• Japan, labor relations in, 475

  • Jim Crow laws, 87

  • Job aids, 248

  • Job analysis

    • explanation of, 57, 302

    • legal environment and, 63

    • organizational flexibility and, 63

    • responsibility for, 57

    • steps in, 59

    • task inventory analysis and, 59

    • techniques of, 5963

  • Job applications

    • appropriate questions for, 106108

    • forms, 165

    • medical testing for, 1415

  • Job banding, 309

  • Job-based compensation tools

    • evaluation of, 308309

    • explanation of, 300302

    • guidelines for applying, 309310

    • job evaluation as, 302

    • market surveys as, 306

    • within-pay-range positioning criteria as, 308

  • Job characteristics theory of motivation, 5455

  • Job descriptions

    • duties and responsibilities, 66

    • elements of, 6667

    • examples of, 65

    • explanation of, 63, 302

    • general, 6566

    • identification information, 66

    • job summary, 66

    • method to write, 81

    • minimum qualifications, 67

    • specific, 63

    • specifications, 6667

  • Job design

    • changes in, 192

    • explanation of, 55

    • job enlargement and job rotation and, 56

    • job enrichment and, 5657

    • team based, 57

    • work simplification and, 5556

  • Job dissatisfaction, 329

  • Job enlargement, 56

  • Job enrichment, 5657

  • Job evaluation, 302

  • Job hierarchy, 305

  • Job incumbent, 57

  • Job insecurity, 20

  • Job interviews

  • Job performance. See Performance, job

  • Job-posting systems, 271272

  • Job relatedness defense, 89

  • Job rotation

    • advantages and disadvantages of, 277

    • explanation of, 56, 244, 249

    • purpose of, 276

  • Jobs

    • focus on work vs., 67

    • by grade levels, 305306

    • information gathering about, 58

  • Job sharing, 6869, 140

  • Job specifications, 57, 6667, 302303

  • Job training. See Employee training

  • Joint ventures, 7, 536

  • Junior employees, 2

  • Junior stock, 348

  • Just cause standard of discipline, 448449

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