Abbe, Allison

Ability to form relationships: definition of; how cross-cultural interactions are affected by

Academy of International Business Fellows

Agreeableness personality trait

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

AMREF (Uganda)


Appropriate self-efficacy competency: definition of; how cross-cultural psychological ease affected by; international assignment success and

Army Culture and Foreign Language Strategy (2009)

Assessment: cultural agility competencies; Cultural Agility Selection System; of developmental properties of cross-cultural experience; foreign language proficiency; of global mobility practices for strategic alignment; knowledge; personality; self-assessment. See also Cross-cultural training evaluating; Self-assessment

Assessment instruments: BARS (behaviorally anchored rating scales); Bio-Data Assessment for Foreign Language Usage; Bio-Data Assessment of Openness; CASA (Cultural Agility Self-Assessment); knowledge tests; Performance Assessment for International Assignees; The SAGE (The Self-Assessment for Global Endeavors); Stakeholder Alignment of International Assignees’ Performance Goals; STIA (Selection Test for International Assignees). See also Interviews

Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (AIESEC)

Attracting culturally agile professionals: global image used for; job postings used for; recruiter roles in; recruitment messages used for; social media role in; as strategic talent management practice; taking action for. See also Recruiting culturally agile professionals

Attractive Global Employers: The Top Ten Lists

Avon Products


Bailey, Wendy

Bandura, Albert

BARS (behaviorally anchored rating scales): assessing cultural minimization; assessing extroversion; description and use of

Baudino, Marcelo

Beechler, Schon

Behavioral responses: cross-cultural competences affecting; cultural adaptation; Cultural Agility Selection System assessment of competencies affecting; cultural integration; cultural minimization

Behymer, Kyle

Ben & Jerry’s

BEST Group

Bialystok, Ellen

Biedny, Christina

Big Five personality traits: affecting cross-cultural interactions; affecting decisions in cross-cultural context; affecting psychological ease cross-culturally; how they affect international assignment success; listed; testing for

Bio-Data Assessment for Foreign Language Usage

Bio-Data Assessment of Openness

Black, J. Stewart

Blended learning cross-cultural training


Bolino, Mark

Booz Allen Hamilton

Born, Marise

Boyacigiller, Nakiye

Bradford, Randall

Brett, Jeanne

Brigham Young University (BYU)

Brookfield Global Relocation Services

Brookfield’s 2011 Global Relocation Trends survey

Bross, Allon

Buddy programs

Bulcke, Paul

Business decisions. See Global business decisions


Caligiuri, Paula M.

Campion, Michael


Career counseling

Carraher, Shawn


Center for Applied Linguistics

CEO survey (2011)

Chen, Danny


Clark, Paul

Client development: how cultural adaptation can help with; reactions of Japanese and Thai “buyers” to American “sellers,”

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) [Africa]


Cohen, Ben

Colakoglu, Saba

Competencies. See Cross-cultural competencies

Conscientiousness personality trait

Couette, Yves: adapting his style to fit Ben & Jerry’s norms; cross-cultural competencies of; professional background of

Country Navigator (TMA World)

Crocitto, Madeline

Cross-cultural adjustment goal

Cross-cultural competencies: ability to form relationships; appropriate self-efficacy; assumptions and/or overconfidence in; cultural adaptations; as cultural agility level 1; cultural curiosity and desire to learn; cultural integration; cultural minimization; divergent thinking and creativity; global professional effectiveness through; integrate knowledge of cross-national/cultural issues; performance assessment for international assignees; perspective-taking; receptivity to adopting diverse ideas; sample tasks requiring; tolerance of ambiguity; valuing diversity. See also Cultural Agility Competency Framework

Cross-cultural interactions: ability to form relationships impact on; Cultural Agility Selection System assessment of competencies affecting; experiential developmental opportunity of engaging in meaningful peer-level; how personality traits affect; perspective-taking impact on; three competencies affecting; valuing diversity competency impact on

Cross-cultural situations: competencies affecting global business decisions in; competencies affecting interactions in; competencies affecting psychological ease in

Cross-cultural success: as cultural agility level 3; how reliance on technology diminishes innovative

