Fail method, 194-195, 1341

FaultException, 1007-1008

feeds, RSS, 14-15

Fiddler, 1359

Field (Of T) method, 626-627


classes, 227-229

generating, 437

File class, 461

File.Delete method, 197

FileNotFoundException, 160, 209, 219


Application Files (ClickOnce), 1251

Application Files group (InstallShield),

Application.myapp, 75-76

assemblies. See assemblies

AssemblyInfo.vb, 76-77

audio, playing, 485

BAML, 844


reading, 465

writing, 465

classes, diagrams, 425


Visual Basic 2012 projects, 72-83

Visual Studio 2012 packages, 1293

configuration files

listener settings, 200-202

naming, 493-495

CSS, 856

exceptions, handling, 463

executable (.EXE), profiling, 1327

external documentation, 1217-1218

Help, generating, 1220

images, exporting, 432

I/O file operations, asynchronous programming, 1137-1141

modifying, 453, 460-463

overwriting, 197-199

permissions, 463

Resources.resx (Visual Basic 2012 projects), 77-81

searching, 3

Settings.settings, 83

Solution Explorer windows, 28-30

System.IO.File class, 460-461

System.IO.FileInfo class, 462-463


reading, 464-465

writing, 464-465

.Vbproj file (project files), 16

web.config (WCF), 995

XAP, 988

XML, 16, 44

FileStream class, 68

FileSystem property, 482-484

file systems

accessing, 926

ClickOnce, publishing to, 1247

My.Computer property, 483-484

File Transfer Protocol. See FTP, 884

FileUpload control, 859


adding, 873-874

data with PivotViewer control, 920-923

IntelliTrace, 1331-1333

Finalize method, 271-272, 276, 328

finalizers, comparing reference types/value, 110

Finally block, unlocking resources, 211

FindAll method, 405

FindResource method, 720

Firefox, 852

Fiddler, 1359

firewalls, deploying web applications, 885

First method, 519, 1025

FirstNode property, 674

FirstOrDefault method, 519

First property, 410

flags, enumeration values as bit, 320

Flags attribute, 320

floating-point numbers, 156

floating windows, creating projects, 24

FlowDocument objects, 799

FlowDocumentReader control, 799, 802

flow documents

implementing, 799

viewing, 803

Fluent APIs, Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 665-668

FlushAsync method, 1138

Flush method, 194

folders. See also files

formatting, 793

permissions, configuring, 881

For Each loops, 150, 168-169, 358, 1059

ForeignKey attribute, 664

foreign keys, support, 633

FormatException, 100, 209



clients, 1022-1027

domains, 1145-1147

WPF, 693. See also WPF

arrays, 152-155

classes, portable, 440-451

clients, 1002

CSS, 856

DataSets, 543-547

dates, 139-142

EDMs from existing databases, 631

folders, 793

generics, 368-375

hit counts, 185

master-details forms, 826-830

MSDeploy, 889-888

multicast delegates, 382

multiple diagrams (Visual Studio Class Designer), 431

passwords, 1226


InstallShield, 1232-1242

TDD, 1344-1345

Visual Basic 2012, 16-18

Visual Studio 2010, 16-27

shortcuts (InstallShield), 1238

Silverlight applications with Visual Basic 2012, 895-897

strings, 128-129, 835-840

symbols, 129

tabular data forms, 819-825

tasks, 1073-1075

text, aligning, 802

threads, 1060-1061

toolbars, customizing, 1269-1270

unit tests, 1338-1349

Visual Basic 2012 (ASP.NET applications), 864-862

Windows Phone applications (Visual Basic 2012), 959-985


documents, 672-674

schemas, 689


adding, 868-869

ASP.NET applications, 855-857

master-details, formatting, 826-830

tabular data, formatting, 819-825

Windows Forms

adding, 1193

application frameworks, 507

compatibility, 75

localizing applications, 842-843

formulas, 157. See also arithmetic operators, 155-157

For..Next loops, 166-168

Forth, 7

Fortran, 7

FragmentNavigation event, 510

Frame control, 734-735


ADO.NET Entity Framework, 629. See also ADO.NET


My.Application property, 478

Windows Forms, 507

WPF, 508

Managed Extensibility Framework, 1288

navigation (Windows Phone applications), 963-966

.NET Framework. See .NET Framework

Silverlight Navigation Applications, 908-910


Data Services, 1013

RIA Services, 911-923

XNA (Windows Phone), 959

Friend qualifiers, 308

inheritance, 327

interfaces, 348

modifier, 225, 234

From keyword, 553

FrontPage, 883

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), publishing web applications, 884

FullName method, 325, 333, 435

Function keyword, 527


CBool, 121

CByte, 121

CChar, 121

CDate, 121

CDbl, 121

CInt, 121

CLng, 121

CObj, 121

CSByte, 121

CShort, 121

CSng, 121

CStr, 121

CUInt, 121

CULong, 121

CUShort, 121

importing, auto-generating, 657

return values, 45

fundamental types

applying, 125-155

arrays, 148-155

dates, 137-143

GUIDs, 147-148

strings, 125-137

time, 143-144

TimeZone, 144-147

TimeZoneInfo, 144-147


GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 84, 1144, 1221


installing/uninstalling, 1223-1224

signing with strong names, 1224-1226

DLLs, troubleshooting, 1221-1222

InstallShield, 1237

overview of, 1222-1227

Garbage Collection, 8, 106

advanced, 279-281

ASP.NET, 853

events, registering, 281

Finalize method, 272

finalizers, 110

generations, 280-281

interacting with, 279-280

objects, managing, 270-271

operation modes, 280-281

structures, allocating memory, 309

GC.ReRegisterForFinalize method, 279

GC.SuppressFinalize method, 278

Generate Database from Model command, 657

Generate from Usage feature, 433-439

Generate New Type dialog box, 1346

Generate New Type window, 438

Generate Other command, 434


code, System.Reflection.Emit namespace, 1171-1177

complex objects, 437-439

databases, Code First approach, 660-663

debug information, 47

Dependency Graphs, 1334-1335

Help files, 1220

methods, stubs, 436

on-the-fly objects, Generate from Usage feature, 433-439

property stubs, 1347

serialization assemblies, 48

shared members, 436

types, 437

XML files, 44


garbage collection, 280-281

operators, 574-575

generics, 244, 367

collections, 394

applying, 403-412

optimizing, 395

serialization, 1049

constraints, 372-374

delegates, 380

formatting, 368-375

IComparable(Of T) interface, 359

methods, implementing, 371-372

nullable types. See nullable types

overview of, 367-368

types, 8, 368

variances, 535-537

WCF, exposing in, 1001

XML comments, 1219

geospatial data in WCF Data Services, 1015

GetAssembly method, 1160

GetAudioStream method, 484

GetCallingAssembly method, 1160

GetCreationTime method, 455

GetCurrentDirectory method, 458

GetCustomerQuery method, 825

GetCustomers method, 502

GetData method, 484

GetDataObject method, 484

GetEntryAssembly method, 1160

GetEnumerator method, 420

GetExecutingAssembly method, 1160

GetExportedTypes method, 1162

GetExtension method, 454

GetFileDropDownList method, 484

GetFiles method, 456

GetHashCode method, 309, 314, 328

GetILGenerator method, 1175

GetImage method, 484

GetLogicalDrives method, 457

GetLowerBound method, 153

GetModules method, 1162

GetName method, 317

GetNames method, 316-317

GetObjectData method, 1046

GetOrders method, 916

GetRange method, 396

Get Started tab (Visual Studio 2010), 14

GetSystemTimeZones method, 145

GetText method, 484

getting/setting attributes, 456

GetType method, 119, 328

GetTypes method, 1163

GetUpperBound method, 153

GetValidationErrors method, 651

GetValue method, 155

GetValues method, 316-317

Global Assembly Cache. See GAC

Global keyword, namespaces, 295-299

GoBack method, 965

GoForward method, 965

Go to Definition command, 58


3-D (Silverlight applications), 908

animations, 782-790

graphs, Dependency Graphs, 1334-1335

greater than (>) operator, 164, 313

greater than or equal to (>=) operator, 164, 313

Grid panel, 709-711, 1261

GridView control, 859

GroupBox control, 735

GroupBy method, 519

GroupJoin method, 519

Group Members command, 424

groups (InstallShield)

