

# (pound sign) using with anchors, 187

using with divs, 199

using with id selectors, 204, 205-207

() (parentheses), selecting in Coding toolbar, 441

. (period), before class selectors, 204

// comments, applying from Coding toolbar, 442

/* */ comment, applying from Coding toolbar, 442

[] (square brackets) selecting in Coding toolbar, 441

_ (underscore), preceding targets with, 184

{} (braces), selecting in Coding toolbar, 441

<!-- --!> comments, applying from Coding toolbar, 442

</, ending tags with Code Hints, 461

‘ comments, applying from Coding toolbar, 442


<a> (anchor) tag, 184

About Dreamweaver dialog, 6

absolute links, 178–180

absolute positioning, 231

Absolutely Positioned (AP) elements, 18, 232


Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 311–313

opening new windows, 360

preferences, 313

alternate text prompt, 73, 141

image tag accessibility, 141

accordion widgets, 384–385

Action menu, 131

actions. See behaviors

Add Browser dialog, 79

Adobe AIR, 397

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP: Training from the Source, 514

Adobe Media Encoder, 169, 171

Adobe Web site

Adobe Exchange resources, 397

Flash video, 171

Spry resources/versions, 394

Welcome screen, services section, 2, 4

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), 375

aligning elements

cells, 298–299

horizontal rules, 120

images, 147

tables, 297

text, 111, 200

All mode, CSS Styles panel, 197, 208–210

alternate text

inserting into images, 140–143

prompt, preferences, 73

anchors for links, 185–187

animations, Flash or Shockwave, 167–168

AP (Absolutely Positioned) elements, 18, 232

Apache, 406

App Developer and App Developer Plus preset workspace, 23, 445

Appearance (CSS), Page Properties dialog, 84, 218

Background images, 163

Appearance (HTML), Page Properties dialog, 85, 218

Appear/Fade (Spry effect), 395

Application Bar, turning on/off, 6

Assets panel, 18,

Images, 144


Library items, editing, 430

Library items, inserting/deleting, 429

Library items, recreating, 434

Library items, renaming, 432

New Library item, 428

Templates, 418

templates, applying to existing pages, 423

templates, modifying, 424

templates, new, 422

asynchronous JavaScript, 375

Attach External Style Sheet dialog, 265, 266

Auto Indent code option, 446


<b> (bold) tag, 106

background attribute, 164, 238


color, 84–85

cells, 299

CSS rule definitions, 200

images, 84–85, 163–164

base category, meta tags, 90

BBEdit external editor, 468–469


adding, 353–354

deleting, 355

editing, 354

list of, 352

order, changing, 355

Behaviors panel, 18

Bindings panel, 18

Blank Page tab, 64

_blank target tag, 184

Blind (Spry effect), 395

<blockquote> tag, 109–110

<body> tag, 16, 163–164, 202, 236

book resources

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP: Training from the Source, 514

Designing with Web Standards, Third Edition, 515

Dreamweaver CS5 Bible, 514

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, 467

HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition, Visual QuickStart Guide, 466

JavaScript & Ajax for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 30, 355, 375, 467, 515

Mastering Regular Expressions, 136

Styling Web Pages with CSS: Visual QuickProject Guide, 467, 515

Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, 516

UsableNet Accessibility Reference, 467

Brightness/Contrast dialog, 153

Browse for File button, 14

Browse pop-up menu, Files panel, 46–47

Browser Navigation toolbar, 14

dynamic data, 411–412

Live View Options menu, 413

new features, 30

showing/hiding, 15

BrowserLab (Adobe), 6

renderings, 81


to 2-up View, 82

to Onion Skin View, 82

browsers. See also specific browsers

compatibility checking, 494–495

event handlers, 356

fonts, appearance, 223

frames/framesets, 329, 349

Open Browser Window behavior, 352, 361–362

opening new windows, 360

previewing, 77–79

bulleted lists, 112, 115

Business Catalyst panel, 18


Call JavaScript behavior, 352

case sensitivity, FTP/SFTP logins, 42

Castro, Elizabeth, 466

Change Property behavior, 352

character formatting, HTML versus CSS, 104

check boxes

forms, 315

Spry widgets, 390

Check In/Check Out, 151, 479–483

versus Subversion, 488

Check Plugin behavior, 352, 363–364

Choose Image Folder dialog, 38

Choose Root Folder dialog, 37

Chrome (Google)

