
InstallShield, 1234, 1244

MSDeploy, 886

Silverlight applications, 899

Visual Studio 2012 extensibility, 1289-1299

VSIX, 1300

web applications, installing, 888-891

Page class, 856

pages. See also web pages, 852, 856, 1249

events, 856

lifetimes, 856

master, 865-868

requests, 852

server-driving paging, Data Services (WCF), 1033-1034

Windows Phone applications, 963-966

Panel control, 859


Canvas, 714

controls, managing, 709-716

DockPanel, 714

Grid, 709-711, 1261

StackPanel, 711-712

ViewBox, 716

WrapPanel, 713-714

panorama controls, Windows Phone applications (apps), 974-980

Parallel class, 1071

parallel classes, 1071

parallel computing, 1069-1071

concurrent collections, 1087-1092

exception handling, 1075-1077

loops, 1080-1086


applying, 1072-1080

debugging, 1086

ParallelEnumerable class, 1097

Parallel.ForEach method, 1080-1084

Parallel.For method, 1080-1083

Parallel.Invoke method, 1072

Parallel JIT Compilation, 5

Parallel LINQ. See PLINQ

ParallelLoopState class, 1085

ParallelOptions class, 1071

Parallel Stacks window, 1087

Parallel Tasks window, 1086

ParamArray arguments, 239-240

ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, 1061


attributes, types, 1185

overloading, 245

passing, 1061

types, 233, 375

paramref tag (XML comments), 1213

param tag (XML comments), 1213

para tag (XML comments), 1213

Parse method, 100, 139

enumerations, 318-319

parsing XML documents, 674

partial classes, 248-251

Partial keyword, 614

partial methods, 251-252

ParticipantCount property, 859

ParticipantsRemaining property, 1080


.NET Framework, 1085-1086

operators, 584-585

Pascal, 7, 355


arguments by value, 238

arrays, 239

empty strings, 221

events, 387-389

interfaces as method arguments, 351

parameters, 1061

reference types, 111, 238


allocating memory, 309

APIs, 310

values, 238

PasswordBox control, 741


formatting, 1226

saving, 1226


exception handling, 459

modifying, 453-459

System.IO.Path class, 454-455

PathTooLongException, 459


Async, 1107-1112. See also Async pattern

canceling, 1131-1134

documentation, 1126

MVVM, 443

regular expressions, 999

Peek method, 398


ASP.NET, 852-853

exceptions, catching, 217

generics, 368

iterators, 416

Launch Performance Wizard, 1320

LINQ queries, measuring, 1093-1095

overhead, 222

PLINQ queries, measuring, 1095

Silverlight applications, 928

types, comparing reference/value, 110

Visual Basic 2012 tools, 1359


assemblies, 1149

files, 463

folders, configuring, 881

implementing, 1149

requirements, documentation, 1219

Silverlight applications, 926

tags (XML comments), 1214

PhoneCallTask, 967, 972

PIAs (Primary Interoperability Assemblies), 86-87

PictureBox control, 499

Pictures Hub, Windows Phone applications (apps), 982-984

P/Invoke (Platform Invoke), 4

COM, 1200

converting types to unmanaged, 1202-1203

handling exceptions, 1205-1206

encapsulating, 1201-1202

Interop Assistant, 1358

Silverlight, 928

PivotViewer control, filtering data with, 920-923

Plain Old CLR Object. See POCO, 640, 1053

platforms, Windows Azure, 929-931. See also Windows Azure


audio, 485

media, 795-798

Silverlight applications, 900-905

Windows Phone, 959

PLINQ (Parallel LINQ), 1092

exception handling, 1100-1101


managing, 1097

measuring performances, 1095

sequences, ordering, 1096

POCO (Plain Old CLR Object), 640, 1053

PointAnimation, 905

policies, CAS, 1149

polymorphism, 329-331, 352-353

pools, threads, 1061-1063

portable classes, creating, 440-451

Portable Class Libraries, 7, 226, 440-451

portable libraries, 423

Ports property, 483

positioning breakpoints, 185

Position method, 464

postback events, 856-857

post-conditions, contracts, 1353-1354

PostgreSQL, 541

Power Tools (Visual Studio 2010), 29

precedence, operators, 165

preconditions, contracts, 1352-1353

PreRender event, 856

prerequisites, LINQ to SQL, 588

Prerequisites dialog box, 1252

PresentationCore, 696

PresentationFramework, 696

PreviousNode property, 674

Primary Interoperability Assemblies. See PIAs, 86-87

primary output, adding (InstallShield), 1236. See also output, 198

primitive reference types, 105-106

primitive value types, 93-94

Print method, 194

PrintString method, 237

private constructors, 257

Private qualifiers, 225, 234, 308

private variables, 265

privileges (Visual Studio 2012), 933

probing assemblies, 1144


LINQ to SQL, mapping, 610-613

stored, mapping, 654-657

processes, 1057

debugging, 180-182

executing, 5

managing, 1058-1060

queries, 1059-1060

ProcessStartInfo class, 1058

products, saving databases, 607

Profiler, 1310


asynchronous, 1103

APM, 1106-1107

Async pattern, 1107-1112, 1120-1122

callbacks, 1116-1120

EAP, 1104-1106

event-based asynchrony, 1116-1120

overview of, 1104

synchronous approach to, 1112-1116

task-based asynchrony, 1127-1131

attributes, 1183. See also attributes

ClickOnce, accessing, 1257-1258

parallel computing, 1069. See also parallel computing

TDD, 1344-1349

programming languages, 6-7. See also languages

programming models, Windows Phone applications (apps), 958-959

progress, reporting Async patterns, 1134-1136

ProgressBar control, 743

ProgressChanged event, 1106, 1134

projection operators, 568-569

project-level default Imports directives, 294


compiling, 39-48

Console Application project template, 22

data services, adding, 1016

InstallShield, 1229

creating, 1232-1242

formatting, 1242

items, adding, 30

My Project. See My Project

reusing, 22

searching, 24


creating with Visual Basic 2012, 895-897

Windows Azure, 936-942

Solution Explorer windows, 28-30

strong names, adding, 1225

TDD, 1344-1345

templates, 17-18. See also templates

exporting, 1261-1263

WCF, 993

WPF, 698-697

upgrading, 16

Visual Basic 2012, 63

accessing members, 67-68

Application.myapp file, 75-76

application settings, 81-83

AssemblyInfo.vb file, 76-77

attributes, 69-70

classes, 64

code files, 72-83

creating, 16-18

implicit line continuation, 70-71

Imports directives, 68-69

inheritance, 65-66

methods, 64-65

modules, 65

namespaces, 66-67

navigating My Project, 72-75

properties, 64

references, 83-88

Region directives, 69

reserved keywords, 72

resources, 77-81

structures, 65

unreserved keywords, 74

Visual Studio 2010, applying, 16-27

Windows Azure, creating, 933-944

Windows Forms, adding, 1193


Access, 428

