Acronyms and

AfHArchitecture for Humanity
AHRCArts and Humanities Research Council
CNCcomputer numeric controlled
DfEdesign for the environment
DfSdesign for sustainability
EFecological footprint
EMUDEEmerging User Demands for Sustainable Solutions
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization
GDPgross domestic product
HDIhuman development index
HDPEhigh density polyethylene
HIPCheavily indebted poor countries
HPIHappy Planet Index
htmlhypertext mark-up language
ICSIDInternational Council of Societies of Industrial Design
ICTinformation communication and technology
IPintellectual property
IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ITinformation technology
ITDGIntermediate Technology Development Group
LCAlife cycle analysis
LCTlife cycle thinking
LDCsleast developed countries
LETSLocal Exchange Trading System
LGBTlesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
MDFmedium-density fibreboard
MDPmeasure of domestic progress
MDRIMultilateral Debt Relief Initiative
MEAMillennium Ecosystem Assessment
MIPSmaterials intensity per unit service
NEFNew Economics Foundation
NPDnew product development
OANOpen Architecture Network
ODAOfficial development assistance
OLPCOne Laptop per Child
OSopen source
PCpersonal computer
PDparticipatory design
ppmparts per million
PPPpurchasing power parity
PSSproduct service systems
QoLquality of life
SCPsustainable consumption and production
SDsustainable development
SMEssmall and medium-sized enterprises
T&Lteaching and learning
TBLtriple bottom line
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TOESTowards Other Economic Systems
UCDuser-centred design
UNDPUnited Nations Development Programme
WCEDWorld Commission on Environment and Development
WWFWorld Wide Fund for Nature
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