Cross-cultural training: delivery methods for; developing cultural intelligence during; evaluating the effectiveness of; five sample observations to make on unfamiliar culture; language training component of; learning goals for; limited availability to professionals; readiness for; taking action to implement; timing and sequencing of. See also Experiential developmental opportunities

Cross-cultural training delivery: blended learning; four tools used for; person-led; Web-based

Cross-cultural training evaluating: considering metrics for; knowledge gained and retained criteria for; knowledge tests for; methods for evaluating effectiveness; professional success criteria for; time-to-effectiveness criteria for. See also Assessment

Cross-cultural training learning goals: build a framework for how cultures differ; gain culture-specific knowledge; learn methods for cross-cultural discovery; understand the cross-cultural adjustment process

Cross-national/cultural knowledge competency: definition of; for global business decision making

CSL Limited

Cultural adaptation: as behavioral response; client development through; definition of; ethical dilemmas related to; in government; jobs and roles most often requiring; level of Americans’ to Thai and Japanese cultures; leveraged at the appropriate time; in manufacturing; reactions of Japanese and Thai “buyers” to American “sellers” using

Cultural agility: assessing and selecting for; assumptions made for assessing; attracting and recruiting talent with; building workforce; conducting a job analysis to identify needs for; crafting developmental cross-cultural experiences to increase; cross-cultural training to build foundation for; developed through international assignments; as mega-competency; professional advantages of having; three cultural responses by professionals with; three levels of. See also Culturally agile professionals

Cultural Agility Competency Framework: affecting behavioral responses in cross-cultural contexts; on competences affecting cross-cultural interactions; on competences affecting global business decisions; on competencies affecting psychological ease in cross-cultural situations; on cultural adaptations competency; on cultural integration competency; on cultural minimization competency; introducing the; personality traits underlying the; twelve key competencies of. See also Cross-cultural competencies; Taking action

Cultural Agility Interviews: for assessing extroversion; BARS (behaviorally anchored rating scales) used for; Cultural Agility Selection System component of; sample from cultural minimization

Cultural Agility Job Analysis

Cultural Agility Selection System: competencies assessed as part of the; foreign language assessment component of; interview component of; knowledge assessment component of; personality assessment component of; résumé screening component of; self-assessment component of; taking action to implement. See also Selecting international assignments

Cultural Agility Self-Assessment (CASA)

Cultural attitudes: definition of; making assumptions about

Cultural curiosity competency: definition of; how cross-cultural psychological ease affected by

Cultural differences: attitudes and values making up; building a cross-cultural framework on; making assumptions about prior exposure to; suggested book references for understanding. See also Cultures

Cultural discovery

Cultural Factors in Building Credibility

Cultural integration: as behavioral response; creating a hybrid team culture through; creating “no-blame” culture and principles to guide behavior; definition of; jobs and roles most often requiring; leveraged at the appropriate time; in mergers and acquisitions

Cultural Intelligence: Living and Working Globally (Thomas and Inkson)

Cultural Intelligence: People Skills for Global Business (Thomas and Inkson)

Cultural intelligence (CQ)

Cultural minimization: as behavioral response; in context of health and safety practices; Cultural Agility Interviews on; definition of; jobs and roles most often requiring; leveraged at the appropriate time

Cultural Navigator (TMC)

Cultural orientations: effectiveness of manufacturing professionals; effectiveness of sales professionals and their; number of available

Cultural responses: cultural adaptation; as cultural agility level 2; cultural integration; cultural minimization

Cultural similarities: assumptions about differences and; between United Arab Emirati and French Canadian

Cultural “stretch” situations

Cultural values: definition of; making assumptions about

Culturally agile professional pipeline: barriers to creating; building a; taking action to create; two different types of needs for

Culturally agile professional pipeline barriers: assumptions about cultural similarities and differences; assumptions about prior cultural exposure; assumptions about prior success; assumptions about technology

Culturally agile professionals: assessing and selecting; assumptions made for assessing; attracting and recruiting; competencies affecting cross-cultural interactions by; competencies affecting global business decisions by; competencies affecting psychological ease in cross-cultural situations; conducting a job analysis to identify need for; creating a pipeline of; creating the employee value proposition for; cross-cultural training for; cultural adaptation by manufacturing; cultural adaptation by sales; cultural integration used by; cultural minimization in context of health and safety by; cultural responses and agility of; global mind-set of; international assignments of; natural tendency toward forming relationships and success of; self-ratings of global abilities and knowledge by. See also Cultural agility; Talent

