
No single project has ever been as challenging or as fun for me as writing Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Inside Out. Why? When I set out to write this book, I had no idea it would take me more than 1,500 pages to detail every quirk, every insider secret, and every sticky detail that I've learned about Windows Server 2003 since I started working with it in late 1999—back when Windows Server 2003 was known as Windows Whistler. Yet there it is all the same, and it is my sincere hope that the book you hold in your hands is the best of its class when it comes to managing a Windows Server 2003 implementation and handling everyday administration. I also hope the result of all the hard work is that Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Inside Out is something unique. It takes into account all the experiences I've had while consulting, conducting training courses, and writing books about Windows Server 2003. As this is my 21st Windows-related book and I've helped millions of people learn Windows over my 20+-year career, I hope that counts for an awful lot. But no man is an island and this book couldn't have been written without help from some very special people.

Without the support of my wife and children, this book would not have been possible. As I literally was writing every day since I signed on to this project—holidays included—my wife had to manage everything else and the little ones had a lot more responsibilities around the house. Thank you for your support and your extraordinary ability to put up with the clackety-clackety of my keyboard.

As I've stated in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator's Pocket Consultant and in Microsoft Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant, the team at Microsoft Press is top-notch. Kristine Haugseth was instrumental throughout the writing process. She helped me stay on track and coordinated the materials after I submitted chapters. Martin DelRe was the acquisitions editor for the project. He believed in the book and my unique approach and was really great to work with. Completing and publishing the book wouldn't have been possible without their help! Susan McClung headed up the editorial process for nSight, Inc. As the project manager for this and many other books I've written, she wears many hats and always helps out in many ways. Thank you! I'd also like to add that Kristine, Martin, and Susan were very understanding—writing a book of this length is very fun but also very exhausting.

Unfortunately for the writer (but fortunately for readers), writing is only one part of the publishing process. Next came editing and author review. I must say, Microsoft Press has the most thorough editorial and technical review process I've seen anywhere—and I've written a lot of books for many different publishers. Mitch Tulloch was the technical editor for the book. I believe this was the first time we worked together and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. He was very thorough and helped out every step of the way to ensure things worked as expected.

As ever I would also like to thank Michael Bolinger, Anne Hamilton, and Juliana Aldous Atkinson. They've helped out at many points of my writing career and been there when I needed them the most. Thank you also for shepherding my many projects through the publishing process!

Thanks also to Studio B literary agency and my agents, David Rogelberg and Neil Salkind. David and Neil are great to work with. Finally, I want to thank David Stanley. David, I hope we get to work together in the future!

Hopefully, I haven't forgotten anyone but if I have, it was an oversight. Honest. ;-)

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