

AbstractAction 426

AbstractLookup 226

AbstractNode 298

DataNode 676

AbstractSavable 475, 492

confirmation dialog 498

findDisplayName() method 496

handleSave() method 496

AbstractTableModel Swing component 746, 748752

Action framework 8

ActionFactory for widgets, Visual Library 699

@ActionID annotation 358, 418

ActionListener interface 417

ActionListener, Listing 61

ActionMap for TopComponents 426

@ActionReference annotation 358

@ActionReferences annotation 418

@ActionRegistration annotation 418


AbstractAction 426

action performer 426

ActionListener interface 417

ActionMap 426

actionPerformed() method 421

actionsForPath() method 436

add Visual Library widget 705708

always enabled 414421

callback 422428

Capability pattern 428

Category names 433

Change Order node 445

ChartSaveAction 791

conditionally enabled 432

context aware 428444

capabilities 432

context-sensitive File Type 690694, 732734

Cookie Class (context) 432

cut, copy, paste, drag and drop 445457

CutAction, CopyAction, DeleteAction 457

DataFlavor class 453

DeleteAction 480482

drag and drop 453

dynamically enable and disable 463

edit node hierarchy 444457

fallback implementation 422428

icon naming conventions, Table 417

inter-window drag and drop 458467

key 424

Layer file registration 439

Move Up, Move Down nodes 445

MoveDownAction 452

MoveUpAction 452

multi-selection context aware 441444

New Action wizard 415

NewAction for nodes 483488

NewType context 482

node preferred action 438

Openable context 488501

register 416

remove fallback implementation 427

ReorderAction 451

Save, Save All 488501

activate window 350

AnchorPane JavaFX layout control 158

animation 100103

INDEFINITE cycle count 124

JavaFX transitions 101

pause() method 102

play() method 102

playFromStart() method 102

SequentialTransition 718

stop() method 102

Animation.Status 102


@ActionID 358, 418

@ActionReference 358

@ActionReferences 418

@ActionRegistration 418

@ConvertAsProperties 357

@DataObject.Registration 683

@FXML 97

@Messages 359

@MIMEResolver.ExtensionRegistration 683

@OnShowing 374376

@OnStart 242

@OnStop 243

@ServiceProvider 214, 217

@TopComponent.Description 357

@TopComponent.OpenActionRegistration 359

@TopComponent.Registration 358

module life cycle 242244

TopComponent 356

anonymous inner class 38

API Versioning, module public package 213

application title, change 848

arcHeight property, Rectangle 89

arcWidth property, Rectangle 89

Area Chart 770

attributes.xml file 625

autoReverse animation property 102

AutoUpdate Services module 857

AutoUpdate UI module 857


background tasks

asynchronous flag for nodes 303

CRUD 517523

JavaFX 176194

JavaFX Service class 822826

monitoring JavaFX 182194

Progress Indicator 518, 522

publishing partial results, JavaFX 188

safely updating JavaFX UI 184, 191

Swing GUI 7379

SwingWorker 7379

Worker interface, JavaFX 176

Bar Chart 768

BeanNode 310313

IntrospectionException 312

overhead 313

Properties window 310

BeanTreeView Explorer View 323, 324

bidirectional binding 111, 172

bind() method 110

bindBidirectional() method 112

binding 109119

advantages 127

between JavaFX controls 718

bidirectional 111

bind() method 110

bindBidirectional() method 112

Bindings API 114

Bindings concat() method 779

Bindings stringValueAt() method 779

computeValue() method 117

custom 116119

Fluent API 113115

implicit assignment 111, 779

isBound() method 111

JavaFX controls 139

ObjectBinding 119

unidirectional 110

When ternary binding expression 126

Bindings API, JavaFX 114

concat() method 779

stringValueAt() method 779

book examples, download bundle 18

Bootstrap module 201

BorderLayout Swing component

with JavaFX content 258

bound properties 2933


application name 851

application title 848, 851

customize branding token 850

customize build number in application title 852

customize ResourceBundles 881

customize splash screen 855

hide main window while switching roles 410

limit the Window system’s behavior 349

remove application title build information 854

remove splash screen 856

Branding dialog 854

Bubble Chart 773

custom formatter 776

extra value 773

StringConverter 776


from JavaFX image 757

to PNG format file 793

BufferedReader 633

Build Script 204, 205

build.xml file 204, 205 file 870

Button JavaFX control 164

