Two Implementations of the Architecture: Java and C++

In this book I present two different implementations of our architecture. Why? Basically, for reasons of platform independence and portability. However, I'm also doing it out of a pragmatic recognition that there isn't just one dominant programming language, and I want to be able to speak to both camps.

We can use an analogy to home building in order to understand the two implementations of a single software architecture. The analogy isn't exact, but there are enough high-level similarities between building houses and building software to serve our purpose.

When an architect designs a house, he or she first establishes the number and types of rooms that the client wants as well as the general characteristics. Then the architect develops a detailed floor plan with approximate room dimensions, locations of windows and fixtures, and so on. At this point the architect may not have decided yet on specific materials. The actual house could be constructed out of wood, brick, or even recycled tires; the materials will be selected during a second phase of home design. The first phase of home design corresponds to software architecture. Just as we could build two houses with the same floor plans but with different materials, we can implement a software architecture in two different languages.

So, this book presents implementations in Java and C++. The Java implementation uses the Sun Microsystems and Apache Foundation XML libraries, and the C++ implementation uses Microsoft's MSXML library.

Why Java and C++? Well, most applications these days are written in either Java or C++. Most environments in which those applications are run use standard Java or C++ libraries. “But,” you say, “my legacy application is written in COBOL!” This gets to the bottom line of cheap, simple and easy. Reading (parsing), writing (serializing), and validating XML documents are not easy tasks. This is especially true in the case of validating against schemas written in the W3C XML Schema language. It takes a lot of complicated, hard-to-write, and hard-to-debug code to do such things. We don't want to write that code. We want to use libraries that someone else has written. And because we're concerned about portability and platform independence we would like to use standard libraries rather than proprietary approaches. These standard libraries are primarily object-oriented, which again makes them a good fit for Java and C++. In Chapter 12 I'll talk a bit more about some other alternatives, including some for procedural languages such as COBOL. However, our most important nonfunctional requirements point us to standard, object-oriented application programming interface (API) libraries.

Even with the standard API libraries there are implementation choices other than Java and C++. For example, Perl, Python, and Visual Basic all have fairly sophisticated XML support. Visual Basic even uses the same API library, MSXML, that we'll use for C++. The techniques discussed in the next two chapters on basic conversions involving CSV files and XML could be implemented in these languages. However, the more sophisticated conversions and utilities built later in the book are complex enough that these languages would not be appropriate. In addition, very few real applications are written in these languages. So, we'll keep our focus fairly limited and be concerned primarily with the Java and C++ implementations. However, the basic techniques will still be relevant if you want to cobble together some simple utilities using Perl or whatever. As I'll discuss shortly, the basic operations using the standard APIs are presented in pseudocode that is language independent. Even though I won't offer the specific Perl or Visual Basic syntax, you could still port the techniques fairly directly to these languages from the pseudocode design.

If you are an end user, you really don't care much whether the program is written in Java, C++, Perl, COBOL, ALGOL, or fuggly old IBM 360 Assembler. In this case, the types of libraries and utilities you can install and run in your environment dictate your choice of implementation. Java can run pretty much anywhere, so you may want to install the relevant Java libraries and filter programs. If you can't install things directly where your application is running, maybe you can hijack a PC networked to your application's box and install the conversion libraries and utilities there. In that case, the WIN32 C++ implementation might be a bit easier since there are fewer pieces to install.

Before wrapping up this section there are a few other developer-oriented issues we need to discuss. We've already decided that we're going to use a standard API library. Even with this restriction we still have a few choices. I have chosen to use the W3C's Document Object Model (the DOM). But before discussing why I'm using the DOM, let's look at what it is.

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