Resolving Performance Bottlenecks

Generally, a bottleneck is any condition that keeps a computer from performing at its best. Bottlenecks can also apply to situations in which one resource is preventing another resource from performing optimally. For example, if a system doesn't have enough physical memory, it doesn't matter whether it has a fast processor or a slow processor. The system will still perform poorly because it doesn't have enough physical memory available and must rely heavily on the paging file, reading and writing to disk frequently.

Memory is usually the main bottleneck on both workstations and servers. It is the resource you should examine first to try to determine why a system isn't performing as expected. But memory isn't the only bottleneck. The processor, disk subsystem, and the networking components are also sources of potential performance bottlenecks.

Resolving Memory Bottlenecks

Windows applications use a lot of memory. If you install a server with the minimum amount of memory required, it isn't going to perform at its optimal level. The server cannot perform at its optimal level when you install the recommended amount of memory either. The reason for this is that a server's memory requirements depend on many factors, including the services, components, and applications that are installed on the server as well as the server's configuration.

Computers use both physical and virtual memory. Physical memory is represented by the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed. Virtual memory is memory written to a paging file on disk. Reading from and writing to the paging file involves the disk subsystem, and it is much slower than accessing physical memory. Because of this, you don't want a system to have to use the paging file too frequently.

Before you set out to monitor memory usage, you should check to ensure the computer has the recommended amount of memory for the operating system and the applications it is running. You should also check the system cache configuration. If the system cache is too large, the system might page to disk more often than it needs to, which in turn can impact the system's performance. The size of the system cache depends on the Memory Caching setting, as discussed in the section entitled "Tuning Processor Scheduling and Memory Usage", and on the Data Throughput setting, as discussed in the section entitled "Tuning Data Throughput".

Once you've optimized the system, you can determine how the system is using memory and check for problems. Look closely at the amount of memory available and the amount of virtual memory being used. If the server has very little available memory, you might need to add memory to the system. In general, you want the available memory to be no less than 5 percent of the total physical memory on the server. If the server has a high ratio of virtual memory being used to total physical memory on the system, you might need to add physical memory as well.

Look at the way the system is using the paged pool and nonpaged pool memory. The paged pool is an area of system memory for objects that can be written to disk when they aren't used. The nonpaged pool is an area of system memory for objects that can't be written to disk. If the size of the paged pool is large relative to the total amount of physical memory on the system, you might need to add memory to the system. If the size of the nonpaged pool is large relative to the total amount of virtual memory allocated to the server, you might want to increase the virtual memory size.

Look at the way the system is using the paging file. A page fault occurs when a process requests a page in memory and the system can't find it at the requested location. If the requested page is elsewhere in memory, the fault is called a soft page fault. If the requested page must be retrieved from the paging file on disk, the fault is called a hard page fault. Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults. Hard faults, however, can cause significant delays. If there are a high number of hard page faults, you might need to increase the amount of memory or reduce the size of the system cache.

Counters you can use to check for memory bottlenecks include the following:

  • MemoryAvailable Bytes Records the number of bytes of physical memory available to processes running on the server. When there is less than 5 percent of memory free, the system is low on memory and performance can suffer. The server might page excessively to disk to try to keep up with resource demands. Memory is critically short if there is less than 4 megabytes (MB) of memory free, and in this case, the system might page excessively to disk and try to borrow memory from running processes to keep up with resource demands. If the system is very low on memory, it could also point to a possible memory leak.

  • MemoryCommitted Bytes Records the number of bytes of committed virtual memory. This represents memory that has been paged to disk and is in use. If a server is using too much virtual memory relative to the total physical memory on the system, you might need to add physical memory.

  • MemoryCommit Limit Shows the total physical and virtual memory available. As the number of committed bytes grows, the paging file is allowed to grow up to its maximum size, which can be determined by subtracting the total physical memory on the system from the commit limit. If you set the initial paging file size too small, the system will repeatedly extend the paging file and this requires system resources. It is better to set the initial page size as appropriate for typical usage or simply use a fixed paging file size. For a fixed paging file, set the size to at least two times the size of RAM.

  • MemoryPage Faults/Sec Records the average number of page faults per second. It includes both hard and soft page faults. Soft faults result in memory lookups. Hard faults require access to disk.

  • MemoryPages/Sec Records the number of memory pages that are read from disk or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. It is the sum of MemoryPages Input/Sec and MemoryPages Output/Sec.

  • MemoryPages Input/Sec Records the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a requested page isn't in memory and the computer has to go to disk to get it. Too many hard faults can cause significant delays and hurt performance.

  • MemoryPages Output/Sec Records the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. If the server has to free up memory too often, this is an indicator that there isn't enough physical memory (RAM) on the system.