Application Files,

Application Information, 1233

Application Shortcuts, 1238-1239

Installation Interview, 1241

Installation Requirements, 1234-1236

operators, 577-579

Guid.NewGuid method, 147

GUIDs (globally unique identifiers), 147-148

GZip identifiers, 68

GZipStream objects, 467


handlers in ASP.NET, 8

Handles clause, 385


errors, 207

events, 383-385

animations, 787-789

ASP.NET, 860-861

ContentFrame_Navigated event handlers, 910

Silverlight applications, 899

WPF, 694, 706-709

exceptions, 207-224

Async pattern, 1127

directories, 459

files, 463

parallel computing, 1075-1077

pathnames, 459

P/Invoke, 1205-1206

PLINQ, 1100-1101

Try..Catch..Finally blocks, 209

WCF, 1007-1008

optimistic concurrency, 616, 648-650

serialization exceptions, 1037

HasExtension method, 454

HashTable collection, 398-399


boxing, 114

reference types, 90, 108


generating, 1220

navigating, 56

properties, 214

HiddenField control, 859


exceptions, 212-213

Logical Tree, 704

method calls, 60

shortcuts, 1238

of types, 90

highlights, applying, 805

historical debugging (with IntelliTrace), 1310, 1328-1334

Hit Count command, 185

hit counts, formatting, 185


data services, 1016

WCF in IIS, 1008-1009

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 8, 852

controls, 858-860

Silverlight applications, 894

support, 8

HtmlAnchor control, 858

HtmlButton control, 858

HtmlForm control, 858

HtmlGenericControl control, 858

HtmlInputButton control, 858

HtmlInputCheckBox control, 858

HtmlInputFile control, 858

HtmlInputHidden control, 858

HtmlInputImage control, 858

HtmlInputRadioButton control, 858

HtmlInputText control, 858

HtmlTableCell control, 858

HtmlTable control, 858

HtmlTableRow control, 858

HtmlTextArea control, 858

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 991

applications, 8

GET requests, 1030

requests, querying data via, 1014-1015

HybridDictionary collection, 400

HyperLink control, 859

Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML

Hypertext Transfer Protocol. See HTTP


IAsyncResult.AsyncState property, 1107

IBookService contract, 998

ICloneable interface, 115, 118, 355

ICollection interface, 394

ICommand interface, 908

IComparer interface, 359-360

IComparable interface, 109, 355, 358-359, 373

icons, 77

ApplicationIcon.png, 986

My Project, 34

IConvertible interface, 355, 360-363

IDataErrorInfo interface, 616

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), 11

advanced features, 1261

code snippets, reusing, 1275-1283

events, generating handlers, 707

NuGet, managing libraries, 1283-1286

Silverlight applications, 895

tabs, navigating, 50

templates, exporting, 1261-1265

tool windows, docking, 27

user settings, managing, 1271-1273

Visual Studio 2012, 11, 1267-1270. See also Visual Studio 2010

WPF projects, 699


assigning, 72

CLS naming conventions, 265

constants, 176

GUIDs, applying, 147-148

GZip, 68

MyCollectionsUtils, 502

naming conventions, 72

reserved words, applying as, 72

root namespaces, 292

IDeserializationCallBack interface, 1041

IDictionary interface, 1049

IDisposable interface, 404

templates, 1264

IDispose interface, 347, 355

implementing, 273-278

polymorphism, 352

IDocument interface, 348

polymorphism, 352

IDs, threads, 1074

IEnumerable interface, 355-358, 394, 420, 551

IEnumeratror interface, 356

If operators

LINQ, 553

ternary, 533-534

IFormattable interface, 355, 363-365

If statements, 181

If..Then code block, 159

If..Then..Else code block, 172-173

IIf operator, 173-174

IInvoice interface, 353

IIS (Internet Information Services), 852, 883

Data Services (WCF), deploying, 1021

WCF, hosting in, 1008-1009

web applications, publishing, 885

IL (Intermediate Language), 263

metadata, 1158

ILGenerator class, 1175

IList interface, 352, 1049

ImageBrush, 758, 762-765

ImageButton control, 859

Image control, 736, 793-795, 858-859

ImageMap control, 859

images, 77

backgrounds (Windows Phone), 986

exporting, 432

Pictures Hub (Windows Phone), 982-984

viewing, 793-795

Visual Studio 2012 built-in image editors, 498


annotations, services, 804

custom awaiters, 1141

custom contracts, 997

Data Services (WCF), 1013, 1016-1021

destructors, 275

Dispose interfaces, 273-278

Dispose method, 276

DoubleAnimation, 905

events, 385-389

Finalize method, 276

flow documents, 799

generics, methods, 371-372

ICloneable interface, 118

IDispose interface, 273-278

interfaces, 348-352

abstract classes, 428

comparing reference types/value types, 109-110

structures, 309

Iterator class, 419-422

IValueConverter interfaces,

media players, 900

nested namespaces, 288-291

permissions, 1149

services, operations, 1027-1029

spell check, 808

Tool window, 1296

WCF services, 993-1001

XML comments, 1210-1219

Implements keyword, 309, 348

implicit conversions, 45, 111-113. See also converting

implicit line continuation, 552, 1182

LINQ, 559-561

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 70-71

implicit types, 45


COM objects, 1192-1196

existing settings, 1273

functions, auto-generating, 657

XML namespaces, 293, 689

Imports directives, 17

adding, 286

multithreading, 1060

namespaces, 292-295

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 68-69

Imports System.Globalization directive, 843

Include method, 653, 667

include tag (XML comments), 1214

Inconclusive method, 1341

increaseCounter method, 384

Indent method, 194

indexers, 234

indexes, Code Metrics, 1315

IndexOf method, 153, 396

