Chapter Six. Integrity Constraints

I’ve touched on the issue of integrity constraints at many points in preceding chap ters, but it’s time to get more specific. Here first is a rough definition, repeated from Chapter 1: an integrity constraint (constraint for short) is basically just a boolean expression that must evaluate to TRUE. Constraints are so called because they constrain the values that can legally appear in some particular context. The ones we’re interested in fall into two broad categories, type constraints and database constraints; in essence, a type constraint defines the values that constitute a given type, and a database constraint defines the values that can appear in a given database.

By the way, it’s worth noting right away that constraints in general can be regarded as a formal version of what some people call business rules . I’ll touch on this point again in the next chapter.

Type Constraints

As we saw in Chapter 2, one of the things we have to do when we define a type is specify the values that make up that type. Here’s an example:

  2       POSSREP QPR
  3            { Q INTEGER
  4                    CONSTRAINT Q ≥ 0 AND Q ≤ 5000 } ;


  • Line 1 just says we’re defining a type called QTY (“quantities”).

  • Line 2 says that quantities have a possible representation called QPR. Now, physical representations are always hidden from the user, as we know from Chapter 2. However, Tutorial D requires every TYPE statement to include at least one POSSREP specification,[*] indicating that values of the type in question can “possibly be represented” in some specific way; and unlike physical representations, possible representations—which we usually abbreviate to just possreps—are definitely visible to the user (in the example, users definitely know that quantities have a possrep called QPR). Note very carefully, however, that there’s absolutely no suggestion that the specified possible representation is the same as the physical representation, whatever that happens to be; it might be or it might not, but either way it makes no difference to the user.

  • Line 3 says the possrep QPR has a single component, called Q, which is of type INTEGER; in other words, values of type QTY can “possibly be represented” by integers (and users are aware of this fact).

  • Finally, line 4 specifies that those integers must lie in the range 0 to 5000 inclusive—and it’s that fact that constitutes the type constraint for type QTY; in other words, valid quantities are precisely those that can possibly be represented by integers in the specified range.

Here’s a slightly more complicated example:

                 CONSTRAINT SQRT ( X ** 2 + Y ** 2 ) ≤ 100.0 } ;

Type POINT denotes points in two-dimensional space; it has a possrep CARTESIAN with two numeric components called X and Y (corresponding, presumably, to cartesian coordinates), and there’s a type constraint that says, in effect, that the only points we’re interested in are those that lie on or inside a circle with center the origin and radius 100.

Selectors and THE_ Operators

Before I continue with my discussion of type constraints as such, I’d like to digress for a few moments; the QTY and POINT examples raise a number of issues that I need to address somewhere, and here’s as good a place as any.

Recall from Chapter 2 that user-defined types like QTY and POINT have associated selector and THE_ operators. Well, those operators are intimately related to the possrep notion; in fact, selector operators correspond one-to-one to possreps, and THE_ operators correspond one-to-one to possrep components. Here are some examples:

QPR ( 250 )

This expression is a selector invocation for type QTY. The selector has the same name, QPR, as the sole possrep for that type; it takes an argument that corresponds to, and is of the same type as, the sole component of that possrep, and it returns a quantity (that is, a value of type QTY). Note: In practice, possreps often have the same name as the associated type—I used different names in the QTY example to make it clear there’s a logical difference between the possrep and the type, but it would be much more usual not to. In fact, there’s a syntax rule that says we can omit the possrep name from the TYPE statement entirely if we want to, in which case it defaults to the associated type name. So let’s change the QTY type definition accordingly:


Now the possrep and the corresponding selector are both called QTY, and the selector invocation shown earlier becomes just QTY(250)—which is the style I’ve been using for selectors throughout this book prior to this point. I’ll assume this revised definition for type QTY for the rest of this chapter.

QTY ( A + B )

The argument to a QTY selector invocation can be specified as an arbitrarily complex expression (just so long as it’s of type INTEGER, of course). If that expression is a literal, as it was in the previous example, the selector invocation is a literal in turn; in other words, a literal is a special case of a selector invocation, as we already know from Chapter 3.

THE_Q ( QZ )

This expression is a THE_ operator invocation for type QTY. The operator is named THE_Q because Q is the name of the sole component of the sole possrep for type QTY; it takes an argument (specified as an arbitrarily complex expression) of type QTY; and it returns the integer that’s the Q component of the possrep for that argument.

Now let’s redefine type POINT to make its possrep have the same name as the type (for simplicity, let’s also drop the type constraint, at least for the time being):


To continue with the examples:

POINT ( 5.7, -3.9 )

This is a POINT selector invocation (actually a POINT literal).

THE_X ( P )

This expression returns the NUMERIC value that’s the X coordinate of the cartesian possible representation of the point that’s contained in the variable P. (That variable must be of type POINT, of course.)