accessing, 45, 232

AllowMultiple, 1187

App.Current, 924

Audio, 482

auto-implemented, 229-231

Background, 717

BoundedCapacity, 1091

brushes, applying to, 758

Cancel, 496

CanFilter, 832

CanGoBack, 965

CanGoForward, 965

CanGroup, 832

CanSort, 832

CanUserAddRows, 818

CanUserRemoveRows, 818

CanUserReorderColumns, 818

CanUserResizeColumns, 818

CanUserResizeRows, 818

CanUserSortColumns, 818

Capacity, 394

classes, 229-234

Clipboard, 482-485

ColumnGap, 803

Content, 726

contracts, configuring, 1350-1351

controls, binding, 813

Converter, 840

Count, 410

Counter, 343

Culture, 479

Current, 720

CurrentCell, 818

CurrentDeployment, 1257

CurrentItem, 832

CurrentPhaseNumber, 1080

CurrentPosition, 832

customizing, 1301

Data, 214

DataContext.Log, 613

default, 233-234

Dispatcher, 720

ElementName, 812

Embed Interop Types, 87

ErrorCode, 1205

ErrorDialog, 1058

FileSystem, 482-484

First, 410

FirstNode, 674

generating, 437

Help, 214

IAsyncResult.AsyncState, 1107

Info, 483, 488-490, 720

InnerException, 214, 1101

IsAddingCompleted, 1091

IsCompleted, 1075, 1091

IsNetworkAvailable, 487

IsNetworkDeployed, 480

IsRunningOutOfBrowser, 924

ItemSource, 823

Keyboard, 482

Last, 410

LastEdit, 1185

LastName, 534

LastNode, 674

LineHeight, 899

LoadedAssemblies, 479

LoadedBehavior, 797

Local, 667

MainWindow, 720

MaxValue, 101, 137, 143-144

Message, 214

MinValue, 101, 143-144

modifying, 387

Mouse, 482

My.Application, 477

applying, 478-482

cultures, 479-480

deploying, 480-482

extending, 504-505

retrieving information, 478-479

My.Computer, 478, 482-490

Audio property, 485

Clipboard property, 484-485

extending, 505-506

file systems, 483-484

Keyboard property, 485

Name property, 488-490

Network property, 487

Registry property, 486-487

My.Resources, 497-500

My.Settings, 478, 490-496

application-level only settings, 492-493

events, 495-496

extending, 506

naming configuration files, 493-495

My.User, 478, 500-502

My.WebServices, 478, 502

Name, 428

NavigateUri, 806, 910

Navigation Properties, EDMs, 640

Network, 482

NextNode, 674

OrderDescription, 309

overloading, 246

ParticipantCount, 859

ParticipantsRemaining, 1080

Ports, 483

PreviousNode, 674

QuantityPerUnit, 643

read-only, 231

Registry, 482

Resource, 720

RowStyle, 818

rules, 267

scalar, 643

Screen, 483

SelectedItem, 818

Settings, defining, 83

ShowGridLines, 711

ShowInTaskBar, 717

ShutdownMode, 720

Source, 214, 965

StackTrace, 54, 214

StartupUri, 720

Stretch, 794

stubs, generating, 1347

System.Drawing.Bitmap, 498

System.Exception class, 214-216

TargetSite, 214

Task.Result, 1074

Test, 340

Title, 717

TopMost, 717

UICulture, 479

View, 830-835

Visual Basic 2012, 64

Windows, 717, 720

Windows Phone, customizing, 986

WindowStartupLocation, 717

WindowState, 717

WindowStyle, 717

write-only, 231-232

Properties window, 31, 642, 702

PropertyChanged event, 387, 495

Protected Friend members, inheritance, 327

Protected Friend modifier, 225, 234

Protected members, inheritance, 327

Protected modifier, 225, 234


FTP, 884

HTTP, 8, 991

OData, 1015, 1112

SOAP, 1039-1040

TCP, 991

providers (LINQ), 553-554

providers, .NET data, 540-541

proxy classes (WCF), 1002

public keys (GAC), 1224

public modules, 303. See also modules

Public qualifiers, 308

inheritance, 327

interfaces, 348

modifiers, 225, 234

Public Shared Operator statement, 311

Publish.htm web page, 1249


ASP.NET applications, 883-885

extensions, 1302

MSDeploy, 886-891

Windows Phone Marketplace, 956

Publish Web dialog box, 887

Publish Windows Azure Application wizard, 944

Publish Wizard, 1247

purpose of namespaces, 287-288

push notifications, 959



Friend, 308, 348

Private, 308

Public, 308, 348

writing, 434

quantifiers, 582-583

QuantityPerUnit property, 643


Code First models, 661

databases, 542

Data Services (WCF), 1026

DataSets, 547


with LINQ to Entities, 652-653

with SQL, 653-654

expressions, 551

interceptors, applying, 1030-1033

LINQ, 565. See also LINQ

anonymous types, 524

measuring performances, 1093-1095

standard query operators, 568-585

LINQPad, 1359

LINQ to DataSets, 621-624

LINQ to SQL, 600-604

LINQ to XML, 676-677, 680-682

memory, objects, 558-568


managing, 1097-74

measuring performances, 1095

processes, 1059-1060

thread pools, 1063

via HTTP requests, 1014-1015

QueryInterceptor attribute, 1030

QueryVideosAsync method, 1132

Queue collection, 397-398

Queue (Of T) collection, 412

Queues Storage, 931

Quick Launch tool, 59-60

Quick Watch window, 191


RadialGradientBrush, 758, 762

RadioButton control, 744, 859

RadioButtonList control, 859

raising events, 385-389

RangeValidator control, 859

ReadAllText method, 160

read-and-write operations, 229

ReadAsync method, 1138

ReadByte method, 464


binary files, 465

text, 464-465

ReadLineAsync method, 1138

Read method, 464

ReadOnlyCollection (Of T) collection, 406-407

ReadOnly keyword, 231

read-only properties, 231

ReadToEndAsync method, 1138

read/write locks, 1065-1066

ready-to-use themes, 14

really simple syndication. See RSS

recent templates, accessing, 19-20

Rectangle control, 745

recursive clones, 118

recursive operators, 45

ReDim keyword, 150-151

refactoring code, 1349

ReferenceEquals method, 328

Reference Manager dialog box, 84-85, 936


COM libraries, adding, 85-86

Data Services, adding to, 1023

delegates, 382

GAC, 1227

items, specifying in, 1266

reference types, passing, 238

services, adding, 1002

Solution Explorer, 85

types, 90-93

applying, 103-106

conversion operators, 120-125

primitive, 105-106

value types

converting between, 111-119

differences between, 106-111

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 83-88

Win32 API calls, 1206

Reflection, 500

reflection, 1143-1157


Caller Information, 1177-1180

metadata, 1158-1160

retrieving information from, 1160-1162

attributes, 1189-1190

dynamic code, running, 1169-1171

late binding, 1176

overview of, 1157

security, 1169

System.Reflection.Emit namespace, 1171-1177

types, 1162-1169

ReflectionOnlyLoad method, 1160

ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom method, 1160

RefreshMode enumeration members, 616

regional settings, 844

Region directives (Visual Basic 2012), 69


assemblies for COM interoperability, 1197

Developer Portal (Windows Azure), 931