Check Plugin behavior, 364

CSS support, 280

Web pages, previewing, 77

Clarke, Andy, 516

Class menu, Rename, 256



applying, 214–215

removing, 215

creating, 203

with Property Inspector, 219–220

versus ids, 204

selectors, 198

Classic preset workspace, 23

Cloaking menu, Uncloak or Cloaking, 59

CMSs (content management systems), 508

basics, 402

connecting to, 404

Drupal, 403, 508

dynamic sites, 35

Joomla!, 403, 509

local testing servers

MAMP for Mac, 406

XAMPP for Windows, 406

MySQL, 402, 406

new feature, 29

online resources, 508-509

PHP programming language, 402, 406

Related Files, 407

discovering, 408

filtering, 410

working with, 409

WordPress, 402, 508

code hints, 460–461

Code Inspector panel, 18

Code Navigator, 226–227, 240

Code Reference tab, 466–467

Code Rewriting preference, 471

Code view, 9, 11

Code Navigator, 227

Find and Replace feature, 130–132

new features, 31


with Design view, 12–13, 448–449

with Live View, 411

switching from Design view, 440


code hints, 460–461

Code Reference tab, 466–467

Code Rewriting preference, 471

Coding toolbar, 440

options, 441–443

collapsing, 457–459

editing tips, 446–447

expanding, 459

external editors, 468–470

formatting options, 447

JavaScript extractor, 464–465

Live Code view, 450–451

Quick Tag Editor, 452–453

Roundtrip HTML, 471

Split view, viewing code and WYSIWYG, 448–449

Tag Chooser

getting tag information, 456

inserting tags, 455

Tag Editor, 454

Tag Inspector, 462–463

Coder Plus preset workspace, 23, 445

Coder preset workspace, 23

versus Designer preset workspace, 444

Coding toolbar, 440

options, 441–443

Collapse to Icons button on panels, 18–19

Collapsing code, 457-459

collapsible panels, 386–387

color, 84–85

cells, 299

Syntax coloring code option, 446

color (Appearance)

Page Properties

CSS, 84

HTML, 85

Commands menu

Check Spelling, 137

Externalize JavaScript, 464

Sort Table, 301

Common tab, Insert panel, 20

Community MX Web site, 507

Components panel, 18

compound selectors, 205–207

Connect/Disconnect button, 46, 48


<div> tag, 199

Set Text of Container behavior, 352

<span> tag, 199

tags, beginning and ending, 195

contextual selectors. See compound selectors

Contribute (Adobe), 416

Design Notes, 485

Convert Inline CSS to Rule dialog, 259–260

Copy Dependent Files dialog, 379

Create New section, Welcome screen, 2–3

HTML page, 62–63

Creative Edge Web site, 512

Creative Suite, OWL Library, 8

CS Live menu (Windows), 6

CSS Advisor (Adobe) Web site, 505

CSS inspection

CSS Inspect, 9, 13, 269

freezing Inspect mode, 270

modifying styles with, 270

turning on, 269

CSS Layout Backgrounds, 271–272, 276

CSS layout blocks, 277. See also layout

box model, 230

floating blocks, 232

positioning blocks, 231

CSS Layout Box Model, 271–272, 276

CSS Layout Outlines, 271–272

CSS Rule definition dialog, 183, 194, 198. See also style rules

Background, 200

Block, 200

Border, 201

Box, 201

classes, 220

custom, 203

Edit Rule, 221

Extensions, 202

List, 201

New Style Sheet File, 263

Positioning, 202

properties, 198

Type, 200

CSS Rule dialog

Rule Definition, 198

Selector Name, 198, 220

Selector Type, 198, 206, 220

CSS Style Sheet sample pages, 66

CSS Styles panel, 18

All mode, 197, 208–210

Current mode, 197, 210–212

CSS-based layouts

new features, 30

SiteAssist, 67

versus table-based layouts, 280–281

Current mode, CSS Styles panel, 197, 210–212

Custom Filter dialog, 410


Data tab, Insert panel, 20

database-backed sites, 35

Databases panel, 18

dates, automatic, 118

Default Editor dialog (Windows), 5

definition lists, 112–113

delimited text files, 303–305

Dependent Files dialog, 483

descendant selectors, 205. See also compound selectors

description category, meta tags, 90

Design Notes, 159, 484–486

Design view, 9–10

splitting with Code view, 12–13

switching to Code view, 440

Designer Compact preset workspace, 23

Designer preset workspace, 23

versus Coder preset workspace, 444

Designing with Web Standards, Third Edition, 515

Design-Time Style Sheets dialog, 275–277

Device Central, 78–79

<div> tag, 199

dock area, 18

dock header bar on panels, 18–19

doctype, 62, 65, 88

document relative links, 178

Link Relative To, 180–181

Document toolbar

Inspect, 269

Live View, 413

page title, 9

Preview/Debug in Browser, 78

showing/hiding, 15

Split view, 448

View mode, 9

View Options, 9

Visual Aids menu, 271

document window, 7

showing/hiding tabs, 8

documents, 16

dimensions, 16

doctype, 62, 65

download time estimates, 16

event handlers, 356

switching between, 8, 24, 28


Code, 9, 11

Design, 9–10

Split, 9, 12

Down state, rollovers, 359

Drag AP Element behavior, 352

Dreamweaver CS5 Bible, 514

Dreamweaver Developer Center (Adobe) Web site, 505

Dreamweaver Exchange, 2, 4, 355, 397, 503

Dreamweaver FAQs (Adobe) Web site, 505

Dreamweaver forums (Adobe) Web site, 505

Dreamweaver Mailing List, 510

Dreamweaver menu (Macintosh), 6

Dreamweaver Newsgroup, 510

Dreamweaver Site link, Welcome screen, 36

Dreamweaver support (Adobe) Web site, 502

Dreamweaver weblogs (Adobe) Web site, 504

resources, 510

Drupal, 403, 508

support for, 35

DTD (Document Type Definition), 65, 88

Dual Screen preset workspace, 23

.dwt extension, 418

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, 467

dynamic sites versus static sites, 35


Edit Font List dialog, 222

Edit menu

Copy, 96, 157

Copy Merged, 157

Cut, 96

Find and Replace

options, 122

Text, 123–126

Paste, 97, 158

Paste Special, 100

Undo/Redo, 97

Edit Server dialog, 481

effects, Spry, 374, 395–396

Effects behavior, 352

<em> (emphasis) tag, 17, 106

Email Link dialog, 191


Macintosh versus Windows, 83

Title/Encoding, Page Properties dialog, 88

Unicode (UTF-8), 83

event handlers

list of, 356

Excel and Word (Microsoft)

