
abusive supervision 84

Adrià, Ferran 30

advance incrementation 143

aggressiveness, commonality in creators and leaders 40

ambiguity: ideas-related 4445; Implicit Creativity Theory of 45; management of 211, 218, 223, 224; tolerance for 142

antenarrative process 166

architects 30

artificial intelligence 3

artistic innovation: creative leadership in 1112, 1617, 171188; collaboration in 182; envisioning of potentiality in 183; extension of events’ duration 180181; leading in time aspect 171173, 174175, 174184; research approach to 174; temporality work 178180, 185; theoretical approach to 173174; time patterning use 176178, 185

artists: scanning activities of 62; see also artistic innovation; names of specific artists

assistant directors (ADs) 245

Atkins, Chet 221

attitudes: intellectual 146, 147; of leaders 140142

attrition analysis 105106

authoritarian leadership 8283, 84

autonomy: in decision making 97; of diverse teams 125, 127128; of employees 82; of empowered teams 90

avant-garde artists see artistic innovation

Avary, Roger 251

balance theory, of wisdom 149

Baltes, Paul 150

Before Sunset (film) 248249

“Big-B” variables 25

“Big-O” variables 25

Blanc, Raymon 30

Boulud, Daniel 30

Boyhood (film) 253

brainstorming 33, 194

brokerage, creative integrative 208227; affirmation of direction in 220221; ambiguity management in 211, 216, 223, 224; bracketing and checking in 218219; building legitimacy in 216217; challenge absorption in 221; collaboration in 223; creative production in 211, 213, 215, 219220; deferring decisions in 219, 220; defining proposed boundaries in 211, 212, 215, 218219; definition of 209211; final synthesis in 211, 213, 215, 221222; future research possibilities 222225; generative networks 217; idea synthesis in 210211; negotiation in 210, 218; resource gathering in 211, 212, 214218; role boundary setting in 220; tertius gaudens/tertius iungens approaches 209210, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 224

Caine, Michael 249

causal analysis skill 6869, 70

Cedroni, Moreno 30

championing: of ideas 141, 232233; of new products 66, 68

change, leader’s response to 146

charismatic leaders/leadership 89, 42, 86; compared with transformational leadership 80, 81; lack of wisdom in 149; as pseudo-creative leaders 145

chefs see haute cuisine chefs

Churchill, Winston 149

coaching 96, 97, 99, 100, 117

cohesion, adverse effects of 89

collaboration: among team members 64, 65; in artistic innovation 182; in brokerage 223; in filmmaking 245; by haute cuisine chefs 157; in new product development 3233; in team learning 99

collaborative context, of creative leadership 4, 6, 24, 27, 3234, 244

collective attention 198199

collective leadership 12

competition, within teams 125126

complying, as leadership practice 162165

componential model, of creativity 96, 9798, 99, 116

conceptual replication 142

confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) 104, 106

conflict management 65, 194

confluence model 140142

connectionist models 7, 4547, 5051

consciousness 46

constraints/constraint analysis 69, 70, 192

context, of creative leadership: components of 2627; definition of 26; discrete level of 2831; discrete variables in 25; effect on leadership type 193194; levels and configurations 2831; omnibus level of 2831; researchers’ familiarity with 24; as research focus 156157

contextual variability, in creative leadership research 67, 16, 2338; levels and configurations of 2831; metatheoretical model 24; organizational source of 3134; quantitative tools-based 25

contingency theory: of creative synthesis process 193194; of leadership 9, 96, 101, 116, 193194

contingent contextual approach, to empowering leadership 82

Control Data Corporation 146

Corbusier, Le 30

creative contributions 244

creative industries 2425; creator versus leader roles in 40

creative leadership research: differences within 1518; in permanent or temporary structures 17; similarities within 1415; time frame 17; variance or process approaches 1718