for events, 383-384

garbage collection events, 281

Marketplace (Windows Phone), 956

Registration-Free COM (ClickOnce), 1258-1259


Application Registry (InstallShield), 1239

modifying, 486-487

Registry property, 482

regular expressions, 251-252

patterns, 999


LINQ to SQL, 593

one-to-many, 605

relaxed delegates, 526

Release configuration (Visual Studio 2012), 40-43

releasing COM objects, 1195

remarks tag (XML comments), 1214

RemoveFirst method, 410

RemoveHandler keyword, 383-384

RemoveLast method, 410

RemoveMemoryPressure method, 280

Remove method, 410, 660, 674

RemoveNodes method, 674

RemoveParticipant method, 1080

RemoveParticipants method, 1080

removing. See deleting, 47, 457, 1270

ReplaceWith method, 674


Default.Aspx pages, 950

Latest News tabs, 14

reporting progress, Async patterns, 1134-1136

REpresentational State Transfer. See REST, 1014

reproduction of content, 901


asynchronous, 853


GET, 1030

querying data via, 1014-1015

pages (ASP.NET), 852

Required attribute, 650, 664

RequiredFieldValidator control, 859


classes for COM exposure, 1197

InstallShield installations, 1234-1236

LINQ to SQL, 588

memory, value types, 94

permissions, 1149, 1219

system, Local DB (SQL Server 2012), 539-540

ReRegisterForFinalize method, 279

reserved keywords

Await, 1109

My namespace. See My namespace

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 72


elements, 780

windows, 711

ResourceManager class, 80, 500

Resource property, 720

resources, 8

adding, 498

code, accessing by name, 500

localization, editing, 848

mapping, 500

My.Resources property, 497-500

specifying links to, 1219

unlocking, 211

Visual Basic 2012, 77-81, 1357-1358

WPF, 497-500

Resources Designer, 497

Resources.resx file (Visual Basic 2012), 77-81

REST (REpresentational State Transfer), 1014

restriction operators, 569-570

restyling windows, 777. See also styles


of build processes, viewing, 31

Code Coverage, enabling, 1343

IntelliTrace, 1331-1333

serialization, 1037

value types, assigning, 99

ResurrectDemo class, 279

resurrecting objects, 278-279

ResurrectionDemo type, 279

rethrowing exceptions, 219


command-line arguments, 482

environment variables, 481

Return instruction, 560

return methods, 319-320

returns tag (XML comments), 1214

Return statement, 319

return types, array literals, 515

return values, 45, 1074-1075

ReturnFullName method, 243



generics, 368

snippets, 1275-1283

data types, 90

projects, 22

templates, 1246

Reverse method, 396, 519

RIAs (rich Internet applications), 893. See also Silverlight applications; Visual Basic 2012

RichTextBox control, 806-808

right-shift (>>) operator, 162, 313


configuring, 881

web, 934-936

Root method, 674

root namespaces, 34, 291-292

RotateTransform, 780

rotating elements, 780

round-tripping projects, 16


events, 707-708

strategies, 708-709

RowStyle property, 818

RSS (really simple syndication)

asynchronous programming, 1112-1116

Latest News tab (Visual Studio 2012), 14

loading, 1116

reading view, closing, 1018


arrays, 267

classes, 266

methods, 267

Microsoft code analysis, 1311

properties, 267

security, Transparency Level 2, 1150-1152

Run method, 720


applications, 875

assemblies, 4-5

.NET Framework, 2. See also .NET Framework

dynamic code, 1169-1171

out-of-browser applications, 925

sandboxed assemblies, 1154

tasks, 1073-1074

unit tests, 1342-1343, 1348

WCF RIA Services, 920


assemblies, 5

code, generating at, 1171

Code Contract, 1350-1355

dynamic code, creating at, 1147

errors, debugging, 53-54

windows, instantiating at, 718

WinRT, 8, 1191

Runtime Callable Wrapper, 1192

Run to Cursor command, 181


samples, searching code, 21

sandboxed models, 1149, 1152-1154

SaveChanges method, 833


cookies, applying, 863

passwords, 1226

products to databases, 607

SByte keyword, 95

scalability (ASP.NET), 852-853

scalar properties, 643

ScaleTransform, 780

scaling loops, 1080


tasks, customizing, 1070

Task Scheduler, 1070


EDMs, 638


adding, 1112

interfaces, 685-690

schemes, modifying databases, 664-665

SciTech Memory Profiler, 1359


assemblies, 1144

classes, 234-235

of fields, 228

interfaces, 348

iterators, 414

levels (Visual Basic 2012), 234

local type inference, 514

members, 327

modules, 302

multiple, 8

namespaces, 291

out of scope objects, 271

Screen property, 483

ScrollViewer control, 746

SDKs (Software Development Kits), 7

Visual Studio 2012, 1288-1289

Windows Phone, 957-958


Bing, 972


clones, 1310, 1317-1319

samples, 21

files, 3

IronPython, 6-7

IronRuby, 6-7

probing, 1144

projects, 24

templates, 20

tools, 1360

SearchTask, 967, 972

sections of EDMs, 633


ASP.NET applications, configuring, 879-882

assemblies (.NET 4.5), 1148-1155

attributes, 1151

CAS, 1148

ClickOnce, 1255

GAC, 1224, 1227

managed code, writing, 4

permissions, 463

reflection, 1169

Silverlight applications, 926

Transparency Level 2, 1150-1152

SecurityCritical attribute, 1151

SecurityException, 463

SecurityRules attribute, 1151

SecuritySafeCritical attribute, 1151

SecurityTransparent attribute, 1151-1152

Security Zones, 4

Seealso tag (XML comments), 1214

Seek method, 464

See tag (XML comments), 1214

SEHException, 1205

Select Case statement, 174-175

SelectedItem property, 818


code editor extension templates, 1305

components (Windows Media Player), 86

default types, 493

interfaces, 348

locations (ClickOnce), 1247

.NET Framework versions, 18

objects, EDMs, 632

Silverlight applications, 721

types, customizing, 111

SelectionBrush, 758, 765-767

Select keyword, 553

SelectMany method, 519

Select method, 519

Select Tool window, 1291

Separator control, 746

SequenceEquals method, 519

sequences, ordering PLINQ, 1096

Serializable attribute, 70, 1182

serialization, 117, 1035

ADO.NET, 1053-1054

assemblies, generating, 48

binary, 1036-1038

customizing, 1045-1048

events, 1047-1048

JSON, 1053

objects, 1036-1042

SOAP, 1039-1040

WCF, 1050-1053

XAML, 1048-1050

XML, 1043-1045

SerializationException, 1037

Serialize method, 1036

server-driving paging, Data Services (WCF), 1033-1034

Server Explorer, 589

servers, 929

controls, 858

IIS, configuring, 994

WCF service operations, implementing, 1027-1029

ServiceContract, 993, 996


annotations, implementing, 804

cloud. See cloud services, 930, 946

Data Services (WCF)