importing as Web pages, 94

importing/exporting tabular data, 303, 305

pasting text from, 99-100

Exchange. See Dreamweaver Exchange

Export Site dialog, 498

Export Table dialog, 305

Extension Manager (Adobe), 488

external editors, 468–470

external style sheets, 213

attaching, 265–266


based on sample files, 261–262

Convert Inline CSS to Rule dialog, 260

from scratch, 262–263

moving from internal style sheets, 264

Related Files, 224–225

Externalize JavaScript dialog, 464


Fade/Appear (Spry effect), 395

favicons, 165–166

Favorites tab, Insert panel, 21

Fieldset dialog, 316

File menu

Check Page, Links, 492

Design Notes, 486

New, 50, 64

Open, 76

Open in Frame, 340

Preview in Browser, 78–80

Save, 74–75

Save as Template, 418

Save Frame, 342, 344

Save Frameset, 341

Save Frameset As, 343–344

Save Frameset As Template, 344

Files panel, 18, 46, 178

Browse pop-up menu, 47

Check In/Check Out, 482–483

versus Get File or Put File, 479–480

Cloaking submenu, 59

Connect/Disconnect, 47

context menu, 51

Dreamweaver files versus Windows Explorer and Macintosh Finder, 50

Expand/Collapse, 475–477

remote and local files, 476

File view pop-up menu, 48

Local view, 48

refreshing views, 49

Remote server, 48

Repository view, 48

Testing server, 48


checked out status, 479

cloaking/uncloaking, 59

creating, 50–51

editing, 52

moving, 51

naming/renaming, 51–52

putting/getting, 53

Get File or Put File, 53, 475

versus Check In/Check Out, 479–480

options, 51

Refresh, 49

Repository view, 488

Site Map (earlier versions), 477

Synchronize, 46, 55, 57–58, 475

Update Files dialog, 51–52


cloaking/uncloaking, 59

Templates folder, 418

creating, 50–51

editing, 52

moving, 51

naming/renaming, 51–52

putting/getting, 53

Find and Replace feature, 121–122

advanced searches, 127–129

regular expressions, 133–136

renaming styles, 257

simple searches, 123–126

in source code, 130

specific tags, 131–132

Find Style Sheet File dialog, 264

Firefox (Mozilla)

Check Plugin behavior, 364

CSS support, 280, 322

Web pages, previewing, 77

Fireworks (Adobe)

copy-and-paste integration, 159

image placeholders, 146

pop-up menus, 370–371

Five Minute Joomla! (Web site), 509

fixed positioning, 231

Flash (Adobe)

animations, 167–168

videos, 169–171

FLV format, 169

<font> tag, 104, 129


appearance on different browers and operating systems, 223

CSS, 84

headings, 87

links, 86

rule definitions, 200

font groups, 222–223

Format menu

Align: Left, Center, Right, or Justify, 111

CSS Styles

classes, 215

Convert Inline CSS to Rule, 259

Design-time, 275

New, 199

None, 215

Font, Edit Font List, 222

Indent, 109


Properties, 114

Unordered List, Ordered List, or Definition List, 112

Outdent, 110

Paragraph Format

Heading (size), 102

None, 103

Paragraph, 103

Preformatted Text, 107

Style, 106


characters, 104–106

code, 447

links, 182–183

text, 69


368-39, 352

adding, 309–310


Set Text of Text Field, 352

Validate Form, 352, 368–369

buttons, Submit and Reset, 323–325

check boxes, 315

fields, 316

behaviors, 352

event handlers, 356

fieldsets, 316

pop-up menus, 319–320

radio button groups, 317–318

scrolling option lists, 321

styling, 322

text areas, 314

text fields

adding, 311

labeling, 312–313

validating, 352

Forms tab, Insert panel, 20

Forta, Ben, 136

Frame Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog

preferences, 332

title attribute, 334


advantages/disadvantages, 330

CSS style sheets, 347

frameset documents, 328–329

<frameset> tag, 328

names versus titles, 334

noframes content, 348–349

page titles versus frame titles, 344


adding content to, 342

inserting, 340–341

saving, 344–345

Set Text of Frame behavior, 352

targeting with links, 346–347

frames and framesets

adjusting properties, 338–339

adjusting rows or columns, 337

saving, 343–345

selecting, 325–326

Frames panel, 18

framesets, 66

custom, 232–233

deleting, 233

predefined, 231–232

saving, 343, 345

target links, 346–347

frameworks, 373

history, 374

Spry, 373

Friedl, Jeffrey, 136

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 40–43


Garrett, Jesse James, 375

Getting Started, Welcome screen, 2, 4

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format, 143, 155–156, 158–159

Go To URL behavior, 352–353

Goodman, Danny, 467

graphics. See also images

formats, 142

making a link, 188

pasting from other programs, 100

Grid Settings dialog, 245

group selectors, 207

Grow/Shrink (Spry effect), 395

Guides dialog, 247–248


Hand tool, 16

<head> tag, 83

headings, 101–103

Headings (CSS), Page Properties dialog, 87, 218

Help menu, Dreamweaver, 88, 383

hidden fields, 311

History panel, 18

Holzschlag, Molly E., 516

horizontal rules, 119–120

hotspots, 189–190

HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition, Visual QuickStart Guide, 466

