
Page numbers in italics refer to figures

1/3–2/3 rule 152, 152

3D documentaries 135

3-point edit 286288, 287

4K image format 119120

-12 audio levels 235

-20 audio levels 235

24p 115

60i 115

180° principle 100, 101, 103, 193, 315


acquisition video formats 110

actions continuity 314315, 315

active characters 1213

Active Voice 386

ADCs see analog-to-digital converters

Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) 110, 111

advances 377

aesthetics, locations 6869

AGC (automatic gain control) 216

air risks 262

All My Babies documentary 27, 27

Alter, Nora 305

Alvarado, David 44, 6364, 69, 115, 151, 161, 161, 227228, 344

ambient sound 205, 212, 241, 339, 344345, 345

amplitude 206, 207; compression 355

analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) 129, 213, 215

analog video 110

angle of view 142, 143

angles, camera 9193, 9193

aperture of lens 148150, 149, 167

APS-C 118

archival footage 8, 44

archival storytelling 325337

art of editing 307324

artificial light 168169

artistic identity 710

artists, documentary filmmakers as 4

aspect ratio 85, 85, 113, 336

associate producers 64, 65

associative editing 311313, 312

Atomic Café documentary 329, 329

ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) 110

audience 46, 5758, 385

audio 351359; clips 294; connectors, camcorders 125126, 125; filters 354356; ingestion 277; monitor reference 359; outputs, digital recorders 218, 221; recording 237242; sweetening 353356; tracks 278, 351353; transitions 356357; see also sound

audio levels 100, 193, 315, 357358, 357

audio/video codecs 111

authenticity 154

authority 27

autofocus 139, 139

auto functions 123124, 139140, 149, 202

autoiris (autoexposure) 149

auto-knee 202

automatic gain control (AGC) 216

available light 165, 169


baby legs, tripods 159, 159

back camera angles 92, 92

background information 4243

background sound see ambient sound

backing up media 276, 294

backlight 186, 187, 187, 188, 188

Bahar, Robert 7381

Baichwal, Jennifer 3637, 93, 153, 160, 322

balance 5758; audio signals 214; frames 88; see also white balance

Balázs, Béla 19

bandwidth, scanning types 114

Banished documentary 308310, 309310, 372

barn doors 172, 173, 181182, 181182

barrel of lens 137, 138

Barret, Elizabeth 2627, 335

bars: color 374; and tone 237

bass-roll off 238

Bayer pattern filter 127

being-on-axis 239241, 239

“being present” 19

Bennett, Ann 328329

Berliner, Alan 1213

bias 57

binary code 110

bins 278, 280, 280, 284285, 294

bit depth 120, 129130, 130, 214215

black diffusion 177

black stretch 201202

blocking light 172

booming 94, 162, 162, 239241, 241

boom poles 239240, 239240

Border documentary 198, 198

Born Into Brothels documentary 54, 54, 56

bouncing light 172, 197, 197

Boyd, Brian 369

breakaway cables 209, 211, 211

breakers, electrical 263, 264

brightness 364, 364

Briski, Zana 54, 54, 56

British Film Movement 2223

broadcasting 382

broadcast standards 110, 111112, 135

broads 172, 172

Brock, Walter 12, 12

B-Roll 99

Brooks, Daniel 211, 211, 213, 213, 228, 231232, 234235, 235, 256

budgets 4748, 7382

burned discs 375376


cables, coiling 240241, 240

cable TV 49, 382

calibrating monitors 133134

call sheets 71, 72

camcorders 109, 120133, 216

camera 1819, 9198, 116126, 196198; adjustment 9798; angles 9193, 9193; filters 175183, 176178; function menus/switches 123124; mounting plate 158; moves 9398, 94; positions, lighting 196197; profile 369; support 153164; takes, camcorders 123; types 1819, 116126

