• Gainsharing programs, 340. See also Pay-for-performance plans; Plantwide pay-for-performance plans

  • Gays/lesbians, 130131

  • Gender. See Men as sexual harassment victimsWomen

  • General cognitive ability, 165

  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), 517

  • Genetic testing, 517

  • Geocentric management approach, 536

  • Germany, 474475

  • GINA (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act), 517

  • Glass ceiling

    • explanation of, 113114, 126

    • international nature of, 265

  • Global alliances, 8

  • Global cases

    • competencies, 229

    • employee turnover, 198199

    • immigrants in the workforce, 462463

    • mental health issues, 526527

    • mentoring programs for, 285

    • nepotism, 426427

  • Global enterprise, 8

  • Global labor supply, 151152

  • Global perspective. See also Expatriates

    • affirmative action and, 102103

    • AIDS in South Africa and, 512

    • American universities moving overseas, 561562

    • bribes and, 543, 557

    • compensation, 317318

    • culture-specific HR, 564565

    • dual-career couples and, 265266

    • employee benefits and, 362, 388389

    • expatriate assignments and, 538540

    • expatriate training, 242243, 260

    • exporting firms and, 556559

    • falling barriers and, 534

    • family-support services and, 140

    • glass ceiling and, 265

    • human resources management and, 78, 550556

    • immigration and, 130, 462463

    • labor relations and, 472475

    • managers and, 535536

    • mentoring programs and, 285

    • meritocracy, 355356

    • mix of host-country and expatriate employees and, 536538

    • outsourcing and, 533534

    • profits from inventions, 295

    • retirement program, 393394

    • small and medium-size companies and, 534535

    • stages of international involvement and, 530536

    • two sides to every story, 563

    • workplace competencies, 213214

  • Goals, company, 21

  • Goal-setting theory, 54

  • Golden parachutes, 347

  • Good-faith bargaining, 483

  • Gossip, 412

  • Grapevine, 411

  • Great Depression, 466, 467

  • Green building, 425

  • Grievance panels, 415

  • Grievance procedures, 489490

    • benefits of, 490

    • explanation of, 489

    • steps in, 489490

    • types of grievances, 490

  • Griggs v. Duke Power, 85, 88, 94

  • Gross misconduct, 445

  • Group cohesiveness, 125

  • Group performance appraisal, 219

  • Group processes, 249

  • Groupthink, 123

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