consuming, 1022-1027

implementing, 1013, 1016-1021

overview of, 1013-1015

Domain Service Class, adding, 913-916

locations (Windows Phone), 959

members, invoking from, 1003-1007

metadata, exporting, 999

operations, implementing, 1027-1029

references, adding, 1002

Storage Account, 930

WCF, 991. See also WCF

consuming, 1001-1007

implementing, 993-1001

overview of, 992

WCF RIA Services (Silverlight applications), 911-923

web, 502

SessionEnding event, 510

Session state, 864

SetAudio method, 484

SetCreationTime method, 455

SetCurrentDirectory method, 458

SetData method, 484

SetDataObject method, 484

SetField (Of T) method, 626-627

SetImage method, 484

SetLastError method, 1206

Set Next Statement, 181

set operators, 576-577

SetText method, 484

SettingChanging event, 495

settings. See also configuring

applications (Visual Basic 2012), 81-83

Boolean user-level, 491

cloud services, 946

contracts, properties, 1350-1351

Domain Service Class, 913

existing, importing, 1273

Export Settings Wizard, 1271-1273

InstallShield, 1229. See also InstallShield

listeners, configuration files, 200-202

manual package generation, 890

MSDeploy, 889-888

My.Settings property, 490-496

Option Strict, 113

arrays, 149

LINQ to XML, 682

reflection, 1177

out-of-browser, enabling, 923

project-level default Imports directives, 294

regional, 844

StartState, 83

users, managing, 1271-1273

Visual Studio 2012 projects, 1289-1299

Windows Azure subscriptions, 944

Settings command, 433

Settings Designer, 492

SettingsLoaded event, 495

Settings property, defining, 83

SettingsSaving event, 495

Settings.settings file, 83

Settings tab (My Project), 82

setup. See configuring; settings

shadowing inheritance, 342-343

shallow copy, converting between reference/value types, 116-117

shapes (Microsoft Design Style), 12

Shared keyword, 259

ShareLinkTask, 967, 973

ShareStatusTask, 967, 973


assemblies, 853

classes, 259

constructors, 262-263

fields, 259

libraries with NuGet, 1286

members, 45

classes, 259-263

generating, 436

overriding, 343-344

methods, 260-262

properties, 260

shift operators, 162-163

short-circuiting operators, 159-160


Application Shortcuts group (InstallShield), 1238-1239

objects, 477. See also My namespace

Short keyword, 95

Show Data Sources command, 917

ShowDialog method, 755

ShowGridLines property, 711

ShowInTaskBar property, 717

Show Next Statement, 182

Show Output From combo box, 33

ShutDown event, 509

Shutdown method, 720

ShutdownMode property, 720


assemblies, 1145

GAC assemblies with strong names, 1224-1226

Silverlight applications, 55, 699, 893

3-D graphics, 908

controls, 726, 897-900

data sources, adding, 912-913

deploying, 899

drag’n’drop data-binding, 916-919

event handling, 899

media, playing, 900-905

new features, 898, 928

ObservableCollection (Of T) collection, 407

out-of-browser applications, 923-926

overview of, 894

packages, 899

permissions, 926

security, 926

selecting, 721

Silverlight Navigation Applications, 908-910

UI elements, animating, 905-908

views, defining, 449

Visual Basic 2012, creating with, 895-897

WCF RIA Services, 911-923

Windows Azure, building projects, 936-942

Windows Phone, 959

XAML, 700, 926-927

simple iterators, 417-418

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP, 1039-1040

SimulateProcessing method, 1081

Single keyword, 95

Single method, 519, 1025

SingleOrDefault method, 519

single types, reflecting, 1167-1169


controls, 711

windows, 711

SkewTransform, 780

Skip method, 519

SkipWhile method, 519

SmsComposeTask, 967, 972

snippets, code

deploying, 1300

reusing, 1275-1283

SoapFormatter class, 1039

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) serialization, 1039-1040

Software Development Kit. See SDK

SolidColorBrush, 758-760

Solution Explorer, 24, 589

InstallShield, 1232

references, 85

windows, navigating, 28-30


Solution Explorer windows, 28-30

Visual Studio 2010, 16-27

SortedDictionary (Of TKey, TValue) collection, 408

SortedList collection, 400


arrays, 152-155

data with PivotViewer control, 922

Sort method, 396

source code, 5. See also code; programming

Source property, 214, 965

specialization, exceptions, 209

specifying links to resources, 1219

spell check, implementing, 808

splash screens

Windows Phone, 985

SQL (Server Query Language)