IndexOutOfRange exception, 153, 209

Field (Of T) method, 626

inequality (<>) operator, 104, 164, 313, 570

inference, local types, 511-514

lambda expressions, 529

LINQ, 552

Open Infer directives, 513

scope, 514

Infer XML Schema Set from XML dialog box, 687

Info property, 483, 488-490, 720

information messages, 30

infrastructure (WCF), 6

inheritance, 323-324

abstract classes, 337

applying, 324-327

base classes, accessing members, 337-341

classes, preventing, 335

CLS, 327

conditioning, 334-337

constraints, 374

constructors, 341-342

defining, 1187

Dispose interfaces, 275

exceptions, customizing, 344-346

interfaces, 353-354

members, 327, 331-334

modifiers, 428

modules, 303

polymorphism, 329-331

serialization, 1047

shadowing, 342-343

shared members, overriding, 343-344

structures, limitations of, 309

styles, 773

System.Object class, 328-329

types, comparing reference/value, 108-109

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 65-66

Inherits keyword, 66, 303, 309, 354

Init event, 856


collections, 405-406

objects, 258-259, 437

applying, 558-559

LINQ, 553

InitializeService method, 1018

InitializeWithWindowsUser method, 500


arrays, 150

fields, 228

ink notes, adding, 806

inline initialization

arrays, 150

fields, 228

InnerException property, 214, 1101

INotifyPropertyChanged interface, 387, 1042, 1178

Insert breakpoint command, 51

Insert method, 395

insert operations

databases, 541

DataSets, 546

Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 646-647

LINQ to SQL, 605-608

InsertRange method, 395


arrays, 152-155

assemblies, 1161

objects with debugger visualizers, 192-193

strings, 131-133

Install ApplicationName onto This Computer command, 924

Installation Interview group (InstallShield), 1241


ClickOnce, 1229

extensions, 1301-1303

GAC assemblies, 1223-1224

InstallShield Installation Requirements group, 1234-1236

local installation options, running out-of-browser applications, 925

.NET Framework, 2-3

SDKs, 7

templates, 19

Visual Studio 2012 tools (Windows Azure), 931-932

web applications, packaging for, 888-891

Windows Installer, 1230

InstallShield, 1229

Application Files group,

Application Information group, 1233

Application Registry, 1239

downloading, 1231

Environment Variables element, 1242

groups. See groups

Installation Interview group, 1241

Installation Requirements group, 1234-1236

overview, 1231

packages, deploying, 1244


creating, 1232-1242

formatting, 1242


clients, 606

declaring (LINQ to SQL), 600

variables, 45


Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 645

proxy classes, 1003

windows at runtime, 718

instrumentation, debugging, 180-192

integer division () operator, 155, 313

Integer keyword, 95

integers, removing overflow checks, 47

Integrated Development Environment. See IDE

integration, media, 696


code editors, 25-27

collections, 405

enumerations, 315


customizing, 389

generating handlers, 706

exception handling, 210

extension methods, 518

generics, 368-370

members, overriding, 332

methods, overloading, 244

namespaces, 292

partial classes, 250

uncommented members, 1208

With..End With statements, 176

XAML code editors, 701


comments, 1210. See also XML comments

importing namespaces, 689

IntelliTrace, 52, 1310, 1328-1334


with garbage collectors, 279-280

with operating systems, 4


change, 1032

queries, 1030-1033

Interface..End Interface block, 348

interfaces, 11, 347

abstract classes, implementing, 428

accessing, 348-352

APIs. See APIs

CLS, 354-355

defining, 347-348

Dispose, implementing, 273-278

Fiddler, 1359

Fluent APIs, Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 665-668

generating, 437

generics, defining, 370

ICloneable, 115, 118, 355

ICollection, 394

ICommand, 908

IComparable, 109, 355, 358-359

IComparer, 359-360

IConvertible, 355, 360-363

IDataErrorInfo, 616

IDeserializationCallBack, 1041

IDictionary, 1049

IDisposable, 404, 1264

IDispose, 347, 355

implementing, 273-278

polymorphism, 352

IDocument, 348, 352

IEnumerable, 355-358, 394, 420, 551

IEnumeratror, 356

IFormattable, 355, 363-365

IInvoice, 353

IList, 352, 1049

implementing, 109-110, 348-352

inheritance, 353-354

INotifyPropertyChanged, 387, 1042, 1178

IPerson, 427

ISerializable, 1046

IService1, 996

IValueConverter, implementing, 835-838

media players, 796

members, adding, 426

method arguments, passing as, 351

method constraints, 373

Modern style (Windows Phone), 956

modules, 303

namespaces, 284

nested classes, 348

.NET Framework, 355-365

polymorphism, 352-353

scope, 348

selecting, 348

structures, implementing, 309

System.IProgress (Of T), 1134

Tool window, implementing, 1296

Visual Studio 2012, 439

Windows Phone, 12

WPF, 694, 721-724. See also WPF

XBAP, 722

XML schemas, 685-690

Intermediate Language. See IL, 263, 1158

Internet code samples, searching, 21

Internet Explorer, 852

Fiddler, 1359

XML serialization, 1043

Internet Information Services. See IIS

Interop.AssemblyName.dll, 86


COM assemblies, registering for, 1197

between COM/.NET architectures, 86

Interop.WMPLib.dll, 87

Intersect method, 519

Into clause, 570

InvalidCastException, 123-125, 373

Field (Of T) method, 626

InvalidOperationException, 252, 584, 612, 1091

invariants, contracts, 1354

Invoke method, 380


AsParallel, 1097

constructors, 254

destructors, 270

dynamic code, 1169-1171

members, 29, 1003-1007

methods, 236-237, 308

Object Browsers from code editors, 57

I/O (input/output)