By the way, POINT is a good example of a type for which we might want to define more than one possrep—for example:


The two possreps here reflect the fact that points in two-dimensional space can indeed “possibly be represented” by either cartesian or polar coordinates. Each possrep has two components, both of type NUMERIC and both user-visible. Continuing with the examples:

POLAR ( H, K )

This is a POLAR selector invocation; it returns a value of type POINT.


This expression returns the NUMERIC value that’s the THETA coordinate of the polar possible representation of the point that’s contained in the variable P (which again must be of type POINT).

Type Constraints Continued

Now let’s get back to type constraints as such. Suppose I had defined type QTY as follows, with no explicit constraint:


This definition is defined to be shorthand for this one:


With either of these definitions, anything that can possibly be represented by an integer would be a legitimate QTY value (and so type QTY would still be subject to a certain constraint, albeit a fairly weak one). In other words, the specified possrep imposes a kind of a priori type constraint, and the CONSTRAINT specification if present imposes an additional constraint, over and above that a priori one. Informally, however, we usually take the term “type constraint” to refer to what’s stated in the CONSTRAINT specification.

One important issue I’ve ducked so far is the question of when type constraints are checked. In fact, they’re checked whenever some selector is invoked. Assume again that values of type QTY are subject to the constraint that they must be possibly representable as integers in the range 0 to 5000. Then the expression QTY(250) is an invocation of the QTY selector, and that invocation succeeds. By contrast, the expression QTY(6000) is also such an invocation, but it fails. In general, in fact, we can never tolerate an expression that’s supposed to denote a value of some type T but in fact doesn’t; indeed, “a value of type T" that’s not a value of type T is a contradiction in terms. As a consequence, no variable—in particular, no relvar—can ever be assigned a value that’s not of the right type.

A note on SQL: You will have noticed that all of my examples in this section have been expressed in Tutorial D, not SQL. That’s because, believe it or not, SQL doesn’t support type constraints at all—-except for the rather trivial a priori ones, of course.[*] In other words, although SQL would let you define type QTY (for example) and specify that quantities must be representable as integers, it would not let you say those integers must lie in a certain range. For such reasons among others, I don’t want to consider SQL user-defined types in detail in this book. However, I will at least show SQL counterparts to the Tutorial D QTY and POINT definitions that we’ve already seen:



One last point to close this section: defining anything to be of some particular type imposes a constraint on that thing, of course. In particular, defining attribute QTY of relvar SP (for example) to be of type QTY imposes the constraint that no tuple in relvar SP will ever contain a value in the QTY position that fails to satisfy the QTY type constraint. (This is an example of what’s sometimes called anattribute constraint .)

Database Constraints

To recap, a database constraint constrains the values that can appear in a given database. In Tutorial D, such constraints are specified by means of a CONSTRAINT statement (or by some shorthand that’s effectively equivalent to such a statement); in SQL, they’re specified by means of a CREATE ASSERTION statement (or, again, by some equivalent shorthand). I don’t want to get into details of those shorthands—at least, not yet—because they’re really just a matter of syntax; for now, let’s stay with the “longhand” forms. I’ll begin with a series of examples (Tutorial D on the left and SQL on the right, as usual).

Example 1

Status values must be in the range 1 to 100 inclusive:

  ( S WHERE STATUS < 1       | ( NOT EXISTS
      OR    STATUS > 100 ) ; | ( SELECT S.* FROM S
                                |   WHERE  S.STATUS < 1
                                |   OR     S.STATUS > 100 ) ) ;

This constraint involves just a single attribute of a single relvar; as a consequence, it can be checked for a given supplier tuple by examining just that tuple in isolation—there’s no need to look at any other tuples in the relvar or any other relvars in the database. (For this reason, such constraints are sometimes referred to, informally, as tuple constraints.)

Example 2

Suppliers in London must have status 20:

  ( S WHERE CITY = 'London'     | ( NOT EXISTS
      AND   STATUS ≠ 20 ) ;  | ( SELECT S.* FROM S
                                |   WHERE  S.CITY = 'London'
                                |   AND    S.STATUS <> 20 ) ) ;

This constraint involves two distinct attributes (of the same relvar), but it’s still the case, as it was with constraint C1, that it can be checked for a given supplier tuple by examining just that tuple in isolation.

Example 3

No two tuples in relvar S have the same supplier number (in other words, {SNO} is a key for that relvar):[*]

     COUNT ( S ) =          |  ( UNIQUE ( SELECT S.SNO
     COUNT ( S { SNO } ) ;  |             FROM   S ) ) ;

Like constraints C1 and C2, this constraint still involves just one relvar; however, it clearly can’t be checked for a given supplier tuple by examining just that tuple in isolation. Of course, it’s very unlikely in practice that constraint C3 would be specified in longhand as shown—some kind of explicit KEY shorthand is obviously to be preferred. I give the longhand form merely to make the point that such shorthands are indeed, in the final analysis, just shorthands.