code, database objects, 655

EDMs, querying with, 653-654

entities, applying against, 617

LINQ to, 587. See also LINQ

overview of, 588-599

SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5, 617-619

logs, applying, 613

SqlClient.SqlException, 606

SqlCommand class, 541

SQL Server 2012 (Local DB), 882

system requirements, 539-540

SQL Server Object Explorer window, 59, 662

SSDL (Store Schema Definition Language), 636

Stack, 90

boxing, 114

reference types, addresses, 108

value types, 90, 106-108

Stack collection, 398

Stack (Of T) collection, 412

StackPanel panel, 711-712

StackTrace property, 54, 214

standard query operators

aggregation operators, 570-572

concatenation operators, 583

conversion operators, 572-574

element operators, 583-584

generation operators, 574-575

grouping, 577-579

Let keyword, 572

LINQ, 568-585

LINQ to DataSets, 623

LINQ to Entities, 652

ordering operators, 575-576

partitioning operators, 584-585

projection operators, 568-569

quantifiers, 582-583

restriction operators, 569-570

set operators, 576-577

union operators, 579-582


Data Service (WCF), 1017

.NET Framework, 2

Object Browser, 57

Quick Launch tool, 59-60

Visual Studio Class Designer, 424

Windows Phone applications, 963-964

Start method, 1058

Start Pages (Visual Studio 2010), 12-14

StartState setting, 83

Startup event, 509-510

StartupNextInstance event, 509

Startup Object field (My Project), 35

StartupUri property, 720


Application, 861

Cache, 862-863

Context, 579

managing, 861-864

Session, 864

ViewState, 864


breakpoints, 186

Catch, 210

Class..End Class, 225

Console.Writeline, 181

Exit Try, 218

If, 181

New With, 525

Public Shared Operator, 311

Return, 319

Select Case, 174-175

Set Next Statement, 181

Show Next Statement, 182

SyncLock..End SyncLock, 1064

Using..End Using, 275

With..End With, 176-177

Yield, 419

Static Checker, 1351

StaticResource, 772

status, Windows Azure deployment, 947

StatusBar control, 747

status bars (Visual Studio 2012), 12

Step Into command, 181

Step Out command, 181

Step Over command, 181

StopLoading method, 965

storage. See also cloud computing; Windows Azure

tools, 7

value types, 90, 96

Windows Phone, 980-981

Storage Account service, 930

Storage Emulator, 944

Store (Windows 8) applications, 1111

stored procedures

LINQ to SQL, mapping, 610-613

mapping, 654-657

Store Schema Definition Language. See SSDL, 636

Storyboard events, 787

strategies, routing, 708-709

Stream class methods, 1138

streams, 464-475

data, compressing with, 467-474

members, 461, 464

memory, 466

modifying, 453

networks, 474

strings, applying, 467

Windows Phone, 960-963

StreamWriter class, 464

Stretch property, 794

StringBuilder objects, 136

StringCollection collection, 400

StringComparison object, 127

StringDictionary collection, 400

StringLength attribute, 664

strings, 77

applying, 125-137

comparing, 126-128

comparison operators, 164

concatenating, 136-137

connection, writing, 619

copying, 131

dates, converting to, 138-139

editing, 106, 133-136

formatting, 128-129, 835-840

inspecting, 131-133

streams, applying, 467

stringToPrint argument, 238

strongly typed data controls, 875-862

strongly typed objects, 104-105

strong names, signing GAC assemblies with, 1224-1226

StructLayout attribute, 310, 1203-1204

Structure..End Structure block, 305

Structure keyword, 374

structures, 305

APIs, passing, 310

ClickOnce deployments, 1250-1251

CLS, 314

declaring, 306

generating, 437

generics, defining, 370

inheritance limitations, 309

interfaces, implementing, 309

managing, 310

members, visibility, 308

memory allocation, 309

metadata, 1158

methods, passing to, 308

namespaces, 284

operators, overloading, 310-314

overview of, 305-308

variables, assigning, 308

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 65


methods, generating, 436

properties, generating, 1347

Style class, 771


CSS, 856

inheritance, 773

Microsoft Design Style, 11-12

triggers, 773-775

WPF, 770-775

Sub lambda expressions, 531-532

Sub Main method, 35

submitting applications (apps) to Marketplace (Windows Phone), 987-989

subscriptions (Windows Azure), 945

Substitution control, 859

subtracting dates, 142-143

subtraction (-) operator, 155, 313

Subtract method, 142

summary tag (XML comments), 1214

Sum method, 519


3-D graphics, 908

64-bit browsers, 928

arrays, 8

classes, 301

COM Automation, 926

delegates, generics, 380

foreign keys, 633

HTML5, 8

IntelliSense, XAML code editors, 701

languages, LINQ, 552-553

.NET operating systems, 1

P/Invoke (Silverlight applications), 928

Windows Azure, 928

ZIP archives, 8

SuppressFinalize method, 279

Suppress Message, 1314

switching threads, 1128-1129


dates, formatting, 140

format, 129


Monitor class, 1065

read/write locks, 1065-1066

threads, 1063-1066

synchronous calls, 1108

SyncLock..End SyncLock statement, 1064

System.Array class, 105, 152-155

System.Attribute class, 69

System.Boolean class, 95

System.Byte class, 95

System.Char class, 95

System.Collections class, 394

System.Collections.Concurrent namespace, 413

System.Convert class methods, 123

System.DataSet.DataSetExtensions namespace, 622

System.DateTime class, 95, 139

System.Decimal class, 95

System.Delegate class, 380

System.Diagnostics namespace, 197

System.Diagnostics.Process class, 1058

System.Double class, 95

System.Drawing.Bitmap property, 498

System.Enum class methods, 316-319

System.Exception class, 105, 209, 214-216, 344

System.GC class, 270

System.GC.Collect method, 271

System.Globalization namespace, 842

System.Guid class, 95

System.Int16 class, 95

System.Int32 class, 95

System.Int64 class, 95

System.IntPtr class, 95

System.IO.Directory class, 455-458

System.IO.DirectoryInfo class, 458-459

System.IO.DriveInfo class, 459

System.IOException, 209

System.IO.File class, 293, 460-461

System.IO.FileInfo class, 462-463

System.IO namespace, 8, 293

System.IO.Path class, 454-455

System.IO.Stream class, 105, 464

System.IProgress (Of T) interface, 1134

System.Math class, 157

System.Net.Exception, 488

System.Numerics.BigInteger class, 95

System.Object class, 90, 105

implicit conversions, 111

inheritance, 325-329

methods, 92

naming, 91

WPF, 696

System.Object.ToString method, 66

System.Reflection.Emit namespace, 1171-1177

System.Reflection namespace, 1158

system requirements, Local DB (SQL Server 2012), 539-540

System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace, 1177

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespaces, 310

System.SByte class, 95

System.Security.SecurityException, 1150

System.SerializableAttribute class, 70

System.ServiceModel.dll, 6

System.Single class, 95

System.String class, 105, 126

System.Threading.ThreadPool class, 1062

System.Timers.Timer object, 383

System.TimeSpan class, 95, 142

System.TimeZone class, 95

System.Unt16 class, 95

System.Unt32 class, 95

System.Unt64 class, 95

System.ValueType class, 91-92

System.Windows.ContentElement class, 57

System.Windows.Controls namespace, 6

System.Windows.Media.MediaCommands enumeration, 902

System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs type, 707

System.Xml.Linq namespace, 672-674

System.Xml.Serialization namespace, 1043


TabControl control, 748

Table attribute, 664

Table control, 859

tables, Northwind databases, 590

Tables Storage, 930


Application (My Project), 34-39

Get Started (Visual Studio 2010), 14

IDE, navigating, 50

Latest News (Visual Studio 2010), 14-15

Optimization (Visual Studio 2010), 47

Settings (My Project), 82

tabular data forms, formatting, 819-825


Grid panel, 1261

XML comments, 1214

Take method, 519

TakeWhile method, 519

target CPU, 44

Target CPU combo box, 42

Target Framework (My Project), 39

targets, multi-targeting, 18

TargetSite property, 214

task-based asynchrony, 1127-1131

TaskFactory class, 1071

Task Parallel Library. See TPL, 413, 1070

Task.Result property, 1074

Task.Run method, 1128


canceling, 1077-1078

debugging, 1086