ButtonGroup Swing component 56


callback actions 422428

key 424

remove fallback implementation 427

callback methods, JavaFX Worker 181



AbstractSavable 475

adding to NetBeans Platform application 474

ChartSaveCapability 794

Openable 474

using Lookup 476

Capability pattern 428

DataObject 672

node selection 429

CategoryAxis, JavaFX Chart 768

changed() method, JavaFX ChangeListener 108

ChangeListener 108

charts See JavaFX Charts

ChartSaveAction context-aware action 791


add to TopComponent’s Lookup 794

interface 790

ChildFactory 300, 727

asynchronous flag 518

createKeys() method 301

createNodeForKey() method 301

refresh() method 302

ChildFactory.Detachable class 449

Children nodes 304

Children.LEAF node container 292

ChoiceView Explorer View 323, 330

client properties, TopComponents 363364

clone window operation 349

close window operation 349


clusters, NetBeans Platform 206

coarse-grained notification 34

collapse document tab group 349

ComboBox JavaFX control 778

component palette, Swing 46

add component JAR file to 579

computeValue() method, custom binding 117


nodes 518

thread safety 6873, 172176

with CRUD 517523

concurrency package, JavaFX 176

ConcurrentHashMap 69, 174

conditionally-enabled actions 432

CONFIG logging level 51

configuration, System FileSystem 655

context sensitivity 5

context-aware actions 428444

multi-select 441444

ContextTreeView Explorer View 323, 327

@ConvertAsProperties annotation 357

Cookie Class 432

CountDownLatch 281, 713, 795


acronym 472

concurrency 517523

implement Create 483488

implement Delete 480482

implement Read 475480

implement Update 488501

with database 501516

CSS 91

-fx-fill 92

FXML stylesheets tag 99

linear gradient 92

Modena style 93

scene.getStylesheets()method 98

specifying CSS files 98

currentTime animation property 102

custom binding 116119

cycleCount animation property 102


3D, JavaFX 15

Box primitive 15

Data System API 9

overview 672677

relationship with File, FileObject, DataObject, DataNode, Figure 673


create 505, 802

create RESTful web services 804

CRUD operations 501516

Derby Client module 503

JavaDB 505

view data 516

DataFlavor class 453

DataLoaders 672, 673, 675

MIME types 672

DataNode 672, 676, 695

Lookup 677

DataObject 672, 682

access FileObject 676

Capability pattern 672

ChildFactory 695

create child nodes 694696, 727730

create DataNode 695

createNodeDelegate() method 695, 727

DataLoaders 675

EditorCookie 684, 700

getNodeDelegate() method 677

Lookup 672, 675

node 676

@DataObject.Registration annotation 683


DefaultTableCellRenderer, JTable Swing component 754

DefaultTreeModel, JTree Swing component 227

dependencies, module 200

Derby Client module 503


custom dialog 533

setClosingOptions() method 548

DialogDisplayer 526

display and block 530

notify() method 530

notifyLater() method 539

wizards 560

Dialogs 526548

Confirmation 529

custom Login 539542

customize 533

error handling 535539

Error message 528

Information message 527

input line 531

JPanel Swing component 533

message types, Table 529

NotifyDescriptor class 526

NotifyDescriptor return values, Table 530

NotifyDescriptor.Message 527

option buttons, Table 531

prohibit close 548

Warning message 527

Dialogs API 526

distribution, NetBeans Platform application 864868

dock window operation 347

documentation for NetBeans Platform 17

DocumentListener, Listing 67

DOM document 727

DropShadow effect, JavaFX 89

duration animation property 102


EclipseLink Library 504


create non-singleton TopComponent 491

plain text editor 674

editor mode, TopComponent 345

EditorCookie 684

from DataObject 700

getDocument() method 701

EDT 49

DialogDisplayer notifyLater() method 542

@OnShowing annotation 375

single thread with JavaFX Application Thread 86, 259

SwingPropertyChangeSupport 69, 716

entity class 506

add JavaFX properties to 807

equals() method 23

error handling, dialogs 535539

ERROR_MESSAGE message type 528, 529

Event Dispatch Thread See EDT

event handlers and loose coupling 63

EventListenerList 568

example software, download bundle 18

Explorer and Property Sheet API 7

Explorer Manager 7, 292, 293

Root Context 292

root node 302

Explorer View 7, 292

advantages 293

BeanTreeView 324

ChoiceView 330

ContextTreeView 327

expand nodes programmatically 309

IconView 328

ListView 327

