
From Chris: Sitting down to put fingers to keyboard and write the volume you have before you would not have been possible were it not for the education, learnings, and conversations that helped develop the thematic way I look at the world. As you might imagine, the list is far from short, but also like any list, there are several central figures worth noting. These include David Snyder, Dr. Phil Lane, and Dr. Ben Fine, who had an influential hand from the very beginning; friends and compatriots Keith Bliss, Mike Canevaro, Brian Vosburgh, and Chris Broussard; Dr. Bernard McSherry, who wrangled me into the classroom and afforded me the opportunity to stun graduate and undergraduate students alike with my desk walking; A.J. Rice, without whom my time on the radio and elsewhere with people such as John McCaslin, Matt Ray, Chris Salcedo, Melanie Morgan, and others would never have happened; and Stephanie Link, who welcomed me to The Street and allowed me to work with folks like Bob Lang, Kamal Khan, Paul Curcio, and many other wonderful people, including Jim Cramer, who has been nothing but encouraging and enthusiastic as my role at The Street has grown over the years.

From Lenore: This book would not have been possible without the insights gained from conversations with some of the most truly spectacular economic, investing, and scientific minds I've had the pleasure of getting to know. I'd specifically like to thank Raoul Pal, not only for sharing your brilliance, but for assuring me that I had something worthwhile to say in my moments of greatest frustration; Grant Williams for your uniquely humorous insights; Richard Rahn for everything as there is just too much to list; Dan Mitchell for showing me how to make even tax policy positively riveting to your audience; Tom Palmer for enlightening me in countless ways; David Abner for getting me started in this direction; Peter Whybrow for showing me how to make even the most complex understandable and entertaining; Ed Crane, you are an endless inspiration; Alessandro Dusi, what would I do without you? Michael Cannon, you've taught me to never give up. Finally, thank you to Eric Spinato for helping me evolve from those first truly cringe-worthy television appearances, which helped open the doors that led to the eventual writing of this book.

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