Chapter 12. Data Reshaping

As noted in Chapter 11, manipulating the data takes a great deal of effort before serious analysis can begin. In this chapter we will consider when the data needs to be rearranged from column oriented to row oriented (or the opposite) and when the data are in multiple, separate sets and need to be combined into one.

There are base functions to accomplish these tasks but we will focus on those in plyr, reshape2 and data.table.

12.1. cbind and rbind

The simplest case is when we have two datasets with either identical columns (both the number of and names) or the same number of rows. In this case, either rbind or cbind work great.

As a first trivial example, we create two simple data.frames by combining a few vectors with cbind, and then stack them using rbind.

> # make two vectors and combine them as columns in a data.frame
> sport <- c("Hockey", "Baseball", "Football")
> league <- c("NHL", "MLB", "NFL")
> trophy <- c("Stanley Cup", "Commissioner's Trophy",
+             "Vince Lombardi Trophy")
> trophies1 <- cbind(sport, league, trophy)
> # make another data.frame using data.frame()
> trophies2 <- data.frame(sport=c("Basketball", "Golf"),
+                         league=c("NBA", "PGA"),
+                         trophy=c("Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy",
+                                  "Wanamaker Trophy"),
+                         stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> # combine them into one data.frame with rbind
> trophies <- rbind(trophies1, trophies2)

Both cbind and rbind can take multiple arguments to combine an arbitrary number of objects. Note that it is possible to assign new column names to vectors in cbind.

> cbind(Sport = sport, Association = league, Prize = trophy)

     Sport      Association Prize
[1,] "Hockey"   "NHL"       "Stanley Cup"
[2,] "Baseball" "MLB"       "Commissioner's Trophy"
[3,] "Football" "NFL"       "Vince Lombardi Trophy"

12.2. Joins

Data do not always come so nicely aligned for combining using cbind, so they need to be joined together using a common key. This concept should be familiar to SQL users. Joins in R are not as flexible as SQL joins, but are still an essential operation in the data analysis process.

The three most commonly used functions for joins are merge in base R, join in plyr and the merging functionality in data.table. Each has pros and cons with some pros outweighing their respective cons.

To illustrate these functions I have prepared data originally made available as part of the USAID Open Government initiative.1 The data have been chopped into eight separate files so that they can be joined together. They are all available in a zip file at These should be downloaded and unzipped to a folder on our computer. This can be done a number of ways (including using a mouse!) but we show how to download and unzip using R.

1. More information about the data is available at

> download.file(url="",
+               destfile="data/")
> unzip("data/", exdir="data")

To load all of these files programmatically, we use a for loop as seen in Section 10.1. We get a list of the files using dir, and then loop through that list assigning each dataset to a name specified using assign.

> require(stringr)
> # first get a list of the files
> theFiles <- dir("data/", pattern="\.csv")
> ## loop through those files
> for(a in theFiles)
+ {
+     # build a good name to assign to the data
+     nameToUse <- str_sub(string=a, start=12, end=18)
+     # read in the csv using read.table
+     # file.path is a convenient way to specify a folder and file name
+     temp <- read.table(file=file.path("data", a),
+                        header=TRUE, sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+     # assign them into the workspace
+     assign(x=nameToUse, value=temp)
+ }

12.2.1. merge

R comes with a built-in function, called merge, to merge two data.frames.

> Aid90s00s <- merge(x=Aid_90s, y=Aid_00s,
+                    by.x=c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"),
+                    by.y=c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))
> head(Aid90s00s)

  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                    Global Health and Child Survival
  FY1990 FY1991 FY1992   FY1993    FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998
1     NA     NA     NA       NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
2     NA     NA     NA       NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
3     NA     NA     NA       NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
4     NA     NA     NA 14178135   2769948     NA     NA     NA     NA
5     NA     NA     NA       NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
6     NA     NA     NA       NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
  FY1999 FY2000  FY2001   FY2002      FY2003            FY2004     FY2005
1     NA     NA      NA  2586555    56501189          40215304   39817970
2     NA     NA      NA  2964313          NA          45635526  151334908
3     NA     NA 4110478  8762080    54538965         180539337  193598227
4     NA     NA   61144 31827014   341306822        1025522037 1157530168
5     NA     NA      NA       NA     3957312           2610006    3254408
6     NA     NA      NA       NA          NA                NA         NA
      FY2006     FY2007     FY2008      FY2009
1   40856382   72527069   28397435          NA
2  230501318  214505892  495539084   552524990
3  212648440  173134034  150529862     3675202
4 1357750249 1266653993 1400237791  1418688520
5     386891         NA         NA          NA
6         NA         NA   63064912     1764252

The by.x specifies the key column(s) in the left data.frame and by.y does the same for the right data.frame. The ability to specify different column names for each data.frame is the most useful feature of merge. The biggest drawback, however, is that merge can be much slower than the alternatives.