Master-Detail View 327, 328

MenuView 329

OutlineView 324

PropertySheetView 331

Quick Search 323

Table 323

ExplorerManger.Provider 293

ExTransferable object 454, 457


FadeTransition 101, 713

FamilyTreeApp reference application 10

JavaFX integration 12

Favorites window 637, 676, 679, 695

steps to include 638, 680

File System API 7, 201, 624

create a folder 630

FileChangeListener 625

FileChooserBuilder 793

install file with application 649654

InstalledFileLocator service 653

inter-module communication 665667

Layer file 654667

overview 624636

System FileSystem 655

useful methods with FileObject, Table 635

useful methods with FileUtil, Table 636

File Type

add context-sensitive action 690694, 732734

add new 681

context menu item 691

create child nodes 694696, 727730

create new XML 725

XML type 721740

file, install in module 650

FileChangeAdapter 646, 696

FileChangeListener 625, 636648, 727

FileChangeAdapter class 646

methods, Table 646

recursive listener 643

FileChooserBuilder FileSystem utility class 793

FileObject 624

attributes 625, 637

BufferedReader 633

create a file 631

DataObject 672

FileChangeAdapter 696

getFileObject() method 674

Lookup 674

MIME type 624

monitoring changes 636648

Openable capability 674

read and write files 632

rename and delete files 634

Templates module 680

useful methods, Table 635

FileUtil 625

getConfigRoot() method 664

useful methods, Table 636

FillTransition 101

filter() method, streams 40

FilteredList, JavaFX 838

FilterNode 317322

findFirst() method, streams 40

FINE logging level 51

FINER logging level 51

FINEST logging level 51

float window operation 347

FlowPane layout control 715

Fluent API, JavaFX 113115

focus window 350

forEach() method, streams 40

functional data structures 39

functional interfaces 38

fx:controller attribute 95

FXCollections 149

-fx-fillCSS style 92

fx-id tag 97


@FXML annotation 97

advantages with NetBeans Platform application 250251

controller class 95

fx:controller attribute 95

fx-id tag 97

generic types 834

Make Controller menu item 157

object instantiation 96

onAction attribute 123

onMouseClicked attribute 99

RadioButton control 158

Scene Builder 156

stylesheets tag 99

ToggleGroup control 158

@FXML annotation 97

FXML Loader 95, 259

access JavaFX controller 264

set ResourceBundle 875


generated-layer.xml 655

generic types, with FXML 834

Genson Library 813

getters 20

naming convention 22

Global Lookup 218, 224

JavaFX integration 278

with chart data 748

Global Selection

listen for changes to 337

Lookup 240, 335, 336

tracking 240


hashCode() method 23

HBox JavaFX layout control 121

HTTP protocol, web services 800


icon files 299

IconView Explorer View 323, 328

immutable JavaFX properties 135

INDEFINITE cycle count 124

Index.Support, node reordering 451

INFO logging level 51

INFORMATION_MESSAGE message type 529

InputOutput object 629

install a file in a module 650

InstalledFileLocator service 653

with NBMs 654

Installer, create 865

instance files, Layer file 659

InstanceContent 226, 230

with JavaFX 278

internationalization 868882

additional language support 878 file 870

editing property files 873

Java resources 869

@Messages annotation 359

NetBeans Platform modules 876

testing target locales 876

IntrospectionException, BeanNode 312

invalidated() method, JavaFX InvalidationListener 105

InvalidationListener 105

invokeAndWait() method 73

invokeLater() method 49, 72, 260

IOProvider 629

getIO method 629

isBound() method 111

isEventDispatchThread() method 73

isFXApplicationThread() method 173


Java Logging Facility 5154

log file 53

log handler 52

log messages 53

logging levels 54

Table 51

JavaBeans 2038

bound properties 2933

coarse-grained notification 34

equals() method 23

getters 20

hashCode() method 23

PropertyChangeSupport 29

setters 20

toString() method 23


create database 505, 802

server 505

table generation strategy 510


advantages 84

animation 100103

binding 109119

concurrency package 176

CSS 91

DropShadow effect 89

FadeTransition 101, 713

FillTransition 101

FilteredList 838

FXCollections 149

FXML application 93

Figure 95

internationalization 873

JavaFX image to Swing BufferedImage 757

javafxpackager command line tool 91

linear gradient 92

localization 873

manipulate Swing UI 259

Modena CSS styles 93

node dragging 717