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags

containers, 195

style rules, 198–199

Hyperlink dialog, 177


<i> (italics) tag, 106

ICE (InContent Editing) tab, Insert panel, 20–21

id attribute

versus class attribute, 204

selectors, 198

tags, applying, 216

iframes, 343

Image Description (Alt Text) dialog, 159

image maps, 189–190

Image Placeholder dialog, 145

Image Preview dialog, 155, 158, 161

Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 73, 141, 161

images, 84–85, 163–164. See also graphics

background [Appearance (CSS)], 84, 163–164


Preload Images, 352

Swap Image, 352

Swap Image Restore, 352

brightness/contrast, 153

cropping, 152

editing, 151

event handlers, 356

favicons, 165–166

inserting, 72–73

with alternate text, 140–143

from Assets panel, 144

optimizing, 155

Photoshop CS3+

copying/pasting, 156–160

with SmartObjects, 156, 161–162

placeholders, 145–146

properties, 148–149

alignment, 147

setting, 150

resizing/resampling, 152–153

sharpening, 154

Images folder, 38

<img> tag, 147, 195

Import Tabular Data dialog, 301


code, 446

text, 109–110

index pages, 34


from New Document dialog, 62, 64–65

from Welcome screen, 62–63

inherit positioning, 231

inline elements, 147

inline styles/style sheets, 213

Property Inspector, 219–220

rules from, 259–260

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 311–313, 392

Insert Date dialog, 118

Insert Div Tag dialog, 262–263

Insert FLV dialog, 169

Insert menu

Date, 118


Jump Menu, 365

Spry widgets, 377


Head Tags, 91

Head Tags, Link, 166

Horizontal Rule, 119–120

Special Characters, 116–117

Image, 140, 161

Image Objects

Fireworks HTML, 370

Image Placeholder, 145

Layout, Insert Div Tag, 262

Layout Objects, UI widgets, 377


FLV, 169

Plugin, 172

Shockwave, 167

SWF, 167

Spry, elements, 376

Table, 282

Table Objects

Import Tabular Data, 304

Insert Column to Left/Right, 291

Insert Row Above/Below, 290

Template Objects, Editable Region, 419

Widget, 399

Insert panel, 18, 20–21


Email Link, 191

Hyperlink, 177

Image Placeholder, 145

Images: Fireworks HTML, 370

Images: Image, 72, 161

Images: Rollover Image, 357–358

Insert Div Tag, 207, 262

Media, Plugin, 172

Named Anchor, 185

Tag Chooser, 456

Templates: Make Template, 418

Templates: Editable Region, 419

Widget, 399

Date, 118


Button, 323, 367

Checkbox, 315

Fieldset, 316

Image Field, 324

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 311–313

Jump menu, 365

Radio Group, 317

Select (List/Menu), 319

Text area, 314

Text Field, 311

Insert bar, changing to, 21


Expanded, 288

Frameset, 332

Insert Column to Left/Right, 290

Insert Div Tag, 262

Insert Row Above/Below, 290

Standard 289

Table, 282


Accordian, 384

Collapsible Panel, 386

Menu bar, 378

Tabbed panels, 382

Tooltip, 393

Validation Checkbox, 390

Validation Confirm, 392

Validation Password, 392

Validation Radio Group, 390

Validation Select, 389

Validation Text Field, 388

Validation Textarea, 391

Template Objects, Editable Region, 419

Text, 69, 102-103, 113

Text, Block Quote, 109

Text, Lists, 112

Text, Preformatted, 107

Text, Special Characters, 116, 117

Text, Special Characters, Line Break, 108

tool tips, 21

tools/objects, additional, 21

Inspect mode. See CSS inspection

internal style sheets, 213

moving to external style sheets, 264

Internet Explorer (Microsoft)

Check Plugin behavior, 363

CSS support, except version 6, 280, 322

Filter extensions support, 202

Web pages, previewing, 77



Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), 375

Call JavaScript behavior, 352

disabling, 413

event handlers, 356

extractor, 464–465

freezing, 413

new features, 30

JavaScript & Ajax for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide, 30, 355, 375, 467, 515

