Understanding Name Resolution

Although IP addressing works well for computer-to-computer communications, it doesn't work so well when you and I want to access resources. Could you imagine having to remember the IP address of every computer that you work with? That would be difficult, and it would make working with computers on networks a chore. This is why computers are assigned names. Names are easier to remember than numbers—at least for most people.

When a computer has a name, you can type that name rather than its IP address to access it. This name resolution doesn't happen automatically. In the background, a computer process translates the computer name you type into an IP address that computers can understand. On Windows networks, computer names are handled and resolved using one of two naming systems:

  • Domain Name System (DNS)

  • Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)

DNS is the primary name system. WINS is maintained for backward support and compatibility with pre–Microsoft Windows 2000 computers.

Domain Name System

DNS provides a distributed database that enables computer names to be resolved to their corresponding IP addresses. When working with DNS, it is important to understand what is meant by the terms "host name," "domain name," "fully qualified domain name," and "name resolution."

Host Names

A host name identifies an individual host in DNS. Ordinarily, you might call this a computer name. The difference, however, is that there is an actual record in the DNS database called a host record that corresponds to the computer name and details how the computer name is used on the network. Host names can be assigned by administrators and other members of the organization.

Domain Names

A domain name identifies a network in DNS. Domain names follow a specific naming scheme that is organized in a tree-like structure. Periods (dots) are used to separate the name components or levels within the domain name.

The first level of the tree is where you'll find the top-level domains. Top-level domains describe the kinds of networks that are within their domain. For example, the .edu top-level domain is for educational domains, the .gov top-level domain is for U.S. government domains, and .com is for commercial domains. As you can see, these top-level domains are organized by category. There are also top-level domains organized geographically, such as .ca for Canada and .uk for United Kingdom.

The second level of the tree is where you'll find parent domains. Parent domains are the primary domain names of organizations. For example, City Power & Light's domain name is cpandl.com. The domain name cpandl.com identifies a specific network in the .com domain. No parent domain can be used on the public Internet without being reserved and registered. Name registrars, such as Network Solutions, charge a fee for this service.

Additional levels of the tree belong to individual hosts or subsequent levels in the organization's domain structure. These subsequent levels are referred to as child domains. For example, City Power & Light might have Tech, Support, and Sales child domains, which are named tech.cpandl.com, support.cpandl.com, and sales.cpandl.com, respectively.


Connect the network to the Internet

If your organization's network must be connected to the Internet, you should obtain a public domain name from a name registrar or use a similar service as provided by an ISP. Because many domain names have already been taken, you should have several previously agreed upon alternative names in mind when you go to register. After you obtain a domain name, you must configure DNS hosting for that domain. You do this by specifying the addresses of two or more DNS servers that will handle DNS services for this domain. Typically, these DNS servers belong to your ISP.

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

All hosts on a TCP/IP network have what is called a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The FQDN combines the host name and the domain name and serves to uniquely identify the host. For a host named CPL05 in the cpandl.com domain, the FQDN would be cpl05.cpandl.com. For a host named CORPSVR17 in the tech.cpandl.com domain, the FQDN would be corpsvr17.tech.cpandl.com.

Name Resolution

Name resolution is the process by which host names are resolved to IP addresses and vice versa. When a TCP/IP application wants to communicate with another host on a network, it needs the IP address of that host. Typically, the application knows only the name of the host it is looking for, so it has to resolve that name to an IP address.

To do this, the application first looks in its local DNS cache of names that it has previously looked up. If the name is in this cache, the IP address is found without having to look else-where and the application can connect to the remote host. If the name isn't in the cache, the application must ask the network's DNS server or servers to help resolve the name. These servers perform a similar lookup. If the name is in their database or cache, the IP address for the name is returned. Otherwise, the DNS server has to request this information from another DNS server.

That's the way it works—the simplified version at least. Most of the time, a TCP/IP application has the host name and needs to find the corresponding IP address. Occasionally, a TCP/IP application will have an IP address and needs the corresponding host name. To do this, the application must perform a reverse lookup, so instead of requesting an IP address, the application requests a host name using the IP address.

The application first looks in its local cache of information that has been previously looked up. If the IP address is in this cache, the name is found without having to look elsewhere and the application can perform whichever tasks are necessary. If the IP address isn't in the cache, the application must ask the network's DNS server or servers to help resolve the IP address. These servers perform a similar lookup. If the IP address is in their reverse lookup database or cache, the name for the IP address is returned. Otherwise, the DNS server has to request this information from another DNS server.

Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)

WINS is another name resolution service provided by Windows Server 2003. Under WINS, computers have NetBIOS names. WINS provides a similar service for NetBIOS names as DNS provides for DNS host names. That is to say, WINS provides the necessary services for mapping NetBIOS names to IP addresses for hosts running NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

NetBIOS is an interface developed to allow applications to perform basic network operations, such as sending data, connecting to remote hosts, and accessing network resources. NetBIOS is used by earlier versions of Windows, including Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT, to identify and locate computers on the network.

NetBIOS computer names can be up to 15 characters long. They must be unique on the network and can be looked up on a server called a WINS server. WINS supports both forward lookups (NetBIOS computer name to IP address) and reverse lookups (IP address to NetBIOS computer name).

Your organization must set up WINS only if you are using Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or applications that rely on NetBIOS over TCP/IP. If you are currently using WINS, you can eliminate the need for this service by moving workstations and servers to Windows 2000 or a later version of Windows.

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