Options for Procedural Languages

It's not that you don't have any options with strictly procedural languages like C, COBOL, and FORTRAN. It's just that your options are somewhat limited and nonstandard. I'll discuss three basic options here.

The first option involves linking routines in an XML supporting object-oriented language, probably C++, with your application. Digital Equipment (later Compaq and now part of Hewlett Packard) as early as 1978 supported a calling and linking standard that allowed modules written in any language on the VMS operating system to call modules in any other language. Even today not all operating systems and development environments offer this support or offer it as transparently. However, many do. If you happen to be fortunate enough to have this option, it's probably the easiest route to adding XML support to your application. Develop all your XML handling modules in C++, design so that you're sure you can pass the data back and forth, and you have the job done.

The second option is specialized API libraries, software packages, or compilers that provide XML APIs directly to these procedural languages. Several open source and proprietary alternatives are available. Here are a few examples.

APIs like these can certainly provide native XML support to an existing application. However, there are several issues to consider. As I said earlier, they generally don't provide native support for standard APIs like SAX and the DOM. Another issue is whether or not they support schema validation. Some older tools may not even support XML namespaces. Find out! Other issues to consider are the same as for any other development tool. The cost of the tool, its quality, its support, and the stability of the vendor (or the breadth and depth of the open source community) are usually of the highest importance.

The third option to consider is reassessing whether or not you really need native XML support. If your application is coded entirely in C, COBOL, or FORTRAN, you probably still do a lot of processing in batch mode. Unless you have particular requirements for real-time behavior (perhaps something similar to a CICS[*] transaction processing monitor), consider auxiliary stand-alone conversion utilities like those developed in this book.

[*] Customer Information Control System (CICS) is IBM's venerable mainframe-based transaction processing control system.

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