Joomla!, 403, 509

support for, 35

Jordan, Miraz, 508

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, 143, 155–156, 158–159

jQuery, 30, 374, 397

jump menus

editing, 366

inserting, 365–366

Go button, 367

Jump Menu behavior, 352

Jump Menu dialog, 365

Jump Menu Go behavior, 352

Jump Menu Go dialog, 366


Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, 6

keywords, category, meta tag 90–91


Labeling fields, 312-313

layout, 235–237. See CSS layout blocks

grids, 244–245

navigation, 239–240

modifying, 241–243

page dimensions, 251–252

planning with pencil and paper, 235

rulers and guides, 246–248

table-based, 280–281

window sizes, 251–252

zooming in/out, 249–250

Layout tab, Insert panel, 20

.lbi file extension, 428

.LCK file extension, 478

Library items, 416

creating, 427–428

deleting, 429

editing, 430–431

inserting, 429

with Property Inspector, 433

detaching items, 434

re-creating missing/deleted items, 434

renaming, 432

updating, 431

line breaks, 108

Line numbers code option, 446

link category, meta tags, 90

Link dialog, 166

Link Relative To, 180–181

<link> tag, 165

links, 70–71

anchors, 185–187

broken links, 492

consistency importance, 183

to email, 191

event handlers, 356

external links, 493

formatting, 182–183

to graphics, 188

image maps, 189–190

Link Relative To, 180–181

removing, 177

styles, 183

to targets, 184

to text, 176–177

types, 178–179

Links (CSS), Page Properties dialog, 86, 218

liquid layouts, 235

List Properties dialog, 114

List Values dialog, 319–320

lists, 112–113

nesting, 115

properties, 114

Live Code view, 9, 13, 450–451

Live View, 9, 13

CSS inspection

modifying styles with, 270

turning on, 269

navigation, 411–412

options, 412

accessing, 14


animations, 168

Flash videos, 170

rollovers, 240

Split mode, 270

Local Info category, 38, 181

local root folders, 34

advantages of placing all files in, 35

/images directory, 73

index pages, 62–63

remote servers

copying local root folders to, 35

synchronizing sites, 35

Local Site Folder, 37

local sites/views, 34. See also Web sites

Choose Root Folder dialog, 37

creating, 36–39

Locate on Remote Server, 478

and remote sites/views

Check In/Check Out, 479–483

refreshing views, 49

switching between, 48

synchronizing, 55–58

site expansion, 475–477

local testing servers,

MAMP for Mac, 406

XAMPP for Windows, 406

Lowery, Joseph, 514 Online Training Library Web site, 513


MAMP for Mac Web site, 406

Manage Sites dialog, 41. See Site menu, Manage Sites dialog

managing sites. See Web site management

Map text box, 189

margins (Appearance)