asynchronous programming, 8, 1137-1141

Windows Phone, 959

IOException, 455, 459

IPerson interface, 427

IronPython, 6-7

IronRuby, 6-7

IsAddingCompleted property, 1091

IsAuthenticated method, 500

IsCompleted property, 1075, 1091

ISerializable interface, 1046

IService1 interface, 996

IsFalse method, 1341

IsFalse operator, 158

IsInRole method, 500

IsInstanceOfType method, 1341

IsNetworkAvailable property, 487

IsNetworkDeployed property, 480

IsNotInstanceOfType method, 1341

IsNotNull method, 1341

IsNot operator, 164-165, 570

IsNull method, 1341

Is operator, 164-165, 570

IsRunningOutOfBrowser property, 924

IsTrue method, 1341

IsTrue operator, 158

Item method, 396


projects, adding, 30

properties, configuring, 31

references, specifying in, 1266

templates, exporting, 1263-1265

ItemSource property, 823

iterations, 166-170

Iterator class, implementing, 419-422

iterators, 169, 393

anonymous, 419

exiting, 418

LINQ, applying, 562-565

simple, 417-418

Try..Catch..Finally blocks, 418-419

Visual Basic 2012, 414-422

XML literals, 685

IValueConverter interfaces, implementing, 835-838


jagged arrays, 151-152, 516

JavaScript, 8, 894

JavaScript Object Notation. See JSON, 1015, 1053

JIT (Just-In-Time), 5

multicore JIT compilation, 853

optimizing, 47

Join method, 519

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 1015

serialization, 1053

JustDecompile, 1359

Just-In-Time. See JIT, 5, 47, 853

Just My Code

debugging, 182-184

disabling, 1078


KeepChanges, 616

KeepCurrentValues, 616

Key attribute, 664

Keyboard property, 482, 485

keyboard shortcuts, Debug menu (Visual Studio 2012), 181

keys, foreign, 633


From, 553

Of, 368

- (pointer to address in memory), 95

AddHandler, 383-384

Await, 1109, 1120-1122

Boolean, 95

ByRef, 237-242

Byte, 95

ByVal, 237-242

Char, 95

Decimal, 95

Default, 233

Delegate, 380

Dim, 308

Double, 95

Event, 386

Function, 527

GetType, 119

Global, namespaces, 295-299

Implements, 309, 348

Inherits, 66, 303, 309, 354

Integer, 95

Let, 572

Long, 95

Me, 229

MustInherit, 303, 336

MustOverride, 336

MyBase, 332, 337-339

MyClass, 339-341

New, 67, 136, 252

constraints, 373

structures, 438

NotInheritable, 303, 335-336

NotOverridable, 334

Optional, 240-241

Overloads, 255, 334

Overrides, 332

Partial, 614

ReadOnly, 231

ReDim, 150-151

RemoveHandler, 383-384

reserved (Visual Basic 2012 projects), 72

SByte, 95

Select, 553

Shared, 259

Short, 95

Single, 95

Structure, 374

Throw, 218-220

UIntenger, 95

ULong, 95

unreserved (Visual Basic 2012 projects), 74

UShort, 95

value types, 94

When, 222-223

Where, 553

WithEvents, 384-385

Kill method, 1059


Label controls, 736, 859

labels, editing breakpoints, 184

lambda expressions, 526-533

arguments, 518

asynchronous programming, 1136-1137

lexical closures, 532-533

LINQ, 552

local type inference, 529

multiline, 530-531

Sub, 531-532

ternary If operators, 533-534

threads, creating with, 1060


anonymous types, 524-525

Array literals feature, 515-516

BAML, 844

CIL, 5

CLS, 263-267

Common Type System, 89-93

CSDL, 634

design, 12

exceptions, 207-208, 224

extension methods, 517-524

features, 511

generic variances, 535-537

lambda expressions, 526-533

LINQ, support, 552-553

local type inference, 511-514

Mapping Definition Language, 637

.NET Framework, 6-7

relaxed delegates, 526

SSDL, 636

ternary If operators, 533-534

WDSL, 991


XHTML, 855


LastEdit property, 1185

Last-In, First-Out. See LIFO, 398

Last method, 519

LastNameChangedEventArgs class, 388

LastName method, 325

LastName property, 534

LastNode property, 674

LastOrDefault method, 519

Last property, 410

late binding, 45, 115

reflection, 1176

Latest News tab (Visual Studio 2010), 14-15

launchers (Windows Phone), 967-720

Launch Performance Wizard, 1320


architecture (LINQ), 554

.NET architecture, 2-3

User32 (WPF), 696

Layout Diagram command, 424

learning resources (Windows Phone), 958

left-shift (<<) operator, 162, 313

Length method, 464

less than (<) operator, 164, 313

less than or equal to (<=) operator, 164, 313

Let keyword, 572


scope (Visual Basic 2012), 234

Transparency Level 2, 1150-1152

trust for roles, 935

lexical closures, lambda expressions, 532-533


BCL, 2, 5-6, 57

classes, 226

Code Contract, 1350-1355

COM, adding references, 85-86

DirectX (WPF), 696

DLLs, 2

extensions, testing, 524

Microsoft Core Library (MsCorlib.dll), 6

MSDN Library, 48

navigating, 56

publishing web applications, 890

NuGet, managing, 1283-1286

Open Data Protocol (OData), 1015

portable, 423

Portable Class Libraries, 7, 440-451

TPL, 413

licenses (NuGet), 1285



finalizers, 110

managing, 269

pages, 856

LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), 398


of ClickOnce, 1246

of drag’n’drop data-binding, 818

of inheritance, structures, 309

of LINQ, 550

of XML serialization, 1043

LinearGradientBrush, 758-761

LineHeight property, 899


grid, viewing, 711

implicit line continuation, 70-71, 552, 559-561, 1182

Line Stacking Strategy, 899

LinkButton control, 859

LinkedList (Of T) collection, 410-412

links, specifying resources to, 1219

LINQ, 6, 549

architecture, 554

to DataSets, 621

extension methods, 624-627

queries, 621-624

deferred execution, 565-568

examples of, 551-552

extending, 554

iterators, applying, 562-565

language support, 552-553

limitations of, 550

to Objects, 557

overview of, 557-558

querying in memory objects, 558-568

overview of, 549-551

parallel, 1069

partial methods, 251

PLINQ, 1092

providers, 553-554


anonymous types, 524

measuring performances, 1093-1095

standard query operators, 568-585

LINQPad, 1359

LINQ to Data Services, 1027

LINQ to Entities, querying with EDMs, 652-653

LINQ to SQL, 587

advanced, 613-617

applying logs, 613

classes, 589-599

deleting entities, 609

EDMs, exposing, 1001

inserting entities, 605-608

mapping stored procedures, 610-613

overview of, 588-599

queries, 600-604

SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5, 617-619

updating entities, 608-607


interface schemas, 685-690

modifying, 671

overview of, 672-677

querying, 676-677

ListBox control, 736, 859

List (Of T) collection, 403-405

ListDictionary collection, 399


configuration file settings, 200-202

trace, applying, 196-202


data-binding views, 830-835

Error Lists, 24

tags (XML comments), 1214

XML comments, 1218

ListView control, 738


Array Literals, 151

Array literals feature, 515-516


LINQ, 553

writing XML markup in, 677-685

literal type characters, 98

Live Tiles, 956

LNG function, 121

LoadCompleted event, 510

LoadComponent method, 720

LoadedAssemblies property, 479

LoadedBehavior property, 797

Load event, 856

LoadFile method, 1160

LoadFrom method, 1160


assemblies, 1160

RSS feeds, 1116

XML documents, 674

Load method, 1160

LoadVideoAsync method, 1133

local data access (LINQ to SQL), 618

local data storage (Windows Phone), 980-981

Local DB (SQL Server 2012) system requirements, 539-540

local file systems, accessing, 926

local installation options, running out-of-browser applications, 925

localizing applications, 841

.NET Framework, 841-842

Windows Forms, 842-843

WPF, 844-850

Local property, 667

Local Storage, 930

Locals window, 187

local type inference, 511-514

lambda expressions, 529

LINQ, 552

Open Infer directives, 513

scope, 514

local variables

ambiguities, avoiding, 228-229

local type inference, 511-514

unused, 45

locations. See also storage

assemblies, 1144

breakpoints, 185

ClickOnce deployments, 1247

GAC, 1223

IronPython, 6-7

IronRuby, 6-7

memory, data types, 90

.NET Framework, 2

projects, searching, 24

SDKs, 7

services (Windows Phone), 959

templates, 20

LocBaml.exe, 844-845

locks, read/write, 1065-1066

logical operators, 158-159

Logical Tree (WPF), 704-705


Activity log (Windows Azure), 947


managing, 199-200

writing entries to, 481-482

Caller Information, 1178

compilation, 40

IntelliTrace, 1333-1334

SQL, applying, 613

Windows Event Log, 199

LongCount method, 519

Long keyword, 95

loops, 95-172

Do..Loops, 170-171

For Each, 150, 168-169, 358, 1059

For..Next, 166-168

iterators, 417

local type inference, 513

parallel computing, 1080-1086

scaling, 1080

While..End While, 171-172

loss of precision, 122-123


Main method, 24, 106, 434, 720

MainWindow property, 720

MainWindow.xaml.vb code file, 29

managed code

ClickOnce, accessing, 1257-1258

writing, 4

Managed Extensibility Framework, 8, 442, 1288

Managed Heap, 90, 106

Management Portal, 946

Windows Azure, 949-952

Manage NuGet Packages dialog box, 658


add-ins, 1304


logs, 199-200

.NET Framework, 2. See also .NET Framework

breakpoints, 184

Code Snippet Manager, 1278

concurrent operations, 1129

Configuration Manager, 42

controls, 702, 709-716

extensions (Visual Studio 2012), 1302-1303

Help contents, 56

indexes, 233

keyboards, 485

libraries (NuGet), 1283-1286

Memory Manager, 106


Global keyword, 295-299

overview of, 283-284


advanced garbage collection, 279-281

allocating memory, 269-270

Finalize method, 271-272

garbage collection, 270-271

implementing Dispose/IDisposable interfaces, 273-278

lifetimes, 269

resurrecting, 278-279

permissions, 881

PLINQ queries, 1097-74

processes, 1058-1060

projects, items, 29

Reference Manager dialog box, 84-85

ResourceManager class, 80, 500

Solution Explorer windows, 28-30

state, 861-864

structures, 310

tasks, 1073-1074

templates, 18

types within namespaces, 283-295

user settings, 1271-1273

windows, 716-719

Windows Azure Management Tool, 1360

manifest options, ClickOnce, 1254

manual installation, packaging for web applications, 888-891


classes, 1335

EDMs, 638-640, 1335

resources, 500

stored procedures, 610-613, 654-657

Mapping Definition Language, 637

Mapping Details window, 640

Marketplace (Windows Phone)

