzac, Honoré
  4. Debit card, introduction
  5. Debt
    1. government debt, application example
  6. Declaration of Principles (Party of European Socialists)
  7. Deleveraging process
  8. Delinquent mortgages, vector/velocity
  9. Demand
    1. artificial increase
    2. solutions, relationship
    3. supply and demand curves
  10. Demographics
    1. change
    2. data, sources
    3. information, usefulness
    4. term, definition
  11. Deposits, fraction
  12. Digital cameras, advancement
  13. Digital shift, critical mass
  14. Digital shopping
    1. example
    2. lifestyle, adoption
  15. Discount
  16. Disruptive companies
  17. Disruptive technologies
    1. rules of thumb
  18. Dividends
  19. Dividends, indicator function
  20. Dividend yield
    1. ratio range (Starbucks Corp.)
  21. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  22. Dollar-value buybacks, company ranking
  23. Dotcom Dementia
  24. Double-taxation
    1. discussion
  25. Drucker, Peter
  26. DSW, Inc.
    1. case study
      1. value, decline
      2. watch list
  27. Dunkin' Donuts, PEG ratio (decline)
  28. Duration
  29. Dutch Tulip Tornado


  1. Earnings
    1. bottom-line earnings
    2. revisions
    3. shortfall
  2. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)
  3. Earnings per share (EPS)
    1. basis
    2. evolution
    3. share buyback, impact
    4. share buyback, impact (Starbucks Corp.)
    5. share price, relationship
    6. Trends box
    7. TTM
  4. Economic contraction, degree
  5. Economic cycles, length
  6. Economic growth
    1. deceleration
    2. factors
  7. Economic ideology
  8. Economic indicators
  9. Economics
    1. Austrianism (Austrian economics)
    2. neoclassical economics
    3. soft science
    4. supply-side economics
  10. Economic theories
    1. comparison
    2. prevailing narrative
  11. Economic thought, schools
  12. Economies
    1. expanding/contracting
  13. Economies, movement (harmony)
  14. Economies of scale
  15. Economy
    1. acceleration, opinion
    2. data sources
    3. ecosystem
    4. markets, contrast
    5. overheated economy
    6. overheating
    7. participants
    8. reading
  16. Education needs, funding
  17. Effective interest rate
  18. Einhorn, David
  19. Einstein, Albert
  20. Elderly, AOA estimates
  21. Elliot Management Corporation
  22. Emergency fund
    1. living expenses
  23. Emotion, removal
  24. Employment
    1. data (ISM)
    2. data sources
    3. promotion, Federal Reserve (impact)
  25. Employment to Population Index
  26. Employment to population ratio (Federal Reserve)
  27. Enabling technologies
  28. Enterprise mobility management (EMM)
  29. Enterprise value (EV), metrics
  30. Equities, purchase
  31. E-Trade
  32. European Central Bank
  33. Eurozone, household debt to income ratio
  34. Excess reserves, bank holdings
  35. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    1. brokerage account purchase
      1. funds
    2. guidance
    3. inverse ETF, impact
    4. iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treasury Bond (TLT)
    5. iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (IBB)
      1. Market Vectors Agribusiness (MOO)
    6. iShares Silver Trust (SLV)
    7. mutual funds, contrast
    8. PureFunds ISE Cyber Security (HACK)
    9. short ETF, impact
      1. SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)
    10. trading, continuation
    11. types
  36. Exchange-traded grantor trust
  37. Exchange-traded notes (ETNs)
  38. Exchange-traded open-end index mutual fund
  39. Exchange-traded unit investment trust
  40. Expense ratios
  41. Experts, mistrust