  • MemoryPool Paged Bytes Represents the size in bytes of the paged pool. The paged pool is an area of system memory for objects that can be written to disk when they aren't used. If the size of the paged pool is large relative to the total amount of physical memory on the system, you might need to add memory to the system. If this value slowly increases in size over time, a kernel mode process might have a memory leak.

  • MemoryPool Nonpaged Bytes Represents the size in bytes of the nonpaged pool. The nonpaged pool is an area of system memory for objects that can't be written to disk. If the size of the nonpaged pool is large relative to the total amount of virtual memory allocated to the server, you might want to increase the virtual memory size. If this value slowly increases in size over time, a kernel mode process might have a memory leak.

  • Paging File\%Usage Records the percentage of the paging file currently in use. If this value approaches 100 percent for all instances, you should consider either increasing the virtual memory size or adding physical memory to the system. This will ensure the server has additional memory if it needs it, such as when the server load grows.

  • Paging File\%Usage Records the peak size of the paging file as a percentage of the total paging file size available. A high value can mean that the paging file isn't large enough to handle increased load conditions.

  • Physical Disk\%Disk Time Records the percentage of time that the selected disk spent servicing read and write requests. Keep track of this value for the physical disks that have paging files. If you see this value increasing over several monitoring periods, you should more closely monitor paging file usage and you might consider adding physical memory to the system.

  • Physical DiskAvg Disk Queue Length Records the average number of read and write requests that were waiting for the selected disk during the sample interval. Keep track of this value for the physical disks that have paging files. If you see this value increasing over time and the MemoryPage Reads/Sec is also increasing, the system is having to perform a lot of paging file reads.

  • Physical DiskAvg Disk Sec/Transfer Records the length in seconds of the average disk transfer. Track this value for the physical disks that have paging files in conjunction with MemoryPages/Sec. MemoryPages/Sec tracks the number of reads and writes for the paging file. If you multiply the Physical DiskAvg Disk Sec/Transfer by the MemoryPages/Sec value, you have an excellent indicator of how much of the disk access time is being used by paging. Use the result to help you decide whether to move the paging files to faster disks or add physical memory to the system.

Resolving Processor Bottlenecks

After you've eliminated memory as a potential bottleneck, you should examine the system's processor usage to determine whether there are any potential bottlenecks. Processor bottlenecks can occur if a process's threads need more processing time than is available. This in turn causes the processor queue to grow because threads have to wait to get processing time. As a result, the system response suffers and the system appears sluggish or nonresponsive.

Excess interrupts are another common reason for processor bottlenecks. Each time drivers or disk subsystem components, such as hard disk drives or network components, generate an interrupt, the processor has to stop what it is doing to handle the request because requests from hardware take priority. However, poorly designed drivers and components can generate false interrupts, which tie up the processor for no reason. System boards or components that are failing can generate false interrupts as well.


Watch out for bad device drivers and system components

Generally, you'll see more interrupt problems with beta or nonsigned drivers than with signed drivers. A poorly designed driver could by itself generate several thousand interrupts per second, and a processor can get overloaded quickly under those conditions.

If a system's processors are the performance bottleneck, adding memory, drives, or network connections won't overcome the problem. Instead, you might need to upgrade the processors to faster clock speeds or add processors to increase the server's upper capacity. You could also move processor-intensive applications, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, to another server.

Counters you can use to check for processor bottlenecks include the following:

  • SystemProcessor Queue Length Records the number of threads waiting to be executed. These threads are queued in an area shared by all processors on the system. If this counter has a sustained value of 10 or more threads, you might need to upgrade the processors to faster clock speeds or add processors to increase the server's upper capacity.

  • Processor\%Processor Time Records the percentage of time the selected processor is executing a nonidle thread. You should track this counter separately for all processor instances on the server. If the %Processor Time values for all instances are high (above 75 percent) while the network interface and disk input/output (I/O) throughput rates are relatively low, you might need to upgrade the processors to faster clock speeds or add processors to increase the server's upper capacity.

  • Processor\%User Time Records the percentage of time the selected processor is executing a nonidle thread in User mode. User mode is a processing mode for applications and user-level subsystems. A high value for all process instances might indicate that you need to upgrade the processors to faster clock speeds or add processors to increase the server's upper capacity.

  • Processor\%Privileged Time Records the percentage of time the selected processor is executing a nonidle thread in Privileged mode. Privileged mode is a processing mode for operating system components and services, allowing direct access to hardware and memory. A high value for all processor instances might indicate that you need to upgrade the processors to faster clock speeds or add processors to increase the server's upper capacity.

  • ProcessorInterrupts/Sec Records the average rate, in incidents per second, that the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. Compare this value to your baselines. If this value changes substantially (I mean by thousands of interrupts) without a corresponding increase in activity, the system might have a hardware problem. To resolve this problem, you must identify the device or component that is causing the problem. Start with devices that have drivers you've updated recently.

