Running the Utility

This section provides instructions for running the flat file to XML conversion utility from the command line.

For Java:

java FlatToXML InputFile.dat OutputDirectory FileDescription.XML


java FlatToXML -h

For C++ on Win32:

FlatToXML InputFile.dat OutputDirectory FileDescription.XML


FlatToXML -h

Options follow the parameters except for the help option, which may be specified by itself.


  • First: File specification of the input flat file (required). The specification may include the full or relative path name. If no path name is specified, the file is assumed to reside in the current working directory. The full file name must be specified, but there is no restriction on the extension name.

  • Second: Path specification of the output directory (required). The directory must exist. Either a relative or an absolute path name may be specified. The trailing directory separator character is optional. If no break on trading partner is specified, all the created XML files are placed in this directory. If break on trading partner has been specified, then a subdirectory for each trading partner is created beneath this directory.

  • Third: File specification of the file description document (required). If no path name is specified, the file is assumed to reside in the current working directory. The full file name must be specified, but there is no restriction on the extension name.


  • -v (Validate): Validate the created XML documents before writing them to disk. The documents are validated against the schema specified in the file description document.

  • -h (Help): Display a help message and exit without further processing.


Unless otherwise noted, all numeric limits may be modified by changing parameters in the program source and appropriate type definitions in the file description document schemas.

  • A field may have a maximum of 1,023 bytes.

  • A record may be no longer than 16,383 bytes.

  • A maximum of 100 fields per record is supported.

  • There is no absolute limit on the number of records; the number is only practically limited by system memory.

  • Each field must be assigned a unique Element name.

  • Element names are limited to 127 characters.

  • It is recommended, though not required, that field grammar Elements be specified in their record description Element in ascending order by offset.

  • Path lengths for complete file specifications are limited to 127 characters.

  • Schema location URIs are limited to 127 characters.

  • A maximum of 999 output XML documents from an input flat file is supported.

  • A maximum of 100 different trading partner destinations in an input flat file is supported.

  • The field indicating a break on trading partner must be in the beginning record of a logical document.

  • Trading partner IDs must be valid directory names for the operating system where the utility is run.

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