Chapter 12. Prospects and Perspectives

The life sciences are advancing at a remarkable rate, perhaps faster than any other branch of science. The same can be said of deep learning: it is one of the most exciting, rapidly advancing areas of computer science. The combination of the two has the potential to change the world in dramatic, far-reaching ways. The effects are already starting to be felt, but those are trivial compared to what will likely happen over the next few decades. The union of deep learning with biology can do enormous good, but also great harm.

In this final chapter we will set aside the mechanics of training deep models and take a broader view of the future of the field. Where does it have the greatest potential to solve important problems in the coming years? What obstacles must be overcome for that to happen? And what risks associated with this work must we strive to avoid?

Medical Diagnosis

Diagnosing disease will likely be one of the first places where deep learning makes its mark. In just the last few years, models have been published that match or exceed the accuracy of expert humans at diagnosing many important diseases. Examples include pneumonia, skin cancer, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, heart arrhythmia, breast cancer, and more. That list is expected to grow very rapidly.

Many of these models are based on image data: X-rays, MRIs, microscope images, etc. This makes sense. Deep learning’s first great successes were in the field of computer vision, and years of research have produced sophisticated architectures for analyzing image data. Applying those architectures to medical images is obvious low-hanging fruit. But not all of the applications are image-based. Any data that can be represented in numeric form is a valid input for deep models: electrocardiograms, blood chemistry panels, DNA sequences, gene expression profiles, vital signs, and much more.

In many cases, the biggest challenge will be creating the datasets, not designing the architectures. Training a deep model requires lots of consistent, cleanly labeled data. If you want to diagnose cancer from microscope images, you need lots of images from patients both with and without cancer, labeled to indicate which are which. If you want to diagnose it from gene expression, you need lots of labeled gene expression profiles. The same is true for every disease you hope to diagnose, for every type of data you hope to diagnose it from.

Currently, many of those datasets don’t exist. And even when appropriate datasets do exist, they are often smaller than we would like. The data may be noisy, collected from many sources with systematic differences between them. Many of the labels may be inaccurate. The data may only exist in a human-readable form, not one that is easily machine-readable: for example, free-form text written by doctors into patients’ medical records.

Progress in using deep learning for medical diagnosis will depend on creating better datasets. In some cases, that will mean assembling and curating existing data. In other cases, it will mean collecting new data that is designed from the start to be suitable for machine learning. The latter approach will often produce better results, but it also is much more expensive.

Unfortunately, creating those datasets could easily be disastrous for patient privacy. Medical records contain some of our most sensitive, most intimate information. If you were diagnosed with a disease, would you want your employer to know? Your neighbors? Your credit card company? What about advertisers who would see it as an opportunity to sell you health-related products?

Privacy concerns are especially acute for genome sequences, because they have a unique property: they are shared between relatives. Your parent, your child, your sibling each share 50% of your DNA. It is impossible to give away one person’s sequence without also giving away lots of information about all their relatives. It is also impossible to anonymize this data. Your DNA sequence identifies you far more precisely than your name or your fingerprint. Figuring out how to get the benefits of genetic data without destroying privacy will be a huge challenge.

Consider the factors that make data most useful for machine learning. First, of course, there should be lots of it. You want as much data as you can get. It should be clean, detailed, and precisely labeled. It should also be easily available. Lots of researchers will want to use it for training lots of models. And it should be easy to cross reference against other datasets so you can combine lots of data together. If DNA sequences and gene expression profiles and medical history are each individually useful, think how much more you can do when you have all of them for the same patient!

Now consider the factors that make data most prone to abuse. We don’t need to list them, because we just did. The factors that make data useful are exactly the same as the ones that make it easy to abuse. Balancing these two concerns will be a major challenge in the coming years.

Personalized Medicine

The next step beyond diagnosing an illness is deciding how to treat it. Traditionally this has been done in a “one size fits all” manner: a drug is recommended for a disease if it helps some reasonable fraction of patients with that diagnosis while not producing too many side effects. Your doctor might first ask if you have any known allergies, but that is about the limit of personalization.

