
With the increasing prevalence of data in our daily lives, new and better tools are needed to analyze the deluge. Traditionally there have been two ends of the spectrum: lightweight, individual analysis using tools like Excel or SPSS and heavy duty, high-performance analysis built with C++ and the like. With the increasing strength of personal computers grew a middle ground that was both interactive and robust. Analysis done by an individual on his or her own computer in an exploratory fashion could quickly be transformed into something destined for a server, underpinning advanced business processes. This area is the domain of R, Python, and other scripted languages.

R, invented by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka of the University of Auckland in 1993, grew out of S, which was invented by John Chambers at Bell Labs. It is a high-level language that was originally intended to be run interactively where the user runs a command, gets a result, and then runs another command. It has since evolved into a language that can also be embedded in systems and tackle complex problems.

In addition to transforming and analyzing data, R can produce amazing graphics and reports with ease. It is now being used as a full stack for data analysis, extracting and transforming data, fitting models, drawing inferences and making predictions, plotting and reporting results.

R’s popularity has skyrocketed since the late 2000s, as it has stepped out of academia and into banking, marketing, pharmaceuticals, politics, genomics and many other fields. Its new users are often shifting from low-level, compiled languages like C++, other statistical packages such as SAS or SPSS, and from the 800-pound gorilla, Excel. This time period also saw a rapid surge in the number of add-on packages—libraries of prewritten code that extend R’s functionality.

While R can sometimes be intimidating to beginners, especially for those without programming experience, I find that programming analysis, instead of pointing and clicking, soon becomes much easier, more convenient and more reliable. It is my goal to make that learning process easier and quicker.

This book lays out information in a way I wish I were taught when learning R in graduate school. Coming full circle, the content of this book was developed in conjuction with the data science course I teach at Columbia University. It is not meant to cover every minute detail of R, but rather the 20% of functionality needed to accomplish 80% of the work. The content is organized into self-contained chapters as follows.

Chapter 1, Getting R: Where to download R and how to install it. This deals with the varying operating systems and 32-bit versus 64-bit versions. It also gives advice on where to install R.

Chapter 2, The R Environment: An overview of using R, particularly from within RStudio. RStudio projects and Git integration are covered as is customizing and navigating RStudio.

Chapter 3, Packages: How to locate, install and load R packages.

Chapter 4, Basics of R: Using R for math. Variable types such as numeric, character and Date are detailed as are vectors. There is a brief introduction to calling functions and finding documentation on functions.

Chapter 5, Advanced Data Structures: The most powerful and commonly used data structure, data.frames, along with matrices and lists, are introduced.

Chapter 6, Reading Data into R: Before data can be analyzed it must be read into R. There are numerous ways to ingest data, including reading from CSVs and databases.

Chapter 7, Statistical Graphics: Graphics are a crucial part of preliminary data analysis and communicating results. R can make beautiful plots using its powerful plotting utilities. Base graphics and ggplot2 are introduced and detailed here.

Chapter 8, Writing R Functions: Repeatable analysis is often made easier with user-defined functions. The structure, arguments and return rules are discussed.

Chapter 9, Control Statements: Controlling the flow of programs using if, ifelse and complex checks.

Chapter 10, Loops, the Un-R Way to Iterate: Iterating using for and while loops. While these are generally discouraged they are important to know.

Chapter 11, Group Manipulation: A better alternative to loops, vectorization does not quite iterate through data so much as operate on all elements at once. This is more efficient and is primarily performed with the apply functions and plyr package.

Chapter 12, Data Reshaping: Combining multiple datasets, whether by stacking or joining, is commonly necessary as is changing the shape of data. The plyr and reshape2 packages offer good functions for accomplishing this in addition to base tools such as rbind, cbind and merge.

Chapter 13, Manipulating Strings: Most people do not associate character data with statistics but it is an important form of data. R provides numerous facilities for working with strings, including combining them and extracting information from within. Regular expressions are also detailed.

Chapter 14, Probability Distributions: A thorough look at the normal, binomial and Poisson distributions. The formulas and functions for many distributions are noted.

Chapter 15, Basic Statistics: These are the first statistics most people are taught, such as mean, standard deviation and t-tests.

Chapter 16, Linear Models: The most powerful and common tool in statistics, linear models are extensively detailed.

Chapter 17, Generalized Linear Models: Linear models are extended to include logistic and Poisson regression. Survival analysis is also covered.

Chapter 18, Model Diagnostics: Determining the quality of models and variable selection using residuals, AIC, cross-validation, the bootstrap and stepwise variable selection.

Chapter 19, Regularization and Shrinkage: Preventing overfitting using the Elastic Net and Bayesian methods.

Chapter 20, Nonlinear Models: When linear models are inappropriate, nonlinear models are a good solution. Nonlinear least squares, splines, generalized additive models, decision trees and random forests are discussed.

Chapter 21, Time Series and Autocorrelation: Methods for the analysis of univariate and multivariate time series data.

Chapter 22, Clustering: Clustering, the grouping of data, is accomplished by various methods such as K-means and hierarchical clustering.

Chapter 23, Reproducibility, Reports and Slide Shows with knitr: Generating reports, slide shows and Web pages from within R is made easy with knitr, LATEX and Markdown.

Chapter 24, Building R Packages: R packages are great for portable, reusable code. Building these packages has been made incredibly easy with the advent of devtools and Rcpp.

Appendix A, Real-Life Resources: A listing of our favorite resources for learning more about R and interacting with the community.

Appendix B, Glossary: A glossary of terms used throughout this book. A good deal of the text in this book is either R code or the results of running code. Code and results are most often in a separate block of text and set in a distinctive font, as shown in the following example. The different parts of code also have different colors. Lines of code start with >, and if code is continued from one line to another the continued line begins with +.

> # this is a comment
> # now basic math
> 10 * 10

[1] 100

> # calling a function
> sqrt(4)

[1] 2

Certain Kindle devices do not display color so the digital edition of this book will be viewed in greyscale on those devices.

There are occasions where code is shown inline and looks like sqrt(4).

In the few places where math is necessary, the equations are indented from the margin and are numbered.


Within equations, normal variables appear as italic text (x), vectors are bold lowercase letters (x) and matrices are bold uppercase letters (X). Greek letters, such as α and β, follow the same convention.

Function names will be written as join and package names as plyr. Objects generated in code that are referenced in text are written as object1.

Learning R is a gratifying experience that makes life so much easier for so many tasks. I hope you enjoy learning with me.

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