Creative Leadership: Towards a Multi-Context Conceptualization (Mainemelis, Kark, and Epitropaki) 24

creative leaders/leadership: definition of 3, 156; foundations of 67; importance of 3; qualities and traits of 145146; types of 142146

creative work, definition 122, 173

creativity: collective 12, 209; definition 140, 244; domain-specificity of 145146; negative aspects of 10, 39, 50, 139; as non-leader trait 41; radical versus incremental 86

creativity-leadership relationships 3940, 8590; contextual factors 8889; temporal factors 88; theoretical perspective 87

creators 39, 40

crisis response 63, 89

cross-functional team members 67

curatorial leadership 1314, 228243; of hotel chains 236237; idea classification 236238; ideas championing 232233, 238, 239; legitimacy of actions 233234; in organizational creativity 230232; perspective-taking process 235; portfolio management and 233234, 238, 239

customers, empowering behavior of 82

Daniel, Marko 181

decision making, participative 9697, 99

delegative leadership 194

Delpy, Julie 248

demagogues 139

Directing context: definition 6, 49; leader’s role in 27; organizational-related contextual variability 32

Directive context 1012, 24; creativity-leadership convergence 7; definition 18; followers’ role in 5, 244; institutionalized or/and stratified 30; leader’s responsibility in 16, 27

Directive leaders/leadership: haute cuisine chefs as 156179, 229; negative effects of 8283; omnibus level 2930; role of 229

directors: assistant (ADs) 245, 250251; of films (see filmmaking, creative leadership in); of photography 245

discrete variables 25

disparity/(In)justice theory, of team diversity 910, 124, 125126, 128

diversity see team diversity

DuPont 62

egocentrism fallacy 149

E. Howard & Co. 146

Einstein, Albert 39

emotions: connectionist networks and 4647; shared 199

employee creativity: benefits of 95; halo effect on 9; incremental 9; organizational context of 3334

empowering behavior, of customers 82

empowering team leadership 95121; dimensions of 9697; employee creativity effects 82; managerial implications of 116117; measures of 104105; team creativity relationship 9; team efficacy and 99100, 102, 106117; team independence and 106, 108110; team learning behavior and 97100, 102, 106117; team motivation and 99; team task complexity and 96, 100102, 106117; theoretical implications of 116, 117; theory and hypotheses of 96102

empowerment, psychological 82

enablement, of creativity 159160, 164165

entrepreneurship 48

ethical leadership see moral/immoral leadership

expectations: creativity-specific 97; ex-ante normative 34; normative 33

experience: creative growth and 142; openness to 4243

expertise 142

external networks theory, of team diversity 124, 126, 128129

Facilitating context: definition 49; differentiated from Directive context 244

Facilitating leaders/leadership: focus in 27; role of 229

Facilitative context 810, 24; convergent findings in 25; definition of 18; description of 4; discrete context 29; lack of creativity-leadership convergence 7; omnibus context 29; process-based research 17

feedback 60, 63

film directors see filmmaking, integrative creative leadership in

filmmaking industry, integrative creative leadership in 14, 4748, 244258; autocratic versus democratic approach in 246256; involvement of others 248249; leader behaviors 48; need for control 247248; personality factors in 247248; process organization approach 252255; research approach 246; role consolidation 250251; same team members 249250; secrecy of 249; technology use 251252; vision creation in 4748, 248249

forecasting skill 68, 70

forward incrementation 143

Functional Model, of creative leadership 5978; domain general nature of 60; firm (organization) leadership component 70, 71; key assumptions 60; management support component 6576; project planning activities 6263; scanning activities 61, 62; skills component 6769, 70; team leadership component 6465, 70, 71; theme identification 60, 62; work leadership component 6263, 7071

Gandhi, Mahatma (Mohandas) 149

Gates, Bill 48

Gehry, Frank 30

gender dissimilarity 83, 124

gender stereotyping 50

general leadership behaviors and style 89, 8485

genius 40

Genius, Creativity and Leadership (Simonton) 39

GLOBE study 41

goals: shared 44; social context-based 47

Gropius, Walter 30

halo effect 9, 8788

haute cuisine chefs, creative leadership practices 11, 15, 24, 26, 30, 156179, 229; antenarrative process 166; collaborative approach 157; constraints imposed by 160; creative idea assessment 162165; enablement of creativity 159160, 164165; hierarchical organizational structure of 48, 159; orientation of creative work 160162, 164165; synthesis use 157