camera crew 64

camera-mounted lighting 198

canted angle 92, 92

capacitors, microphones 221

cardioid microphones 223, 223

cash support 48

Castaing-Taylor, Lucien 118, 349

casting documentaries 1113

Casting the First Stone documentary 25, 195, 195

cathode ray tube 108, 108

CBR (constant bit rate) 131

CCD (charge coupled device) 126127

center-averaging 190

Center for Media and Social Impact (CMSI) 346

CF (compact flash) card 122

character-based films 29, 33

characteristic curves/gamma 200201, 200201

characters 296298; identification 9091; main characters 44; see also casting documentaries

charge coupled device (CCD) 126127

checkerboarding 352

chemical media 107108

Chiang, S. Leo 4243, 44, 46, 68, 84, 102103, 105, 115, 145, 193

Chinese lanterns 174, 174

chrominance 131

Chronique d’un Eté documentary 25, 25

chronology 301302

CineGamma 202

cinematic time/space 83106

cinematographer 64, 65

cinéma vérité 2325, 25, 154, 192, 252, 341

The Civil War documentary 336337

clamps 182

clean sound 239241

clearing rights 333, 335, 348

clipping 202, 237

clips 278, 284, 294

closed frames 86, 86

CMOS see complementary metal oxide semiconductor sensor

CMSI (Center for Media and Social Impact) 346

codecs 111, 130131, 131

color 131134; bars 133134, 133134, 374; conversion gels 178180; correction 363368; encoding 131132; grading 363; sampling 131132; settings 203; temperature 171, 171, 180, 180

colorists 369, 369

communication: crews 7071; tools for 7172

community involvement 47, 5455

complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor 117, 126127, 126127

compositing 324, 324

composition 8593

compositional frame 85, 85

compound lenses 142, 142

compression 130131

compression filters 355

condenser microphones 220222, 221

condensing space 147, 147

conflict 11, 2930, 32

consent 53

consistency, sound 239

constant bit rate (CBR) 131

continuity 24, 99100, 307, 313318, 315

contrast 198199, 199, 364, 364

A Conversation With my Black Son documentary 38, 38

copyright 59, 331334

cost reports 79, 82, 82

countdown 375

counterpoint narration 304

coverage 99105

crane shots 94, 162

Creative Commons 334, 334

creativity 47, 45, 328329

credits 368372

crews 6365, 227228, 227, 255; communication 7071; responsibilities 65; size 6364, 63

crop factor 144145

cross-fade 356, 356

cross lighting 193

crowdsourcing 49, 378, 381

Crumb documentary 91, 91, 98, 98

C-stands 181, 181

culture 59

cutaway shot 90, 315, 317318, 317

Cutie and the Boxer documentary 100101, 100, 243244, 314315, 315

cuts 322, 342343, 342


DACs (digital-to-analog converters) 214, 215

Darwin’s Nightmare documentary 55, 55, 317, 317, 322, 322, 372, 372

data rate: camcorders 132, 132; video images 111

DAWs (digital audio workstations) 359, 360

DC power 123

dead recording space 212

deal memos 71

deep depth of field/focus 87, 87, 150151, 150151

deep frames 86, 86

Delany, Samuel 2021, 21

deliverables 228

de Onís, Paco 1415, 386388

depth of field (DOF) 87, 87, 150152; deep vs shallow 150, 150151; factors impacting 151

derivative work 334

detail budgets 7578, 79

DF TC (drop-frame time code) 116, 116

diagonal lines 8687

dialogue 340341, 342343, 342

diaphragm, microphones 220

diegetic sound 341

diffused light see soft light

diffusion filters 177, 177

diffusion media 170171, 171, 180181, 181

digital audio quality 214215, 215

digital audio recorders 69, 218

digital audio workstations (DAWs) 359, 360

Digital Cinema 111, 373

digital editing 269, 272277

digital imaging technician/loader 64

digital signal processor (DSP) 129130

digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera 117, 117

digital sound recording 213217, 215

digital-to-analog converters (DACs) 214, 215

digital video cameras 116126

digital video systems 107136

digital zoom 122

diopter viewer 121

direct cinema 2325, 25, 108, 154, 192, 341

directing/director 64, 65, 252253

directionality 185, 222

directional light see hard light

direct sound 349

disc exhibiting 375376

dissolve 323, 356, 356

distribution 4647, 377388

ditty bags 183

documentary: art and 4, 307324; brief/selective history 1828; ideas 316; impact of 383388; origins 3; process value 14; styles 1728, 4445

