
After many years working in the database community in various capacities, I’ve come to realize there’s a real need for a book for practitioners (not novices) that explains the basic principles of relational theory in a way not tainted by the quirks and peculiarities of existing products, commercial practice, or the SQL standard. I wrote this book to fill that need. My intended audience is thus experienced database practitioners or other database professionals who are honest enough to admit they don’t understand the theory underlying their own field as well as they might, or should. That theory is, of course, the relational model—and while it’s true that the fundamental ideas of that theory are all quite simple, it’s also true that they’re widely misrepresented, or underappreciated, or both. Often, in fact, they don’t seem to be understood at all. For example, here are a few relational questions. How many of them can you answer?

  1. What exactly is first normal form?

  2. What’s the connection between relations and predicates?

  3. What’s semantic optimization?

  4. What’s a join dependency?

  5. Why is semidifference important?

  6. Why doesn’t deferred integrity checking make sense?

  7. What’s a relation variable?

  8. What’s nonloss decomposition?

  9. Can a relation have an attribute whose values are relations?

  10. What’s the difference between SQL and the relational model?

  11. Why is The Information Principle important?

  12. How does XML fit with the relational model?

This book provides answers to these and many related questions. Overall, it’s meant to help database practitioners understand relational theory in depth and make good use of that understanding in their professional day-to-day activities.

What Makes This Book Different?

I must immediately explain that very little of the technical substance of this book is new. I’ve said most of it before, in previous books and other publications—I’ve just looked around and seen that it needs to be said again. But I’ve tried to say it differently this time: the sequence is different, the development is different, the style and treatment are different, and the intended audience is different (more on this last point in a moment). So while parts of the material have appeared before in some form or another in a variety of places, I do regard this as a totally new book. Of course, some portions of the text are, inevitably, similar to things I’ve written elsewhere, because the material all comes out of the same place, as it were: namely, my own brain, and my experience in teaching this material in live seminars over many years. But there’s no direct plagiarism; direct plagiarism wouldn’t serve my purpose. However, I have consciously reused many of my old examples, because those examples have been very carefully tailored over the years to illustrate exactly the points I want to make, no more and no less.

Let me come back to that point about the intended audience for this book being different. As already indicated, I’ve published several previous books in the field of database technology. So how is this one different? In particular, does it compete with any of those existing books?

In my view, the answer to the latter question is no. I have two books from Addison-Wesley that might look at first sight as if they could be competitors to this one:

  • An Introduction to Database Systems, Eighth Edition (2004)

  • Databases, Types, and the Relational Model: The Third Manifesto, Third Edition(coauthored with Hugh Darwen, to appear 2006)

However, the first of these, though I call it an “introduction,” actually covers the whole of the database field, not just the relational model. It’s meant primarily as a college text, and it doesn’t assume any prior database knowledge or experience on the part of its readers; also, the style is much more formal than that of the present book, as befits a textbook.

The second is an extensive reworking of an earlier book by Hugh Darwen and myself called Foundation for Future Database Systems: The Third Manifesto, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2000). This one is an advanced (graduate-level?) text, and it’s even more formal—not to say terse—than the first book. Although there’s obviously some overlap in subject matter, therefore, I don’t really see any of these three books as competing with the other two.

Another significant point of difference is that the present book is mainly meant for self-study (though there are portions you might want to discuss with your friends and colleagues and coworkers). There are exercises, too, to help reinforce the material; there’s no obligation to do those exercises, of course, but I think it’s a good idea to have a go at some of them at least. Answers, often giving more information about the subject at hand, can be found online at

While I’m on the topic of possible competition, I should mention a couple of other books of mine (the first from Addison-Wesley again, the other from Morgan Kaufmann):

  • The Database Relational Model: A Retrospective Review and Analysis (2001)

  • Temporal Data and the Relational Model(coauthored with Hugh Darwen and Nikos A. Lorentzos, 2003)

In my opinion, the first of these complements the present book, in that it reviews and analyzes, in a fairly informal style, the series of papers by Ted Codd that first introduced the relational model to the world at large. And the second is concerned, as its title indicates, not with relational theory as such but with a specific application of that theory. While the first chapter of that book does contain an overview of the relational model and thus might be considered to compete slightly with the present book, I don’t really think it does.

