Reflect for a moment on what you have read in this book so far. We have covered a lot of ground, that’s for sure. If you have put all of the recommendations in place, you should have the best possible talent ready to fill your pipeline. These individuals were attracted to your organization and applied to work there. The best of the best received your offer and happily accepted it, excited about the global growth opportunities with your organization. Thanks to your efforts, your organization now has the best possible learning system for them—cross-cultural training, developmental experiences, and international assignments—to build their cultural agility.

Does this sound like a desirable goal—or a wild fantasy? Is your organization ready for all this? Will your corporate culture and HR systems be able to sustain these practices? If not, you need to start somewhere—and probably not by plunging into the deep end of the pool. You will need to implement these practices to build cultural agility at the level and pace that is right for your organization. Your last and final step is to assess your organizational readiness—this is stepping into the wading pool for some and taking the high dive for others.

Here in the conclusion of the book, Chapter Nine, I will describe the ways in which leadership, organizational culture, and HR systems can be leveraged to create and sustain a pipeline of culturally agile professionals.

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