documents 336337

DOF see depth of field

dollies 160162, 160

dolly shots 94, 95

double-system sound 69, 117, 209211, 209, 227

drag 157

drama 29, 3034, 31, 44

drones 163, 163

drop-frame time code (DF TC) 116, 116

DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera 117

DSP (digital signal processor) 129130

dusk-for-night light 197

Dutch angle see canted angle

DVD format 375376, 383, 387

dynamic microphones 220222

dynamic range 191, 199201, 203, 207, 237, 363


echo 355

Edison, Thomas 18, 107

editing 269; art of 307324; making simple edits 283, 285289; overview of stages 293294; patterns 321322; process 272277, 273; shooting and 9899; sound 351353, 359361; stages 289292

educational markets 47, 382383

Eisenstein, Sergei 311

electret condenser microphones 220222, 221

electricity 261, 263265, 264

electronic media 108116

employment rules 260

engagement campaigns 383388, 385

entering frame 104

ephemera 336

equalization (EQ) 352, 354355, 354

equipment 6970; respect for 257258; setting up 233237; sound recording 205226

errors/omissions insurance 70

essay documentary style 2627, 304305

ethics 5259, 335

etiquette 255258

Etre et Avoir documentary 53, 53, 319320, 320

European Broadcast Union 111

Evaporating Borders documentary 379, 379

Every Mother’s Son documentary 13, 3134, 3233, 58, 249

exclusivity 56

exhibiting work 375376

exiting frame 104

expansion filters 355

exposition 31, 34, 296298

expository films 2223, 23, 307310, 340

exposure: beyond basics 185, 198203; control 190192; elements 167168, 167

expressionistic techniques 194196, 196, 349

expressive sequences 105

exterior lighting 196198

external microphone inputs 125

extract edits 288

eye-level shot 91

eye light 194

eyeline 248250, 249


fades 323, 356, 356

fairness 5758

fair use 59, 59, 331333

Fan, Lixin 253, 299

fast color corrector filter 364367, 365366

feasibility 14

festivals 378380

field of video 113

file-based media 123

fill light 187188, 187188

film festivals 46, 378380

filmmaking types 3; see also documentary

film medium 107108, 107, 199

film research 8

filters 167, 172183, 176178, 354356, 364367, 365

fine cut 292

finishing: film 292293; picture 363376; sound design 339361

first-person narration 302303

fiscal sponsorship 49

fisheye lenses 142143, 143

Fitch, Nathan 34

fixers 260

flags 181

flash memory recorders 217, 218, 219

flat frames 86

flat response, microphones 222

flicker effect 107

flood/spot control 170

fluid heads, tripods 157

fluorescent lights 174, 174

focal lengths: lenses 137, 137, 141148, 142145; and sensor size 144, 144; video camcorders 122, 122; see also crop factor

focal plane, lens 137

focus 87, 138141

focus assist 139

Fog of War documentary 88, 88, 300, 318, 318

foley effects 343344, 344

follow focus 140141

footage organization 284285

fore-shortening 86

formats: common sources 275, 275; NLE projects 274; video 110111

four-walling 380

frame 8593; balanced/unbalanced 88; dimensions of 85; entering/exiting 104; graphic qualities 8586; moving frame 9597

frame rate 114115; broadcast standards 112; exposure 167; film 107; postproduction 275276; scanning types 114