CSS, 84

HTML, 85

Marketplace & Exchange (Adobe) Web site, See Dreamweaver Exchange

Mastering Regular Expressions, 136

Maximize button (Windows), 8

Media Encoder (Adobe), 169, 171

<menu> tag, 114



editing, 366

inserting, 365–367

menu bars, 378–381

Macintosh versus Windows, 6


forms, 319–320

Pop Menu Magic extension, 506

<meta> tag, 90–91

Modify menu

Edit Tag, 454


Edit NoFrames content, 348–349

Split Frame Left, Right, Up, or Down, 333


Brightness/Contrast, 153

Crop, 152

Optimize, 154

Resample, 153

Sharpen, 154


Add Object to Library, 428

Update Current Page, 431

Page Properties, 83, 163


Delete Row or Delete Column, 296

Insert Rows or Columns, 291

Merge Cells, 292

Select Table, 286

Split Cell, 292


Apply Template to Page, 423

Open Attached Template, 426

Remove Template Markup, 421

Update Current Page, 426

Move To External Style Sheet dialog, 264

MP3 audio files, 172

MySQL, 402, 406


Named Anchor dialog, 185

named anchors for links, 185–187


classes, 256

files/folders, 51–52

Library items, 432


characters to avoid, 75

versus titling pages, 74

styles, 256–257

Navigator and Communicator (Netscape), Check Plugin behavior, 364

&nbsp; HTML special character, 116

Negrino, Tom, 515

nesting lists, 115

New CSS Rule dialog, 182, 199

external style sheets, 262

Rule Definition section, 183, 198

Selector Name section, 182, 203

Selector Type section, 182, 198, 203

New Document dialog, 2–3, 50

Blank Page, 64

CSS, 262

HTML Page Type, 64

HTML Page Type (framesets), 332

starter layouts, 64

Blank Template, 418

Page from Sample, 66

CSS Style Sheet, 261

Frameset, 331

Page from Template, 422

preferences, 65

New Editable Region dialog, 419

new features

CMSs (content management systems), support for, 29

Code view enhancements, 31

CSS Styles, starter layouts, 30

JavaScript elements, 30

Live View, Browser Navigation bar, 30

New Features, Welcome screen, 2, 4

noframes content, 329, 348–349

non-breaking space, 116

notes. See Design Notes

numbered lists, 112


Object Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 167–168

Onion Skin View (BrowserLab), 82

online resources


CSS Advisor, 505

Dreamweaver Developer Center, 505

Dreamweaver Exchange, 2, 4, 355, 397, 503

Dreamweaver FAQs, 505

Dreamweaver forums, 505

Dreamweaver support, 502

Dreamweaver weblogs, 504

CMSs (content management systems), 508–509

Community MX, 507

Creative Edge, 512

Dreamweaver Mailing List, 510

Dreamweaver Newsgroup, 510, 4, 21, 94, 343, 355, 362, 394, 416

resources, 510

Drupal, 403, 508

Joomla!, 403, 509 Online Training Library, 513

MAMP for Mac, 406

Project Seven, 506

Spry, 375, 394

Wise-Women Mailing List, 511

WordPress, 402, 508

XAMPP for Windows, 406

Open a Recent Item section, Welcome screen, 2–3, 76

Open Browser Window behavior, 352, 361–362

Open dialog, 76

Open File dialog, 2–3

Opera browser

CSS support, 280

Web pages, previewing, 77

operating systems, font appearance, 223

operators, regular expressions, 133–136

ordered/unordered lists, 112

orphaned files, 493

Over state, rollovers, 359

OverWhileDown state, rollovers, 359

OWL (OS Widget Library), 8


<p> tag, 94–95, 195

Page Properties dialog, 83

Appearance (CSS), 84, 218

Background image, 163

Appearance (HTML), 85, 218

Headings (CSS), 87, 218

Links (CSS), 86, 218

Title/Encoding, 88, 219

Tracing Image, 89

pages. See Web pages


basics, 18–19

missing, 19

panel options, 18–19

showing/hiding, 19

paragraphs, 94–95

_parent target, 184

parent-child relationship of CSS properties, 205

Paste Special command, 99–100

Photoshop CS3+ and Dreamweaver, images

copying/pasting, 156–160

with SmartObjects, 156, 161–162

PHP programming language

code hinting, 461


animations, 168

images, 145–146

plug-in media files, 172–173

video files, 170

plug-in media, 172–173

plug-ins, Check Plugin behavior, 352, 363–364

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, 143, 155–156, 158–159

Point to File button, 70, 176–177, 187

Popup Message behavior, 352

Powers, David, 514

<pre> tag, 107

preferences, 6. See also View menu

Accessibility, 313

alternate text prompt, 73, 141

image tag accessibility, 141

Code Coloring, 446

Code Format, 447

Code Hints, 461

Code Navigator indicator, 227

Code Rewriting, 471

CSS Styles shorthand, 196

File Types/Editors, 468, 471

Open in Code View, 443

Frame Tag Accessibility Attributes, 332


Allow multiple consecutive spaces, 116

Document Options, Always show tabs, 8

Document Options, Open documents in tabs, 8

Document Options, Show Welcome Screen, 5, 62

HTML tags for bold and italics, 106

Related Files, 225

Invisible Elements, Line Breaks, 108

New Document dialog, 65

Status Bar, 251

Connection Speed, 141

Submit and Reset, 325

System Preferences (Macintosh), requirements for Opt-F12 and Cmd-F12 keys, 78

preformatted text, 107

Preload Images behavior, 352

Preview in Browser submenu, 78

Preview pane, 65–66

Preview/Debug in Browser button, 78


in BrowserLab, 80–81

switching renderings, 81

switching to 2-up View, 82

switching to Onion Skin View, 82

in browsers, 77–78

Browser list, 79

media files, 173

Project Seven Web site, 506

Property Inspector, 17

Browse for File, 14

creating styles with, 217

CSS tab, 17, 217

HTML tab, 17, 217

showing/hiding, 19

.psd format, 156, 159–160


Quick Tag Editor, 452–453

QuickTime files, 172–173


Radio Group dialog, 317–318

Refresh button, Files panel, 49

refresh category, meta tags, 90

regular expressions, 133–136

related files, 224–225

CMSs (content management systems), 407

discovering, 408

filtering, 410

working with, 409

Related Files toolbar, 14, 408

relative positioning, 231

remote and local sites/views

refreshing views, 49

switching between, 48

synchronizing, 55–58

remote servers

connection protocols, 40–44

defining, 40–44

editing definitions, 45

with FTP or SFTP, 41–43

switching between sites, 47–48

with WebDAV, 43–44

hostnames, 42

Locate in Local Site, 478

site expansion, 476–477

Rename Class dialog, 256–257

Rename Style dialog, 256

renaming. See naming/renaming


HTML, 489

Workflow, 489–490

Reports menu, 490

Reports Settings, 490–491

Reset Designer preset workspace, 23

resources. See book resources; online resources

Resources, Welcome screen, 2, 4

Restore Down button (Windows), 8

Results panel, 18

rollovers, 240, 357–359

image states, 359

Root Folder dialog, 37

Roundtrip HTML, 471

rules, horizontal, 119–120


Safari (Apple)

Check Plugin behavior, 364

CSS support, 280, 322

frames/framesets on portable devices, 349

Web pages, previewing, 77

sample pages, 66

Save As dialog, 74–75

Save as Template dialog, 418

Save Style Sheet File As dialog, 183, 263

Save Web Image dialog, 159, 161

Saved Settings menu, 158

Script warning dialog, 408

Secure FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 40–43

Select File dialog, 71, 166–167, 177, 188

Design-time style sheets, 276

Select HTML File dialog, 340

Select Image Source dialog, 72, 140, 146

Photoshop, 156, 161

Select tool, 16

_self target, 184

Server Behaviors panel, 18

Server Definition dialog, 42, 44

servers. See remote and local sites/views; remote servers; Site Setup dialog, Servers

.set file extension, 497

Set Text behaviors

of Container, 352

of Frame, 352

of Status Bar, 352

of Text Field, 352

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), 40–43

Shake (Spry effect), 396

Sharpen dialog, 154

Shockwave, animations, 167–168

shorthand, CSS, 196, 238

Show-Hide Elements behavior, 352

Shrink/Grow (Spry effect), 395

Silverlight files, 172

site definitions, 45, 497–499

Site Maps, 477

Site menu

Check Links Sitewide

broken links, 492

external links, 493

orphaned files, 493

Manage Sites dialog, 41

Check In/Check Out, 479–483

defining remote sites, 43

deleting sites, 496

exporting sites, 498

site definitions, 45, 497–499

New Site, 36

Reports, 490

Synchronize Sitewide, 55

Site Root button, open or Save As dialogs, 76

site root relative links, 179–180

Link Relative To, 180–181

Site Setup dialog

Advanced Settings

Choose Image Folder dialog, 38

Cloaking, 59

Default Images Folder field, 38

Images folder, 38

Local Info, 38, 181

Web URL field, 39


Edit existing Server, 481

FTP or SFTP, 41–43

host directories, 43

hostnames, 42

site definitions, editing, 45

Testing check box, 405

WebDAV, 43–44

Version Control, 488

SiteAssist Professional (Web Assist), 67

size (Appearance)