applications (apps), submitting, 987-989

registering, 956

MarketPlaceDetailsTask, 967

MarketPlaceHubTask, 967, 974

MarketPlaceReviewTask, 967

MarketPlaceSearchTask, 967


BAML, 844

Binding markup extension, 812-813


XML, writing, 677-685

master-details forms, formatting, 826-830

master pages, 855-857, 865-868

MaxLength attribute, 664

Max method, 519

MaxValue property, 101, 137, 143-144

measuring performance

LINQ queries, 1093-1095

PLINQ queries, 1095-1085


animations, 782-790

images, viewing, 793-795

integration, 696

playing, 795-798

Silverlight applications, playing, 900-905

Windows Phone, 959

WPF, 793

MediaElement control, 739, 795, 900

MediaFailed event, 798

MediaPlayerLauncher, 967-969

media players

content reproduction, 901

implementing, 900

Me keyword, 229


accessing (Visual Basic 2012 projects), 67-68

Application class, 720

ArrayList collections, 396

base classes, accessing, 337-341

behavior, 29

deriving, overriding, 334

extension methods, 403

inheritance, 327, 331-334


adding, 426

defining, 348

LinkedList (Of T) collection, 410

My.Application property, 478

My.Computer.Clipboard, 484

My.User property, 500

NavigationService class, 965

RefreshMode enumeration, 616

scope, 327

services, invoking from, 1003-1007

sharing, 45

classes, 259-263

generating, 436

overriding, 343-344

streams, 461, 464

structures, 308

visibility, 234-235

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 63-71

Visual Studio 2010, generating based on interfaces, 350

XDocument class, 674

MemberwiseClone method, 116, 328



comparing reference types/value types, 106-108

managing objects, 269-270

deallocating, 110

locations, data types, 90

objects, queries, 558-568

streams, 466

structures, 309

value types, 90, 94

Memory Manager, 106

Menu control, 740


Debug (Visual Studio 2012), 181

Tools (Visual Studio 2012), customizing, 1267-1268

MessageContract, 993

Message property, 214


errors, 30

Code Analysis, 1314

implicit conversions, 113

information, 30

text, 972

warnings, 30

metadata, 5

assemblies, 1158-1160

attributes, 1183

reflection, 1158. See also reflection

services, exporting, 999

MethodAccessException, 1152


Add, 370, 394, 660, 1087

AddAfter, 410

AddAfterSelf, 674

AddBefore, 410

AddBeforeSelf, 674

AddFirst, 410, 674

AddLast, 410

AddMemoryPressure, 280

AddNew, 833

AddParticipant, 1080

AddParticipants, 1080

AddProduct, 606

AddRange, 395

Aggregate, 519

All, 519

Any, 519

AppDomain.CreateDomain, 1147

AreEqual, 1341

AreNotEqual, 1341

AreSame, 1341

arguments, 237-242, 351

AsDataView, 623

AsEnumerable, 517-519

AsNoTracking, 654

Assert, 194

Asset class, 1341

Average, 519

BeginRead, 464

BeginWrite, 464

BinarySearch, 153

CalculateDiscount, 354

CalculatePerimeter, 1349

calling, 60

CanRead, 464

CanSeek, 464

CanWrite, 464

Cast, 519

ChangeExtension, 454

CheckMailAddress, 381

classes, executing actions with, 235-247

Clear, 396, 404, 410, 484

Clone, 117, 352, 374

Close, 194, 464

Collect, 279

Compare, 127

Concat, 519

constraints, 373

constructors, 252-259

Contains, 396, 410, 519

ContainsAudio, 484

ContainsData, 484

ContainsFileDropList, 484

ContainsImage, 484

ContainsText, 484

ConvertTimeBySystemZoneId, 147

CopyTo, 396, 410

CopyToAsync, 1138

CopyToDataTable, 624-626

Count, 307, 396, 519

.ctor, 216

CurrentPrincipal, 500

Debug class, 194-195

DefaultIfEmpty, 519

Delete, 457

DeleteObject, 1025

Dequeue, 398

Descendants, 674

Dispose, 271, 275-276, 347, 404

Distinct, 519

Divide, 533

DoCancel, 873

DoSomething, 229

DownloadFile, 487

DownloadString, 1115

Element, 674

ElementAt, 519

ElementAtOrDefault, 519

EndRead, 464

EndWrite, 1107

Equals, 309, 314, 328

Except, 519

Execute (Of T), 1026

ExecuteAssembly, 1146

ExecuteCommand, 617

ExecuteReader, 543

exiting, 246-247

extension, 517-524

behavior, 521

built-in, 519

customizing, 521-523

Data Services (WCF), 1025

exporting, 523-524

LINQ, 552

LINQ to DataSets, 624-627

members, 403

overloading, 523

Fail, 194-195, 1341

Field (Of T), 626-627

File.Delete, 197

Finalize, 271-272, 276, 328

FindAll, 405

FindResource, 720

First, 519, 1025

FirstOrDefault, 519

Fluent APIs, 667

Flush, 194

FlushAsync, 1138

FullName, 325, 333, 435

GC.ReRegisterForFinalize, 279

GC.SuppressFinalize, 278

generating, 437


defining, 370

implementing, 371-372

GetAssembly, 1160

GetAudioStream, 484

GetCallingAssembly, 1160

GetCreationTime, 455

GetCurrentDirectory, 458

GetCustomerQuery, 825

GetCustomers, 502

GetData, 484

GetDataObject, 484

GetEntryAssembly, 1160

GetEnumerator, 420

GetExecutingAssembly, 1160

GetExportedTypes, 1162

GetExtension, 454

GetFileDropDownList, 484

GetFiles, 456

GetHashCode, 309, 314, 328

GetILGenerator, 1175

GetImage, 484

GetLogicalDrives, 457

GetLowerBound, 153

GetModules, 1162

GetName, 317

GetNames, 316-317

GetObjectData, 1046

GetOrders, 916

GetRange, 396

GetSystemTimeZones, 145

GetText, 484

GetType, 119, 328

GetTypes, 1163

GetUpperBound, 153

GetValidationErrors, 651

GetValue, 155

GetValues, 316-317

GoBack, 965

GoForward, 965

GroupBy, 519

GroupJoin, 519

Guid.NewGuid, 147

HasExtension, 454

Include, 653, 667

Inconclusive, 1341

increaseCounter, 384

Indent, 194

IndexOf, 153, 396

InitializeService, 1018

InitializeWithWindowsUser, 500

Insert, 395

InsertRange, 395

Intersect, 519

Invoke, 380

invoking, 236-237

IsAuthenticated, 500

IsFalse, 1341

IsInRole, 500

IsInstanceOfType, 1341

IsNotInstanceOfType, 1341

IsNotNull, 1341

IsNull, 1341

IsTrue, 1341

Item, 396

Join, 519

Kill, 1059

Last, 519

LastName, 325

LastOrDefault, 519

Length, 464

Load, 1160

LoadComponent, 720

LoadFile, 1160

LoadFrom, 1160

LoadVideoAsync, 1133

LongCount, 519

Main, 24, 106, 434, 720

Max, 519

MemberwiseClone, 116, 328

Min, 519

Move, 455