framing: compositing and 324; lenses 137; Manufactured Landscapes93, 93

frequency 222; filters 238, 354355; response, microphones 222, 222

Fresnels 173, 173

friction heads, tripods 157

frontal light 185186

front shot 92, 92

f-stop scale 148, 148

funding sources 4849, 56

fuses 263


gaffer 64, 69

gaffer’s tape 182, 182, 257

gain 128129, 167, 218

gamma 200201, 200203

gels 172, 175, 178181, 178, 180

gobo 182

Gold, Tami 52, 243, 244, 248, 252, 252

government funding 48

graduated filters 178, 178

Granito: How to Nail a Dictator documentary 386388, 386387

graphic frame qualities 8586

graphic match 313

graphics files 294

gray scale 191192

Grierson, John 3, 22, 108, 303, 339

grips 64, 181183

Gustafson, Julie 25, 195


Hampe, Barry 5758, 99

handheld devices 153154, 153, 223224

handles 356

“Handsworth Songs” documentary 21

hard drive recorders 219

hard light 170171, 170

hard sound effects 343

hardware 273274

HD (high-definition) broadcast 85, 85

HD (high-definition) cameras 107

HDMI see high-definition multimedia interface

headphones 225, 238239, 238

headroom 234, 357

heads, tripods 156, 157159, 158

Hell & Back Again documentary 345, 345

Helvetica documentary 151, 151, 371, 371

Herzog, Werner 135, 147

high angles 91, 91

high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) 125, 126

high-end finishing workflows 292293

high-key lighting 189190

Hiroshima Bound documentary 247, 247

histograms 168, 168

historical approach 1828, 329330

History and Memory documentary 2122, 329330, 330, 333

HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-arc Iodide) lights 175

home video 383

horizontal lines 8687, 92

Hotel 22 documentary 3839, 39

The House I Live In documentary 301302, 303, 303

hue 131, 364368, 366

hybrid cameras 118, 118

Hydrargyrum Medium-arc Iodide (HMI) lights see HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium- arc Iodide) lights

hypercardioid microphones 223, 223

hypotheses 1011, 296


ideation 63

identity 710

If I Can’t Do It documentary 12, 12

illegal actions 57

image combination 324

image ownership 331333

image sensor, camcorders 126127, 126

image transitions 322323

imaging devices 167

The Immortalists documentary 45, 45, 6869, 68, 161, 161

impressionistic films 2021, 29, 36, 310313

incident meter 190, 191

infographics 105

informed consent 53

ingesting: audio 277; video 274276

in-kind support 48

inquiry letter 41

insert edits 288

Inside Job documentary 3435, 35, 56, 247

insurance 70, 260

intellectual property rights 5859

intensity of light 167, 169170

interlaced scanning 113115, 113114

International Telecommunications Union 111, 133

international travel 260261

Internet 47

interviews 14, 43, 243253; conducting 250252; jump cutting 317318, 318; lighting 186188, 246; locations 245248; preparing 244245; structuring 298301; tips for 251

Intimate Stranger documentary 350, 350

introduction see synopsis

inverse square law 169170, 170, 208

In Whose Honor? documentary 6, 6, 12, 2223, 23, 35, 304, 304

iris, lenses 148

isolated tracks 229, 233

isolation pads, headphones 238

ISO settings 167

issue-based films 3738, 38

Ivens, Joris 2021, 310311


J-cut edits 289

jello artifact 127

jib arms 162, 162

jump cutting interviews 317318, 318

juxtaposition 307


keyframes 358

key light 187, 187188

key-to-fill ratios see lighting ratios

knee, exposure 201202


The Last Bolshevik documentary 305, 305

Last Minutes with ODEN documentary 39, 39

Last Train Home documentary 299300, 299300

lavalier microphones 224, 224, 234235, 235, 241

LCD equipment 114, 121, 121

lead room 89, 89

LEDs see light emitter diodes

legal issues 5259

legs, tripods 156, 159, 159

lens 137152; aperture 148, 148; and camcorders 121122; defined 137152; exposure 167; focal length 141143, 142145; focus 138; functions 138; optics of 137141; prime 145; speed 149; video camcorders 121122; zoom 145146, 145146

lens housing see barrel of lens

Lessons of Darkness documentary 147, 147

letter of inquiry 41

level controls, sound 216, 217218, 217

Leviathan documentary 118119, 119

licensing agreements 58, 331

lift edits 288

light emitter diodes (LEDs) 114, 174175, 175

lighting 69, 246; basics 165183; beyond basics 185203; properties of light 169171; ratios 189190; safety tips 265266, 265; sources of light 167169, 167; styles 188190; units 172175