Resolving Disk I/O Bottlenecks

With the high-speed disks available today, a system's hard disks are rarely the primary reason for a bottleneck. It is more likely that a system is having to do a lot of disk reads and writes because there isn't enough physical memory available and the system has to page to disk. Because reading from and writing to disk is much slower than reading and writing memory, excessive paging can degrade the server's overall performance. To reduce the amount of disk activity, you want the system to manage memory as efficiently as possible and page to disk only when necessary.

That said, you can do several things with a system's hard disks to improve performance. If the system has faster drives than the ones used for the paging file, you might consider moving the paging file to those disks. If the system has one or more drives that are doing most of the work and other drives that are mostly idle, you might be able to improve performance by balancing the load across the drives more efficiently.

To help you better gauge disk I/O activity, use the following counters:

  • PhysicalDisk\%Disk Time Records the percentage of time the physical disk is busy. Track this value for all hard disk drives on the system in conjunction with Processor\%Processor Time and Network Interface ConnectionBytes Total/Sec. If the %Disk Time value is high and the processor and network connection values aren't high, the system's hard disk drives might be creating a bottleneck. You might be able to improve performance by balancing the load across the drives more efficiently or by adding drives and configuring the system so that they are used.


    Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) devices can cause the PhysicalDisk\%Disk Time value to exceed 100 percent. For this reason, don't rely on PhysicalDisk\%Disk Time for RAID devices. Instead, use PhysicalDiskCurrent Disk Queue Length.

  • PhysicalDiskCurrent Disk Queue Length Records the number of system requests that are waiting for disk access. A high value indicates that the disk waits are impacting system performance. In general, you want there to be very few waiting requests.


    Physical disk queue lengths are relative to the number of physical disks on the system and proportional to the length of the queue minus the number of drives. For example, if a system has two drives and there are 6 waiting requests, that can be considered a proportionally large number of queued requests; but if a system has eight drives and there are 10 waiting requests, that is considered a proportionally small number of queued requests.

  • PhysicalDiskAvg. Disk Write Queue Length Records the number of write requests that are waiting to be processed.

  • PhysicalDiskAvg. Disk Read Queue Length Records the number of read requests that are waiting to be processed.

  • PhysicalDiskDisk Writes/Sec Records the number of disk writes per second. It is an indicator of how much disk I/O activity there is. By tracking the number of writes per second and the size of the write queue, you can determine how write operations are impacting disk performance. If lots of write operations are queuing and you are using RAID 5, it could be an indicator that you would get better performance by using RAID 1. Remember that by using RAID 5 you typically get better read performance than RAID 1. So, there's a trade-off to be made by using either RAID configuration.

  • PhysicalDiskDisk Reads/Sec Records the number of disk reads per second. It is an indicator of how much disk I/O activity there is. By tracking the number of reads per second and the size of the read queue, you can determine how read operations are impacting disk performance. If lots of read operations are queuing and you are using RAID 1, it could be an indicator that you would get better performance by using RAID 5. Remember that by using RAID 1 you typically get better write performance than RAID 5. So, as mentioned, there's a trade-off to be made by using either RAID configuration.

Resolving Network Bottlenecks

The network that connects your computers is critically important. Its responsiveness, or lack thereof, weighs heavily on the way users perceive the responsiveness of their computers and any computers to which they connect. It doesn't matter how fast their computers are or how fast your servers are. If there's a big delay (and big network delays are measured in tens of milliseconds) between when a request is made and the time it's received, users might think systems are slow or nonresponsive.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the delay (latency) users experience is beyond your control. It's a function of the type of connection the user has and the route the request takes to your server. The total capacity of your server to handle requests and the amount of bandwidth available to your servers are factors you can control, however. Network capacity is a function of the network cards and interfaces configured on the servers. Network bandwidth availability is a function of your organization's network infrastructure and how much traffic is on it when a request is made.

Counters you can use to check network activity and look for bottlenecks include the following:

  • Network InterfaceBytes Total/Sec Records the rate at which bytes are sent and received over a network adapter. Track this value separately for each network adapter configured on the system. If the Bytes Total/Sec for a particular adapter is substantially slower than what you'd expect given the speed of the network and the speed of the network card, you might want to check the network card configuration. Check to see whether the link speed is set for half duplex or full duplex. In most cases, you'll want to use full duplex.

  • Network InterfaceCurrent Bandwidth Estimates the current bandwidth for the selected network adapter in bits per second. Track this value separately for each network adapter configured on the system. Most servers use 10/100 network cards or Gigabit Ethernet cards, which can be configured in many ways. Someone might have configured a card for 10 megabits per second (Mbps). If that is the case, the current bandwidth might be off by a factor of 10.

  • Network InterfaceBytes Received/Sec Records the rate at which bytes are received over a network adapter. Track this value separately for each network adapter configured on the system.

  • Network InterfaceBytes Sent/Sec Records the rate at which bytes are sent over a network adapter. Track this value separately for each network adapter configured on the system.

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