MoveCurrentTo, 832

MoveCurrentToFirst, 832

MoveCurrentToLast, 832

MoveCurrentToNext, 832

MoveCurrentToPrevious, 832

Name, 500

Navigate, 965

New, 255, 328

OffType, 519

OnCreateMainForm, 76

OnDeserialization, 1041

OnModelCreating, 666

OrderBy, 519

OrderByDescending, 519

overloading, 242-246

Parallel.For, 1080-1083

Parallel.ForEach, 1080, 1083-1084

Parallel.Invoke, 1072

Parse, 100, 139, 318-319

partial, 251-252

Peek, 398

Position, 464

Print, 194

PrintString, 237

QueryVideosAsync, 1132

Read, 464

ReadAllText, 160

ReadAsync, 1138

ReadByte, 464

ReadLineAsync, 1138

ReadToEndAsync, 1138

ReferenceEquals, 328

ReflectionOnlyLoad, 1160

ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom, 1160

Remove, 410, 660, 674

RemoveFirst, 410

RemoveLast, 410

RemoveMemoryPressure, 280

RemoveNodes, 674

RemoveParticipant, 1080

RemoveParticipants, 1080

ReplaceWith, 674

ReRegisterForFinalize, 279

ReturnFullName, 243

Reverse, 396, 519

Root, 674

rules, 267

Run, 720

SaveChanges, 833

Seek, 464

Select, 519

SelectMany, 519

SequenceEquals, 519

Serialize, 1036

SetAudio, 484

SetCreationTime, 455

SetCurrentDirectory, 458

SetData, 484

SetDataObject, 484

SetField (Of T), 626-627

SetImage, 484

SetLastError, 1206

SetText, 484

ShowDialog, 755

Shutdown, 720

SimulateProcessing, 1081

Single, 519, 1025

SingleOrDefault, 519

Skip, 519

SkipWhile, 519

Sort, 396

Start, 1058

StopLoading, 965

Stream class, 1138

structures, passing to, 308

stubs, generating, 436

Sub Main, 35

Subtract, 142

Sum, 519

SuppressFinalize, 279

System.Array class, 153

System.Convert class, 123

System.Enum class, 316-319

System.GC.Collect, 271

System.Object class, 92, 328

System.Object.ToString, 66

System.String class, 126

Take, 519

TakeWhile, 519

Task.Run, 1128

Task.Wait, 1075

Test, 181, 187

TestAccessFile, 222

TestInstance, 374

ThenBy, 519

ThenByDescending, 519

Thread.Start, 1061

ToArray, 396, 519

ToBool, 123

ToByte, 123

ToChar, 123

ToDateTime, 123

ToDecimal, 123

ToDictionary, 519

ToDouble, 123

ToFileTime, 141

ToFileTimeUtc, 141

ToInt16, 123

ToInt32, 123

ToInt64, 123

ToList, 519

ToLocalTime, 141

ToLongDateString, 141

ToLongTimeString, 141

ToLookup, 519

ToOADate, 141

ToSByte, 123

ToShortDateString, 141

ToShortTimeString, 141

ToSingle, 123

ToString, 121, 309

enumerations, 318-319

reflection, 1163

System.Object class, 328

ToUInt16, 123

ToUInt32, 123

ToUInt64, 123

ToUniversalTime, 141

Trace.Listener.Clear, 197

TrimToSize, 396

TryParse, 100, 139

Unindent, 194

Union, 519

UpdateProduct, 648

Upgrade, 495

validatebook, 998

value types, 100-101

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 64-65

WaitForPendingFinalizers, 279

WhenAll, 1129

WhenAny, 1129-1131

Where, 519

WithDegreeOfParallelism, 1098

WithMergeOptions, 1098

Write, 194, 464

WriteAllBytes, 460

WriteAsync, 1138

WriteByte, 464

WriteIf, 194

WriteLine, 26, 194

WriteLineIf, 194

metrics, Code Metrics, 1309, 1315

Metro interface. See Modern style interface (Windows Phone), 956

Metro-style applications, 8. See also Windows 8

.NET for, 7

ObservableCollection (Of T) collection, 407

Microsoft Access, 541

Microsoft code analysis rules, 1311

Microsoft Core Library (MsCorlib.dll), 6

Microsoft Design Style, 11-12

Microsoft Developer Network. See also MSDN

Microsoft Excel, exporting code metrics to, 1317

Microsoft Expression Blend, 14

Microsoft Silverlight. See Silverlight applications

Microsoft SQL Server, LINQ to SQL, 588. See also LINQ


Code First approach, 665

from old CAS-based code, 1155

Visual Basic 6, 209

from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2012, 3

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 80

MinLength attribute, 664

Min method, 519

MinValue property, 101, 137, 143-144

MissingLastNameException, 345-346

Mixed Mode debugging, 182

mobile phones, 955. See also Windows Phone

Model Browser window, 640, 656

Model First, 657


adding, 868

APM, 1106-1107

ASP.NET, 851. See also ASP.NET

Code First approach, 659-660

COM, 1191

EDMs, viewing, 820

MVVM, 443, 811, 913

objects, EDMs, 630

programming (Windows Phone), 958-959

sandboxed, 1149, 1152-1154

security in .NET 4.5, 1148-1155

transparency, 1148-1149

views, defining, 446

Model-View-Controller. See MVC, 854

Model-View-View Model. See MVVM, 443, 811, 913

Modern style interface (Windows Phone), 956


connection (ADO.NET), 541

data-binding, 813

declarative, XAML, 703

disconnected (ADO.NET), 541

operation, garbage collection, 280-281

profiling, 1320


Friend, 225, 234

inheritance, 428

Private, 225, 234

Protected, 225, 234

Protected Friend, 225, 234

Public, 225, 234


database schemes, 664-665

debugging, 50

default values, thread pools, 1063

directories, 453-459

System.IO.Directory class, 455-458

System.IO.DirectoryInfo class, 458-459

documents, 799-808

elements, angles, 780

Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 645-652

files, 453, 460-463

permissions, 463

System.IO.File class, 460-461

System.IO.FileInfo class, 462-463

LINQ to XML, 671-677

pathnames, 453-459

properties, notifications, 387

Registry, 486-487

Startup objects, 35

streams, 453

Mod operator, 155, 570

modules, 301

classes, comparing, 303

namespaces, 284

overview of, 301-303

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 65

Monitor class, synchronization, 1065

Mouse property, 482

MoveCurrentToFirst method, 832

MoveCurrentToLast method, 832

MoveCurrentTo method, 832

MoveCurrentToNext method, 832

MoveCurrentToPrevious method, 832

Move method, 455


breakpoints, 185

drag’n’drop data-binding, 818-840

elements, 781

XML namespaces, 293

MSBuild.exe, 7, 40, 847

MsCorlib.dll, 6

MSDeploy, 884

publishing, 886-891

settings, 889-888

MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)