light stands 181

limiters 237238, 238

line of action 100

linear pulse code modulation (LPCM) 215

line level signal 214

line producer 65

live environments 212213

location 6569; agreements/contracts 6668; evaluation 231; IDs 372; interviews 245248; permits 53; respect/protect 257; risk and 262; scouts/scouting 6566, 196; sound techniques 227242

log gamma 191, 201, 203, 203, 369

long takes 104105, 104

Looking for Love: Teenage Mothers documentary 252, 252

looking room 8889, 89

loudness 207

low angles 91, 91

low-budget documentaries 79

lower thirds 370372, 372

low-key light 166, 166, 190

LPCM (linear pulse code modulation) 215

Lucas, Martin 9

Lumière, Auguste and Louis 1820, 24, 107, 307308

Lumière camera 1819, 19

luminance 131

Lund, Andrew 53, 332333


macro lenses 138

mafer clamps 182

magic hour 197

manual exposure control 190191

manual override: aperture 149; camcorders 149

Manufactured Landscapes documentary 86, 93, 93, 322

Man With a Movie Camera documentary 3, 21, 156, 156, 259, 259, 339

Marey, Etienne-Jules 18, 18

Marie’s Dictionary documentary 38, 38

Marker, Chris 305

markets for distribution 377383

master clips 294

mastering 284, 293, 363376

master mix track 358

master shot 100

master use license 347, 348

materials: organization 330331; resources 255258

matte boxes 175176, 176

Maysles, Albert 24, 64, 64, 313, 346

mechanical media 107108

media backups 276, 294

media bay, camcorders 122123

media file indicators 272, 272

media formats 110, 275, 275

media transfer device 273

memory 28

memory cards 122

metadata 331, 331

metaphorical imagery 330

metering light 190192, 191

microphone 125, 220225; attenuation 237238, 238; inputs, digital recorders 216217, 217; level signal 213; location techniques 234235, 235, 239241, 239, 241, 242; support for 225, 225

minicams 118119

mirrorless shutter cameras 118

mise-en-scène 18, 313314

mixed-lighting situations 179, 180

mixing 353, 358361, 358

monitor hoods 121, 121

monitoring 132134, 134; audio 359; exposure 168; headphones 238239

mono mix 359

monopods 159160, 160

mono recording 242

montage categories 311312, 311

Morris, Errol 67

The Most Dangerous Man in America documentary 312, 312

Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) 111

motivated lighting 169, 187, 192

motivation 97

movement 9398, 94

MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) see Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG)

Mr. Cao Goes to Washington documentary 68, 68, 102103, 102103, 317, 317

Mr. Death documentary 103104, 105, 105, 249, 249

music 339, 340; common pitfalls 347348; cue sheets 351; source and score 346347

My Brooklyn documentary 8, 8, 9, 212, 245, 246, 246, 284, 347, 385, 385


narration 339341; B-Roll 99; reflexivity and 2122; scratch narration 291; structure 44; styles 303305; writing 302305

narrative promise 31

National Television System Committee (NTSC) 111

natively working 275

natural light 168, 188189, 189, 192, 193

ND see neutral density

NDF TC (non-drop-frame time code) 116

needle-drop music 347

nets 182

neutral density (ND) filter 129, 129, 150, 176177, 176

neutral density (ND) gels 179180

Never Enough documentary 68, 68, 342343, 342

Night Mail documentary 303304, 305

night shooting 197198, 198

NLE system see nonlinear editing system

Nobody’s Business documentary 1213, 13, 151, 151, 319320, 320, 330, 330, 335

noise 206, 217, 354355

non-diegetic sound 341

non-drop-frame time code (NDF TC) 116

nonlinear editing (NLE) system 210, 270274, 271, 273; audio levels 357358, 357; color correction 363368; interface 278283

nonsynchronous dialogue 340

nonsync sound see wild sound

No Room To Move! documentary 9

Nostalgia for the Light documentary 86, 8687, 87, 155156, 156, 311, 311, 313, 321, 321