  1. F8 development conference
  2. Face value
  3. Fads
  4. Families, deleveraging process
  5. Fascism
    1. example
  6. Federal debt, increase
  7. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
  8. Federal Funds target rate
  9. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
  10. Federal Reserve
    1. Beige Book
    2. excess reserves, bank holding
    3. money policies, easiness
    4. role
    5. Survey of Consumer Finance
  11. Fees
    1. 12b-1 fees
  12. Filings, Securities Exchange Commission
    1. 10-Q
    2. 10-K
  13. Financial advisors, products usage
  14. Financial filings, reading
  15. Financial goals, ensuring
  16. Financial industry, data sources
  17. Financial meltdown (2008)
  18. Financial news websites, reading
  19. Financial statements
    1. Income Statement
    2. Balance Sheet
  20. Fiscal policy
    1. wind energy example
  21. Five Forces (Porter)
  22. Flat yield curve
  23. Flint (Michigan), water crisis
  24. Foley vs. Hill and Other
  25. Food, fads
  26. Foraker, John
  27. Forde, Steve
  28. Forecasted consensus estimates
  29. 401(k) plans
    1. balance, Fidelity Investments data
    2. roll-over
    3. savings, growth
  30. Fractional reserve banking
  31. Franklin, Benjamin
  32. FRED (Federal Reserve program)
  33. Free markets, socialism (relationship)
  34. Friedman, Milton
  35. Front-end loads
  36. Funds
    1. assessment
    2. assets under management (AUM)
    3. exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    4. expense ratios
    5. holdings
      1. number
      2. ranking
    6. individual stocks, contrast
    7. investment, minimum
    8. management
    9. performance
    10. products, financial advisor usage
    11. strategy
    12. turnover rate
  37. Future, planning (example)


  1. Gas prices, oscillation
  2. Generation X
    1. mistrust level
  3. Global GDP
  4. Globalization
    1. application examples
    2. data corroboration
  5. Golden Years
    1. saving/investing
  6. Gold price, tracking
  7. Google I/O
  8. Government
    1. bonds, holding
    2. corporate funding, application example
    3. data, monitoring
    4. debt, application example
    5. economy participant
    6. housing industry, application example
    7. information
    8. institutions, impact
    9. metrics
    10. primary policy levers
    11. spending, changes
  9. Government-sponsored entity (GSE)
  10. GPS navigation, usage
  11. Graham, Benjamin
  12. Great Depression
  13. Greater good, production
  14. Great Recession
    1. crisis, impact
    2. job decline
    3. shock
  15. Greenlight Capital
  16. Greenspan, Alan
  17. Greenspan put
  18. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    1. Bureau of Economic Analysis data
    2. country ranking
    3. global GDP
    4. growth
    5. percent of total contribution
  19. Gross household income
  20. Grove, Andy
  21. Growth
    1. factors
    2. potential
  22. GSCI Cocoa Index, percentage change
  23. Guilty Pleasure
  24. Guilty pleasures


  1. HACK. See Exchange-traded funds
  2. Hacking
  3. Hayek, Friedrich
  4. Healthcare
    1. funding
    2. spending (increase), obesity (impact)
  5. Henry, Patrick
  6. Hershey Company, shares (improvement)
  7. High-income earner, tax code consideration
  8. High-yield bonds
  9. Historical valuations
  10. Holder, Eric
  11. Home ownership rates
  12. Home sales (new/existing)
  13. Households
    1. application example, financial health (metrics)
    2. credit card debt level
    3. economy participants
    4. financial health, assessment
    5. household debt to income ratio
    6. median income
    7. real-life example
    8. retirement savings levels, GAO estimates
    9. spending, proportion
    10. tax collection
    11. total liabilities to disposable income ratio
  14. Housing
    1. data sources
    2. down payments, impact
    3. first-time buyer purchases, decline
    4. home prices, decline
    5. industry, application example
    6. prices, increase


  1. IBB. See Exchange-traded funds
  2. Identity theft
  3. Incentives (alteration), regulations (impact)
  4. Inception date, examination
  5. Income
    1. generation, long-term returns (contrast)
    2. long-term growth, contrast
  6. “Income and Poverty in the United States” (Census Bureau report)
  7. Individual bonds, purchase difficulty
  8. Individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
    1. growth
  9. Individual stocks, funds (contrast)
  10. Industrial production (IP)
  11. Industry data
    1. sources
    2. tracking
  12. Inflation
    1. data sources
    2. impact
  13. Information sources
  14. Infrastructure water spending needs, spending gaps (contrast)
  15. Inhibitors
    1. examples
  16. Institute for Supply Management (ISM)
    1. employment data
    2. Purchasing Managers Index publication
    3. reports
  17. In-store sales, decline
  18. Interest coverage ratio
  19. Interest payment, government taxation
  20. Interest rates
    1. effective interest rate
    2. plotting
    3. post-financial crisis
    4. reduction
    5. term, usage
  21. International Business Machines (IBM) data
  22. Internet of Things (IoT)
  23. Inventory to sales ratio
  24. Inverse ETF, impact
  25. Inverted yield curve
  26. Investable signals, clarity
  27. Investment
    1. broker, questions
    2. capital, availability
    3. growth, example
    4. guarantees, absence
    5. guidelines
    6. heart
    7. journal, keeping
    8. malinvestment
    9. methods
    10. minimum
    11. movement, monitoring
    12. muscles
    13. noise
    14. politics/regulation, impact
    15. restrictions/preferences
    16. selection
    17. step
    18. thematic investing
  28. Investment advisor
    1. information, usage
    2. questions
    3. services
    4. usage
  29. iPhone, introduction
  30. iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT)
  31. iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (IBB)
  32. ISM Purchasing Managers Index, examples