By the way, the SQL formulation of constraint C3 needs a word of explanation. UNIQUE is an SQL operator that returns TRUE if and only if every row within its argument table is distinct; the UNIQUE invocation in the constraint thus returns TRUE if and only if no two rows in table S have the same supplier number. But note that if I had followed my preferred discipline of always specifying DISTINCT, thus:


then the UNIQUE couldn’t possibly return FALSE! In fact, UNIQUE makes no sense from a relational point of view; it’s needed in SQL only because SQL tables aren’t relations, in general.

Here for interest is an SQL formulation of constraint C3 that more closely resembles the Tutorial D formulation:

   ( ( SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM S ) =
     ( SELECT COUNT ( SNO ) FROM S ) ) ;

Example 4

No supplier with status less than 20 can supply part P6:

  ( ( S JOIN SP )              | ( NOT EXISTS
    WHERE STATUS < 20       | ( SELECT *
    AND   PNO = PNO('P6') ) ;  |   FROM   S, SP
                               |   WHERE  S.SNO = SP.SNO
                               |   AND    S.STATUS < 20
                               |   AND    SP.PNO = PNO('P6') ) ) ;

This constraint involves—in fact, interrelates—two distinct relvars, S and SP; in general, of course, a database constraint might involve or interrelate any number of distinct relvars.


Terminology: A constraint that involves just a single relvar is known, informally, as a relvar constraint (sometimes a single- relvar constraint, for emphasis). A constraint that involves two or more distinct relvars is known, informally, as a multi-relvar constraint .

Example 5

Every supplier number in relvar SP must appear in relvar S:

     SP { SNO }  S { SNO } ; | ( NOT EXISTS
                                   |    ( SELECT SP.SNO
                                   |      FROM   SP
                                   |      EXCEPT
                                   |      SELECT S.SNO
                                   |      FROM   S ) ) ;

As you can see, the Tutorial D formulation of this contraint involves a relational comparison. SQL doesn’t support relational comparisons, however, and so we have to indulge in some circumlocution in the SQL formulation. Of course, given that {SNO} is a key—in fact, the key—for relvar S, it’s clear that constraint C5 is basically just the foreign key constraint from SP to S. The usual FOREIGN KEY syntax can thus be regarded as shorthand for constraints like C5.

So when are database constraints checked? Conventional wisdom has it that single-relvar constraint checking is immediate (meaning it’s done whenever the relvar in question is updated), while multi-relvar constraint checking is deferred to end-of-transaction (“commit time”). I want to argue, however, that all database constraint checking must be immediate, and deferred checking—which is supported in the SQL standard, and indeed in some SQL products—is a logical mistake. In order to explain this unorthodox view, I need to digress for a moment to discuss transactions.


Transaction theory is a large topic in its own right. As mentioned in Chapter 4, however, it doesn’t have much to do with the relational model as such (at least, not directly), and for that reason I don’t want to discuss it in detail here. In any case, you’re a database professional, and I’m sure you’re familiar with basic transaction concepts. The standard reference—highly recommended, by the way—is Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques, by Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter (Morgan Kaufmann, 1993). All I want to do here is briefly review the so-called ACID properties of transactions.

ACID is an acronym; it stands for atomicity - consistency - isolation - durability . Here are brief explanations:


Transactions are “all or nothing.”


Any given transaction transforms a consistent state of the database into another consistent state, without necessarily preserving consistency at all intermediate points.[*]


Any given transaction’s updates are concealed from all other transactions, until such time as the given transaction commits.


Once a given transaction commits, its updates survive in the database, even if there’s a subsequent system crash.

Now, one argument in favor of transactions has always been that they’re supposed to act as “a unit of integrity” (that’s what the consistency property is all about). But I don’t believe that argument; as I’ve more or less said already, I believe that statements have to be that unit, and that database constraints must therefore be satisfied at statement boundaries. The section immediately following gives my justification for this position.

Why Database Constraint Checking Must Be Immediate

I have at least five reasons for taking the position that database constraints must be satisfied at statement boundaries. The first and biggest one is as follows. As we know from Chapter 4, a database can be regarded as a collection of propositions, propositions that we believe are true. And if that collection is ever allowed to include any inconsistencies, then all bets are off. As I’ll show in the section "Constraints and Predicates,” later in this chapter, we can never trust the answers we get from an inconsistent database! While it might be true, thanks to the isolation property, that no more than one transaction ever sees any particular inconsistency, the fact remains that that particular transaction does see the inconsistency and can therefore produce wrong answers.

Now, I think this first argument is strong enough to stand on its own, but I’ll give the other four arguments as well, for purposes of reference if nothing else. Second, then, I don’t agree that any given inconsistency can be seen by only one transaction, anyway; that is, I don’t believe in the isolation property. Part of the problem here is that the word isolation doesn’t mean the same in the world of transactions as it does in ordinary English—in particular, it doesn’t mean that transactions can’t communicate with one another. For if transaction T1 produces some result, in the database or elsewhere, that’s subsequently read by transaction T2, then T1 and T2 aren’t truly isolated from each other (and this remark applies regardless of whether T1 and T2 run concurrently or otherwise). In particular, therefore, if (a) T1 sees an inconsistent state of the database and therefore produces an incorrect result, and (b) that result is then seen by T2, then (c) the inconsistency seen by T1 has effectively been propagated to T2. In other words, it can’t be guaranteed that a given inconsistency, if permitted, will be seen by just one transaction, anyway.