Hawke, Ethan 248

height, as indicative of leadership 44

Henderson, Fergus 30

history, impact of great leaders on 39

Hitler, Adolf 39, 139

Hopper, Edward 237238

hotel chains, curatorial leadership of 1314, 236237

ideas: as ambiguity source 4445; assessment/evaluation of 63, 162165; championing of 141, 232233; effect on leadership potential 42; expression of 4445; implicit beliefs about 4344; rejection of 44; as uncertainty source 4445

idea suggestion schemes 33

identity: in directive context 2930; of organizations 33; shared, of team members 64

Implicit Creativity Theories (ICTs) 4248; definition 42; Implicit Leadership Theories versus 7, 45

Implicit Leadership Theories (ILTs) 4042, 4448; connectionist models 4547, 5051; culturally implicit 41; definition 44; Implicit Creativity Theories versus 7, 45; of millennials 4849; for non-creative contexts 4849

information dissemination 9697

information gathering for problem solving 62

information processing theory: of team diversity 124, 125, 128129; of team task complexity 125

information technology (IT) 82

Inglorious Bastards (film) 249

innovation: radical 48; top-down 56, 48; see also artistic innovation

Insomnia (film) 254

Integrating context: definition of 6, 18, 49; organizational-related contextual variability 32

Integrative context 1214, 24; creativity-leadership convergence 7; discrete level 3031; generalizability of findings 31; omnibus level 3031; process orientation 31; synthesis in 30

Integrative leaders/leadership: components 208209; creative brokerage use in 208227; curatorial approach of 230243; as directive leadership 229; in filmmaking industry 244258; synthesis use by 229

intelligence 148149; academic 146, 147; commonality in creators and leaders 40; practical 146, 147148; relationship to creativity 42; successful 146, 147

interactionist theory, of creativity 29

Interstellar (film) 249

invulnerability fallacy 150

Jobs, Steve 48

Joyce, James 39

Kill Bill (film) 250

King, Martin Luther 149

knowledge: effect on creative thinking 141; tacit 148

knowledge sharing 81, 83, 85; team status level-related 125

knowledge transfer 210

Lasseter, John 14, 245, 248249, 252, 254

leader categorization theory 4142

leadership-creativity relationship, negative aspects 8990

Leadership in Administration (Selznick) 16

leadership potential 45

leadership styles 79; contextual variables 8889; in creative synthesis process 200201, 202; effect on employee creativity 8590; measures of 8687; overview of 89; see also specific leadership styles

leaders: historically great 39; interactions with followers 65; qualities of greatness 16; traits of 16, 40, 41; unsuccessful 149150, 151; see also creative leaders/leadership; specific types of leaders and leadership

leading in time 171173, 175184

leading others 172173

learning: collective 255; creativity as 98; democratic integrative 255256; experiential 142; observational 100; organizational 32, 33, 63; self-reflection-related 63; see also team learning behavior

legitimacy, in brokerage 216217

Linklater, Richard 14, 246, 247, 248, 253

Loiseau, Bernard 30

Lucas, George 14, 246, 249, 250, 251, 253254

Lutyens, Edwin 30

management, support from 6566

Mandela, Nelson 149, 150151

Manderlay (film) 251

Mao Tse-tung 39

marketing campaigns 63

Matisse, Pierre 179, 183

Memento (film) 253

Mies van de Rohe, Ludwig 30

millennials, Implicit Leadership Theories of 4849

mindset, effect on creativity perception 47

Miró, Joan 12, 18, 171188; envisioning of potentiality by 183; extension of events’ duration by 180181; leading in time by 175184; temporality work of 173, 175, 178180, 185; time patterning use 176178, 185

mission: clarity of 65; empowering leadership and 99; functions of 60; planning-based 63