  1. J.B. Hunt Transport Services (JBHT) revenue
  2. Jefferson, Thomas
  3. Jet fuel spot prices (U.S.)
  4. Jobs
    1. creation
      1. directional trends
      2. quality
    2. data sources
    3. decline


  1. Keynesianism
    1. economic policy, failure
  2. Keynes, John Maynard
  3. Kind, Ron
  4. Kingdom-type structure
  5. Knopf, Alfred A.
  6. KRAVE, Hershey Company purchase


  1. Labor pool, quantity/quality
  2. Labor productivity (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
  3. Laffer, Arthur
  4. League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
  5. Lee Enterprises, stock price (percent change)
  6. Leverage
    1. deleveraging process
  7. Levitt, Theodore
  8. Lewis, Michael
  9. Lifestyle
    1. digital shopping lifestyle, adoption
    2. spending shift
  10. Lives
    1. lengthening
    2. length, expectancy
  11. Living longer lives
  12. Longevity
    1. increase
    2. Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL) report
  13. Long-term growth, income (contrast)
  14. Long-term loans
  15. Long-term rates
  16. Long-term returns, income generation (contrast)
  17. Low-income borrowers, mortgage targets
  18. Luxuries, affordability
  19. Lynch, Peter


  1. Madison, James
  2. Magazines, data sources
  3. Malinvestment
  4. Malthus, Thomas Robert
  5. Malvertising
  6. Manufacturing
    1. capacity utilization (Federal Reserve)
    2. data sources
  7. Market dynamics, understanding
  8. Market LOHAS MamboTrack
  9. Markets
    1. distortion, subsidies (impact)
    2. economy, contrast
  10. Markit Economics reports
  11. Marx, Groucho
  12. Massive open online courses (MOOCs), popularity
  13. Master limited partnerships (MLPs)
    1. downside
  14. McAdam, Lowell
  15. McClatchy, stock price (percent change)
  16. Median household income (U.S.)
  17. Median sales price (new houses)
  18. Medical debts, impact
  19. Middle class, rise
  20. Milk prices
  21. Millennials
    1. apartment demand
    2. cash, long-term investment
    3. mistrust levels
    4. stock market avoidance
  22. Mill, John Stuart
  23. Mississippi Mania
  24. Mobile data
    1. evolution
    2. proliferation, impact
  25. Mobile evolution, impact
  26. Mobile networks, expansion
  27. Mobile payments, enabling
  28. Mobile phones, impact
  29. Mobility, impact
  30. Monetarism
    1. monetarist goal
  31. Monetary policy
  32. Monetary Policy conference (Cato Institute)
  33. Money
    1. amount
    2. borrowing cost, interest rates (impact)
  34. Money Control Act (MCA)
  35. Money supply
    1. alteration
    2. increase
  36. Morningstar services
  37. Mortgage-backed securities (MBS)
  38. Mortgages
    1. adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)
    2. interest payments, deductibility (changes)
    3. low-income borrowers, targets
    4. non-FHA mortgages, downpayment requirements
    5. REIT, investment
    6. vector/velocity
  39. Movie, photograph (contrast)
  40. MSN Money calculator (usage)
  41. Multifunctional kitchen space
  42. Multiplier effect
  43. Munger, Charlie
  44. Murkowski, Lisa
  45. Music industry, regulatory example
  46. Mutual funds
    1. exchange-traded funds (ETFs), contrast
    2. guidance
    3. treatment, tax code change (impact)