Culturally agile workforce: assessing your organization’s readiness for building; employee value proposition for; example of building; globalization impact on; HR’s role in building; ROI (return on investment) of international assignments for

Culture Compass (Living Abroad)

Culture Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values (Hofstede)

Culture-specific knowledge: cross-cultural training program focus on; cultural factors in building credibility; formality differences

Cultures: cross-cultural newbies’ assumptions about; five sample observations to make on unfamiliar; high-context versus low-context. See also Cultural differences

Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov)

CultureWizard (RW3)

Curiosity (sensemaking)



de Leon, Corinna


Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey

Demand-driven assignees: global mobility practice of distinguishing learning-driven versus; learning-driven versus; self-assessment tools used by; technical assignees and functional assignees types of

Deutsche Bank (Bahrain)

Development cross-cultural experiences: assessing potential for; buddy programs; description and benefits of; engaging in meaningful peer-level interactions; global project teams; global rotational programs; how cross-cultural experiences become; international volunteerism programs; mentoring programs; receiving feedback on performance in cross-cultural roles; suggestions for specific types of; taking action to create; using new knowledge, skills, and abilities in cultural contexts


Direct Relief International (DRI)

DiSanto, Victoria


Divergent thinking/creativity competence, definition of

Diverse ideas receptivity competency: definition of; for global business decision making

Dow Chemical

Dow Corning

DubaiEye (radio station)

Dubberke, Sean

Dunfee, Thomas

Dyroen-Lancer, Becky


Earley, P. Christopher

Economist Intelligence Unit survey

Emotional stability personality trait

Employee value proposition: creating the; description of


Ernst & Young

Ethical dilemmas of cultural adaptation

Etiquette rules

European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS)

European Voluntary Service (European Union)

Experiential developmental opportunities: assessing potential for; description and benefits of; engaging in meaningful peer-level interactions; how cross-cultural experiences become; receiving feedback on performance in cross-cultural roles; suggestions for specific types of; taking action to create; using new knowledge, skills, and abilities in cultural contexts. See also Cross-cultural training

Extroversion personality trait: description of; sample interview protocol for assessing. See also Openness personality trait

Exxon Mobil



Family support

Farr, James L.


Feedback: on performance in cross-cultural role; person-led cross-cultural training delivery

Ferzandi, Lori

Fichtner, Udo

Fichtner, Wolfgang

Finnish social norms

Flexibility personality trait: international assignment success and; U.S. soldiers’ divergent thinking and

Focardi-Ferri, Rachele

Food Attitude Behavior Openness Scale (FABOS)

Foreign language assessment: bio-data; Cultural Agility Selection System on; list of tests for; résumé screening for information on

Foreign language proficiency: assessments for; Bio-Data Assessment for Foreign Language Usage; cross-cultural training to improve; understanding formality differences

Frone, Michael

Full immersion

Functional assignees


General Electric (GE)

Germany: cultural differences in work-life balance preferences in; Walmart’s experience in

Ghosn, Carlos

Gibbs, Jennifer

Gibson, Cristina

GlaxoSmithKline: benefits of international volunteerism program of; PULSE Volunteer Partnership of

Global business decisions: competencies affecting; Cultural Agility Selection System assessment of competencies affecting; divergent thinking and creativity competency for; knowledge and integration of cross-national/cultural issues competency for; personality traits affecting; receptivity to adopting diverse ideas competency for

Global mindset: description of; for making global business decisions

Global mobility practices: assessing those used for strategic alignment; both support-based and strategic development; building cultural agility using strategic; distinguishing demand-driven versus learning-driven assignees as; mostly strategic development with targeted support-based; support-based; support-based with some strategic development

Global professionals. See Cultural agile professionals

Global project teams

Global Relocation Trends (Brookfield 2011 Survey Report)

Global Road Warriors (World Trade Press)

Global rotation programs

Global Talent Index Report,

Global Teams Tools (RW3)


The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule quiz

Goldman Sachs

GoldSea (online newspaper)


Goosby, Eric

Government professionals: cultural adaptation by; Shin, Morgeson, and Campion study on

Greenfield, Jerry

Gregersen, Hal



Hamouz, Fayrene L.

