Entity Bean Timers

Entity beans set timers on a specific type of entity bean (e.g., Ship, Customer, Reservation, etc.) with a specific primary key. When a timer goes off, the container uses the primary key associated with the timer to load the entity bean with proper data. Once the entity bean is in the ready state—its data is loaded and it’s ready to service requests—the ejbTimeout( ) method is invoked. The container associates the primary key with the timer implicitly.

Using timers with entity beans allows entity beans to manage their own timed events. As we’ve seen, it makes sense for a Ship to manage its own maintenance schedule. The maintenance schedule is unique for each ship and required in order to keep the ship sailing, so it could be considered intrinsic to the definition of a ship. If, however, the timed event is not a part of the entity’s definition, it’s best to put the timer into a taskflow bean (i.e., stateless session or message-driven) that represents the scenario, instead of placing the logic in the entity bean. This avoids entity bloat , in which an entity bean’s definition becomes huge from attempting to manage every possible application of the entity bean. It’s the same reason we move taskflow logic out of entity beans and into session beans.

A serious concern with entity beans is the possibility of timer attack , which occurs when too many timers expire at the same time. A timer attack is not caused by malicious intent, but rather poor design. For example, if all the Customer beans in Titan system had timers set to expire five days before a cruise (perhaps to send email reminders to customers), it’s possible that thousands of timers would expire simultaneously. This scenario could lead to a timer attack. A timer attack causes congestion and competition for resources that can overwhelm the EJB server to the point where it cannot handle other requests. The timer attack can be exacerbated by timer rollbacks, which occur when a timer fails to execute properly. As timers fight for resources and fail, they are re-executed, prolonging the strain on the system. Good design and intelligent containers are the only safeguard against a timer attack. Be aware of the types of timers you are creating and the possibility of many timers executing simultaneously.

The entity bean can access the TimerService from the EntityContext in any business method or callback method, except the seEntityContext( ) method. The timers associated with an entity bean are canceled automatically when the entity is removed, so there is no need to explicitly cancel timers in the ejbRemove( ) method.

When an entity bean implements the TimedObject interface, its life cycle changes to accommodate timed events. When a bean’s timer expires, the container transitions a bean instance to the Ready state, calling its ejbActivate( ) and then ejbLoad( ) methods after loading the bean’s persistent fields. When the ejbTimeout( ) method returns, the container calls the bean’s ejbStore( ) method, stores changes to the database, calls the bean’s ejbPassivate( ) method, and returns the bean to the Pooled state. Figure 13-1 shows the life cycle of the entity bean that implements the TimedObject interface.

Entity bean life cycle with TimedObject

Figure 13-1. Entity bean life cycle with TimedObject

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