CSS, 84


Slide (Spry effect), 396

SmartObjects (Photoshop CS3+), image placement, 156, 161–162

Smith, Dori, 515

snippets, 415–416, 435

saving, 436

using, 437

Snippets panel, 18, 435

Sort Table dialog, 301

source code

Find and Replace feature, 130

pasting code from another program, 97

<span> tag, 199

special characters

HTML, 116–117

spell checking, 137

Split Cell dialog, 292

Split view, 9, 12, 270

viewing code and WYSIWYG, 448–449

SpryAssets directory, 379

Spry/Spry elements, 394

adding, 376–377

Ajax, 375

effects, 374, 395–396

future of, 394

library, 20, 30, 373

online resources, 375, 394


check boxes, 390

confirmation fields, 392

password fields, 392

radio buttons, 390

select fields, 389

text areas, 391

text fields, 388–389

versions, 394

widgets, 374

accordion, 384–385

collapsible panels, 386–387

menu bars, 378–381

tabbed panels, 382–383

tooltips, 393–394

XML data sets, 374

online resources, 375

Squish (Spry effect), 396

Standard toolbar, showing/hiding, 15

starter pages (earlier versions), 67

static positioning, 231

static sites verus dynamic sites, 35

Status Bar, 16

preferences, 251–252

tag selector, 16

<strong> tag, 106

Style Rendering versions tool bar

showing/hiding, 15

toggling CSS styles, 15

style rules. See also CSS Rule Definition dialog

cascading, 213

enabling/disabling, 273–274

HTML tags, 198–199


relationship with rules, 195

renaming, 256–257

styles/style sheets. See also CSS Styles panel; external style sheets; inline styles/style sheets; internal style sheets

deleting, 256, 258


hiding, 276

removing, 277

showing, 275–276

dragging and dropping

inside documents, 267

from one document to another, 268

warning dialogs, 268

frames, 347

linking or importing, 266


with CSS Rule definition dialog, 221

with CSS Styles panel, 221

renaming, 256-257

text, 105–106

Styling Web Pages with CSS: Visual QuickProject Guide, 467, 515

Subversion version control, 487–488

versus Check In/Check Out, 488

svn:ignore command, 488

Swap Image Restore behavior, 352

SWF format, 167

Synchronize button, Files panel, 46, 55

Synchronize dialog, 57–58

Synchronize Files dialog, 55

Syntax coloring code option, 446

System Preferences (Macintosh), requirements for Opt-F12 and Cmd-F12 keys, 78


tab area of panels, 18

tabbed panels, 382–383


Delete Row or Column, 296

Merge Cells, 292

Split Cell, 292

Table dialog, 282

Table Layout Mode (previous versions), 281

Table menu, Insert Rows or Columns, 291

table-based layouts, 280–281


adding, 282–284


color, 285

thickness, 285


aligning, 298–299

background color, 299

merging, 292

padding, 285

selecting, 287

spacing, 285

splitting, 292


adding, 290–291

deleting, 296

resizing, 294

selecting, 286–287

deleting, 296

formatting, 107, 302

headers, 285

resizing, 293


adding, 290–291

deleting, 296

resizing, 294

selecting, 286

selecting elements, 286–287

Expanded Tables mode, 288–289

sorting content, 300–301

tabular data

delimited text files, 303–305

exporting, 303, 305

importing, 303–305

values, clearing and converting, 295

tabs, showing/hiding, 8

tabular data

formatting, 107

importing/exporting, 303–305

Tag Chooser, 455–456

Tag Editor, 454

Tag Inspector, 18, 462–463

Behaviors tab, Effects, 377, 395–396

tags, selectors, 16, 198

Target Browsers dialog, 494–495

Targeted Rule menu, 219–220

targets, links to, 184

frames, 346–347

hotspots, 190

Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes, 136

templates, 416.