observable collections 148153

ObservableMap 149

Path shape 120

PathTransition 101

PauseTransition 101

port to NetBeans Platform 255259

Rectangle shape 88

Reflection effect 89

RotateTransition 101

ScaleTransition 101

scene 85

Scene Builder 156158

scene graph 85

Figure 86

SequentialTransition 101, 718

Service class 176, 821, 822826

single-threaded model 86

SortedList 838

stage 85

StrokeTransition 101

Task class 176

thread safety 172176

transitions 100

Table 101

TranslateTransition 101

Worker interface 176

JavaFX Application Thread 86, 172, 259

binding and thread safety 180

single thread with EDT 86, 259

JavaFX Charts 9, 744

accessing scene graph nodes 782

adding an in-place text editor 782

adding behaviors to 781789

Area Chart 770

Bar Chart 768

Bubble Chart 773

custom formatter 776

extra value 773

StringConverter 776

CategoryAxis 768

Chart class 759

Chart properties, Table 761

class hierarchy, Figure 760

CSS for styling 763

integrate into TopComponent 755759

Line Chart 764, 840

NumberAxis 768

ObservableList 761

overview 759764

Pie Chart 776

useful properties, Table 777

wedge animation 782

PieChart.Data 777

resizing 763

save charts to PNG file 789795

Scatter Chart 767

scene graph nodes 763

SmartPhone Data application overview 744748

Stacked Area Chart 771

Stacked Bar Chart 772

title property 761

update with animation 763

XYChart class 761763

XYChart.Data<X,Y> 761

useful properties, Table 762

XYChart.Series<X,Y> 761

useful properties, Table 762

JavaFX controller

configure from TopComponent 264

JavaFX controls 160164

AnchorPane layout 158

binding 139

Button 164

ComboBox 778

FlowPane layout 715

HBox layout 121

hierarchy, Figure 161, 162

Label 162

ProgressBar 183

ProgressIndicator 178

RadioButton 163

SplitPane 158

StackPane layout 89

SwingNode 260261

TableColumn 835

TableView 188, 800, 831839

Text shape 89

TextArea 163

TextField 162

TilePane layout 194

TreeView 158, 164

VBox layout 121

JavaFX 3D 15

JavaFX integration 2, 252259

access JavaFX controller 264

associateLookup() method 281

BorderLayout Swing component 258

communication strategies 261264

configure a window for form editing 283

configure a window for selection 275

configure FXML 277

configure the JavaFX controller 278

configure TopComponent 281

CountDownLatch 281, 713, 795

declare module dependency 271

JavaFX Application Thread 259

JavaFX controller public methods 280

JFXPanel Swing component 259

LookupListener 286

MultiView windows 708721, 735740

port to NetBeans Platform 265

register a Service Provider 271

runLater() method 259

save scene graph node to PNG file 789795

setExplicitExit() method 259

SwingNode 260261

TopComponent communication, Figure 263

using InstanceContent 278

JavaFX node

children nodes 85

graphical objects 85

parent nodes 85

scene graph 85

Figure 86

snapshot() method 757

JavaFX properties 103119

binding 139

ChangeListener 108

creating 132138

immutable 135

InvalidationListener 105

lazy evaluation 133

metadata 104

naming convention 104

Observable 105

property getter method 104

read only 109, 137

ReadOnlyObjectWrapper 189

SimpleObjectProperty 134

SimpleStringProperty 132

StringProperty 132

thread safety 173

with entity classes 807

JavaFX Script 84

javafxpackager command line tool 91

JAX-RS, Java API for RESTful web services 800

JButton Swing component 57

ActionListener, Listing 61

Jersey reference implementation 800

JFXPanel Swing component 256, 259

JLabel Swing component 55


EclipseLink Library 504

entity class 506, 807

JavaFX properties 807

persistence unit 509

JPanel Form

customize dialog 533

JProgressBar Swing component 76

JRadioButton Swing component 56

JSON, with client application 813

JSR 311 800

JTable Swing component 752755

DefaultTableCellRenderer 754

TableModelListener 747

JTextArea Swing component 56

DocumentListener, Listing 67

JTextField Swing component 56

DocumentListener, Listing 67

JTextPane Swing component 641, 645

JTree Swing component 58

DefaultTreeModel 227

TreeSelectionListener, Listing 60


Label JavaFX control 162

LabelWidget, Visual Library 703

lambda expressions 3840

Layer file 439, 654667

<attr> tag 658

<file> tag 658

<filesystem> tag 658

<folder> tag 658

_hidden suffix 659

create in IDE 656

customization 666

generated-layer.xml 655

instance files 659