moral/immoral leaders/leadership 89, 8384; priorities of 90

motivation: intrinsic 87, 88, 142; in team creativity 158

movie directors see filmmaking, creative leadership in

Mugabe, Robert 150, 151

Multi-Context Model, of creative leadership 5, 67, 24, 27, 49; see also Directive context; Facilitative context; Integrating context

multi-organizational field design 80

multi-source time-lagged study 84

museum curators 13; see also curatorial leadership

music producers see Nashville country music producers

Mussolini, Benito 151

Nashville country music producers, brokerage practices of 211223; bracketing and checking in 218219; building legitimacy 216217; creative production 211, 213, 215; deferring decisions 219; defining proposed boundaries 211, 212, 215, 218219; final synthesis 211, 213, 215; generative networks 217; resource gathering 211, 212, 214218; tertius gaudens/tertius iungens approaches 211, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 224

negotiation: in creative integrative brokerage 210, 218; in integrative leadership 208

networks: brokers within 209210; connectionist 4547; creative leadership within 1213; dispersed 193, 194; external, team diversity and,124, 126, 128129; generative 217; in integrative creative brokerage 209210, 223224; in integrative leadership 208

new product development: collaboration in 3233; functional approach in 61; managerial support for 6566; synthesis in 3233

new products: championing of 66, 68; marketing ideas 63

Nobel Prize winners 62

Nolan, Christopher 14, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 254255

non-creative contexts 4849

obstacles, leader’s approach to 141

omnipotence fallacy 150

omniscience fallacy 149150

orchestra conductors 26, 30, 229

organizational commitment 8990

organizational source, of contextual variability 3134

organizational units, support from 6667

organizations, identity of 33

Pacino, Al 254

paradigms, leader’s approach to 145

paradoxes 8990

participative leadership 89, 8182

Passard, Alain 30

performance, wisdom-based 150

personal assistants (PAs) 245

personality traits: of prototypical leaders 44; related to creativity 41, 4243

perspective-taking process 235

Picasso, Pablo 39, 174

Pitt, Brad 249

Pixar 193, 248250, 251252

politics, creative leadership in 11

portfolio management 234235, 238, 239

power-focused leaders/leadership 89

practicality, versus creativity 45

Prats, Joan 178

problem analysis 141

problem redefinition 141

problem solving 33; domain-specific skills for 9798; effect of uncertainty on 48; functional approach 60; information gathering for 62; instructions for 198; intelligence-based 147, 148; planning in 6263; supportive leadership and 85

process approach 1718

process organization 252255

process orientation 31

project planning activities 6263

promotion focus 81, 82, 8384, 85

prototypical leaders/leadership 4142, 44; connectionist models 4547; roles of 44

pseudo-creative leaders 145

pseudo-transformational leaders 145

psychological empowerment 82

psychological safety 82

Pulp Fiction (film) 251

R&D teams, empowering leadership-team creativity relationship 85, 102117; analysis of 105115; research methodology 102105

reconstruction/redirection, in leadership 144

recruitment, of team members 64, 68, 70

redefinition, in leadership 142143

redirective leadership 143144

Redzepi, René 30

reflexive transversal analysis 11

reinitiation, in leadership 144

replicative leadership 142

resources, for creative work 60, 6567

responsible leadership 1617

rewards: contingent 148; extrinsic 142

risk taking 50, 141; in creative integrative brokerage 210

role identity theory 85

Roosevelt, Eleanor 149

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 39

root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) 104, 106

Sartre, Jean-Paul 39

Scabin, Davide 30

schemas 40, 47, 50

scientific revolutions 145

Selective Prototype Activation 50

self-efficacy: creative 65, 82, 85, 87; of creative leaders 141; of team members 99100

self-schemas 47

Selznick, Philip 3

Sert, Jose Lluis 178, 181

servant leadership 8384, 86, 130, 200201

shared emotions 199

shared leadership 201

skills: of creative leaders 6769, 70, 140141; creativity-related 97, 98, 116; domain-relevant 9798, 116; domain-specific 145146; evolution of 142; intellectual 146, 147, 148; of transactional leaders 145

social categorization theory, of team diversity 123, 124125, 128129

social context model, of creative idea recognition 47

social identity theory, of leadership 124, 130

socio-cognitive foundations, of creative learning 910, 3955; connectionist models of 4547, 5051; Implicit Creativity Theories/Implicit Leadership Theories of 4048, 5051; unified creative leadership concept 4950