The net of all of the above is this: although I’ve written on most of these topics before in a variety of places, and sometimes in unavoidably similar terms, I don’t think any other publication by myself—or anyone else, so far as I know—brings them together and covers them in a way that’s even close to the way the present book does.

Further Preliminaries

I need to take care of several further preliminaries. As I’ve already said, I’ll be using some of the same examples here as in other books and articles of mine; in particular, the running example is the famous (or infamous) suppliers-and-parts database. I apologize for dragging this old warhorse out yet one more time, but the remark I made earlier about examples having been very carefully designed to illustrate exactly the points I want to make applies to this particular example in spades.

Second, my own understanding of the relational model has evolved over the years, and continues to do so. This book represents my very latest thinking on the subject; thus, if you detect any discrepancies between this book and the ones already mentioned (and there are a few), the treatment in this book should be taken as superseding that in those earlier ones. Though I hasten to add that such discrepancies are mostly of a fairly minor nature; what’s more, I’ve taken care always to relate new terms and concepts to earlier ones, whenever I felt it was necessary to do so.

Third, I am, of course, going to talk about theory—but it’s an article of faith with me that theory is practical. I mention this point explicitly because so many people seem to believe the exact opposite: namely, that if something’s theoretical, it can’t be practical. But the truth is that theory—at least, the theory I’m talking about here, which is relational theory, of course—is most definitely very practical indeed. The purpose of that theory is not just theory for its own sake; the purpose of that theory is to allow us to build systems that are 100 percent practical. Every detail of the theory is there for solid practical reasons. Indeed, much of that theory is not only practical, it’s fundamental, straightforward, simple, useful, and it can be fun (as I hope to demonstrate in the course of this book).

(In fact, we really don’t have to look any further than the relational model itself to find the most striking possible illustration of the foregoing thesis. Indeed, it really shouldn’t be necessary to defend the notion that theory is practical, in a context such as ours: namely, a multibillion dollar industry totally founded on one great theoretical idea. But I suppose the cynic’s position would be “Yes, but what has theory done for me lately?” In other words, those of us who do think theory is important must continually justify ourselves to our critics—which is another reason why I think a book like this one is needed.)

And another point: the standard “relational” language is SQL, of course, and I assume you’re reasonably familiar with that language, as well as with basic database concepts in general. As you’ll soon see, however, I’m pretty critical of SQL in what follows. The sad fact is that SQL fails in all too many ways to support the relational model properly; it suffers from numerous sins of both omission and commission (which is why I said it was “relational,” in quotation marks, when I first mentioned it). But this state of affairs is precisely one of the reasons why you need to know the relational model! Because SQL’s support for the model is so deficient, it gives you rope to hang yourself; so you need to know the theory in order not to hang yourself—that is, you need to know the theory in order to enforce for yourself the various disciplines that SQL really ought to enforce on your behalf but doesn’t. A good example is duplicate rows: SQL allows duplicate rows, but the relational model doesn’t. So you need to knowwhy the model doesn’t allow them in order to understand why it’s important not to “take advantage” of this particular SQL “feature.” As one reviewer of my original proposal for this book, Stephane Faroult, wrote: “When you have a bit of practice, you realize there’s no way to avoid having to know the theory.”

Talking of SQL, by the way, please note that I use the term SQL throughout the book to mean the standard version of that language exclusively, not some product-specific dialect (barring explicit statements to the contrary, of course). In particular, I follow the standard in pronouncing the name “ess cue ell,” not “sequel” (though this latter pronunciation is common in the field), and therefore say things like an SQL table, not a SQL table.

Finally, I’d like to mention that a live one-day seminar is available based on the material in this book. See or for further details.

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Constant width italic

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It’s a pleasure to acknowledge my debt to the many people involved, directly or indirectly, in the production of this book. In particular, I’d like to mention my reviewers Stephane Faroult, Jonathan Gennick, Lex de Haan, Anthony Molinaro, Peter Robson, and Michael Wener for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript. I’d also like to thank Nagraj Alur and Hugh Darwen for various technical discussions. Next, I’d like to thank my wife Lindy (as always) for her support throughout this and all of my other database projects over the years. Finally, I’m grateful to everyone at O’Reilly—especially Jonathan Gennick and Genevieve d’Entremont—for their encouragement, contributions, and support throughout the production of this book.

—C. J. Date, Healdsburg, California, 2005

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