inter-module communication 665667

new File type registration information 688

Projects view 657

remove configuration items 659

remove default menu items 660

shadow files, Layer file 659

this layer in context 657

Layout of Windows wizard 388

LayoutWidget, Visual Library 699

leaking “this” reference 32, 71

Library Wrapper Modules 502

Line Chart 764

with RESTful web services 840

linear gradient 92

ListView Explorer View 323, 327

Locale, default 872

localization 868882

additional language support 878

default Locale 872

@Messages annotation 359

NetBeans Platform modules 876

NumberFormat class 872

testing target locales 876

log file 53

log handler 52

log messages 53

Logger See Java Logging Facility

Login dialog 539542

set application role 544548


AbstractLookup 226

actionsGlobalContext() method 240

add and remove content in TopComponent 226

and nodes 299

context sensitivity 5

context-aware actions 436

DataNode 677

DataObject 675

dynamically enable and disable actions 464

enable capabilities 476

FileObject 674

Global Lookup 218

Global Selection 240, 335, 336

InstanceContent 226, 230

JavaFX integration 278

Lookup.Result 237

LookupListener 237, 336

object repository 225

ProxyLookup 707, 711

Service Provider 5, 224

Lookup API 5, 201

Lookup.Result 237

allInstances() method 238

LookupListener 237, 336

JavaFX integration 286

resultChanged() method 336

tracking changes to Global Selection 336

loose coupling 63, 172

of modules 200


makeBusy() method, TopComponent 360

map() method, streams 40

map, JavaFX ObservableMap 149

MapChangeListener 152

Master-Detail View 327, 328, 330

MenuView Explorer View 329

Matisse design editor 44

TopComponents 222

maximize window operation 347

menu items, remove default 660

MenuView Explorer View 323, 329

@Messages annotation 359

internationalization 870

method reference 39

MIME resolver 673

action registration 683

annotations 683

XML root element 721

MIME type 624, 672

@MIMEResolver.ExtensionRegistration annotation 683

minimize window operation 347

MissingResourceException, avoiding 871

Model View Controller pattern 292

Figure 292

Modena CSS styles 93

modes, TopComponent 343, 345346, 376381


create 209

declare public package 213

life cycle annotations 242244

OSGi bundle 4

set dependencies, Figure 200

wrapped libraries 502

module dependency 214, 215

declare public package 213

Module System API 3, 200203


dynamically install 861

dynamically remove 860

install downloaded NBM 862

uninstall 860

Modules node, NetBeans IDE 211

MoveDownAction 452

MoveUpAction 452

MultiDataObject 682, 684

multi-row window tab customization 350

MultiView windows 697721

JavaFX integration 708721, 735740

Save All capability 698

Visual Library 699708


set button label 684

MultiViewElement 682, 685

add widget to view 705708

life cycle methods 701, 713

MultiViewElementCallback 685



create 861

install 862, 864

NetBeans IDE

add a JFrame Form 43

add New Library Wrapper Module 503

build number in application title 852

create a Java application 25

create a JavaFX application 88

create a JavaFX FXML application 93

create a NetBeans Platform application 203

create a NetBeans Platform module 209

create a Swing application 41

editing property files 873

international version 877

New Action wizard 415

New File Type wizard 681, 721

New Window wizard 222

New Wizard wizard 555

XML Text Editor 731

NetBeans Module See NBM

NetBeans Platform

documentation 17

download software 17

internationalization 876

module system 200203

Runtime Container 200201

Figure 201

NetBeans Platform application

add new File Type 681

add window 219

advantages with FXML 250251

communication strategies with JavaFX 261264

create an Update Center 858

distribution 864868

enable updates 857

internationalization and localization 868882

JavaFX integration 252259, 265

Modules node 211

port from Swing GUI 202242

TopComponent class 219

NetBeans Platform Config 204, 205

NetBeans Platform project

Build Script 204, 205

NetBeans Platform Config 204, 205

Per-user NetBeans Platform Config 204, 206

Project Properties 204, 205

Properties dialog 205

new document tab group 349

New Window wizard 353

NewType context 482

NO_OPTION, Dialog 530

NodeListener 295, 466

nodes 292, 293322

JavaFX scene graph See JavaFX node

AbstractNode 298