Code Gallery, 1303

Library, 48

navigating, 56

Visual Basic 2012 resources, 1357-1358

web applications, publishing, 890

MSIL. See CIL, 5

MsmqIntegrationBinding, 1005

multicast delegates, 382-383

multicore JIT compilation, 853

multicore processor architectures, Parallel JIT Compilation, 5

multidimensional arrays, 151, 516

multiline lambda expressions, 530-531

multimedia animation, 782-790

multiple applications, references (GAC), 1227

multiple constraints, 374

multiple diagrams, formatting, 431

multiple interface implementations, 350

multiple modules, 302

multiple roles, adding, 936

multiple scopes, 8

multiple times, applying attributes, 1187

multiple transforms, 782

multiplication (*) operator, 155, 313

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. See MIME, 80

multi-targeting, 18

multithreading, 1057, 1060-1061

MultiView control, 859

MustInherit keyword, 303, 336

MustOverride keyword, 336

MVC (Model-View-Controller), 854

MVVM (Model-View-View Model), 443, 811

Silverlight applications, 913

My.Application property, 477

assemblies, retrieving information, 478-479

cultures, 479-480

deploying, 480-482

extending, 504-505

MyBase keyword, 332, 337-339

MyClass keyword, 339-341

MyCollectionsUtils identifier, 502

My.Computer property, 478, 482-490

Audio property, 485

Clipboard property, 484-485

extending, 505-506

file systems, 483-484

Keyboard property, 485

Name property, 488-490

Network property, 487

Registry property, 486-487

My namespace, 477

applying, 506-510

extending, 502-506

My.Application property, 478-482

cultures, 479-480

deploying, 480-482

My.Computer property, 482-490

Audio property, 485

Clipboard property, 484-485

Keyboard property, 485

Name property, 488-490

Network property, 487

Registry property, 486-487

My namespace, 478-482

My.Resources property, 497-500

My.Settings property, 490-496

application-level only settings, 492-493

events, 495-496

naming configuration files, 493-495

My.User property, 500-502

My.WebServices property, 502

overview of, 477-478

My Project, 33-39

compiling options, 41

navigating, 72-75

resources, 78

Settings tab, 82

WPF applications, 699

My.Resources namespace, 478, 506

My.Resources property, 497-500

My.Settings property, 478, 490-496

application-level only settings, 492-493

events, 495-496

extending, 506

naming configuration files, 493-495

MySQL, 541

My.User property, 478, 500-502

My.WebServices property, 478, 502


Name method, 500

Name property, 428, 488-490


configuration files, 493-495

conventions, 8

CLS, 264-266

Code Analysis, 1314

exceptions, 209, 345

identifiers, 72

interfaces, 355

value types, 94

enumerations, 316-317


modifying, 453-459

System.IO.Path class, 454-455

resources, 80

strong names, signing GAC assemblies with, 1224-1226

System.Object class, 91

Namespace..End Namespace blocks, 284, 288


CLS, 295

compiling, 6

Global keyword, 295-299

Imports directives, 292-295

My namespace. See My namespace

My.Resources, 478, 506

nested, implementing, 288-291

purpose of, 287-288

root, 34, 291-292

scope, 291

System.Collections, 394

System.Collections.Concurrent, 413

System.DataSet.DataSetExtensions, 622

System.Diagnostics, 197

System.Globalization, 842

System.IO, 8, 293

System.Reflection, 1158

System.Reflection.Emit, 1171-1177

System.Runtime.CompilerServices, 1177

System.Runtime.InteropServices, 310

System.Windows.Controls, 6

System.Xml.Linq, 672-674

System.Xml.Serialization, 1043


managing, 283-295

overview of, 283-284

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 66-67

XML, importing, 293, 689

NameValueCollection collection, 401

narrowing conversions, 120-125

Navigated event, 510, 965

Navigate method, 965

NavigateUri property, 806, 910


ASP.NET applications, 864-862

controls, adding, 874

IDE tabs, 50

MSDN Library, 56

My Project, 33-39, 72-75

Object Browser window, 56-59

Online Help, 56

Silverlight Navigation Applications, 908-910

Solution Explorer windows, 28-30

Visual Studio 2012, 11

windows, Error Lists, 30-31

Windows Phone applications, 963-966

Navigating event, 510, 965

NavigationFailed event, 510, 965

NavigationProcess event, 510

Navigation Properties, EDMs, 640

NavigationService class, 965

NavigationStopped event, 510, 965

NestedClass class, 227

nested classes, 226-227, 348

nested constructor invocations, 256-257

nested namespaces, implementing, 288-291

nested Try..Catch..Finally blocks, 217-218

nested types, 374

.NET Framework

ADO.NET, 539

connecting databases, 541-543

connection modes, 541

data providers, 540-541

overview of, 540-543

anonymous types, 524


ASP.NET, 851

InstallShield, 1229. See also InstallShield

localizing, 841-842

architecture, 2-3

arrays, applying, 148-155

assemblies, 4-5, 1143

application domains, 1145-1147

overview of, 1143-1145

security models, 1148-1155

asynchronous programming

APM, 1106-1107

Async pattern, 1107-1112

EAP, 1104-1106

overview of, 1104


applying, 1181-1184

coding, 1181

customizing code, 1184-1188

reflection, 1189-1190

BCL, 5-6

classes, 225

CLS, 263-267

constructors, 252-259

declaring, 225-227

executing actions with methods, 235-247

fields, 227-229

partial, 248-251

partial methods, 251-252

properties, 229-234

scope, 234-235

shared members, 259-263

ClickOnce, 1229, 1245-1247

CLR, 4-5

Code Analysis, 1310

Code Contract, 1350-1355

code documentation, 1207. See also XML comments

collections, 393

architecture, 394

ArrayList, 394-397

BitArray, 401

Bitvector32, 402-403

concurrent, 413

customizing, 413

Dictionary (Of TKey, TValue), 407

HashTable, 398-399

HybridDictionary, 400

initializers, 405-406

ListDictionary, 399

NameValueCollection, 401

nongeneric, 394-403, 406

ObservableCollection (Of T), 408-410

OrderedDictionary, 399

Queue, 397-398

Queue (Of T), 412

SortedDictionary (Of TKey, TValue), 408

SortedList, 400

Stack, 398

Stack (Of T), 412

StringCollection, 400

StringDictionary, 400

Common Type System, 89-93

conditional code blocks, 172-175

constants, 175-176

DataSets, 539, 543-547

data types

converting between reference types/value, 111-119

fundamental types, 125-155

dates, applying, 137-143

delegates, 379

combining, 382-383

declaring, 380-382

overview of, 379-383

differences between 4.0/4.5, 3

documentation, 55-59

Entity Framework (ADO.NET)