NTSC (National Television System Committee) 111


objectivity 7, 5758

observational work 2327, 29, 44, 307, 310, 313318, 340; covering 99105; directing participants 252253; editing 289; lighting 192195, 193, 195; structuring 298301

off-line work 276277, 284

off-screen images/action 85

omnidirectional microphones 222, 222223

onboard microphones 225

one-chip cameras 127

online editing 276277

open-faced lights 172

open frames 86, 86

opening montages 312

optical center 137, 137

optical zoom 122

organizational elements 294, 330331

Our Daily Bread documentary 104105, 104, 153

Outfoxed documentary 59, 59

output formats 373

outtakes 327

overexposed images 148, 199, 202

overlapping objects 86

overmodulation 234

overwrite edits 288


pacing 318322, 320

pan 94, 94, 96; dampers 157; handle 157; heads 155; locks 157; slider 359

paper edit 289290

Paravel, Véréna 118119

participatory observation 25

passive characters 1213

pattern editing 321322

peak meters 218, 218, 234, 236

permits 66, 68

personal profiles 38

perspective: and focal length 146148; moving frame 9597; see also sound perspective

phase error 242

photosphere 191

picture look 292, 347

picture syncing with sound 277278

pillarboxed images 336

Pina documentary 135, 135

pistol grip 241, 241

pitch 206, 207

pivot camera moves 9394, 94

pixels 126

place portraits 3839

plane of critical focus 138, 150

plasma display 113114

platforms 46, 377

playhead 281

plots 296298

Pluraleyes 278

point of view 102

polarizing filters 177178, 177178

The Polymath documentary 2021, 21

pop filter 356

portable field mixers 219220, 219220

postproduction process 24, 269294

postproduction supervisor 269

postsynchronous sound 343

pots 218

practicals 194

preamp 213, 217, 217, 221

presence 232

presetting focus 139

pressed discs 375376

pressure zone microphones (PZMs) 225, 225

primary sources 245

prime lenses 145146

process films 3940

producer roles 65

production: insurance 70, 260; management 63; procedures 255266; proposal and 41; scheduling 7172; sound 208211, 216225

production assistants 64, 65

production coordinators 64, 65

profile shot 92, 96

pro-filmic reality 99

program leader 374375

program masters 372

program slate 374375, 374

progressive scanning 114115, 114

projects: description 4346; files 272; organization 294; timeline 49; window/panel 278, 294