and ChildFactory relationship, Figure 305

asynchronous flag 303

BeanNode 310313

build a hierarchy 295

canCut() method 454

canDestroy() method 454

Change Order context menu item 445

ChildFactory 300

ChildFactory.Detachable class 449

Children 304

Children.LEAF 292

class hierarchy, Figure 295

clipboardCopy() method 457

clipboardCut() method 454

concurrency 518

context menu 437

context-aware actions 436

create child nodes from DataObject 694696, 727730

create Property Sheet 314317

createSheet() method 315

cut, copy, paste, drag and drop 445457

CutAction, CopyAction, DeleteAction 457

DataFlavor class 453

DataNode 672

destroy() method 454

display node hierarchy 303304

edit hierarchy 444457

expand programmatically 309

ExTransferable object 454

FilterNode 317322

fire displayNameChange event 300

getActions() method 436

getDropType() method 455

getHtmlDisplayName() method 299

getPreferredAction() method 438

icon files 299

Index.Array Children 460

Index.Support 451

inter-window drag and drop 458467

Lookup 299

Model View Controller pattern 292

Move Up, Move Down context menu items 445

MoveDownAction 452

MoveUpAction 452

multi-level node hierarchy 304310

NodeListener 295, 466

PasteType object 455, 465

preferred action 501

Progress Indicator 518

PropertyChangeListener 295

PropertySheetView 331

ReorderAction 451

root node 302

selection and capabilities 429

Selection History window 332338

setIconBaseWithExtension() method 299

setName() method 299

setShortDescription() method 299

Transferable object 453

Nodes API 7

non-singleton TopComponents 364369

NotifyDescriptor 526

customized dialog 532

dialog option buttons, Table 531



Message types, Table 529



return values, Table 530

NotifyDescriptor.CLOSED_OPTION 529

NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation 529

NotifyDescriptor.InputLine 531

NotifyDescriptor.Message 527

NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION 529

NumberAxis, JavaFX Chart 768

NumberFormat class 872

locale sensitive 839


ObjectBinding 119

observable collections 148153

Observable, JavaFX properties 105

ObservableList 761, 838

ObservableMap 149


OK_OPTION, Dialog 530

onAction attribute, FXML 123

onFinished animation property 102

onMouseClicked attribute, FXML 99

@OnShowing annotation 374376

@OnStart annotation 242

@OnStop annotation 243

Openable capability 474, 674

Openable context 498

OSGi bundle 4

OutlineView Explorer View 323, 324

sorting 325

Output window 628

clear 630

configure, Listing 629

select tab 630

write to 628

OutputWriter 630


PasteType object 455, 465

Path JavaFX shape 120

Listing 122

PathTransition 101, 120

pause() animation method 102

PAUSED animation status 102

PauseTransition 101


TopComponents 361363

with non-singleton TopComponents 365

persistence unit 509

table generation strategy 510

PERSISTENCE_NEVER TopComponent setting 365

PERSISTENCE_ONLY_OPENED TopComponent setting 365

Per-user NetBeans Platform Config 204, 206

Pie Chart 776

useful properties, Table 777

wedge animation 782

PLAIN_MESSAGE message type 529


isFXApplicationThread() method 173

runLater() method 173, 259, 260

setExplicitExit() method 259

platform cluster 206 file 204, 205 file 204, 206

play() animation method 102

playFromStart() animation method 102

Plugin Installer 864

Plugin Manager

create and configure Update Center 864

dynamically install modules 861

dynamically remove modules 860

enable 858

install downloaded NBM 862

PNG file, save from JavaFX node 789795


JavaFX to TopComponent 255259

Swing GUI to TopComponent 223

print.printable TopComponent property 757

Progress API 519, 522

Progress Indicator, NetBeans Platform component 518, 522

ProgressBar JavaFX control 183

ProgressHandle 522

ProgressIndicator JavaFX control 178

Project Properties 204, 205 file 204, 205

Projects view, Layer file 657


JavaBeans 2038

JavaFX 103119

JavaFX, creating 132138

naming convention 20, 104

Properties dialog, NetBeans Platform project 205

Properties window

BeanNode 310

create Property Sheet 314317

open at startup 311

Property Editor, Swing Form Designer 47

property getter method 104

Property Sheet 314317

OutlineView Explorer View 325

PropertyChangeListener 295

Listing 32

PropertyChangeSupport 29

PropertySheetView Explorer View 323, 331

ProxyLookup 707, 711