Third, we surely don’t want every program (or other “code unit”) to have to cater for the possibility that the database might be inconsistent when it’s invoked. There’s a severe loss of orthogonality if a program that assumes consistency can’t be used safely while constraint checking is deferred. In other words, I want to be able to specify code units independently of whether they’re to be executed as a transaction as such or just as part of a transaction. (In fact, I’d like support for nested transactions, but that’s a topic for another day.)

Fourth, The Principle of Interchangeability (of base relvars and views—see Chapter 4) implies that the very same constraint might be a single-relvar constraint with one design for the database and a multi-relvar constraint with another. For example, recall these two views from Chapter 4:

    VAR LS  VIRTUAL ( S WHERE CITY = 'London' ) ;

    VAR NLS VIRTUAL ( S WHERE CITY ≠ 'London' ) ;

These views satisfy the constraint that no supplier number appears in both. However, there’s no need to state that constraint explicitly, because it’s implied by the single-relvar constraint that {SNO} is a key for relvar S (along with the fact that every supplier has exactly one city, which is implicit in the design of relvar S). But suppose we made LS and NLS base relvars and defined their union as a view called S. Then the constraint would have to be stated explicitly:

     ( LS { SNO } JOIN       |  ( NOT EXISTS
      NLS { SNO } ) ;        |    ( SELECT *
                             |    FROM   LS, NLS
                             |  WHERE  LS.SNO = NLS.SNO ) ) ;

Now what was previously a single-relvar constraint has become a multi-relvar constraint instead. Thus, if we agree that single-relvar constraints must be checked immediately, we must surely agree that multi-relvar constraints must be checked immediately as well.

Fifth and last, there’s an optimization technique called semantic optimization (it involves expression transformation, but I deliberately didn’t discuss it in the section of that name in Chapter 5). For example, consider the expression (SP JOIN S){PNO}. Clearly, the join here is a foreign-to-matching-primary-key join; as a consequence, every SP tuple does join to some S tuple and therefore contributes a part number to the overall result. So there’s no need to do the join!—the expression can be simplified to just SP{PNO}. The point to note, however, is that this transformation is valid only because of the semantics of the situation; in general, each operand to a join will include some tuples that have no counterpart in the other operand and so don’t contribute to the overall result, and transformations such as the one just shown therefore won’t be valid. In the case at hand, however, every SP tuple must have a counterpart in S, because of the integrity constraint—actually a foreign key constraint—that says that every shipment must have a supplier, and so the transformation is valid after all. A transformation that’s valid only because a certain integrity constraint is in effect is called a semantic transformation, and the resulting optimization is called a semantic optimization.

In principle, any constraint whatsoever can be used in semantic optimization (we’re not limited to foreign key constraints). For example, suppose the suppliers-and-parts database is subject to the constraint “All red parts must be stored in London,” and consider the query:

Get suppliers who supply only red parts and are located in the same city as at least one of the parts they supply.

This is a fairly complex query. But thanks to the integrity constraint, we see that it can be transformed—transformed by the optimizer, I mean, not by the user—into this much simpler one:

Get London suppliers who supply only red parts.

We could easily be talking about several orders of magnitude improvement in performance here. And so, while few products do much in the way of semantic optimization at the time of writing (as far as I know), I certainly expect them to do more in the future, because the payoff is so dramatic.

To get back to the main thread of the discussion, I now observe that if a given constraint is to be usable in semantic optimization, that constraint must be satisfied at all times (more precisely, at statement boundaries), not just at transaction boundaries. As we’ve seen, semantic optimization means using constraints to simplify queries in order to improve performance. Clearly, then, if some constraint is violated at some time, then any simplification based on that constraint won’t be valid at that time, and query results based on that simplification will be wrong at that time (in general).


Of course, we could adopt the weaker position that “deferred constraints” (meaning constraints for which the checking is deferred) just can’t be used in semantic optimization—but I think such a position would effectively just mean we’ve shot ourselves in the foot, that’s all.

In sum, then, database constraints must be satisfied—that is, they must evaluate to TRUE, given the values currently appearing in the database—at statement boundaries (or, very informally, “at semicolons”); in other words, they must be checked at the end of any statement that might cause them to be violated. If any such check fails, the effects on the database of the offending statement are undone and an exception is raised.

But Doesn’t Some Checking Have to Be Deferred?