12.2.2. plyr join

Returning to Hadley Wickham’s plyr package, we see it includes a join function, which works similarly to merge but is much faster. The biggest drawback, though, is that the key column(s) in each table must have the same name. We use the same data used previously to illustrate.

> require(plyr)
> Aid90s00sJoin <- join(x = Aid_90s, y = Aid_00s, by = c("Country.Name",
+     "Program.Name"))
> head(Aid90s00sJoin)

  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival
  FY1990 FY1991 FY1992   FY1993  FY1994 FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998
1     NA     NA     NA       NA      NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
2     NA     NA     NA       NA      NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
3     NA     NA     NA       NA      NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
4     NA     NA     NA 14178135 2769948     NA     NA     NA     NA
5     NA     NA     NA       NA      NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
6     NA     NA     NA       NA      NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
  FY1999 FY2000  FY2001   FY2002    FY2003     FY2004     FY2005
1     NA     NA      NA  2586555  56501189   40215304   39817970
2     NA     NA      NA  2964313        NA   45635526  151334908
3     NA     NA 4110478  8762080  54538965  180539337  193598227
4     NA     NA   61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168
5     NA     NA      NA       NA   3957312    2610006    3254408
6     NA     NA      NA       NA        NA         NA         NA
      FY2006     FY2007     FY2008     FY2009
1   40856382   72527069   28397435         NA
2  230501318  214505892  495539084  552524990
3  212648440  173134034  150529862    3675202
4 1357750249 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5     386891         NA         NA         NA
6         NA         NA   63064912    1764252

join has an argument for specifying a left, right, inner or full (outer) join.

We have eight data.frames containing foreign assistance data that we would like to combine into one data.frame without hand coding each join. The best way to do this is to put all the data.frames into a list, and then successively join them together using Reduce.

> # first figure out the names of the data.frames
> frameNames <- str_sub(string = theFiles, start = 12, end = 18)
> # build an empty list
> frameList <- vector("list", length(frameNames))
> names(frameList) <- frameNames
> # add each data.frame into the list
> for (a in frameNames)
+ {
+     frameList[[a]] <- eval(parse(text = a))
+ }

A lot happened in that section of code, so let’s go over it carefully. First we reconstructed the names of the data.frames using str sub from Hadley Wickham’s stringr package, which is shown in more detail in Chapter 13. Then we built an empty list with as many elements as there are data.frames, in this case eight, using vector and assigning its mode to “list.” We then set appropriate names to the list.

Now that the list is built and named, we loop through it, assigning to each element the appropriate data.frame. The problem is that we have the names of the data.frames as characters but the <- operator requires a variable, not a character. So we parse and evaluate the character, which realizes the actual variable. Inspecting, we see that the list does indeed contain the appropriate data.frames.

> head(frameList[[1]])

  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival
  FY2000  FY2001   FY2002    FY2003     FY2004     FY2005     FY2006
1     NA      NA  2586555  56501189   40215304   39817970    40856382
2     NA      NA  2964313        NA   45635526   45635526   230501318
3     NA 4110478  8762080  54538965  180539337  193598227   212648440
4     NA   61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168  1357750249
5     NA      NA       NA   3957312    2610006    3254408      386891
6     NA      NA       NA        NA         NA         NA          NA
      FY2007     FY2008     FY2009
1   72527069   28397435         NA
2  214505892  495539084  552524990
3  173134034  150529862    3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5         NA         NA         NA
6         NA   63064912    1764252


  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival
  FY2000  FY2001   FY2002    FY2003     FY2004     FY2005     FY2006
1     NA      NA  2586555  56501189   40215304   39817970   40856382
2     NA      NA  2964313        NA   45635526  151334908  230501318
3     NA 4110478  8762080  54538965  180539337  193598227  212648440
4     NA   61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5     NA      NA       NA   3957312    2610006    3254408     386891
6     NA      NA       NA        NA         NA         NA         NA
      FY2007     FY2008     FY2009
1   72527069   28397435         NA
2  214505892  495539084  552524990
3  173134034  150529862    3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5         NA         NA         NA
6         NA   63064912    1764252


  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival
  FY1960 FY1961    FY1962 FY1963 FY1964 FY1965 FY1966 FY1967 FY1968
1     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
2     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
3     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
4     NA     NA 181177853     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
5     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
6     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
1     NA
2     NA
3     NA
4     NA
5     NA
6     NA


  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival
  FY1960 FY1961    FY1962 FY1963 FY1964 FY1965 FY1966 FY1967 FY1968
1     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
2     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
3     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
4     NA     NA 181177853     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
5     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
6     NA     NA        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA
1     NA
2     NA
3     NA
4     NA
5     NA
6     NA

Having all the data.frames in a list allows us to iterate through the list, joining all the elements together (or applying any function to the elements iteratively). Rather than using a loop, we use the Reduce function to speed up the operation.