Hampden-Turner, Charles

Harper’s Bazaar

Harrison, David

Health and safety: cultural messages to influence standardization of; cultural minimization in context of; international assignments and safety-related practices; study on corporation-wide safety practices in different countries

Hertz Corporation

Hewlett-Packard (HP)

High level of tolerance. See Tolerance of ambiguity competence

Hirschvogel Automotive Group

Hirst, Giles

HIV/AIDS crisis

Hofstede, Geert

Hofstede, Gert Jan

Hong Kong UST Business School

Houghtaling, Chris

Human talent. See Talent

Huntsman, Jon

Hybrid team culture: cultural integration to create a; in mergers and acquisitions; principles guiding behavior and “no-blame,”

Hyland, MaryAnne


IBM: global mentoring program of; global rotation program of; Human Resource Leadership Development Program of; international volunteerism program of; Lenovo’s acquisition of PC division of; as on top ten lists of attractive global employers; recruitment of BYU students by

Inkson, Kerr



International assignment goals: demand-driven; developmental; functional; how cultural agility development is impacted by; learning-driven; strategic; technical

International assignments: assessing global mobility practices for strategic alignment; example of developing cultural agility through; full immersion approach to; how goals impact cultural agility; providing appropriate support practices during; repatriation following; ROI (return on investment) of; selection of the right; strategic global mobility practices supporting cultural agility during; taking actions to develop cultural agility through

International career orientations: distinguishing between completing international assignment and; examples of professionals with; international volunteerism opportunities as evidence of; interviewing professionals with; the money trap issue of assessing; self-initiated career decisions as evidence of. See also Recruiting culturally agile professionals

International MBA programs

International volunteerism programs: Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey on; European Voluntary Service; NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) and; Peace Corps


Interviews: for assessing extroversion; BARS (behaviorally anchored rating scales); Cultural Agility. See also Assessment instruments


Jacobs, Rick R.

Janssens, Maddy

Japan: Hiragana writing system of; Japanese and Thai “buyers” reactions to American sales professionals; Katakana writing system of

Job analysis

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson, Paul

Joshi, Aparna

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie

J.P. Morgan

JRH Biosciences

Jung, Andrea


Kalman, Danny

“Know thyself,”

Knowledge: applied in different cultural contexts; assessment of culture-specific; cross-cultural training program focus on culture-specific; cross-national/cultural knowledge competency

Knowledge assessment: Cultural Agility Selection System component of; Foreign Service Officer Test used for; for testing cross-cultural knowledge

Knowledge tests

Konno Mamoru


Kraimer, Maria

Kupczyk, Jim


Language Testing International

Languages: assessing abilities of foreign; cross-cultural training inclusion of language training; formality differences in; résumé screening for information on

Lazarova, Mila

Learning driven assignees: description of; developmental assignees and strategic assignees of; global mobility practice of distinguishing demand-driven versus


Lenovo-IBM PC division acquisition

Levy, Orly

Lin, David

Liu Chuan Zhi

Living Abroad’s Culture Compass

Lockheed Martin

London Business School


Major League Baseball

Managing Across Cultures: The Seven Keys to Doing Business with a Global Mindset (Solomon and Schell)

Managing the Global Workforce course

Manufacturing professionals: cultural adaptation by; cultural orientations and effectiveness of; difference between British and Chinese workers’ reactions to autonomy

McCloskey, Michael


McKinsey & Company

McNulty, Yvonne


Mencin, Ahsiya

Mentoring programs


Merck and Co.