As I’ve said, the conventional wisdom is that multi-relvar constraint checking, at least, has to be deferred to commit time (the arguments of the previous section notwithstanding). By way of example, suppose the suppliers-and-parts database is subject to the following constraint:

    COUNT ( ( S WHERE SNO = SNO('S1') ) { CITY }
        ( P WHERE PNO = PNO('P1') ) { CITY } ) < 2 ;

This constraint says that supplier S1 and part P1 must never be in different cities. To elaborate: if relvars S and P contain tuples for supplier S1 and part P1, respectively, then those tuples must contain the same CITY value (if they didn’t, the COUNT invocation would return the value two). However, it’s legal for relvar S to contain no tuple for S1, or relvar P to contain no tuple for P1, or both (in which case the COUNT invocation will return either one or zero). Given our usual sample values, then, each of the following SQL UPDATEs will fail under immediate checking:[*]



Now, the conventional solution to this problem is to defer the checking and to bundle up the two UPDATEs into a transaction, like this:


In this conventional solution, the constraint is checked at commit time, and the database is inconsistent between the two UPDATEs. In particular, if the transaction were to ask the question “Are supplier S1 and part P1 in different cities?” between the two UPDATEs (and if we assume that tuples for S1 and P1 do exist), it would get the answer yes.

Multiple Assignment

A better solution to the foregoing problem is to support a multiple form of assignment, which allows any number of individual assignments to be performed “simultaneously.” For example (switching back now to Tutorial D):

  UPDATE S WHERE SNO = SNO('S1') ( CITY := 'Paris' ) ,
  UPDATE P WHERE PNO = PNO('P1') ( CITY := 'Paris' ) ;

Explanation: First, note the comma separator, which means the two UPDATEs are part of the same overall statement. Second, UPDATE is really assignment, of course, and the foregoing “double UPDATE” is thus just shorthand for a double assignment of the following general form:

  S := ... , P := ... ;

This double assignment assigns one value to relvar S and another to relvar P, all as part of the same overall operation. In general, the semantics of multiple assignment are as follows:

  • First, all of the expressions on the right sides are evaluated.

  • Second, all of the constituent assignments are then executed in sequence as written.[*]

Observe that, precisely because the expressions on the right sides are evaluated before any constituent assignment is executed, none of those constituent assignments can depend on the result of any other. Moreover, since multiple assignment is considered to be a single operation, no integrity checking is performed “in the middle of” any such assignment. (Indeed, this fact is the major rationale for supporting multiple assignment in the first place.) In the example, therefore, the double assignment succeeds where the two separate single assignments failed.

Note in particular in the example that there’s now no way for the transaction to see an inconsistent state of the database between the two UPDATEs, because the notion of “between the two UPDATEs” now has no meaning. Note further that there’s now no need for deferred checking at all.

By the way, SQL does have some support for multiple assignment; in fact, it’s had some support for many years. First, referential actions such as CASCADE imply, in effect, that a single DELETE or UPDATE statement can cause several tables to be updated “at the same time,” as part of a single operation. Second, the ability to update (for example) certain join views implies the same thing. Third, FETCH INTO and SELECT INTO are both multiple assignment operations, of a kind. Fourth, SQL:2003 introduced a multiple-assignment form of the SET statement. And so on (this isn’t an exhaustive list). However, the one kind of multiple assignment that SQL doesn’t currently support is an explicit assignment to several different tables (precisely the case illustrated by the foregoing example, of course).

One last point: please understand that support for multiple assignment doesn’t mean we can discard support for transactions; transactions are still necessary for recovery and concurrency purposes, at least. All I’m saying is that transactions aren’t the “unit of integrity” they’re usually supposed to be.

Constraints and Predicates

Recall from Chapter 4 that the relvar predicate for a relvar is the intended interpretation—loosely, the meaning—for that relvar. For example, the predicate for relvar S looks like this:

Supplier SNO is under contract, is named SNAME, has status STATUS, and is located in city CITY.

In an ideal world, therefore, this predicate would serve as the criterion for acceptability of updates on relvar S—that is, it would dictate whether a given INSERT or DELETE or UPDATE operation on that relvar can be accepted. But this goal is clearly unachievable:

  • For one thing, the system can’t know what it means for a “supplier” to be “under contract” or to be “located” somewhere; to repeat, these are matters of interpretation. For example, if the supplier number S1 and the city name London happen to appear together in the same tuple, then the user can interpret that fact to mean that supplier S1 is located in London,[*] but there’s no way the system can do anything analogous.

  • For another, even if the system could know what it means for a supplier to be under contract or to be located somewhere, it still couldn’t know a priori whether what the user tells it is true! If the user asserts to the system, by means of some update, that there’s a supplier S6 named Lopez with status 30 and city Madrid, there’s no way for the system to know whether that assertion is true. All the system can do is check that the user’s assertion doesn’t violate any integrity constraints. Assuming it doesn’t, then the system will accept the user’s assertion and will treat it as true from that point forward (until such time as the user tells the system, by executing another update, that it isn’t true anymore).

