
Adobe Photoshop 39

Adobe Premiere editing software

audio filters 113

colour keying 8688

construction window 43

editing tools 43

motion effects 4950, 7981

titles 46

video capture 3435

video filters 93

ADSL, for videoconferencing 30

AGP graphic cards 24

Analogue video

compared to digital 1112

editing configuration 2122

Animation 9, 128164

2D drawing/painting tools 130, 132143

see also Painter; PHOTO-PAINT; Power Goo

3D drawing/painting tools 130132, 143161

see also Bryce 3D; Poser; Ray Dream Studio (RDS)

combining with live video 141143

computer generated, advantages 130132

exaggeration in 163

key events 131132

tips and techniques 161164

traditional 129130

Apple, Quicktime technology 1415

Application of desktop video 16

Arc versus straight line movement 163

Audio capture, sampling rate and bit depth 3537

Audio cards 20

Sound Blaster AWE-64 25

Audio dub 7, 10

Audio editing/processing

audio sources 110111

CoolEdit 122124

Goldwave 120121

Multimedia decks (Creative Labs) 115118

Multiquence 124127

problem correction 112

Recording Session (Midisoft) 117118

SmartSound Wizard (Corel) 118119

Studio 200 (Pinnacle Systems) 114115

synchronisation with video 112

WaveStudio 117

Audio filters 113

Audio frequency analysis 122123

Audio noise reduction 124

Audio recording

digital quality 28, 3536, 37

magnetic tape 24

on PC disks 2728

Autodesk, FLI and FLC animation format 14

Automated dialogue replacement 8

AV (audio-visual) drives 23

AVI (audio video interleaved) format 1415, 6061, 111, 135, 155, 179, 195, 196

Blanking pulses 6

Brainstorming, for planning 176177

Bryce 3D

Advanced Motion Lab 157158

animation process 155160

applications and scope 155

Auto Record mode 157

Environments Attributes dialog boxes 160161

Hierarchy List area 157159

Materials Lab 155

Time Mapping Curve 159

workspace 155156

Budget constraints, projects 176

Bus mastering 24

Cache size 26

Camcorders 7, 10, 2729

audio output 2728

cable control of 21

Cartoons 129

Cataloguing video clips

Corel GALLERY Magic 170172

Corel Lumiere 169

MediaStudio 169170

Studio 200 Video Director 167169

CDs (compact disks)

mastering/writing to 21, 195, 197

ROM drives 24, 63

sound quality 28, 37

Charge coupled devices (CCDs) 7

Chart creation/insertion 187188

Charts/graphs, as still images 95

Chromakeying 9

see also Colour keying

Chrominance signals 6

Cinematography, early 24

Cinepak codec 6162

Clipart images, still image creation 9697

Cloaking, Ray Dream Studio (RDS) 147

Cloning, with Painter 105106

Codec compression/decompression algorithms Cinepak codec 6162

Intel Indeo Video R3.2 codec 62

Intel Indeo Video Raw codec 62

Microsoft Video 1 codec 61

Microsoft Video RLE codec 61

M-JPEG 2526, 35, 63

MPEG 6263, 64

purpose/application 6061

Video codec 62

see also Compression technology

Colour keying 8088

Adobe Premiere 8688

Corel Lumiere 8687

masks 82

MediaStudio 8286

Comic strips 129

Compact disks see CDs (compact disks)