Mergers & acquisitions

Mexican culture

Microbial Pathogen Department


Millennium Cities Initiative (Ghana)

Minkov, Michael

Model United Nations club

Mol, Stefan

Morgan, Zach

Morgeson, Frederick

Mormon Mafia

Mosakowski, Elaine



National Basketball Association


Newman, Jason

NGOs (nongovernmental organizations): European Voluntary Service; international volunteerism programs working with; Peace Corps

1996 Olympic Games


“No-blame” culture


Nolan, Riall

Nooyi, Indra


Oehler, Karl-Heinz

Olympic Games (1996)

Olympic Games (Summer, 2000)

Openness personality trait: Bio-Data Assessment of; description of; Food Attitude Behavior Openness Scale (FABOS); international assignment success and; sample interview protocol on assessing extroversion and. See also Extroversion personality trait

Organizations: assessing global mobility practices for strategic alignment; assessing readiness for cultural agility; building a culturally agile professional pipeline; challenges related to cultural barriers; leadership practices to foster culturally agile culture in; repatriation attrition concerns of; strategic development global mobility practices of. See also Taking action

Ozanne, Julie



Papautsky, Elizabeth Lerner

Peace Corps (U.S.)

Peer-level cross-cultural interactions


Performance management: assessing cross-cultural competencies of international assignees; assessing global mobility practices for strategic alignment; different performance goals and; different raters and; during international assignments; Stakeholder Alignment of International Assignees’ Performance Goals. See also Talent management

Person-led cross-cultural training

Personality assessment: the “Big Five”; Cultural Agility Selection System component of

Personality tests

Personality traits: affecting psychological ease cross-culturally; agreeableness; the “Big Five,”; conscientiousness; Cultural Agility Competency Framework underlying specific; emotional stability; extroversion; flexibility; openness; testing for

Perspective-taking competency: definition of; the Golden Rule on; the Golden Rule quiz; how cross-cultural interactions are affected by; religion and; U.S. soldiers’ cross-cultural interactions and their

Phillips, Jean M.

Piecowye, James

Ping Ping Fu

Pornpitakpan, Chantihika


Pro Mujer, Bolivia (PMB)

Procter & Gamble

Professionals. See Cultural agile professionals

Psychological ease cross-culturally competencies: appropriate self-efficacy; cross-cultural training to facilitate; Cultural Agility Selection System assessment of; cultural curiosity; personality traits affecting; tolerance of ambiguity

PULSE Volunteer Partnership (GlaxoSmithKline)

Purdue University


Quigley, Kevin

Quizzes: The Golden Rule; Your Organization’s Global Image


Rajagopal, Lakshman

Rakuten (Japan)

Receptivity to diverse ideas competency: definition of; for global business decision making

Recruiters: attracting culturally agile professionals role by; re(training); selecting for their cultural agility

Recruiting culturally agile professionals: cross-cultural majors, activities, and clubs to find; hosting networking parties to build employer brand for; international university programs used for; InterNations networking club for; Peace Corp experience as source for; places to find new hires; taking action for. See also Attracting culturally agile professionals; International career orientations

Relationships: ability to form relationships impact on; perspective-taking impact on; valuing diversity competency impact on




Repatriation: assessing global mobility practices for strategic alignment of; of developmental assignees; importance of managing; recommended practices for successful

Repatriation attrition: perceived as competitive risk; recommendations to lower

Repatriation recommendations: manage expectations; match goal fulfillment and rewards; provide career counseling; send credible messages; structure networking opportunities


Résumé screening: Cultural Agility Selection System on; sample keywords to look for when

Rich Products

Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner)

Ross, Karol

Rule Number One Is to Support the Family

Rutgers University

Rutgers University-Singapore Institute of Management joint program

RW3: Culture Wizard of; Global Teams Tool of


Saatcioglu, Bige

Safety-related practices. See Health and safety

The SAGE (The Self-Assessment for Global Endeavors)

Sales professionals: accommodating Chinese physicians; advice on cultural adaptation strategies for; cultural adaptation by; cultural orientations and effectiveness of; Japanese and Thai “buyers” reactions to American

Sanyo Video Component Corporation (Tijuana)

Schell, Michael S.