parallel computing, 1072-1080

return values, formatting, 1074-1075

running, 1073-1074

scheduling, customizing, 1070

Task Scheduler, 1070

TaskScheduler class, 1071

task-specific exceptions, 220

Task.Wait method, 1075

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 991

TDD (Test Driven Development), 1344-1349


accessing, 19-20

ASP.NET, 854-855

code editor extension, selecting, 1305

Console Application project, 22

Domain Service Class, 913

exporting, 1261-1265

items, exporting, 1263-1265

projects, 17-18, 993

searching, 20

Silverlight applications, 895

Visual Studio 2012 extensibility, 1289

WCF RIA Service, 912

Windows Phone, 957


controls, 775-778

projects, 698-697

XML to Schema item, 686

ternary If operators, 533-534

LINQ, 553

TestAccessFile method, 222

Test class, 227

Test Driven Development. See TDD, 1344-1349

Test Explorer window, 1342


applications (Windows Azure), 942-944

code, 1337

applying Code Contracts, 1350-1355

TDD, 1344-1349

custom extension libraries, 524

IntelliTrace, 1334

unit tests, 1337-1349

TestInstance method, 374

Test method, 181, 187

Test property, 340


aligning, 802

customizing, 898

Data Annotations (Code First approach), 663-665

messages, 972

modifying, 799-808

output, debugging, 198

reading, 464-465

RichTextBox control, 806-808

spell check, implementing, 808

writing, 464-465

TextBlock control, 749

TextBox control, 750, 812, 857-859

TextChanged event, 857

TextRange class, 807

TextWriterTraceListener, 196-197


CSS, 856

Visual Studio 2012, 13-14

ThenByDescending method, 519

ThenBy method, 519

third-party programming languages, 7


Async pattern/Await keyword, 1110

formatting, 1060-1061

IDs, 1074

localization, 842

pools, 1061-1063

switching, 1128-1129

synchronization, 1063-1066

thread-safe collections, 1087

Thread.Start method, 1061

Threads window, 191-192

throwing exceptions, 218-220

Throw keyword, 218-220


adding time to, 142-143

applying, 143-144

zones, 144-147

TimeZoneInfo type, 144-147

TimeZone type, 144-147

Title property, 717

ToArray method, 396, 519

ToBool method, 123

ToByte method, 123

ToChar method, 123

ToDateTime method, 123

ToDecimal method, 123

ToDictionary method, 519

ToDouble method, 123

ToFileTime method, 141

ToFileTimeUtc method, 141

ToInt16 method, 123

ToInt32 method, 123

ToInt64 method, 123

ToList method, 519

ToLocalTime method, 141

ToLongDateString method, 141

ToLongTimeString method, 141

ToLookup method, 519

ToOADate method, 141

ToolBar control, 750


configuring, 1271

customizing, 1268-1270

deleting, 1270

Toolbox, adding controls, 701

toolboxes, customizing, 1275

tools, 3

Add-in Manager, 1304

ASP.NET Administration, 879

Binary Rewriter, 1351

Call Hierarchy, 60

Class View window, 432-433

code contracts, 1351-1352

Code Snippet Manager, 1278

code snippets, generating, 1283

columns, adding, 710


EDMs, 640

XAML, 699

Document Outline, 704

Extension and Updates, 1302

Generate from Usage feature, 433-439

InstallShield. See InstallShield

LocBaml, 841-845

MSDeploy, 884-891

My Project, 33-39

.NET Framework, 7

NuGet, 1283-1286

Object Browser, applying, 394

Parallel Tasks window, 1086

Quick Launch, 59-60

searching, 1360

Server Explorer, 589

Silverlight applications (Visual Studio 2012), 894

Solution Explorer, 589

Static Checker, 1351

visual, 423

Visual Basic 2012, 1357

coding tools, 1358

data access, 1359

debugging, 180-192

developer tools, 1358

diagnostics/performance, 1359

JustDecompile, 1359

networks, 1359

Windows Azure Management Tool, 1360

Visual Basic Compiler (vbc.exe), 2

Visual Studio 2010

applying windows, 27-33

Code Metrics, 1309, 1315

Visual Studio 2012, 1309

Code Analysis, 1309, 1310-1315

Code Clone Detection, 1310, 1317-1319

generating Dependency Graphs, 1334-1335

IntelliTrace, 1310, 1328-1334

overview of, 1309-1310

Profiler, 1310, 1319-1328

Windows Azure, 931-932

Visual Studio Class Designer, 424-432

Visual Studio Historical Debuggers, 52


Error List, 30-31

Output, 31-33

Properties, 31

Solution Explorer, 28-30

Windows Phone, 957-958

WPF, 757

brushes, 757-771

styles, 770-775

Tools menu (Visual Studio 2012), customizing, 1267-1268

Tool window, implementing, 1296

TopMost property, 717

ToSByte method, 123

ToShortDateString method, 141

ToShortTimeString method, 141

ToSingle method, 123

ToString method, 121, 309

enumerations, 318-319

reflection, 1163

System.Object class, 328

ToUInt16 method, 123

ToUInt32 method, 123

ToUInt64 method, 123

ToUniversalTime method, 141

TPL (Task Parallel Library), 413, 1070. See also parallel computing

Trace class, 195

Trace.Listener.Clear method, 197

trace listeners, applying, 196-202

trace points, applying, 184-187

tracing, enabling, 1010

tracking (IntelliTrace), 1331-1333

training resources (Windows Phone), 958

transformations (WPF), 778-782

TranslateTransform, 781

Transmission Control Protocol. See TCP, 991

Transparency Level 2, 1150-1152

transparency models, 1148-1149

trees (WPF), 704-705

TreeView control, 751

triggers, styles, 773-775

TrimToSize method, 396


Code Analysis, 1315

DLLs, 1221-1222

exceptions, 207-208

return types, array literals, 515

System.Diagnostics namespace, 197

unit tests, 1342

Visual Basic 2012

compiler fixes, 169-170

tools, 1359

trust levels

ClickOnce, 1255

for roles, 935

TryCast, 123-125

Try..Catch..Finally blocks, 1127

exception handling, 209

iterators, 418-419

TryParse method, 100, 139

tunneling strategies, 708

TwoWay mode, 813

Type Metadata, 1158

TypeOf operator, 125, 164-165

polymorphism, 330

typeparam tag (XML comments), 1214


anonymous, 524-525

building with LINQ to DataSets, 623

LINQ, 552

LINQ to SQL, 603

applications (My Project), 34

arrays, applying, 148-155

assemblies, 1144

attribute parameters, 1185

in BCL, 6

CLS, 264

COM libraries, adding references, 85-86

Common Type System, 89-93

conditional code blocks, 172-175

constants, 175-176

constraints, 373

converting between reference types/value, 111-119


exposing, 232

selecting, 111

data, 89. See also data types

dates, applying, 137-143

default, selecting, 493

fundamental types, 125-155

generating, 437

generics, 8, 368. See also generics

GUIDs, applying, 147-148

IEnumerable interface, 358

implicit, 45

iterations, 166-170

literal type characters, 98


inference, 511-514

LINQ, 552

loops, 95-172

MIME, 80


managing, 283-295

overview of, 283-284

nested, 374

nullable, 101, 376-377. See also nullable types

LINQ, 553

OOP, comparing reference/value, 107-110

operators, 155-165

arithmetic, 155-157

assignment, 157-158

bitwise, 160-162

comparison, 163-165

concatenation, 163

logical, 158-159

shift, 162-163

short-circuiting, 159-160

parameters, 233, 375

reference types, 90-93

applying, 103-106

passing references, 238

primitive, 105-106

reflection, 1162-1169

ResurrectionDemo, 279

strongly typed data controls, 875-862

strongly typed objects, 104-105

System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs, 707

time, applying, 143-144

TimeZone, 144-147

TimeZoneInfo, 144-147

unmanaged code, converting, 1202-1203

values, enumerations. See enumerations

value types, 90-93

analyzing, 100

applying, 92-103

assigning, 98-99

conversion operators, 120-125

customizing, 103

differences between reference types/value types, 106-111

methods, 100-101

.NET Framework, 93-94

optimizing, 101

passing values, 238

visibility, 234-235

Visual Basic 2012 projects, 63-71

With..End With statements, 176-177


UAC (User Account Control), 36-39

UI (user interface), 11, 551. See also interfaces

data-binding, 812. See also data-binding

data validation and, 615


adding to Silverlight applications, 897

animating, 905-908

localization, 841-850

Logical Tree, 704

UICulture property, 479

UIntenger keyword, 95

ULong keyword, 95

UnauthorizedAccessException, 459

unboxing types, converting reference/value, 114-115

underscore (_) character, 70, 265, 355, 552

UnhandledException, 509

Unindent method, 194

uninstalling GAC assemblies, 1223-1224