  1. National Association of Home Builders data
  2. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
    1. data
    2. recession data
  3. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. student ranking
  4. National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) research
  5. National Retail Federation (NRF) report
  6. Natural product sales, increase
  7. Natural/renewable materials, usage
  8. Natural resources, abundance/utilization
  9. Nazi Germany, fascism (example)
  10. Near-field communication (NFC)
  11. Neoclassical economics
    1. individual, focus
  12. Nest, Google purchase
  13. Net asset value (NAV)
  14. Net cash per share
  15. New demand, new solutions
  16. Net equity inflows (U.S.)
  17. New/existing home sales
  18. Newsletter services
  19. Newspapers
    1. data sources
    2. pain point
  20. Nielsen Soundscan
    1. third-party research
  21. Nominal yield
  22. Non-FHA mortgages, downpayment requirements
  23. Nonprofit organizations, total liabilities to disposable income ratio
  24. NSS Labs, Inc. (founding)


  1. Obama, Barack
  2. Obesity
    1. costs
    2. disease, AMA recognition
    3. U.S. adult obesity, state ranking
  3. Oil prices, decline
  4. Online brokerage services
  5. Online brokers, usage
  6. Online retailers, presence
  7. Online shopping
    1. perspectives, shift
    2. shift
    3. spending percentage
  8. Open space design
  9. Operating margin, calculation
  10. Operating profit
    1. calculation
  11. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
  12. O'Rourke, P.J.
  13. Outside assets, ownership
  14. Outside income, impact
  15. Overheated economy


  1. Pain points
    1. cybercrime
    2. determination
    3. newspapers
  2. Pain, profit
  3. Panetta, Leon
  4. Par, term (usage)
  5. Partially self-directed investment
  6. Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) report
  7. Party of European Socialists, Declaration of Principles
  8. PEG ratio
  9. Performance Rights Organizations (PROs)
  10. Photograph, movie (contrast)
  11. Planning and Progress Study (Northwestern Mutual)
  12. Podification
  13. Political world, changes (awareness)
  14. Politics
    1. data sources
    2. impact
    3. power
  15. Pompeo, Mike
  16. Population
    1. aging
    2. body size, increase
  17. Porter, Michael
    1. target portfolio, maintenance
  18. Portfolio
    1. blueprint, creation
    2. construction
    3. design
    4. GSCI Cocoa Index, percentage change
    5. implementation/monitoring, identification
    6. selections
    7. theory
    8. trend, monitoring
    9. U.S. producer price index, raw milk (percentage change)
    10. U.S. producer price index, wheat (percentage change)
  19. Present value, calculation
  20. Pretax accounts, investment growth
    1. example
    2. high-income tax rate example
  21. Prevailing narrative
    1. identification
  22. Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios
    1. basis
    2. decline
    3. examination
    4. Starbucks Corp.
  23. Price-to-sales, examination
  24. Privacy, impact
  25. Probabilities
    1. usage
  26. Production, investment
  27. Production/nonsupervisory employees (U.S.), real average hourly earnings
  28. Production Tax Credit (PTC)
  29. Productivity
    1. data
    2. gains
  30. Products
    1. financial advisor, usage
    2. inelastic nature
    3. value, factors
  31. Profitability, improvement
    1. factors
  32. Profits, firms maximization
  33. Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
  34. Property ownership, attitudes
  35. Psychographics
  36. Publications, data sources
  37. Public good, maximization
  38. Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) publication
  39. Purchasing power, loss


  1. Qualcomm (QCOM), impact
  2. Quantitative easing (QE)
    1. termination
  3. Quarterly homeownership rates (U.S.)
  4. Quarterly reports, usage
  5. Quarterly share repurchases
  6. Quasigovernment bonds, holding