proposals 4149

Pro Tools system 359361

provenance, archives 330

proxies 276277

public domain 59, 326, 333335

pulldown process 115, 276, 282

pulling focus 140

PZMs (pressure zone microphones) 225, 225


quality of light 170171

quality of sound 208

quantizing 129, 215

quartz lights see tungsten-halogen lights

quick release tripods 158


radio mics see wireless microphones

Radivojevic, Iva 379380

ratios, lighting 189190

raw footage 289

raw media 120, 132

reaction shots 101

realist approach 22, 34, 154, 169, 192, 349

Rec 709 133, 133

receding planes 86

recordable discs 376

reenactment 2728, 27

reference: audio 232, 357; tone 236237

reflective light meters 190

reflectors 175, 175, 197

reflexivity 2122, 2627, 44

Regen (Rain) documentary 2021, 21, 310, 310

relationships see subject relations

release forms 14, 5257

remix culture 59

render files 273

rerecording mixer 353

research 810, 1516, 325327, 328329

resistance mechanisms 157

resolution 112113, 112, 120

respect 166, 257258

responsibilities: to audiences 5758; to other creators 5859; to subjects 52

Restrepo documentary 26

reveals 97

reverberation 212, 355, 355

rhetoric 29, 3435, 44

rhythm 318322

riding the gain 237

rights: clearance 333, 335, 348; distribution 377; see also copyright

rim light 186

rising action 3233

risk 57, 262

rocker switch 122

Roger and Me documentary 58, 99, 99, 302, 380

rolling shutters 127

roll-off setting, microphones 222, 222

room acoustics 212213

room tone 212, 241, 344

Rosenstein, Jay 2223, 35

rough cuts 290291

royalties 377

royalty-free approach 333

rule of thirds 8889, 89


Sachs, Lynne 1718

Sadoul, Georges 19

safety 258266

sample rates: digital audio quality 214215, 215; ND filters 129

sample reels 49

saturation 131, 364368, 366

scanning type 112, 113115, 113114

scenes 8384; observational 99105, 289, 298301; paper edit 289290

scheduling 7173

score music 346347

scouting 6566, 69, 196, 228234, 230

scratch folders 294

scratch narration 291, 303

scratch tracks 277278

screen direction 100, 104

scrims 182, 266

SDI (serial digital interface) 125

SD (secure digital) card 122, 123

SD (standard-definition) video 85, 110

secondary sources 245

secure digital (SD) card 122, 123

security 258, 262263

selective focus 141, 141

selects 289

semi-theatrical distribution 381382

sensors 126127, 126, 144145, 144

sequences 8384; digital editing 272, 274; editing elements 294; monitor/program panel, NLE 282; NLE system 278, 281; reflexivity 21

serial digital interface (SDI) 125

servo zoom mechanism 122, 122, 145

set etiquette 255258

set lights 194

setting levels, locations 234, 236

setting tone, locations 236237, 236

setting up 233237, 248, 274

shade 197

shadows 88, 88

shallow depth of field/focus 87, 150151, 150151

shared shot content see mise-en-scène

Sherman’s March documentary 188189, 189, 246, 246

shock mounts 239, 240

shooting: from behind 92; with editing in mind 9899; flat 203; planning 6382; prepping/scouting 228234; see also shots

short documentaries 3740, 8081

short-range apparent motion 107

shotgun microphones 223, 224

shot/reverse shot technique 100, 100

shots 8384; adjusting 9798; camera angles 9192, 9192; composition 8586; dynamic moves 94; size 9091, 90; too-similar-shots 316317, 316; see alsoshooting

shoulder, exposure 201

shoulder mounts 154155, 155

show and tell sequence 103104, 103

The Shrimp documentary 3940, 39

shutter speed 129, 167

sibilance suppression 356

sidelight 186

Sidney Poitier: An Outsider in Hollywood documentary 328329, 328

sightline 100

signal 206

signal compression 130131

signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio 217

single event stories 39

single frame 324

single-system sound 69, 209, 209, 211, 227, 277278

sizzle reels 49

Skylight company 386388, 387

slate 21, 209210, 210, 277, 374375, 374

sliders 94, 162, 162

SMPTE countdown 375

Snakeheads documentary 57, 57

S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio 217

soft light 170171, 170, 173174, 174, 181

software 276, 276, 278283

solid state drives (SSDs) 124

solid-state memory cards 122123, 123

Song of Ceylon documentary 108, 339, 339

sound 22; editing 351353, 359361; film 108; importance 205; location techniques 227242; postproduction 269271, 274, 277278; recording 6970, 205226, 231233, 232; syncing picture and 277278; types 340348; understanding 206208; see also audio