putClientProperty() method, TopComponent 363364


QUESTION_MESSAGE message type 529

Quick Search, Explorer View 323


RadioButton JavaFX control 158, 163

read-only properties 109

ReadOnlyObjectWrapper 189

ReadOnlyStringProperty 137

readProperties() method, TopComponent 361

Rectangle JavaFX shape 88

arcHeight property 89

arcWidthproperty 89

reduce() method, streams 40

Reflection effect, JavaFX 89

ReorderAction 451

repository See Lookup

reset windows operation 349

Resource Bundles

customization 881

set resource, FXML Loader 875

tab, Branding dialog 854

REST architectural style 800

RESTful Java client 825

RESTful web services

client service provider 827

create a Java application client 810816

create NetBeans Platform application client 817821

create web service application 803809

entity classes 807

from database 804

Genson Library 813

JavaFX Service class 821

JAX-RS 800

JSON 813

testing 809


default 402

hide main window while switching 410

Login dialog example 544548

window system 401410

Root Context 292

root node 302

RotateTransition 101

runLater() method 173, 259, 260

RUNNING animation status 102

Runtime Container 3, 200201

Figure 201


Save All toolbar icon 698

ScaleTransition 101

Scatter Chart 767

Scene Builder 156158

download URL 156

Hierarchy display 156

Inspector display 156

Library selector 157

scene graph, JavaFX 85

scene, JavaFX 85

getStylesheets()method 98

Scene, Visual Library widget 699

Selection History window 332338

SequentialTransition 101, 718

Service class, JavaFX 176, 822826

RESTful Java client 825

safely update visual controls 823

service providers 5

@ServiceProvider annotation 214, 217

supersedes attribute 511

setDelay() transition method 101

setExplicitExit() method 259

setOnFailed Task callback method

Listing 187

setOnSucceeded Task callback method

Listing 187

setters 20

naming convention 22

SEVERE logging level 51

shadow files, Layer file 659

Simple Validation API 577586

custom validators 583586

useful validators, Table 580

SimpleObjectProperty 134

SimpleStringProperty 132

singleton class 34

size group window operation 349

sliding mode, TopComponent 345

SmartPhone Data application

module organization, Figure 747

overview 744748

SortedList, JavaFX 838

splash screen

customize 855

remove 856

SplitPane JavaFX layout control 158

SQL, JavaDB 505, 803

Stacked Area Chart 771

Stacked Bar Chart 772

StackPane JavaFX layout control 89

stage, JavaFX 85

Startup module 201

Status Line, write to 337

StatusDisplay setStatus() method 337

stop() animation method 102

STOPPED animation status 102

streams 3940

filter() method 40

findFirst() method 40

forEach() method 40

map() method 40

reduce() method 40

StringConverter, with JavaFX Charts 776

StringProperty 132

StrokeTransition 101

stylesheets tag 99

supersedes attribute, @ServiceProvider 511

Swing components 5458

Swing Form Designer 44

Property Editor 47

TopComponents 222

Swing GUI 4178

background tasks 7379

ButtonGroup component 56

component palette 46, 579

DataFlavor 453

EDT 49

form designer 44

JButton component 57

JFXPanel component 259

JLabel component 55

JProgressBar component 76

JRadioButton component 56

JTable component 752755

JTextArea component 56

JTextField component 56

JTextPane component 641, 645

JTree component 58

manipulate JavaFX 259

port to NetBeans Platform 202242

port to TopComponent 223

Swing component hierarchy, Figure 55

Swing components 5458

SwingNode 260261

thread safety 49


fromFXImage() method 757

SwingNode JavaFX control 260261

SwingPropertyChangeSupport 69, 74, 716


invokeAndWait() method 73

invokeLater() method 49, 72, 260

isEventDispatchThread() method 73

SwingWorker 7379

doInBackground() method 78

done() method 78

get() method 78

process() method 76

publish() method 76

setProgress() method 76

synchronized methods 69

System FileSystem 7, 655, 661665


TableColumn JavaFX control 835

editable 834

onEditCommit() 836

setCellFactory() 836

setCellValueFactory() 836

TableModelListener, Swing JTable 747

TableView JavaFX control 188, 800, 831839

ObservableList 838

tabs, window 345

multi-row 350

Task class, JavaFX 176

Example, Listing 181182

Templates module 680

add to application 724

Text JavaFX shape 89

TextArea JavaFX control 163

TextField JavaFX control 162

TextFieldInplaceEditor, Visual Library 703