  1. Rail companies, monitoring
  2. Rail traffic
  3. Ransomware
  4. Rational preferences
  5. Raw milk, U.S. producer price index (percentage change)
  6. Reaction inhibitor
  7. Reagan, Ronald
  8. Real Deal study (Aon PLC)
  9. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  10. Real Estate Rage
  11. Recession
    1. business inventory to sales ratio (Federal Reserve), relationship
    2. inventory to sales ratio
  12. Registered investment advisory (RIA)
  13. Regulation
    1. assumption
    2. data sources
    3. impact
    4. Taxes, Benefits, Goods & Services, Employment
    5. term, usage
  14. Regulatory examples
    1. banking
    2. music industry
  15. Regulatory policy
  16. Reid, Harry
  17. Research, sources
  18. Resources, scarcity
  19. Restaurant Trends Survey (National Restaurant Association)
  20. Retail e-commerce sales, U.S. quarterly estimation
  21. Retirement money, loss (Employment Benefit Research Institute estimation)
  22. Retirement Preparedness Measure (Fidelity Investments)
  23. Retirement Readiness Ratings (Employment Benefit Research Institute)
  24. Retirement savings
    1. levels, GAO estimates
    2. timeline
  25. Revenue, headwind
  26. Ricardo, David
  27. Rise of the new middle class
  28. Risk
    1. tolerance
    2. types, time horizon (impact)
    3. upside potential, downside risk (contrast)
  29. Risk-averse investors
  30. Roaring 1920s
  31. Rogers, Will
  32. Rule 10b5-1
  33. Russell 2000, small-cap fund (comparison)


  1. Safety and security
  2. Samit, Jay
  3. Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. report
  4. Savings
    1. rules, change
    2. status
    3. step
    4. types
  5. Scare resources
  6. Scottrade
  7. Sector indexes
  8. Sector performance per business cycle phase
  9. Securities
    1. number
    2. Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS)
    3. types
  10. Seeking Alpha (websites)
  11. Self-directed investment
  12. Self-employment
  13. Server, dumb terminals (usage)
  14. Shareholders, returns (generation)
    1. repurchases
      1. quarterly share repurchases
      2. trading, valuation multiples
  16. Shiller P/E ratio
  17. Shiller, Robert
  18. Shorter-term loans
  19. Short ETF, impact
  20. Signposts
  21. Silver, Nate
  22. Skyworks Solution
    1. Apple, impact
    2. radio frequency (RF) semiconductors
    3. stock price
  23. Slashing the outlook
  24. Small-cap fund, Russell 2000 index (comparison)
  25. Smart bulbs
  26. Smart/connected home technologies, usage
  27. Smartphones, impact
  28. Smith, Adam
  29. SNL Financial
  30. Snow, John
  31. Sobieski, Emmy
    1. interview
  32. Socialism
    1. free market beliefs
  33. Social Security, existence
  34. Societies
    1. connections
    2. progression
  35. Soft science
  36. South Sea Shindig
  37. Special purpose saving
  38. Spending shift
  39. Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P500)
    1. percentage change
    2. returns, absence
    3. 10K
    4. trailing total returns
  40. Standard & Poor's index, excess reserves (bank holdings)
  41. Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL) report
  42. Starbucks Corp.
    1. analyst estimates
    2. comparative valuations
    3. consolidated income statement
    4. data, compilation
    5. dividend yield ratio range
    6. earnings per share (EPS)
      1. change
      2. peer group, comparison, 251
      3. share buyback, impact
    7. PEG ratio
    8. premium investors level, trends
    9. price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios
      1. usage
    10. shares, decline
    11. stocks
      1. case study
      2. pullback
    12. summary results
    13. upside potential, downside risk (contrast)
    14. valuation
      1. analysis
  43. Steinhafel, Gregg
  44. Stock exchange, gambling
  45. Stock market, Millennial avoidance
  46. Stocks
    1. bumper price points, impact
    2. business units, profit ranking
    3. buyback
      1. yield
    4. certificates
    5. company
      1. financial health
      2. function, identification
      3. growth, factors
      4. management team
      5. products/services, identification
      6. profit, factors
      7. suppliers/inputs, identification
      8. theme, discovery
    6. competitors, impact (identification)
    7. customers, identification/change
    8. expectations, revision
    9. growth, factors
    10. guidance
    11. guilty pleasure group
    12. inception date, examination
    13. minimum trading volume
    14. options
    15. P/E ratios
    16. price
      1. centers, monitoring
      2. correctness
      3. decline
      4. monitoring
      5. percent change, example
    17. profitability, improvement
    18. purchase
      1. questions
    19. quarterly share repurchases
    20. sale/purchase, decision
      1. premium, trading
      2. price
      3. repurchases
      4. trading, valuation multiples
    22. Starbucks Corp. (case study)
    23. upside-to-downside trade-off, shift
    24. valuation metrics, existence
  47. Stop-loss orders/stop-limit orders
  48. Streaming video, adoption (growth)
  49. Structural changes
  50. Student loan debt, repayment (CFPB data)
  51. Subsidies, impact
  52. Sugarman, Joseph
  53. Supply and demand curves
  54. Supply-side disruptions
  55. Supply-side economics
    1. development
  56. Survey of Consumer Finance (Federal Reserve)