> allAid <- Reduce(function(...)
+ {
+ join(..., by = c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))
+ }, frameList)
> dim(allAid)

[1] 2453  67

> require(useful)
> corner(allAid, c = 15)

  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
  FY2000  FY2001   FY2002    FY2003     FY2004     FY2005     FY2006
1     NA      NA  2586555  56501189   40215304   39817970   40856382
2     NA      NA  2964313        NA   45635526  151334908  230501318
3     NA 4110478  8762080  54538965  180539337  193598227  212648440
4     NA   61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5     NA      NA       NA   3957312    2610006    3254408     386891
      FY2007     FY2008     FY2009     FY2010  FY1946 FY1947
1   72527069   28397435         NA         NA      NA     NA
2  214505892  495539084  552524990  316514796      NA     NA
3  173134034  150529862    3675202         NA      NA     NA
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520 2797488331      NA     NA
5         NA         NA         NA         NA      NA     NA

> bottomleft(allAid, c = 15)

     Country.Name           Program.Name   FY2000  FY2001   FY2002
2449     Zimbabwe Other State Assistance  1341952  322842       NA
2450     Zimbabwe Other USAID Assistance  3033599 8464897  6624408
2451     Zimbabwe            Peace  Corps 2140530 1150732   407834
2452     Zimbabwe                Title I       NA      NA       NA
2453     Zimbabwe               Title II       NA      NA 31019776
       FY2003   FY2004   FY2005  FY2006     FY2007    FY2008    FY2009
2449       NA   318655    44553  883546    1164632   2455592   2193057
2450 11580999 12805688 10091759 4567577   10627613  11466426  41940500
2451       NA       NA       NA      NA         NA        NA        NA
2452       NA       NA       NA      NA         NA        NA        NA
2453       NA       NA       NA  277468  100053600 180000717 174572685
       FY2010 FY1946 FY1947
2449  1605765     NA     NA
2450 30011970     NA     NA
2451       NA     NA     NA
2452       NA     NA     NA
2453 79545100     NA     NA

Reduce can be a difficult function to grasp, so we illustrate it with a simple example. Let’s say we have a vector of the first ten integers, 1:10, and want to sum them (forget for a moment that sum(1:10) will work perfectly). We can call Reduce(sum, 1:10), which will first add 1 and 2. It will then add 3 to that result, then 4 to that result, and so on, resulting in 55.

Likewise, we passed a list to a function that joins its inputs, which in this case was simply . . . , meaning that anything could be passed. Using . . . is an advanced trick of R programming that can be difficult to get right. Reduce passed the first two data.frames in the list, which were then joined. That result was then joined to the next data.frame and so on until they were all joined together.

12.2.3. data.table merge

Like many other operations in data.table, joining data requires a different syntax, and possibly a different way of thinking. To start, we convert two of our foreign aid datasets’ data.frames into data.tables.

> require(data.table)
> dt90 <- data.table(Aid_90s, key = c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))
> dt00 <- data.table(Aid_00s, key = c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"))

Then, doing the join is a simple operation. Note that the join requires specifying the keys for the data.tables, which we did during their creation.

> dt0090 <- dt90[dt00]

In this case dt90 is the left side, dt00 is the right side and a left join was performed.

12.3. reshape2

The next most common munging need is either melting data (going from column orientation to row orientation) or casting data (going from row orientation to column orientation). As with most other procedures in R, there are multiple functions available to accomplish these tasks but we will focus on Hadley Wickham’s reshape2 package. (We talk about Wickham a lot because his products have become so fundamental to the R developer’s toolbox.)

12.3.1. melt

Looking at the Aid 00s data.frame, we see that each year is stored in its own column. That is, the dollar amount for a given country and program is found in a different column for each year. This is called a cross table, which, while nice for human consumption, is not ideal for graphing with ggplot2 or for some analysis algorithms.

> head(Aid_00s)

  Country.Name                                      Program.Name
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival
  FY2000  FY2001   FY2002    FY2003     FY2004     FY2005     FY2006
1     NA      NA  2586555  56501189   40215304   39817970   40856382
2     NA      NA  2964313        NA   45635526  151334908  230501318
3     NA 4110478  8762080  54538965  180539337  193598227  212648440
4     NA   61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5     NA      NA       NA   3957312    2610006    3254408     386891
6     NA      NA       NA        NA         NA         NA         NA
      FY2007     FY2008     FY2009
1   72527069   28397435         NA
2  214505892  495539084  552524990
3  173134034  150529862    3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5         NA         NA         NA
6         NA   63064912    1764252

We want it set up so that each row represents a single country-program-year entry with the dollar amount stored in one column. To achieve this we melt the data using melt from reshape2.