This ignores all the complexities of biology. Every person is unique. A drug might be effective in some people, but not in others. It might produce severe side effects in some people, but not in others. Some people might have enzymes that break the drug down very quickly, and thus require a large dose, while others might need a much smaller dose.

Diagnoses are only very rough descriptions. When a doctor declares that a patient has diabetes or cancer, that can mean many different things. In fact, every cancer is unique, a different person’s cells with a different set of mutations that have caused them to become cancerous. A treatment that works for one might not work for another.

Personalized medicine is an attempt to go beyond this. It tries to take into account every patient’s unique genetics and biochemistry to select the best treatment for that particular person, the one that will produce the greatest benefit with the fewest side effects. In principle, this could lead to a dramatic improvement in the quality of healthcare.

If personalized medicine achieves its potential, computers will play a central role. It requires analyzing huge volumes of data, far more than a human could process, to predict how each possible treatment will interact with a patient’s unique biology and disease condition. Deep learning excels at that kind of problem.

As we discussed in Chapter 10, interpretability and explainability are critical for this application. When the computer outputs a diagnosis and recommends a treatment, the doctor needs a way to double check those results and decide whether or not to trust them. The model must explain why it arrived at its conclusion, presenting the evidence in a way the doctor can understand and verify.

Unfortunately, the volumes of data involved and the complexity of biological systems will eventually overwhelm the ability of any human to understand the explanations. If a model “explains” that a patient’s unique combination of mutations to 17 genes will make a particular treatment effective for them, no doctor can realistically be expected to double-check that. This creates practical, legal, and ethical issues that will need to be addressed. When is it right for a doctor to prescribe a treatment without understanding why it’s recommended? When is it right for them to ignore the computer’s recommendation and prescribe something else? In either case, who is responsible if the prescribed treatment doesn’t work or has life-threatening side effects?

The field is likely to develop through a series of stages. At first, computers will only be assistants to doctors, helping them to better understand the data. Eventually the computers will become so much better than humans at selecting treatments that it would be totally unethical for any doctor to contradict them. But that will take a long time, and there will be a long transition period. During that transition, doctors will often be tempted to trust computer models that perhaps shouldn’t be trusted, and to rely on their recommendations more than is justified. As a person creating those models, you have a responsibility to consider carefully how they will be used. Think critically about what results should be given, and how those results should be presented to minimize the chance of someone misunderstanding them or putting too much weight on an unreliable result.

Pharmaceutical Development

The process of developing a new drug is hugely long and complicated. Deep learning can assist at many points in the process, some of which we have already discussed in this book. 

It is also a hugely expensive process. A recent study estimated that pharmaceutical companies spend an average of $2.6 billion on research and development for every drug that gets approved. That doesn’t mean it costs billions of dollars to develop a single drug, of course. It means that most drug candidates fail. For every drug that gets approved, the company spent money investigating lots of others before ultimately abandoning them.

It would be nice to say that deep learning is about to sweep in and fix all the problems, but that seems unlikely. Pharmaceutical development is simply too complicated. When a drug enters your body, it comes into contact with a hundred thousand other molecules. You need it to interact with the right one in just the right way to have the desired effect, while not interacting with any other molecule to produce toxicity or other unwanted side effects. It also needs to be sufficiently soluble to get into the blood, and in some cases must cross the blood–brain barrier. Then consider that once in the body, many drugs undergo chemical reactions that change them in various ways. You must consider not just the effects of the original drug, but also the effects of all products produced from it! Finally, add in requirements that it must be inexpensive to produce, have a long shelf life, be easy to administer, and so on.

Drug development is very, very hard. There are so many things to optimize for all at once. A deep learning model might help with one of them, but each one represents only a tiny part of the process.

On the other hand, you can look at this in a different way. The incredible cost of drug development means that even small improvements can have a large impact. Consider that 5% of $2.6 billion is $130 million. If deep learning can lower the cost of drug development by 5%, that will quickly add up to billions of dollars saved.