sound design 105, 339361

sound effects 340, 340, 343345, 350

sound mix 351, 353359

sound perspective 348349, 349

sound recordist 63, 64, 65, 117, 227

soundtrack building 291

source music 346

speakers 274

specials, lighting 194

specific filmmaking 1415

speech 340341

speed: lenses 149150; of sound 208

spill light 181

Split documentary 166, 166

split edits 288289

splitting electrical loads 265

splitting tracks 352

sponsorship 49

spotting 351

spreaders 159

SSDs (solid state drives) 124

stabilizing arm systems 162163, 163

standard-definition (SD) video 85, 110

stands, lighting 181

State of Fear documentary 1415

stereo recording 242, 242

stock footage 8

stock houses 326

Stoney, George 26, 27, 54

stops 148

storage media 124, 124

storytelling 2935, 33, 296298, 325337

straight cuts 288

Stranger With a Camera documentary 2627, 335

streaming 383

structuring documentaries 2940, 4445, 295306

stylistic approach 7, 1728, 4445, 349

stylized expressive sequences 105

stylized images 188, 189, 194196

subcarrier frequency 115

subclips 294

subject positions 196197, 248250, 249

subject relations 52, 243253

subsampling 131132

sunlight 197

superimposition 323

surround sound 350

sweetening audio 353356

Sweetgrass documentary 85, 85, 89, 89, 224, 340341, 341, 349, 349

sync rights 348

sync sound 22, 108, 205, 208211, 210, 277278, 340

synopsis 42

system noise 217


Tajri, Rea 2122

Takagi, J. T. 212, 227, 229, 231

talking heads 244

target audiences 46

TC see time code

team structure 256

telephoto lenses 142, 147, 147

television 23, 46, 49, 382

text cards 3132

texted/textless master 372

theatrical releases 4647, 380382, 381

The Thin Blue Line documentary 67, 2728, 27, 87, 87, 166, 323, 323, 337, 337

third-person narration 302

three-chip cameras 127

three-point lighting 186187, 187, 246

three-quarter back position 92

Through a Lens Darkly documentary 327329, 327

through the lens (TTL) metering 190

tilt 94, 94; dampers 157; locks 157

timbre 208

time code (TC) 116, 116, 210, 272, 278

time lapse photography 156

timeline window, NLE 278, 281

timing 318322; electrical load limits 264265; light and 196; organization 83106; structure 301302

titles 368372, 371

toe, exposure 200, 201

tone 236237, 236, 374

Tongues Untied documentary 26, 26

too-similar-shots 316317, 316

topics 10, 15

topsheets 74, 74

track adjustment 357

tracking shot 94, 95

trailers 49

transcoding 275

transcripts 285

transitions: audio 356357; shots 321323

travel 260261

trimming light 181

tripod heads 156159, 158

tripod-mounted slider 94

tripods 155159, 155157

Trouble the Water documentary 296297, 296298, 300301, 301, 326, 341

Truth Be Told documentary 381

TTL (through the lens) metering 190 381, 381

tungsten-halogen lights 171

TV documentary see television


ultra high-definition (UHD) 111, 119

ultra high end cameras 119120

U-matic 109, 109

unbalanced audio signals 214

unbalanced frames 88

underexposed images 148, 199

underwater photography 164

universal filmmaking 1415


value 14

variable bit rate (VBR) 131

vectorscope 367368, 367368

Vélez, Edin 5, 109, 109, 324

velocity 208

veracity 17

Vertov, Dziga 2122

video 108116; camcorders 109, 120133, 216; camera lenses 137138; connectors, camcorders 125126, 125; diaries 249; images today 110116; knee 202; standards 111, 111; tracks 278

video on demand (VOD) 383

viewfinders 121

A Village Called Versailles documentary 4243, 42, 44, 45

visual evidence 23, 99, 298301, 301, 308

visual language 83

visual perspective see perspective

VOD (video on demand) 383

voice coil 220, 220

voice-over 99, 341

volume unit (VU) meters 236, 236


walking (lead) room 8889

walk and talk sequence 103104, 233, 246, 246

Watermark documentary 3637, 37

watermarks, archives 330

water risks 262

waveform scope 364365, 365

wavelength 206, 207, 208

weather checks 196, 262

white balance 127128, 128, 171

white diffusion 177

wide-angle lenses 142

wild sound 205, 208, 212, 343

Wilson, Keith 37, 3940

wind noise 241242, 241

windows 194, 194

wireless microphones 224, 224

Wiseman, Frederick 2425, 252, 301, 313

witness mark 138

worker’s compensation 70, 260

workflow 270272, 271, 292293

work samples 49

wrapping 274

writing documentaries 295306


XLR connectors 214, 216, 216, 222


Yates, Pamela 1415


zebra function 168, 168, 202

zone systems 192

zoom lenses 145146, 145146; defined 145146; lens speed 150; optical vs digital 122; using for critical focus 139; zooming in and out 94

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