Stalin, Joseph 39, 151

standardization, effect on creativity 89, 90

Star Wars (film) 251252

Stravinsky, Igor 39

string quartets 26

support: from organizational units 6667; for team work 61

supportive contributions 4, 244

supportive leadership 25, 8485

Swank, Hilary 254

synthesis: creative 12; in creative integrative brokerage 210211; as creative leadership 144; haute cuisine chefs’ use of 157; in Integrative context 30, 229; of leadership qualities 150151; in new product development 3233

synthesis process 191207; collective attention direction of 197198; collective resources for 194195, 202; contexts of 193194; contingency view of 193194; definition of 192; in diverse teams 192, 193, 195; enactment of ideas 195196; exclusion of viewpoints 199200; goals of 198199; idea-generation paradigm 192; leader behaviors 195200; leadership in 193202; leadership style 200201, 202; overview of 191207; similarities among group members 198200; time management in 195

Tarantino, Quentin 14, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 254, 255

task motivation 99

team-based structures 95

team creativity: in haute cuisine 157162; leadership empowerment relationship 9, 95121; measures of 104; motivation in 158

team diversity 122136; definition of 122; disparity/(In)justice theory of 910, 124, 125126, 128; external networks theory of 910, 124, 126, 128129; information processing theory of 910, 124, 125, 128129; integrative framework 126131; social categorization theory of 910, 123, 124125, 128129

team effectiveness model 9596

team efficacy: empowering leadership relationship 101102, 112, 113117; importance of 99100; measures of 104, 106111

team interdependence 106, 108111

team learning behavior: as collective process 9899; empowering leadership relationship 97102, 106117; measures of 104, 106111

team members: collaboration among 64, 65; cross-functional 67; recruitment 64, 68, 70

team motivation 99

team task complexity 910; definition 96, 101; empowering leadership relationship 101102, 113115, 116, 117; information processing theory of 125; measures of 104, 108112

team work: resources for 61; support for 61

temporality work 172, 173, 178180, 185

tertius gaudens/tertius iungens approaches, in creative integrative brokerage 217, 221, 224; for ambiguity management 216; for decision deferment 220; emphasis and functions of 209, 211, 215; in negotiation 218

thinking skills, creative 6768, 70

time frame, of creative leadership effects 17

time patterning 172, 176178, 185

transactional leaders/leadership 8; approach of 145; compared with transformational leadership 81; practical intelligence of 147148; skills of 145

transformational leaders/leadership 89, 39, 86, 144145; approach of 145; compared with transactional leadership 81; of diverse teams 127, 130; effect on creativity 65; employee creativity relationship 8081; leadership style 145; negative aspects 89; Nelson Mandela as 150151; task independence and 89

Troisgos, Michel 30

Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) 104

uncertainty: avoidance of 82; effect on problem solving 48; ideas-related 4445; intolerance to 44, 47; tolerance to 44

unconventional behavior 48, 85

unified creative leadership concept 4950

unrealistic-optimism fallacy 149

variance approach 1718

vision creation 4748, 248249

voice behavior 83

Von Trier, Lars 14, 246, 248, 250251, 252

Whitney Museum of American Art 237238

WICS see wisdom, intelligence, creativity, synthesized (WICS) model, of leadership

wisdom: balance theory of 149; relationship to creativity 42, 43; as a skill 69, 70

wisdom, intelligence, creativity, synthesized (WICS) model, of leadership 1011, 139155; intelligence component 146148; synthesis component 150151; wisdom component 148150

work environment: creative 6465; leader’s establishment of 60, 6465, 71; perceptions of 6465

Wright, Frank Lloyd 30

Zuckerberg, Mark 48

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