The drug development process can be thought of as a funnel, as shown in Figure 12-1. The earliest stages might involve screening tens or hundreds of thousands of compounds for desired properties. Although the number of compounds is huge, the cost of each assay is tiny. A few hundred of the most promising compounds might be selected for the much more expensive preclinical studies involving animals or cultured cells. Of those, perhaps 10 or fewer might advance to clinical trials on humans. And of those, if we are lucky, one might eventually reach the market as an approved drug. At each stage the number of candidate compounds shrinks, but the cost of each experiment grows more quickly, so most of the expense is in the later stages.

The drug development funnel.
Figure 12-1. The drug development funnel.

A good strategy for reducing the cost of drug development can therefore be summarized as: “Fail sooner.” If a compound will ultimately be rejected, try to filter it out in the early stages of the development process before hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on clinical trials. Deep learning has great potential to help with this problem. If it can more accurately predict which compounds will ultimately become successful drugs, the cost savings will be enormous.

Biology Research

In addition to its medical applications, deep learning has great potential to assist basic research. Modern experimental techniques tend to be high-throughput: they produce lots of data, thousands or millions of numbers at a time. Making sense of that data is a huge challenge. Deep learning is a powerful tool for analyzing experimental data and identifying patterns in it. We have seen some examples of this, such as with genomic data and microscope images.

Another interesting possibility is that neural networks can directly serve as models of biological systems. The most prominent application of this idea is to neurobiology. After all, “neural networks” were directly inspired by neural circuits in the brain. How far does the similarity go? If you train a neural network to perform a task, does it do it in the same way that the brain performs the task?

At least in some cases, the answer turns out to be yes! This has been demonstrated for a few different brain functions, including processing visual,1 auditory,2 and movement sensations. In each case, a neural network was trained to perform a task. It was then compared to the corresponding brain region and found to match its behavior well. For example, particular layers in the network could be used to accurately predict the behavior of specific areas in the visual or auditory cortex.

This is rather remarkable. The models were not “designed” to match any particular brain region. In each case, the researchers simply created a generic model and trained it with gradient descent optimization to perform some function—and the solution found by the optimizer turned out to be essentially the same as the one discovered by millions of years of evolution. In fact, the neural network turned out to more closely match the brain system than other models that had been specifically designed to represent it!

To push this approach further, we will probably need to develop entirely new architectures. Convolutional networks were directly inspired by the visual cortex, so it makes sense that a CNN can serve as a model of it. But presumably there are other brain regions that work in very different ways. Perhaps this will lead to a steady back and forth between neuroscience and deep learning: discoveries about the brain will suggest useful new architectures for deep learning, and those architectures in turn can serve as models for better understanding the brain.

And of course, there are other complicated systems in biology. What about the immune system? Or gene regulation? Each of these can be viewed as a “network,” with a huge number of parts sending information back and forth to each other. Can deep models be used to represent these systems and better understand how they work? At present, it is still an open question.


Deep learning is a powerful and rapidly advancing tool. If you work in the life sciences, you need to be aware of it, because it’s going to transform your field.

Equally, if you work in deep learning, the life sciences are an incredibly important domain that deserves your attention. They offer the combination of huge datasets, complex systems that traditional techniques struggle to describe, and problems that directly impact human welfare in important ways.

Whichever side you come from, we hope this book has given you the necessary background to start making important contributions in applying deep learning to the life sciences. We are at a remarkable moment in history when a set of new technologies is coming together to change the world. We are all privileged to be part of that process.

1 Yamins, Daniel L. K. et al. “Performance-Optimized Hierarchical Models Predict Neural Responses in Higher Visual Cortex.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:8619–8624. 2014.

2 Kell, Alexander J. E. et al. “A Task-Optimized Neural Network Replicates Human Auditory Behavior, Predicts Brain Responses, and Reveals a Cortical Processing Hierarchy.” Neuron 98:630–644. 2018.

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