EDMs, 630-643

overview of, 629-630

enumerations, 305, 315-321

error handling, 207

events, 379

customizing, 389-391

handling, 383-385

registering, 383-384

exception handling, 207-208, 224


modifying, 460-463

permissions, 463

Finalize method, 271-272

GAC, 1221

generics, 367

formatting, 368-375

overview of, 367-368

GUIDs, applying, 147-148

inheritance, 323-324

accessing base classes members, 337-341

applying, 324-327

conditioning, 334-337

constructors, 341-342

customizing exceptions, 344-346

overriding members, 331-334, 343-344

polymorphism, 329-331

shadowing, 342-343

System.Object class, 328-329

interfaces, 347, 355-365

CLS, 354-355

defining, 347-348

implementing, 348-352

inheritance, 353-354

polymorphism, 352-353

I/O file operations, 1137-1141

iterations, 166-170

iterators, 393, 414-422

lambda expressions, 526-533

LINQ. See also LINQ

architecture, 554

examples, 551-552

language support, 552

LINQ to Objects, 557

overview of, 549-551

providers, 553-554

loops, 95-172

methods, 64. See also methods

multi-targeting, 18

multithreading, 1057, 1060-1061

My namespace, 477-478. See also My namespace

namespaces, 283-284

new features, 7-8

nullable types, 367, 376-377


advanced garbage collection, 279-281

allocating memory, 269-270

garbage collection, 270-271

resurrecting, 278-279

structures, 65

operators, 155-165

arithmetic, 155-157

assignment, 157-158

bitwise, 160-162

comparison, 163-165

concatenation, 163

logical, 158-159

shift, 162-163

short-circuiting, 159-160

optimization, 272

overview of, 1-3

partitioning, 1085-1086

primitive reference types, 105-106

processes, 1057-1060

programming languages, 6-7

reflection, 1143-1157

serialization, 1035

ADO.NET, 1053-1054

customizing, 1045-1048

objects, 1036-1042

WCF, 1050-1053

XAML, 1048-1050

starting, 2

streams, 464-475

strongly typed objects, 104-105

structures, 305

allocating memory, 309

assigning to variables, 308

CLS, 314

implementing interfaces, 309

inheritance limitations, 309

managing, 310

member visibility, 308

overloading operators, 310-314

overview of, 305-308

passing to methods, 308

System.IO.Directory class, 455-458

System.IO.DirectoryInfo class, 458-459

System.IO.DriveInfo class, 459

System.IO.File class, 460-461

System.IO.FileInfo class, 462-463

System.IO.Path class, 454-455


pools, 1061-1063

synchronization, 1063-1066

time, applying, 143-144

TimeZone type, 144-147

TimeZoneInfo type, 144-147

tools, 7

types, managing within namespaces, 283-295

value types

conversion operators, 120-125

differences between reference types/value types, 106-111

primitive, 93-94

versions, selecting, 18

Windows 8, 8

WinRT, 8

With..End With statements, 176-177

NetMsmqBinding, 1005

NetNamedPipeBinding, 1005

NetPeerTcpBinding, 1005

NetTcpBinding, 1005

NetTcpContextBinding, 1005

NetworkAvailabilityChanged event, 509

Network property, 482, 487


streams, 474

Visual Basic 2012 tools, 1359

NetworkStream class, 474

New Event Handler command, 706

new features

.NET Framework, 7-8

Silverlight, 898

Silverlight applications, 928

Visual Studio 2010, 11-12

WPF, 695

NewGuid method, 147

New Interface dialog box, 425

New Item command, 30

New keyword, 67, 136, 252

constraints, 373


New method, 255

System.Object class, 328

New Project dialog box, 21, 854, 1263

New Project window, 17-19

New Solution Configuration window, 42

New With statement, 525

NextNode property, 674

nongeneric collections, 394-403, 406

NonSerialized events, 1042

Northwind databases, 589. See also databases

data sources, adding, 912-913

data validation, 614

LINQ to DataSets, 622

tables, 590

notation, JSON, 1015


properties, modifying, 387

push, 959

tiles, 959

NotImplementException, 436

NotInheritable keyword, 303, 335-336

Not operator, 158-162

NotOverridable keyword, 334

NuGet, managing libraries, 1283-1286

nullable arguments, 241

nullable types, 101, 367, 376-377, 553

NullReferenceException, 1101

Field (Of T) method, 626

null strings, checking for, 128


binary, 160-162

dates, applying, 137-143

floating-point, 156


applying, 143-144

zones, 144-147


Object Browser tool, applying, 394

Object Browser window, 56-59

System.Object class, 91

ObjectContext class, 916

object-oriented programming. See OOP



databases, 655

Visual Studio Class Designer, 425-428

Application, 719-721

CollectionViewSource, 830


applying, 1192-1196

exposing, 1197-1199

comparison operators, 164-165

complex, generating, 437-439

contexts, 645

databases, adding, 655

data types, 90

DeflateStream, 467

EDMs, 630

events, 379. See also events

FlowDocument, 799

Generate from Usage feature, 433-439

GZipStream, 467

initializers, 258-259, 437

applying, 558-559

LINQ, 553

JSON, 1015


finalizers, 110

managing, 269

LINQ to Objects, 557. See also LINQ

overview of, 557-558

querying in memory objects, 558-568


advanced garbage collection, 279-281

allocating memory, 269-270

Finalize method, 271-272

garbage collection, 270-271

implementing Dispose/IDisposable interfaces, 273-278

resurrecting, 278-279


structures, 65

viewing, 57

POCO, 640

polymorphism, 329-331

serialization, 1036-1042

serialization, copying with, 1038

shortcuts, 477. See also My namespace

Startup, modifying, 35

StringBuilder, 136

StringComparison, 127

strongly typed, 104-105

System.Timers.Timer, 383

visualizers, inspecting with debuggers, 192-193

Visual Studio Class Designer, 424-432

WithEvents keyword, declaring with, 384-385

XAttribute, 672

XCData, 672

XComment, 672

XContainer, 672

XDeclaration, 672

XDocument, 672

XDocumentType, 672

XElement, 672

XName, 672

XNamespace, 672

XNode, 672

XText, 672

ObservableCollection (Of T) collection, 408-410, 814-818

ObservableCollectionHelper class, 503

ODBC (open database connectivity), 540

OffType method, 519

Of keyword, 368

old CAS-based code, migrating, 1155

OleDb, 540

OnCreateMainForm method, 76

OnDeserialization method, 1041

OneTime mode, 813

one-to-many relationships, 605

OneWay mode, 813

OneWayToSource mode, 813

Online Help, navigating, 56

online templates, accessing, 19-20

OnModelCreating method, 666

on-the-fly code, 1297

anonymous iterators, 419

compiling, 5

on-the-fly objects, Generate from Usage feature, 433-439

OOP (object-oriented programming), 225

polymorphism, 329-331

types, comparing reference/value, 107-110

OpCodes, 1175

open database connectivity. See ODBC, 540

Open Data Protocol (OData), 1015, 1112


.NET Framework, 2

Object Browser, 57

Quick Launch tool, 59-60

Visual Studio Class Designer, 424

operating systems

interacting with, 4

.NET Framework, 1

Windows 8. See Windows 8

Windows Phone, 955. See also Windows Phone

OperationCanceledException, 1078, 1134

operation modes, Garbage Collection, 280-281

operations, implementing services, 1027-1029

operators, 155-165

And, 158-162, 313, 570

addition (+), 155, 313

aggregation, 570-572

AndAlso, 158-159, 570

arithmetic, 155-157

assignment, 157-158

binary, invoking AsParallel, 1097

bitwise, 160-162

comparison, 163-165

concatenation, 163

concatenation operators, 583

conversion, 103, 120-125, 572-574

division (/), 155, 313

elements, 583-584

equality (=), 126, 164, 313, 570

exponentiation (^), 155, 313

generation, 574-575

greater than (>), 164, 313

greater than or equal to (>=), 164, 313

grouping, 577-579


LINQ, 553

ternary, 533-534

IIf, 173-174

inequality (<>), 104, 164, 313, 570

integer division (), 155, 313

Is, 164-165, 570

IsFalse, 158

IsNot, 164-165, 570

IsTrue, 158

left-shift (<<), 162, 313

less than (<), 164, 313

less than or equal to (<=), 164, 313

LINQ to DataSets, 623

logical, 158-159

Mod, 155, 570

multiplication (*), 155, 313

Not, 158-162

Or, 158-162, 313, 570

ordering, 575-576

OrElse, 158-159, 570

partitioning, 584-585

polymorphism, 330

precedence, 165

projection, 568-569

recursive, 45

restriction operators, 569-570

return values, 45

right-shift (>>), 162, 313

set, 576-577

shift, 162-163

short-circuiting, 159-160

standard query, 568-585

standard query operators (LINQ to Entities), 652

structures, overloading, 310-314

subtraction (-), 155, 313

TypeOf, 125, 164-165

union, 579-582

Xor, 158-162, 313

optimistic concurrency, 616, 648-650

Optimization tab (Visual Studio 2010), 47


collections, generics, 395

enabling, 47

IntelliTrace, 1329

.NET Framework, 272

performance (Silverlight applications), 928

structures, 310

value types, 101

Optional keyword, 240-241

optional nullable arguments, 241

Option Infer directives, 513


ClickOnce, 1253-1255

compiling, 41-44

IntelliTrace, 1329

item templates, 1264

local installation, running out-of-browser applications, 925

role configuration, accessing, 935

toolboxes, 1275

Visual Studio 2012, 1267-1270, 1289-1299

Options button (ClickOnce), 1253-1255

Options dialog box, 513

Option Strict settings, 113

arrays, 149

LINQ to XML, 682

reflection, 1177

Oracle, 540

OrderBy clause, 916

OrderBy method, 519

OrderByDescending method, 519

OrderDescription property, 309

OrderedDictionary collection, 399


operators, 575-576

sequences (PLINQ), 1096

OrElse operator, 158-159, 570

orientation, Windows Phone applications, 963-966

Or operator, 158-162, 313, 570

out-of-browser applications (Silverlight applications), 923-926

out of scope objects, 271


debugging, 198

to projects (InstallShield), adding, 1236

Output window, 31-33

compilation process results, viewing, 40

debugging, 194

overflow checks, removing integers, 47

overhead, performance, 222

overlapping catch blocks, 45


constructors, 255-257

CType, 312-314

extension methods, 523

methods, 242-246

operators, structures, 310-314

parameters, 245

properties, 246

types, parameters, 375

Overloads keyword, 255, 334

Overrides keyword, 332



deriving, 334

inheritance, 331-334

shared members, 343-344

OverwriteCurrentValues, 616

overwriting files, 197-199

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