Thus, the pragmatic “criterion for acceptability of updates,” as opposed to the ideal one, is not the predicate but the corresponding set of constraints, which might thus be regarded as the system’s approximation to the predicate.[*] Equivalently:

The system can’t enforce truth, only consistency.

In other words: the system can’t guarantee that the database contains only true propositions—it can guarantee only that it doesn’t contain anything that violates any constraint (meaning it contains no inconsistencies). Sadly, truth and consistency aren’t the same thing. To be specific:

  • If the database contains only true propositions, then it’s consistent, but the converse isn’t necessarily so.

  • If the database is inconsistent, then it contains at least one false proposition, but the converse isn’t necessarily so.

More succinctly, correct implies consistent (but not the other way around), and inconsistent implies incorrect (but not the other way around)—where to say that the database is correct is to say it faithfully reflects the true state of affairs in the real world, no more and no less.

Now let me try to pin down these notions a little more precisely. Let R be a base relvar—I’ll get to views in just a moment—and let C1, C2, . . . , Cn be all of the defined database constraints, single- or multi-relvar, that mention R. Assume for simplicity that each Ci is just a boolean expression (in other words, let’s ignore the constraint names, for simplicity). Then the boolean expression:

  ( C1 ) AND ( C2 ) AND ... AND ( Cn ) AND TRUE

is the total relvar constraint for relvar R (but I’ll refer to it for the purposes of this book as just the constraint for R). Note that final “AND TRUE,” by the way; the implication is that if no constraints are defined for a given relvar, the default is just TRUE.

Now let RC be “the” relvar constraint for relvar R. Clearly, R must never be allowed to have a value that causes RC to evaluate to FALSE. This state of affairs is the motivation for (the first version of) what I like to call The Golden Rule:

No update operation must ever cause any relvar constraint to evaluate to FALSE.

Now let V be a view. Then V too has a “total relvar constraint” (which I’ll usually abbreviate to just the constraint for V, for simplicity), derived in an obvious manner from the constraints that apply to the relvars in terms of which V is defined. For example, let SC be the total constraint for base relvar S. Then the total constraint for view LS (“London suppliers”) is:

  ( SC ) AND ( CITY = 'London' )

Now let DB be a database, and let DB contain relvars R1, R2, . . . , Rn (only). Let the constraints for those relvars be RC1, RC2, . . . , RCn, respectively. Then the total database constraint for DB, DBC say—which I’ll refer to for the purposes of this book as just the constraint for DB—is the AND of all of those relvar constraints:

  ( RC1 ) AND ( RC2 ) AND ... AND ( RCn )

And here’s a correspondingly extended (in fact, the final) version of The Golden Rule:

No update operation must ever cause any database constraint to evaluate to FALSE.

Observe in particular that—in accordance with my position that all integrity checking must be immediate—the rule talks in terms of update operations, not transactions.

Now I can take care of a piece of unfinished business. I’ve said we can never trust the answers we get from an inconsistent database. Here’s the proof. As we know, a database can be regarded as a collection of propositions. Suppose that collection is inconsistent; that is, suppose it implies that both p and NOT p are true, where p is some proposition. Now let q be any arbitrary proposition. Then:

  • From the truth of p, we can infer the truth of p OR q.

  • From the truth of p OR q and the truth of NOT p, we can infer the truth of q.

But q was arbitrary! It follows that any proposition whatsoever (even obviously false ones like 1 = 0) can be shown to be true in an inconsistent system.

Miscellaneous Issues

In this section, I want to address a few integrity-related issues that don’t fit very well in any of the preceding sections.

First, since it’s basically a boolean expression that must evaluate to TRUE, it follows that from a formal perspective a constraint is a proposition. Here for example is constraint C1 from the earlier section "Database Constraints“:


Given a particular value for relvar S, the boolean expression:


(which might be thought of, loosely, as the constraint proper) is certainly either true or false, unconditionally, and that’s the definition of what it means to be a proposition (see Chapter 4).

Second, suppose relvar S already contains a tuple that violates constraint C1 when the CONSTRAINT statement just shown is executed. Then that execution must fail, of course. More generally, whenever we try to define a new database constraint, the system must first check to see whether that constraint is satisfied by the database at that time. If it isn’t, the constraint must be rejected; otherwise, it must be accepted and enforced from that point forward.

Third, recall from Chapter 1 that the relational model includes what I called a “generic” integrity rule: namely, the referential integrity rule (I deliberately ignore the entity integrity rule). But it should be clear that the referential integrity rule is different in kind from the constraints we’ve been examining in this chapter. It’s really a metaconstraint, in a sense; it says, for example, that in the specific database containing relvars S, P, and SP, there must be certain specific constraints (foreign key constraints) between SP and S and between SP and P—because if there aren’t, then that database might violate the referential integrity metaconstraint. Likewise, in the specific database containing relvars EMP and DEPT (see Chapter 1), there must be a specific foreign key constraint between EMP and DEPT, because if there isn’t, then again that database might violate the referential integrity metaconstraint.