  1. Taleb, Nassim
  2. Tankless water heaters, usage
  3. Target portfolio weighting
  4. TARP bailouts
  5. Taxable accounts, investment growth
    1. example
    2. high income tax rate example
  6. Taxation (taxes)
    1. basis
    2. code, change
    3. collection
    4. considerations
    5. double-taxation
      1. discussion
  7. Tax-deferred account, feature
  8. TD Ameritrade
  9. Technology
    1. data sources
    2. meltdown (2001)
    3. solutions
  10. Thematic investing
    1. demands/solutions
    2. perspectives
  11. Thematic
    1. monitoring
  12. Thoreau, Henry David
  13. Thorpe, Ken
  14. Time horizon
    1. impact
  15. Total debt to capital ratio
  16. Total liabilities to disposable income ratio
  17. Total receivables
  18. Tracking error
    1. occurrence
    2. term, usage
  19. Trade associations, data (usage)
  20. Trade, data sources
  21. Trailing P/E (TTM)
  22. Treasuries, interest rates (impact)
  23. Treasury bills
  24. Treasury bonds
  25. Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS)
  26. Treasury notes
  27. “Treat and Reduce Obesity Act, The”
  28. Trend
    1. monitoring
    2. term, usage
  29. Trimming the position
  30. Trucks
    1. tonnage
    2. trends
  31. Twain, Mark
  32. 12b-1 fees


  1. Uber, impact
  2. Underemployment, problem
  3. Unemployment rate
    1. Federal Reserve data
    2. increase
  4. United States
    1. adult obesity, state ranking
    2. adult population, obesity, WHO estimate
    3. Drought Monitor
    4. drought monitor
    5. economic contraction, degree
    6. jet fuel spot prices
    7. median household income
    8. net equity flows, Goldman Sachs forecast
    9. net equity inflows
    10. new houses, median sales price
    11. prevailing narrative
    12. producer price index
      1. raw milk, percentage change
      2. wheat, percentage change
    13. production/nonsupervisiory employees, real average hourly earnings
    14. quarterly homeownership rates
    15. retail e-commerce sales, quarterly estimation
    16. savings, status
    17. students, National Center for Education Statistics ranking
  5. “United States Organic Food Market Forecast & Opportunities” (2018)
  6. Unrelated business taxable income (UBTI)
  7. Upside potential, downside risk (contrast)
  8. Upside-to-downside trade-off, shift
  9. User experience (UX)
  10. U.S. Treasuries, yield curve
  11. Utility, individual maximization


  1. Valuation analysis (Starbucks Corp.)
  2. Valuation metrics, existence
  3. Valuation tools
    1. Dividend yield
    2. P/E ratio
    3. Enterprise Value to EBITDA
    4. Enterprise Value to revenue
  4. Vectors, impact
  5. Velocity
    1. change, rate
    2. impact
  6. von Mises, Ludwig


  1. Wall Street
    1. analyst expectations
    2. expectations
  2. Water
    1. American Water Works Association, pipe replacement value calculation
    2. community water systems, investment
    3. drinking water, ASCE report card
    4. infrastructure spending needs, spending gaps (contrast)
    5. U.S. Drought Monitor
  3. Wealth of Nations, The (Smith)
  4. Weintraub, E. Roy
  5. Wheat, U.S. producer price index (percentage change)
  6. Whole Foods Markets
  7. Wilde, Oscar
  8. Wind energy, fiscal policy example
  9. World Wide Development Conference


  1. Yield curve
    1. inverted yield curve
  2. Yield curve (bonds)
    1. example
    2. inverted yield curve
  3. Yield increase


  1. Zero coupon bonds
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