Union method, 519

union operators, 579-582

unit tests, 1337-1344

creating, 1345-1349

IntelliTrace, 1334

unlocking resources, 211

unmanaged code

COM, 1199

types, converting, 1202-1203

writing, 4

unreserved keywords (Visual Basic 2012), 74

unused local variables, 45

update operations

databases, 542

DataSets, 546

Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 648

LINQ to SQL, 608-607

UpdateProduct method, 648


ClickOnce, 1252-1253

Extension and Updates tool, 1302

Solution Explorer, references, 85

Upgrade method, 495

Upgrade Wizard, 16


projects, 16

from Visual Basic 6, 94

URIs (uniform resource indicators), 993, 1014

server-driving paging (WCF), 1033-1034

User32 layers (WPF), 696

User Account Control. See UAC, 36-39

user interface. See UI


configuring, 881

My.User property, 500-502

settings, managing, 1271-1273

UShort keyword, 95

Using..End Using statement, 275


ValidateBook method, 998


clients, 1004

customizing, 614-616

Entity Framework (ADO.NET), 650-652


Boolean operators, 164

converting, 835-840

dates, adding to, 142

default for optional arguments, 241

enumerations as bit flags, 320

IValueConverter interfaces,

passing, 238

resources, 80

return, 45, 319-320

System.Windows.Media.MediaCommands enumeration, 902

value tags (XML comments), 1214

value types, 90-93

analyzing, 100

applying, 92-103

assigning, 98-99

conversion operators, 120-125

customizing, 103

enumerations. See enumerations

literal type characters, 98

memory requirements, 94

methods, 100-101

optimizing, 101

primitive, 93-94

reference types

converting between, 111-119

differences between, 106-111

values, passing, 238


assigning, 45

declaring, storing value types, 96

environments, retrieving, 481

exceptions, catching without, 223-224

instances, 45


avoiding ambiguities, 228-229

local type inference, 511-514

private, 265

structures, assigning, 308

unused local, 45

variances, generics, 535-537

VBFixedString attribute, 1205

.Vbproj file (project files), 16


assemblies, 1144

GAC, 1227

.NET Framework, selecting, 18

video, playing, 798. See also media

View All Files, enabling, 638

View control, 859

View Detail window, 54

ViewBox panel, 716


arrays, 152-155

BCL, 57

build process results, 31

code snippets, 1279

debugger visualizers, 193

default constructors, 253

EDMs, 820

Event viewer, 199

flow documents, 803

grid lines, 711

hierarchies, Logical Tree, 704

images, 793-795

MyClass keyword, 340

panorama controls (Windows Phone), 974-980

server-driving paging, Data Services (WCF), 1033-1034

settings, 82

strings, 131-133

System.Object class, 91

unit test results, 1344

XPS documents, 808-809

View property, 830-835


data-binding, 830-835

models, defining, 446

Silverlight applications, defining, 449

WPF, defining, 448

ViewState state, 864

View Windows Settings (My Project), 36-39

VirtualizingStackPanel control, 714

virtual machines. See VMs, 930, 936


members, 234-235, 308

types, 234-235

Visual Basic 6

migration, 209

upgrading from, 94

Visual Basic 2010, Array literals feature, 515

Visual Basic 2012, 6

animations, 789-790

applications, debugging, 50

Array literals feature, 515

ASP.NET applications, 864-862

bindings, creating, 814

compiler fixes, 169-170

conversion functions, 121

covariance, 535

debugging, 179

applying breakpoints/trace points, 184-187

Autos window, 192

Call Stack window, 188-189

in code, 193-206

Command window, 187-188

implementing tools, 180-192

inspecting objects, 192-193

Just My Code debugging, 182-184

Locals window, 187

Mixed Mode debugging, 182

preparing examples for, 179-180

Threads window, 191-192

Watch windows, 189-191

documentation, 55-59

extension methods, 517-524

iterations, 98-170

iterators, 414-422

keywords, value types, 94

modules, 301

comparing classes and, 303

overview of, 301-303

projects, 63

accessing members, 67-68

Application.myapp file, 75-76

application settings, 81-83

AssemblyInfo.vb file, 76-77

attributes, 69-70

classes, 64

code files, 72-83

creating, 16-18

implicit line continuation, 70-71

Imports directives, 68-69

inheritance, 65-66

methods, 64-65

modules, 65

namespaces, 66-67

navigating My Project, 72-75

properties, 64

references, 83-88

Region directives, 69

reserved keywords, 72

resources, 77-81

structures, 65

unreserved keywords, 74

resources, 1357-1358

scope levels, 234

Silverlight applications, creating with, 895-897

SyncLock..End SyncLock statement, 1064

tools, 1357

coding tools, 1358

data access, 1359

developer tools, 1358

diagnostics/performance, 1359

JustDecompile, 1359

networks, 1359

searching, 1360

Windows Azure Management Tool, 1360

WindowsFormsLocalization, 842

Windows Phone applications (apps), 959-985

Zip archives, 472-474

Visual Basic Compiler (vbc.exe), 2, 7

VisualBrush, 758, 767-768

Visual C# 5.0, 6

compiler (Csc.exe), 7

Visual C++ 2012, 6

Visual F# 2012, 6

visualizers, inspecting objects with debuggers, 192-193

Visual Studio 2010, 3

add-ins (Windows Phone), 957

Call Hierarchy, 60

code editor, applying, 24-27

debugging, 48-55

Error List windows, 30-31

exceptions, 208

Get Started tab, 14

GUIDs, creating, 148

Latest News tab, 14-15

members, generating based on interfaces, 350

My Project, 33-39

My.Settings property, 495

new features, 11-12

online code samples, searching, 21

Output window, 31-33

projects. See also projects

applying, 16-27

compiling, 39-48

Properties window, 31

Quick Launch tool, 59-60

Start Pages, 12-14

tools, applying windows, 27-33

Visual Studio 2012

analysis tools, 1309

Code Analysis, 1309-1315

Code Clone Detection, 1310, 1317-1319

Code Metrics, 1309, 1315

generating Dependency Graphs, 1334-1335

IntelliTrace, 1310, 1328-1334

overview of, 1309-1310

Profiler, 1310, 1319-1328


deploying, 883

WPF, 697-699

built-in image editors, 498

code snippets, reusing, 1275-1283

columns, formatting, 823

COM components, importing, 1192-1194

customizing, 1267-1270

Debug configuration, 40-43

Express for Web, 932

extensibility, 1287

building packages, 1289-1299

deploying, 1299-1302

extending code editors, 1304-1307

managing, 1302-1303

optimizing add-ins, 1304

overview, 1287-1289

Generate from Usage feature, 433-439

IDE, 11

InstallShield, 1229. See also InstallShield

interfaces, 439

NuGet, managing libraries, 1283-1286

parallel loops/tasks, debugging, 1086

privileges, 933

Release configuration, 40-43

SDKs, 1288-1289

Silverlight application tools, 894

templates, exporting, 1261-1265

unit tests, 1337-1344

Visual Studio Class Designer, 424-432

Windows Azure, downloading/installing tools, 931-932

Windows Installer, 1230

Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone, 957

Visual Studio Gallery

Extension Manager, 1307

extensions, publishing, 1302

Visual Studio Historical Debuggers, 52

Visual Studio Output Selector dialog box, 1236

visual tools, 423

Visual Tree (WPF), 704-705

VMs (virtual machines), 930

Windows Azure, 936

Vsi Builder 2012, 1358

VSIX packages, 1300


WaitForPendingFinalizers method, 279

waiting for tasks to complete, 1075


configurations, 44-46

messages, 30

Watch windows, 189-191

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), 6

binding, 1005

clients, configuring, 1004

contracts, 993, 997-1001

Data Services

applying query interceptors, 1030-1033

consuming, 1022-1027

implementing, 1013, 1016-1021

overview of, 1013-1015

querying data, 1026

server-driving paging, 1033-1034

exception handling, 1007-1008

Fiddler, 1359

generics, exposing in, 1001

IIS, hosting in, 1008-1009

overview of, 992

portable libraries, creating, 443

project templates, 993

SDKs, 7

serialization, 1050-1053

Service Configuration Editor, 1009-1010

service operations, implementing, 1027-1029

services, 991

consuming, 1001-1007

implementing, 993-1001

WCF RIA Services

controls, data-binding, 916-919

running, 920

Silverlight applications, 911-923

web applications, 8

ASP.NET, 851-855

data services, hosting, 1016

deploying, 887-888

publishing, 884-885