Fourth, I never mentioned the point explicitly, but I trust it’s obvious that we want constraints to be stated declaratively. Although the SQL standard does include fairly extensive support for declarative constraints, at least some of the major SQL products don’t; instead, they assume you’ll use triggered procedures—also known as just triggers—to enforce integrity. (The standard includes explicit support for triggers, too.) As I pointed out in Chapter 1, however, declarative solutions are always to be preferred over procedural ones, if they’re available. Also, declarative constraints in particular open the door to the possibility of doing semantic optimization, which triggers don’t.

Another issue I didn’t mention previously is the possibility of supporting transition constraints. A transition constraint is a constraint on the legal transitions that variables of some kind (relvars in particular) can make from one value to another. For example, a person’s marital status can change from “never married” to “married” but not the other way around. Here’s an example (“No supplier’s status must ever decrease”):

     ( ( ( S' { SNO, STATUS } RENAME ( STATUS AS STATUS' ) )
       ( S { SNO, STATUS } ) )

Explanation: I’m adopting the convention that a primed relvar name such as S’ refers to the indicated relvar as it was prior to the update under consideration. Constraint C8 thus says: “If we join the old value of S and the new one and restrict the result to just those tuples where the old status is greater than the new one, the final result must be empty.” (Since the join is on SNO, any tuple in the join for which the old status is greater than the new one would represent a supplier whose status had decreased.)

Last, I hope you agree from everything we’ve covered in this chapter that constraints are vital—and yet they seem to be very poorly supported in commercial products; indeed, they seem to be underappreciated at best, if not completely misunderstood. The emphasis in the commercial world always seems to be on performance, performance, performance; other objectives, such as ease of use, data independence, and in particular integrity, seem so often to be sacrificed to—or at best to take a back seat to—that overriding goal.[*] But what’s the point of a system performing well if we can’t be sure the information we’re getting from it is correct? Frankly, I don’t care how fast a system runs if I don’t feel I can trust it to give me the right answers to my queries.


I’ve discussed two basic kinds of constraints, type constraints and database constraints. A type constraint defines the set of values that constitute a given type; in Tutorial D, it’s specified as part of the definition of the type in question, and it’s expressed in terms of a possrep (possible representation) for that type. The possrep itself imposes an a priori constraint on the type (and SQL doesn’t support any type constraints apart from such a priori ones). Type constraints are checked as part of the execution of selector operators. As a digression, I elaborated on the notion of selectors and the related notion of THE_ operators, both of which are intimately related to the possrep notion.

Database constraints constrain the values that can appear in a given database (if they apply to just one relvar, they’re sometimes referred to, informally, as relvar constraints). They’re specified by means of a CONSTRAINT statement in Tutorial D or a CREATE ASSERTION statement in SQL, and they’re supposed to be checked “at semicolons” (though they might not be, in SQL). Checking constraints at semicolons means checking them at the end of any statement that might cause them to be violated—which basically means relational assignments, since relational assignment is fundamentally the only operation that can update the database. I gave a series of arguments for rejecting the conventional wisdom that multi-relvar constraints, at least, need not be checked until commit time (and in passing I briefly discussed the notion of semantic optimization). I also introduced the important idea of multiple assignment.

Next, I showed that “the” relvar constraint for relvar R might be regarded as the system’s approximation to the relvar predicate for R; in particular, it serves as the criterion for acceptability of updates on R. “The system can’t enforce truth, only consistency.” The Golden Rule says:

No update operation must ever cause any database constraint to evaluate to FALSE.

I concluded by claiming that integrity constraints are absolutely vital. To me, in fact, they’re what database systems are all about. To say it again: I don’t care how fast your system runs if I can’t trust the answers it gives me.


Exercise 6-1.

Define the terms type constraint and database constraint. When are such constraints checked? What happens if the check fails?

Exercise 6-2

State The Golden Rule .

Exercise 6-3

What do you understand by the terms attribute constraint; tuple constraint; relvar constraint; “the” database constraint; “the” relvar constraint; single-relvar constraint; multi-relvar constraint?

Exercise 6-4

Distinguish between possible and physical representations.

Exercise 6-5

Explain as carefully as you can (a) what a selector is and (b) what a THE_ operator is.

Exercise 6-6

Suppose the only legal CITY values are London, Paris, Rome, Athens, Oslo, Stockholm, Madrid, and Amsterdam. Define a type called CITY that satisfies this constraint. Is there a way to impose the same constraint without an explicit CITY type? If so, compare and contrast the different approaches.

Exercise 6-7

Throughout this book I assume that SNO is a user-defined type. Give a definition for this type. Assume that the only legal supplier numbers are ones that can be represented by a character string of at least two characters, of which the first is an “S” and the remainder denote a decimal integer in the range 1 to 9999.

Exercise 6-8

A line segment is a straight line connecting two points in the euclidean plane. Give a corresponding type definition.