Schott AG

Segunda Mano (classified ads)

Selecting international assignments: assessing strategic alignment practices for; creating a candidate database for; how the Big Five personality traits affect success of; importance of offering the right assignment; sample interview protocol for assessing extroversion; self-assessment tool for decision making; STIA (Selection Test for International Assignees) for; technical skills and experience considered for. See also Cultural Agility Selection System

Self-assessment: Cultural Agility Selection System on; Cultural Agility Self-Assessment (CASA) for; followed by self-development; of global mobility practices for strategic alignment; The Golden Rule quiz; The SAGE (The Self-Assessment for Global Endeavors); as strategic development global mobility practice; Your Organization’s Global Image Quiz. See also Assessment

Self-efficacy. See Appropriate self-efficacy competency

Selmer, Jan

Shachaf, Pnina

Shaffer, Margaret

Shannon, Jack

Shapero, Dana

Shapiro, Jon

Sharan, Ken

Shell Indonesia

Shepard, Otis

Shin, Shung


Silalahi, Darwin

Singapore Institute of Management-Rutgers University joint program

Smeede, Theo van der

Smith, Frank


Soldiers. See U.S. soldiers

Solomon, Charlene, M.


Spicer, Andrew

Stakeholder Alignment of International Assignees’ Performance Goals


Steinmetz, Chris

STIA (Selection Test for International Assignees)

Stimulated Oral Proficiency Interviews

Strategic alignment assessment: of general global mobility practices; of global mobility practices for selection; self-assessing global mobility practices

Strategic assignment goals

Strategic development global mobility practices: appropriate support practices; assessing practices for strategic alignment; both support-based and; building cultural agility using; mostly support-based with some; performance management; repatriation; selection of assignments; self-assessment; targeted support-based with mostly

Stringer, Howard

Sullivan, Sherry

Support-based global mobility practices: assessing practices for strategic alignment; both strategic development and; description of; mostly strategic development with targeted; some strategic development with mostly

Suutari, Vesa

Sydney Harbour cleanup (Australia)


Taking action: for attracting and recruiting culturally agile professionals; to create culturally agile professional pipeline; to create experiential developmental opportunities; to develop cultural agility through international assignments; to implement cross-cultural training; to implement Cultural Agility Selection System; to incorporate competencies affecting professional success; to incorporate cultural adaptation, cultural minimization, and cultural integration. See also Cultural Agility Competency Framework; Organizations

Talent: attracting and recruiting culturally agile; cross-cultural training readiness by; cultural barriers challenges facing; organizational importance of; self-ratings of global abilities and knowledge by. See also Culturally agile professionals

Talent management: attracting culturally agile professionals as strategic; CEO survey (2011) on importance of. See also Performance management

Tarique, Ibraiz

Taveras, Sudhey

Taylor, Sully

Technical assignees

Technology: assumptions that cultural differences are transcended by; how reliance diminishes cross-cultural success

Thomas, David


TMA World’s Country Navigator

TMC’s Cultural Navigator

Tolerance of ambiguity competence: cross-cultural psychological ease affected by; definition of; international assignment success and; study on U.S. soldiers and their

Transparent Language

TraQs Consulting

Trompenaars, Fons

TRW Automotive (Germany)

2000 Summer Olympics (Sydney, Australia)



Union Texas Petroleum

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

United Nations Global Commission on International Migration

United Nations (UN) language proficiency examinations

United States: foreign-born workers in the; increasing demand for culturally agile professionals in the; International MBA programs in the

Universidad Blas Pascal (Argentina)

University of Applied Sciences, Wiener Neustadt

University of Montreal

University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School

University of Pune (India)

University of Richmond

University of South Carolina’s Darla Moore School of Business

Universum communications

U.S. Army

U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. News & World Report

U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

U.S. soldiers: curiosity (sensemaking) of; divergent thinking and cognitive flexibility of; knowledge and integration of cross-national/cultural issues of; self-efficacy of; tolerance of ambiguity competence of; valuing diversity competency of

USRobotics Corporation (USR)


Value proposition. See Employee value proposition

Valuing diversity competency: cross-cultural interactions affected by; definition of; U.S. soldiers’

Van Der Molen, Henk

Vincze, Zsolt



Walmart’s Germany experience

The Walt Disney Company (USA)

Web-based cross-cultural training

Web sites: attracting culturally agile professionals using company; creating employee value proposition through company

When in Rome (film)

Willemsen, Madde

Wipro Technologies

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Austria)

Workforce. See Culturally agile workforce

World Trade Press’s Global Road Warriors


Yagnik, Jyoti

Yang Yuanqing

Your Organization’s Global Image quiz



Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Zehetbauer, Stephan

Zulfiqar, Asif

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