CompCore, MPG format 14

Compiling a project 189191

Composite video format 13, 27, 29

Compositing, in Painter 105107

Compression technology 1213, 15

compression/decompression cards 2526

DriveSpace (Microsoft) 195

lossy/lossless compression 13

making best use of 179

M-JPEG 2526, 35, 63

MPEG 6263, 64

and PAL 13

software 6063


see also Codec compression/decompression algorithms

Construction windows 3738, 4345

Control-L connections 21

CoolEdit audio editor/special effects 122124

Copying, quality loss from 179

Corel Lumiere

audio filters 113

cataloguing material 169

colour keying 8687

construction window 4345

GALLERY Magic 170172

graphics application 188

Media Catalog 169

motion 5053, 7980

panning for motion creation 5152

SCRIPT Editor 9899

titles 4647

transitions 6973

transparency 45

video filters 9192

see also PHOTO-PAINT

Corel SmartSound 118119

Creative Labs

16-bit Sound Blaster 25

audio utilities 115118

Sound LE 36, 37, 116

Crossfades, in example project 182

CU-SeeMe (Cornell University) videoconferencing software 6366

Cutting and mixing 5360

Data compression see Compression technology

Deformers in 3D applications 162163

Defragmenting disk drives 24

Digital layers 130

Digital video formats 2829

Panasonic DVPRO 29

Sony DVCAM 29

Digital video technology

advantages over analogue 1112

private domain editing with 910

professional editing with 89

recording on disks 12

TV broadcasting 200

see also Video digitising cards

Disk drives

access times 23

cost lowering of 1 5

defragmenting 24, 179

E-IDE and Ultra-DMA 2223

performance requirements 2224

SCSI interface 23

Disney Studios 3, 4

Disney, Walt 3

Duplicating relative motion 162

DV see Digital video formats; Digital video technology

DV mini-cassettes 28 DVD (Digital Versatile Disks) 63, 198, 199, 200

DXF format (Poser figures) 1 55

E-IDE disk drives 2223

Edison, Thomas 2

Edit decision list (EDL) 16

Editing see Audio editing/processing; Video editing

Editing tools

Adobe Premiere 43

MediaStudio 3943

Poser (MetaCreations) 149152

Embedding AVI or MOV files 195, 196

Epson Model 197198

Exaggeration in animation 163


colour 3

early 24

synchronizing sound 8

Filters see Audio filters; Video filters

Firewire IEEE 28

Flicker 6

Floating objects 130

Fonts 7476

bitmapped 166


Autodesk FLI and FLC animation 14

AVI (audio video interleaved) 1415, 6061, 111, 135, 155, 179, 195, 196

CompCore MPG 14

composite video 13, 27, 29

digital video 2829


GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) 197

Hi-8 7

JPEG 2526, 35, 63

M-JPEG (motion-JPEG) 2526, 35, 63

magnetic tape video 7

MOV 6061, 155, 179, 195, 196

MPEG 6263, 64

MPG (CompCore) 14

Panasonic DVPRO 29

S-video connection 13, 27, 29

Sony Corporation DV (Digital Video) 28

Sony Corporation DVCAM 29

Super-VHS 7

WAV audio 115

Frame grabbers 12

Frame hold 5253

Frame rate control, PHOTO-PAINT 134135

Frequency analysis, audio 122123

Geometric pattern problems 179

GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) 197

Goldwave audio editor/player/ recorder 120121

Hard disk drives see Disk drives

Hardware considerations 2021

Hi8 format 7

History 18

milestones in evolution 18

Hot points, use of 162


Image compression see Compression technology

Image creation see Still image creation

Image Editor (MediaStudio) 95, 98

Image resolution 14

Infrared TV/VCR control 27

Insert editing 10

Intel codecs 62

Interlaced images 6


video distribution by 197, 199

videoconferencing over 30

Inverse Kinematics 162

ISDN Internet connections 30

Jaz disks 195

JPEG format 2526, 35, 63

Keying see Colour keying

Kinescope recording 7

Kinetoscope 2

Lag and overlap 163

LANC connection/control 21, 29, 34, 54

LCD projectors 197198

Lighting 179

Linear editing, principle 89

Lossy/lossless compression 13

Lotus Freelance, business chart 187

Lumiere see Corel Lumiere

Luminance signals 6

Magnetic disk storage see Disk drives

Magnetic tape

sound recording 24

VCRs 21, 29

video formats 7

Masking see Colour keying

Master tapes 179

MCI (machine control interface) 54


audio filters 113

audio synchronization 111112

capture utility 34

cataloguing material 169170

colour keying 8286

construction window 3738

editing tools 3943

Image Editor 95

motion 4749

sample project with 177192

timeline usage 180184

titles 4546

transitions 3839, 40, 69

video filters 8891

MetaCreations see Poser


AVI (Audio Video interactive) technology 1415

Media Player 1314

VidCap software 3334

Video for Windows 15

Video for Windows codecs 61

Midi instrument interface 117118

Miro (Pinnacle Systems)

AVI Cache 26

DC10 digitising card 2526

Expert (Extended Performance Test) utility 2324

Mixers see Video mixers

Mixing and cutting 5360

M-JPEG (motion-JPEG) format 2526, 35, 63

Modems 21

Monitors 12, 21, 29

Mono sound quality 28, 37

Motion 7981

Adobe Premiere 4950, 7981

Corel Lumiere 50, 5152, 79

MediaStudio 4749

smoothing 162

see also Animation

MOV format 6061, 155, 179, 195, 196

Movie camera 23

Movies, use of videotape editing 8

MPEG format 6263, 64

MPG format (CompCore) 14

Multimedia decks (Creative Labs) audio 115116

Multiquence, audio processor 124127

Music, in projects 179

Netvideo cameras 21

Noise (audio), reduction 124

Non-interlaced images 6

Non-linear editing, principle 9

Off-line editing 1617

On-line editing 16

Onion skin technique 131, 133, 136, 137


embedding AVI or MOV files 195, 196

of projects 191192

to CDs 195, 197

to Jaz disks 195

to Zip disks 195

via Internet 197

Overlap and lag 163

Overlay effects

animation on live video 141143

use of 9

see also Colour keying

Painter image production editor 98, 100102, 135140

cloning 105107

compositing 105107

floating object use 137140

onion skin effect 136, 137

starting 136

tracing 106107

PAL television system 56

video storage of 13

Panasonic DVPRO format 29

Panning, for motion creation 5152

PCI graphic cards 24

PCs (personal computers)

as intelligent control devices 16

performance considerations 2224

Persistence of vision 2, 6, 12, 129

Photo mode, camcorders 28

PHOTO-PAINT (Corel Lumiere) 39, 95, 98100

background creation 132133

floating object use 137140

Frame Overlay (onion skin) feature 133

frame rate control 134135

Rotoscoping 102105

Pinnacle Systems

Studio Grabber 34, 35

see also Miro; Studio 200 Video Director

Pixels 14

pixel level working 164

Planning 175178

brainstorming 176177

budget constraints 176

Plasticine characters 129130

Poser (MetaCreations)