Exercise 6-9

Can you think of a type for which we might want to specify two different possreps? If there are two or more possreps for the same type, does it make sense for each to include a type constraint?

Exercise 6-10

Can you think of an example of a type for which different possreps have different numbers of components?

Exercise 6-11

Which operations might cause constraints C1-C8 from the body of the chapter to be violated?

Exercise 6-12

Constraint C1 (for example) had the property that it could be checked for a given tuple by examining just that tuple in isolation; constraint C4 (for example) did not. What is it, formally, that accounts for this difference? What’s the pragmatic significance, if any, of this difference?

Exercise 6-13

Can you give a Tutorial D database constraint that’s exactly equivalent to the specification KEY{SNO} for relvar S?

Exercise 6-14

Give an SQL formulation of constraint C7 from the body of the chapter.

Exercise 6-15

Give an SQL formulation of constraint C8 from the body of the chapter.

Exercise 6-16

Using Tutorial D and/or SQL, write constraints for the suppliers-and-parts database to express the following requirements:

  1. All red parts must weigh less than 50 pounds.

  2. Every London supplier must supply part P2.

  3. No two suppliers can be located in the same city.

  4. At most one supplier can be located in Athens at any one time.

  5. There must exist at least one London supplier.

  6. At least one red part must weigh less than 50 pounds.

  7. The average supplier status must be at least 10.

  8. No shipment can have a quantity more than double the average of all such quantities.

  9. No supplier with maximum status can be located in the same city as any supplier with minimum status.

  10. Every part must be located in a city in which there is at least one supplier.

  11. Every part must be located in a city in which there is at least one supplier of that part.

  12. Suppliers in London must supply more different kinds of parts than suppliers in Paris.

  13. Suppliers in London must supply more parts in total than suppliers in Paris.

In each case, state which operations might cause the constraint to be violated.

Exercise 6-17

In a footnote in the section "Constraints and Predicates,” I said that if the values S1 and London appeared together in some tuple, then it might mean (among many other possible interpretations) that supplier S1 doesn’t have an office in London. Actually, this particular interpretation is extremely unlikely. Why? (Hint: Remember the Closed World Assumption.)

Exercise 6-18

Suppose no “cascade delete” rule is stated declaratively for suppliers and shipments. Write a Tutorial D statement that will delete some specified supplier and all shipments for that supplier in a single operation.

Exercise 6-19

Using the syntax sketched for transition constraints in the section "Miscellaneous Issues,” write transition constraints to express the following requirements:

  1. Suppliers in Athens can move only to London or Paris, and suppliers in London can move only to Paris.

  2. The total shipment quantity for a given part can never decrease.

  3. The total shipment quantity for a given supplier cannot be reduced in a single update to less than half its current value. (What do you think the qualification “in a single update” means here? Why is it important? Is it important?)

Exercise 6-20

Distinguish between correctness and consistency.

Exercise 6-21

Do you think the following is or should be a valid Tutorial D TYPE statement?


Exercise 6-22

Do you think the following is or should be a valid Tutorial D CONSTRAINT statement?


Exercise 6-23

Investigate any SQL product that might be available to you. What semantic optimization does it support, if any?

Exercise 6-24

Why do you think SQL fails to support type constraints? What are the consequences of this state of affairs?

Exercise 6-25

The discussion in this chapter of types in general, and type constraints in particular, tacitly assumed that types were all (a) scalar and (b) user-defined. Do the concepts discussed apply equally well to nonscalar types and/or system-defined types?

[*] There are some minor exceptions to this rule that need not concern us here.

[*] It doesn’t support possreps, either. As for selectors and THE_ operators, the picture is too complicated to describe in detail here; suffice it to say that analogs of those operators are usually available, though they’re not always provided “automatically” as they are in Tutorial D.

[*] Or a superkey, rather. A superkey is a superset of a key. See Chapter 7 for further discussion.

[*] A database state is consistent if and only if it satisfies all defined constraints (consistency is just another word for integrity in this context).

[*] I show those UPDATEs in SQL precisely because checking is immediate in Tutorial D and the conventional solution I’ll be discussing in a moment therefore doesn’t work in Tutorial D.

[*] This definition requires some slight refinement in the case where two or more of the individual assignments specify the same target. The details are beyond the scope of this book.

[*] Or that supplier S1 used to be located in London, or that supplier S1 has an office in London, or that supplier S1 doesn’t have an office in London, or any of an infinite number of other possible interpretations (corresponding, of course, to an infinite number of possible predicates).

[*] Precisely for this reason, I’ve elsewhere used the term internal predicate to refer to constraints and the term external predicate to refer to what I’m here calling the relvar predicate.

[*] I don’t mean to suggest that proper support for integrity checking implies bad performance; in fact, I believe quite strongly that it should improve performance. All I mean is that there tends to be a huge emphasis in vendor development effort on performance issues, to the exclusion of other matters such as data integrity.

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