> require(reshape2)
> melt00 <- melt(Aid_00s, id.vars=c("Country.Name", "Program.Name"),
+      "Year","Dollars")
> tail(melt00, 10)

24521     Zimbabwe
24522     Zimbabwe
24523     Zimbabwe
24524     Zimbabwe
24525     Zimbabwe
24526     Zimbabwe
24527     Zimbabwe
24528     Zimbabwe
24529     Zimbabwe
24530     Zimbabwe
                                                  Program.Name Year
24521                       Migration and Refugee Assistance FY2009
24522                                      Narcotics Control FY2009
24523 Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related FY2009
24524                            Other Active Grant Programs FY2009
24525                                Other Food Aid Programs FY2009
24526                                 Other State Assistance FY2009
24527                                 Other USAID Assistance FY2009
24528                                            Peace Corps FY2009
24529                                                Title I FY2009
24530                                               Title II FY2009
24521   3627384
24522        NA
24523        NA
24524   7951032
24525        NA
24526   2193057
24527  41940500
24528        NA
24529        NA
24530 174572685

The id.vars argument specifies which columns uniquely identify a row. After some manipulation of the Year column and aggregating, this is now prime for plotting, as shown in Figure 12.1. The plot uses faceting allowing us to quickly see and understand the funding for each program over time.

> require(scales)
> # strip the "FY" out of the year column and convert it to numeric
> melt00$Year <- as.numeric(str_sub(melt00$Year, start=3, 6))
> # aggregate the data so we have yearly numbers by program
> meltAgg <- aggregate(Dollars ~ Program.Name + Year, data=melt00,
+                      sum, na.rm=TRUE)
> # just keep the first 10 characters of program name
> # then it will fit in the plot
> meltAgg$Program.Name <- str_sub(meltAgg$Program.Name, start=1,
+                                 end=10)
> ggplot(meltAgg, aes(x=Year, y=Dollars)) +
+     geom_line(aes(group=Program.Name)) +
+     facet_wrap(~ Program.Name) +
+     scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(from=2000, to=2009, by=2)) +
+     theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, vjust=1, hjust=0)) +
+     scale_y_continuous(labels=multiple_format(extra=dollar,
+                                               multiple="B"))


Figure 12.1 Plot of foreign assistance by year for each of the programs.

12.3.2. dcast

Now that we have the foreign aid data melted, we cast it back into the wide format for illustration purposes. The function for this is dcast, and it has trickier arguments than melt. The first is the data to be used, in our case melt00. The second argument is a formula where the left side specifies the columns that should remain columns and the right side specifies the columns that should become row names. The third argument is the column (as a character) that holds the values to be populated into the new columns representing the unique values of the right side of the formula argument.

> cast00 <- dcast(melt00, Country.Name + Program.Name ~ Year,
+     value.var = "Dollars")
> head(cast00)

  Country.Name                                      Program.Name 2000
1  Afghanistan                         Child Survival and Health   NA
2  Afghanistan         Department of Defense Security Assistance   NA
3  Afghanistan                            Development Assistance   NA
4  Afghanistan Economic Support Fund/Security Support Assistance   NA
5  Afghanistan                                Food For Education   NA
6  Afghanistan                  Global Health and Child Survival   NA
     2001     2002      2003       2004       2005       2006
1      NA  2586555  56501189   40215304   39817970   40856382
2      NA  2964313        NA   45635526  151334908  230501318
3 4110478  8762080  54538965  180539337  193598227  212648440
4   61144 31827014 341306822 1025522037 1157530168 1357750249
5      NA       NA   3957312    2610006    3254408     386891
6      NA       NA        NA         NA         NA         NA
        2007       2008       2009
1   72527069   28397435         NA
2  214505892  495539084  552524990
3  173134034  150529862    3675202
4 1266653993 1400237791 1418688520
5         NA         NA         NA
6         NA   63064912    1764252

12.4. Conclusion

Getting the data just right to analyze can be a time-consuming part of our work flow, although it is often inescapable. In this chapter we examined combining multiple datasets into one and changing the orientation from column based (wide) to row based (long). We used plyr, reshape2 and data.table along with base functions to accomplish this. This chapter combined with Chapter 11 covers most of the basics of data munging with an eye to both convenience and speed.

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