animation controls 151153

body part replacement 1 5355

editing tools 149152

libraries palettes 1 50

scope and workspace 149

sound import 153

Power Goo (Meta Tools)

bulge and smear 140

nudge 140141

real-time liquid image editing 142

Premiere see Adobe Premiere

Processor clock speeds 22

Production process (for example project)

chart insertion 187

compiling the project 189191

material assembly 178180

output of project 191192

planning 175178

script creation 178

testing and saving 189

timeline usage 180184

title creation 185189

Project outline specification 174

Projectors 197198

Quality guidelines 178179

Quicktime technology (Apple) 1415

RAM (random access memory) 22

Ray Dream Studio (RDS)

cloaking 147

movement control 144148

object control 146148

process stages 143144

rotoscoping 148

time line window 144145

tweening technique 143146

workspace 144

Real-time liquid image editing 140141

Recording Session (Midisoft) 117118

Reflector software 64

Rendering without compression 162

RGB video transmission 13

Rolling credits 5152, 7778

Rostrum cameras 129



Ray Dream Studio (RDS) 148

S-video connection format 13, 27, 29

Saving a project 189

Scart sockets 29

Scene simplification 162

Script creation 178

SCRIPT Editor (Corel Lumiere) 9899

Scripts, for editing with still images 98102

Scrolling titles 5152, 7778

SCSI interface 23

Secondary motion 163

Slow motion 52

Smart Cable connections 21

SmartSound Wizard (Corel) 118119

Software compressors see Codec compression/decompression algorithms

Sony Corporation


DV (Digital Video) format 28

DVCAM format 29

Edit Studio equipment 1011

EVS-9000 VCR 29

Handycam 27, 28

VPL-5000Q projector 197

Sound recording see Audio recording

Sources of material 166167

Speed changing 5253

Squash, in animation 163

Stereo sound quality 28, 37

Still image creation

applications and benefits 9495

charts/graphs 95

clipart images 9697

Image Editor (MediaStudio) 95, 98

Painter 98, 100102

with scripts 98102

Storyboarding 161

Stretch, in animation 163

Studio 200 Video Director (Pinnacle Systems) 2627, 34

audio editing 114115

cataloguing facilities 167169

event lists 57

hardware 5455

library search function 168169

make tape button 59

operation 5659

title editor 5758

Studio recording systems 25

Super 8 camera 10

Super-VHS format 7

Superimposing titles 4546

Synchronizing film to sound 8

Synchronizing pulses 6


master tapes 179

see also Magnetic tape

Technicolor process 3

Television, principle 56

Television programme editing 8

Testing a project 189

Text effects 7478

scrolling 5152, 7778

transparency 7677

Texture animation 163

TFT displays 29

3D drawing/painting tools 130132, 143161

see also Bryce 3D; Poser; Ray Dream Studio (RDS)

TIF format 188

Timeline usage, MediaStudio 180184

Timing, importance of 164

‘Titanic’ animation 131


with Adobe Premiere 46

blending with live clips 185187

with Corel Lumiere 4647

with MediaStudio 4546

with Ray Dream Studio 185

rolling/scrolling credits 5152, 7778

with Studio 200 Video Director 5758

superimposing 4546

text effects 7479

see also Transparency; Typefaces

Tools see Editing tools

‘Toy Story’ animation 131

Tracing, with Painter 106107


applications 6869

Corel Lumiere 6977

in example project 182

MediaStudio 3839, 40, 69


Corel Lumiere 45

in titles 7677

see also Colour keying

Tweening technique, Ray Dream Studio 143146

2D drawing/painting tools 130, 132143

see also Painter; PHOTO-PAINT; Power Goo

Typefaces 7476

Ultra-DMA disk drives 2223

USB interface 65

VCRs, cable control of 21, 29

VHS videotape 198

VIDEC (video digitally enhanced compression) 65

Video cameras see Camcorders

Video capture 12, 3336

Video codec see Codec compression/decompression algorithms

Video digitising cards 2021, 2526

Video editing

analogue configuration 21, 22

on-line/off-line 1617

private domain 910

professional domain 89

task objectives 2021

see also Adobe Premiere; Cloning; Corel Lumiere; MediaStudio; Motion; Rotoscoping; Still image creation; Text effects; Tracing; Transitions

Video filters

Adobe Premiere 93

Corel Lumiere 9192

MediaStudio 8891

Video formats see Formats

Video mixers 2627

Video signal types 13

Video tape recorders (VTRs) 7

Video for Windows software compressors see Codec compression/decompression algorithms

Video within video 6970 Videoconferencing 30

CU-SeeMe (Cornell University) 6366

Videotape, printing to 198

Vitaphone 23

Voiceovers 180

‘Wallace and Gromit’ 129

WAV audio format 115

WaveStudio 117

Web cameras (Webcams) 30, 6465

Zip disks 195

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