WebBrowser control, 735, 753

WebBrowserTask, 967-968

WebClient class, 1105

web.config files (WCF), 995

web forms

adding, 868-869

ASP.NET applications, 855-857

Web Forms Application template (ASP.NET), 855

Web Form template (ASP.NET), 855

WebGet attribute, 1028

WebHttpBinding, 1005

WebInvoke attribute, 1028

web pages

events, 856

lifetimes, 856

Publish.htm, 1249

requests, 852

web roles, 934-936

Web-service Definition Language. See WSDL, 999

web services, 502

websites, Windows Azure, 930

WhenAll method, 1129

WhenAny method, 1129-1131

When Hit command, 186

When keyword, 222-223

Where keyword, 553

Where method, 519

While..End While loops, 171-172

widening conversions, 120

Win32 API calls, references to, 1206

Window class, 928


Advanced Compiler Settings, 46-47

Assembly Information (My Project), 35-36

Autos, 192

Breakpoints, 184

Call Stack, 188-189

Class View, 432-433

Code Metrics Result tool, 1317

Command, 187-188

Data Source, 820

Document Outline, 704

Edit Breakpoints Labels, 184

Error Lists, 30-31

floating, creating projects, 24

Generate New Type, 438

Locals, 187

managing, 716-719

Mapping Details, 640

Model Browser, 640, 656

My Project, 33-39

New Project, 17-19

New Solution Configuration, 42

Object Browser, 56-59, 91

Output, 31-33, 194

Parallel Stacks, 1087

Parallel Tasks, 1086

Properties, 31, 642, 702

properties, 717

Quick Watch, 191

resizing, 711

restyling, 777

runtime, instantiating at, 718

Select Tool, 1291

Solution Explorer, navigating, 28-30

SQL Server Object Explorer, 59, 662

Test Explorer, 1342

Threads, 191-192

Tool, implementing, 1296


Call Hierarchy, 60

Visual Studio 2010, 27-33

View Detail, 54

Watch, 189-191

Windows 8, 956

.NET Framework, 8

Store apps, 1111

unit tests, 1338

WPF and, 695

Windows Azure

Activity log, 947

applications, 929

creating demo projects, 933-944

deploying, 944-952

testing, 942-944

Developer Portal, registering, 931

drives, 931

Management Portal, 949-952

overview of, 929-931

Silverlight applications, building projects, 936-942

Storage Explorer, 932

support, 928

Visual Studio 2012, downloading/installing tools, 931-932

Windows Azure Management Tool, 1360

Windows Communication Foundation. See WCF

Windows Event Log, 199

Windows Explorer (GAC), 1223

Windows Forms

adding, 1193


frameworks, 507

localizing, 842-843

compatibility, 75

WindowsFormsHost control, 753, 1196

Windows Installer, 1230. See also InstallShield

Windows Media Player, 86-87

Windows Performance Toolkit, 1359

Windows Phone

applications, 955

ApplicationBar class, 982

customizing, 985-987

debugging, 963-964

executing, 984-985

local data storage, 980-981

pages, 963-966

panorama controls, 974-980

Pictures Hub, 982-984

programming models, 958-959

starting, 963-964

submitting to Marketplace, 987-989

Visual Basic 2012, 959-985

Developer Center, accessing, 987

Emulator, 964

interfaces, 12

launchers, 967-720

LINQ to SQL, 618

Marketplace, registering, 956

overview of, 955-956

Registration tool, 957

thread pools, 1062

tools, 957-958

Windows Presentation Foundation. See WPF

Windows property, 720

Windows Runtime. See WinRT, 8, 1191

Windows SDK (Software Development Kit), 7

WindowStartupLocation property, 717

WindowState property, 717

WindowStyle property, 717

WinRT (Windows Runtime), 8, 1191

WithDegreeOfParallelism method, 1098

With..End With statement, 176-177

WithEvents keyword, 384-385

WithMergeOptions method, 1098

Wizard control, 859


Data Source Configuration Wizard, 544

Entity Data Model Wizard, 630

Export Settings Wizard, 1271-1273

Launch Performance Wizard, 1320

Publish Windows Azure Application Wizard, 944

Publish Wizard, 1247

Upgrade Wizard, 16

WMPLib.dll, 86

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 6

animations, 782-790


Application object, 719-721

arranging controls with panels, 709-716

Browser Applications, 721-724

contra variance, 536

creating, 693

frameworks, 508

handling events, 706-709

localizing, 844-850

Logical Tree/Visual Tree, 704-705

managing windows, 716-719

Visual Studio 2012, 697-699

XAML, 699-704

architecture, 696-697

brushes, 757-771

code editors, 1308

common dialogs, 754-755

COM objects, calling from, 1196

controls, 725

Border, 727

Button, 728

Calendar, 728-729

CheckBox, 729-730

ComboBox, 730-732

ContentControl, 726-727

DataGrid, 731

DatePicker, 733

DocumentViewer, 733

Expander, 734

features, 725-726

Frame, 734-735

GroupBox, 735

Image, 736

Label, 736

ListBox, 736

ListView, 738

MediaElement, 739

Menu, 740

PasswordBox, 741

ProgressBar, 743

RadioButton, 744

Rectangle, 745

ScrollViewer, 746

Separator, 746

StatusBar, 747

TabControl, 748

templates, 775-778

TextBlock, 749

TextBox, 750

ToolBar, 750

TreeView, 751

WebBrowser, 735, 753

WindowsFormsHost, 753

data-binding, 811

converting values, 835-840

drag’n’drop, 818-840

formatting strings, 835-840

overview of, 811-818

views, 830-835

documents, 793, 799-808

Error List windows, 31

events, routing, 707-708

images, viewing, 793-795

media, 793-798

My namespace, 478

new features, 695

ObservableCollection (Of T) collection, 407

overview of, 694-695


creating, 24

templates, 17

resources, 497-500

Silverlight applications, 897. See also Silverlight applications

styles, 770-775

tools, 757

transformations, 778-782

views, defining, 448

Visual Studio 2012

new features, 11

Start Pages, 14

Windows Forms, adding, 1193

XPS documents, viewing, 808-809

WrapPanel panel, 713-714

Write method, 194, 464

WriteAllBytes method, 460

WriteAsync method, 1138

WriteByte method, 464

WriteIf method, 194

WriteLineIf method, 194

WriteLine method, 26, 194

write-only properties, 231-232


binary files, 465

connection strings, 619

custom attributes, 1184

Data Annotations (Code First approach), 663-665

debug information to Output windows, 195

entries to application logs, 481-482

enumerations, 315

Fluent APIs, 665-668

managed code, 4

qualifiers, 434

read-and-write operations, 229

reserved keywords, 72

text, 464-465

unmanaged code, 4

XAML code, 703

XML markup, 677-685

WSDL (Web-service Definition Language), 999

WSDualHttpBinding, 1005

WSFederationHttpBinding, 1005

WSHttpBinding, 1005

WSHttpContextBinding, 1005


X.509 certificates, 926

XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language), 699

Binding markup extension, 812-813

Browser Applications (XBAP), 721-724

code editors, 536

controls, 725

media players, implementing, 900

MSBuild.exe, localization, 847

RichTextBox control, 806

serialization, 1048-1050

Silverlight applications, debugging, 926-927

WPF, 696, 699-704

XamlServices class, 1048

XAP files, 988

XAttribute object, 672

XBAP (XAML Browser Applications), 721-724

XCData object, 672

XComment object, 672

XContainer object, 672

XCopy deployment, 1144, 1222

XDeclaration object, 672

XDocument class

members, 674

objects, 672

XDocumentType object, 672

XElement object, 672

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), 855

event handling, 860

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 16

Application.myapp file, 75-76

comments, 1207

generating Help files, 1220

implementing, 1210-1219

overview of, 1208-1209

files, generating, 44

LINQ, literals, 553


modifying, 671

overview of, 672-677

querying, 676-677

markup, writing, 677-685

namespaces, importing, 293, 689


adding, 1112

interfaces, 685-690

serialization, 1043-1045

viewing, 82

Xml control, 859

XmlRoot attribute, 1045

XmlSerialization class, 1043

XmlSerializer class, 48

XmlWriterTraceListener class, 196-197

XNA framework (Windows Phone), 959

XNA Game Studio, 957

XName object, 672

XNamespace object, 672

XNode object, 672

Xor operator, 158-162, 313

XpsDocument class, 808

XPS documents, viewing, 808-809

XText object, 672


Yield statement, 419

zero-based arrays, 149

Zip archives

support, 8

Visual Basic 2012, 472-474

zones, time, 144-147

Zoom command, 424

zooming code, 25

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