
According to the seminal book on software architecture, written by Shaw and Garlan [1996], software architecture “involves the description of elements from which systems are built, interactions among those elements, patterns that guide their composition, and constraints on these patterns. In general, a particular system is defined in terms of a collection of components and interactions among those components.” What we're most concerned with here is what Shaw and Garlan refer to as the architectural pattern or style.

Style is the general model of how the system is composed and how the different parts interact with each other. You've probably run across object-oriented, layered, and client-server styles of software architecture. We'll use a style that should be familiar to you (especially if you do a lot of work from a UNIX shell prompt) but that you may not know by the name used here: pipe and filter.

The basic idea is that you have a number of different programs, or filters, that read input in one format, transform it, and produce output in a different format. The output of one filter is connected to the input of another via a pipe. The filters are independent of each other, with only the constraint that the output of one filter be useable as the input of the next. In our approach, the pipes are disk files or sets of files in directories, but they could just as easily be in-memory data structures, database tables, or something else. Figure 1.1 shows the basic pipe and filter style.

Figure 1.1. Basic Pipe and Filter Style

A modified pipe and filter style (Figure 1.2) allows the filters to accept input or parameters other than just the input files. This allows the filter programs to produce different types of output. In reality, most pipe and filter systems in use are of this modified style; ours is too.

Figure 1.2. Modified Pipe and Filter Style

Want to build a system that converts CSV to XML? Easy—just use the CSV to XML Converter program as the filter (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3. CSV to XML Application

You don't like the XML that this produces? You want to produce an XML file that conforms to your customer's invoice specification? No problem. Add the XSLT transformer to build a more general purpose application (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4. CSV to XML to XML Application

Now let's say you have a customer (or maybe you're a consultant and your client has a customer) who wants to send you orders using the X12 EDI standard. The version of Peachtree Accounting you're using processes only CSV files, and you don't want to buy an EDI system for just this one application. We can easily build a system to solve this problem too (Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5. EDI to XML to CSV Application

By now it should be pretty obvious that you can take the building blocks here and make pretty much whatever pipe and filter system you might need. Once you think about it, the pipe and filter style is a very logical choice for the type of format conversion problems we're dealing with in this book. Even if you're a developer who wants to enable your product to work with XML, knowing that the XML your application reads or writes is probably going to live in this type of environment can help you make some better-informed design decisions.

Beyond our basic pipe and filter approach, it would be nice to have something that helps us build these specialized little pipe and filter applications. In Chapter 11 we'll put a lot of the pieces together and go over just how such a system might look.

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