XML Output Characteristics

Characteristics governing the output XML documents are described in the XMLOutputCharacteristics Element. This Element is used only when converting from X12 interchanges to XML.

Table 9.4 shows the child Element of the XMLOutputCharacteristics Element. This time we have only a single child Element; as with the other file formats the schema reference is optional.

Table 9.3. Child Elements of the PhysicalCharacteristics Element
Child ElementChild ElementAttributeSchema Data TypeDescriptionAllowable Values, Restrictions, or Comments
DelimitersSegmentTerminatorvalueunion of a single token character and hexBinaryThe segment terminator character expressed as a literal character or a hexadecimal valueA single nonwhitespace character or a two-character hexadecimal number from 00 through FF representing a single byte
 ElementSeparatorvalueunion of a single token character and hexBinaryThe element separator character expressed as a literal character or a hexadecimal valueA single nonwhitespace character or a two-character hexadecimal number from 00 through FF representing a single byte
 ComponentSeparatorvalueunion of a single token character and hexBinaryThe component data element separator character expressed as a literal character or a hexadecimal valueA single nonwhitespace character or a two-character hexadecimal number from 00 through FF representing a single byte
 RepetitionSeparatorvalueunion of a single token character and hexBinaryThe repetition separator character expressed as a literal character or a hexadecimal valueOptional, not used for X12 versions prior to 4020; a single nonwhitespace character or a two-character hexadecimal number from 00 through FF representing a single byte
ISAInformationAuthorizationQualifiervaluestringPopulates ISA01May be spaces
 AuthorizationInfovaluestringPopulates ISA02May be spaces
 SecurityQualifiervaluestringPopulates ISA03May be spaces
 SecurityInfovaluestringPopulates ISA04May be spaces
 SenderIDQualifiervaluetokenPopulates ISA05 
 SenderIDvaluetokenPopulates ISA06Trailing spaces not permitted; will be inserted by the utility if required
 ReceiverIDQualifiervaluetokenPopulates ISA07 
 ReceiverIDvaluetokenPopulates ISA08Trailing spaces not permitted; will be inserted by the utility if required
 VersionNumbervaluetokenPopulates ISA12Will normally be 00401 for version/release 004010 of X12
 TestIndicatorvaluetokenPopulates ISA15P for production or T for Test
GSInformationFunctionalIDCodevaluetokenPopulates GS01 
 ApplicationSenders-CodevaluetokenPopulates GS02 
 ApplicationReceivers-CodevaluetokenPopulates GS03 
 ResponsibleAgency-CodevaluetokenPopulates GS07X for X12 or T for TDCC
 VersionReleasevaluetokenPopulates GS08The X12 version and release and/or an industry identifier code
STInformationTransactionSetIDCodevaluetokenPopulates ST01 

Table 9.4. Child Element of the XMLOutputCharacteristics Element
Child ElementAttributeSchema Data TypeDescriptionAllowable Values, Restrictions, or Comments
SchemaLocationURLvalueanyURIURL of the schema file for the output document; will be written as the value of the root Element's noNamespace-SchemaLocation AttributeThe Element is optional. If not specified the noNamespace-Schema Location Attribute will not be written. An error will occur if output validation is requested and this Element is not present.

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