Contribute (Adobe), 416

creating, 418

new pages from templates, 422

editable optional regions, 421

editable regions, 417

adding, 419–420

removing, 421

locked regions, 417


template attached to current documents, 426

template files, 425–426

template-based pages, 426

optional regions, 421

repeating regions, 421

repeating table regions, 421


adding, 69, 94


CSS, 200

HTML, 111

alternate, inserting into images, 140–143

automatic dates, 118


Set Text of Container, 352

Set Text of Frame, 352

Set Text of Status Bar, 352

Set Text of Text Field, 352

block quoting, 109–110

character formatting versus CSS, 104


CSS, 84

HTML, 85

copying, 96

cutting, 96

displaying, 200

dragging and dropping, 98

duplicating, 98

Find and Replace feature, 121–122

advanced searches, 127–129

regular expressions, 133–136

simple searches, 123–126

in source code, 130–132

formatting, 69


areas, 314

fields, 311–313

headings, 101–103

indenting, 109–110, 200

inserting, 95

horizontal rules into, 119–120

line breaks, 108

lists, 112–113

nesting, 115

properties, 114

non-breaking spaces, 116

paragraphs, 94–100, 103

pasting, 97

Paste Special, 99–100

preformatted, 107

selecting, 94

spacing, word and letter, 200

special characters, 116–117

spell checking, 137

structure and presentation, 93

styles, 105–106

validating fields, 388–389

white space, 200

Text tab, Insert panel, 21

<title> tag, 127

Title/Encoding, Page Properties dialog, 88, 219

titling pages, 68

versus naming pages, 74

tooltips, 393–394

Top Features (videos) section, Welcome screen, 2, 4

_top target, 184

Tracing Image, Page Properties dialog, 89, 219

Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, 516

2-up View (BrowserLab), 82


underline style (Appearance), CSS, 86

Unicode (UTF-8) encoding, 83, 88

Unicode Normalization Form menu, 88

unordered/ordered lists, 112

Up state, rollovers, 359

Update Files dialog, 51–52

Update Library Items dialog, 431–432

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 70–71

Go To URL behavior, 352

UsableNet Accessibility Reference, 467


Validate Form behavior, 352

validation, Spry

check boxes, 390

confirmation fields, 392

password fields, 392

radio buttons, 390

select fields, 389

text areas, 391

text fields, 388–389

VCS (version control systems), 487

Version Control pane, 488

View menu. See also preferences

Code Navigator, 226

Code View Options, 443, 446

Color Icons, 8

Design View, 12

Fit Selection or Fit All or Fit Width, 250


Grid Settings, 245

Show Grid, 244

Snap To Grid, 245


Clear Guides, 247

Edit Guides, 247

Lock Guides, 248

Snap To Guides or Elements, 248


CSS inspection, 269

Live View, 269

Live Code, 411

Magnification, 250

Related Files, 225

Rulers, Show, 246

Show Hidden Files, 478

Split Vertically, 12

Style Rendering, 266

Table Mode, Expanded Tables Mode, 288–289

Toolbars, 15

Coding, 443

Visual Aids menu

CSS Layout Backgrounds, 271–272, 276

CSS Layout Box Model, 271–272, 276

CSS Layout Outlines, 271–272

Frame Borders, 332–333

Hide All Visual Aids, 271

Invisible Elements, 186

Table Widths, 186


Web Assist, SiteAssist Professional, 67

Web pages

content versus presentation, 194–195, 280


links, 70–71

from New Document dialog, 62, 64–65

from sample pages, 66

from Welcome screen, 62–63

images, adding, 72–73

linking to home page, 188

meta tags, 90–91

naming, characters to avoid, 75

opening, 76

previewing in BrowserLab, 80–81

switching renderings, 81

switching to 2-up View, 82

switching to Onion Skin View, 82

previewing in browsers, 77–78

Browser list, 79

saving, 74–75


adding, 69

formatting, 69

titling, 68

Web servers

connection protocols, 40

defining, 40–44

local root folders

copying to servers, 35

synchronizing with servers, 35

Web site management. See also Manage Sites dialog; Site menu; Site Setup dialog

browser compatibility, 494–495

Design Notes, 159, 484–486


broken links, 492

external links, 493

orphaned files, 493


HTML, 489

settings, 490–491

Workflow, 489–490

site definitions, exporting/importing, 497–499

Site Maps, 477


deleting, 496

expanding, 474–478

Subversion version control, 487–488

Web sites. See also local sites/views; remote and local sites/views; Web pages

dynamic sites, versus static sites, 35

local root folders, 34

index pages, 34, 62–63

planning guidelines, 39

remote sites, 35

connection protocols, 40

defining, 40–44

Web URL field, 39

WebDAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning), 40, 43–44

WebKit, 13

Welcome screen, 2

Adobe Web site services section, 2, 4

Create New section, 2–3

ColdFusion, 62

CSS, 62

HTML, 62–63

PHP, 62

Dreamweaver Exchange, 2, 4

Dreamweaver Site link, 36

enabling/disabling, 5

Getting Started, 2, 4

New Features, 2, 4

Open a Recent Item section, 2–3, 62, 76

preferences, 5

Resources, 2, 4

showing/hiding, 2, 5, 62

Top Features (videos) section, 2, 4

Widget Browser (Adobe), 397


Spry, 374

accordion, 384–385

collapsible panels, 386–387

menu bars, 378–381

tabbed panels, 382–383

tooltips, 393–394

Widget Browser

browsing, 397–398

configuring, 398

downloading, 398

inserting, 399

wildcard characters, 133

Window Media

adding plug-ins, 172

Window menu

Behaviors, 353

Hide Panels, 19


Cascade, 27

Combine as Tabs, 28

Tile, 28

Results, Reference, 129

Tag Inspector, 462


Cascade, 25

Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically, 26

Windows Media files, 172

Wise-Women Mailing List Web site, 511

Word (Microsoft). See Excel and Word (Microsoft)

Word Wrap code option, 446

WordPress, 402, 508

support for, 35

workspace, 22


custom, 24

preset, 23, 445

switching, 444

window management

Macintosh, 27–28

Windows, 25–26

Workspace Switcher menu, 444

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) view, 10, 12

and anchors, 186

and Expanded Tables mode, 288


XAMPP for Windows, 406

XML data sets, Spry, 374

online resources, 375

Zeldman, Jeffrey, 515

Zoom tool, 16, 249–250

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