thread safety 6873, 172176

ConcurrentHashMap 69

immutable objects 69

leaking “this” reference 32, 71

observable properties 173

single thread confinement 69

Swing GUI 49

SwingPropertyChangeSupport 69

synchronized methods 69

thread-safe objects 68

TilePane JavaFX layout control 194

ToggleGroup JavaFX control 158

TopComponent 219, 352361

AbstractSavable 492

access JavaFX controller 264, 280

ActionMap 426

add and remove content to Lookup 226

animated busy notification 360

annotations 356

associateLookup() method 281

canClose() method 495

client properties 363364

close() method 495

communication graph with JavaFX, Figure 263

configure for JavaFX integration 281

Cut, Copy, Delete, Paste actions 456

default modes, Figure 377

Explorer Manager 292

group configuration file 385

inter-window drag and drop 458467

life cycle methods 230, 237, 369373

Table 369

limiting behaviors, Table 364

LookupListener 336

makeBusy() method 360

modes 376381

MultiView windows 697721

MultiViewElement 685

New Window wizard 353

non-singleton 364369

non-singleton editors 491

open a window programmatically 367

open() method 369

persistence 361363

port from JavaFX 255259

port from Swing GUI 223

print.printable property 757

readProperties() method 361

registry 241

requestActive() method 369

role assignments 401

singleton 356

window groups 381387

window system 346

Windows2Local folder 363

writeProperties() method 361

wstgrp XML file 384

@TopComponent.Description annotation 357

@TopComponent.OpenActionRegistration annotation 359

@TopComponent.Registration annotation 358

toString() method 23

Transferable object 453

transitions, JavaFX 100

setDelay() transition method 101

Table 101

TranslateTransition 101

TreeSelectionListener, Listing 60

TreeView JavaFX control 158, 164

selection listener 168

try-with-resources statement 632


unidirection binding 110

uninstall modules 860

Update Center

create for your application 858

install NBM 864

update NetBeans Platform application 857


actionsForPath() method 436

actionsGlobalContext() method 240

Utilities API 201


validation, Simple Validation API 577586

VBox JavaFX layout control 121

view mode, TopComponent 345

Visual Library 699708

ActionFactory 699

add widget to view 705708

include Visual Library module 699

LabelWidget 703

LayoutWidget 699

Scene 699

TextFieldInplaceEditor 703


WARNING logging level 51

WARNING_MESSAGE message type 527

WeakListeners 301, 313, 477, 479

web services See RESTful web services

When binding object 126

widget, add to view 705708

window groups 343, 381387

registration 386

window layout 342, 388401

default role 402

Layout of Windows wizard 388

roles 401410

view only 395

window life cycle management methods

Table 369

Window Manager 6, 350352

dockInto() method 380

findMode() method 374

getOpenedTopComponents() method 374

setRole() method 401

useful methods, Table 352

window operations 346349

window position See modes, TopComponent

window switching 350

Window system 5

group definition file 384

hideEmptyDocArea flag 400

layout roles 401410

limit window behavior 349

modes 343, 345346

multi-row window tab customization 350

@OnShowing annotation 374376

tabs 345

TopComponent 346, 352361

TopComponent group configuration file 384

view-only window layout 395

window groups 343, 381387

window layout 342, 388401

window operations 346349

wsmode file 393

window, add to NetBeans Platform application 219

Windows2Local folder 363

WizardDescriptor 552, 558

AsynchronousInstantiatingIterator class 615

AsynchronousValidatingPanel class 609

BackgroundInstantiatingIterator class 619

FinishablePanel class 589

InstantiatingIterator class 614

InstantiatingIterator methods, Table 615

ProgressInstantiatingIterator class 616

sequence for step validation, Figure 570

ValidatingPanel class 610

WizardIterator class 600, 605

WizardPanel class

isFinishPanel() method 590

isValid() method 590

readSettings() method 553, 563

storeSettings() method 553, 563


ArrayList property 587

asynchronous validation 592597

class structure, Figure 553

collecting input 561565

coordinating input with other panels 572574

DialogDisplayer 560

dynamic sequencing 598613

Figure 599

EventListenerList 568

finishing early option 587591

instantiating iterators 614619

isValid() method 568

overview 552554

properties 563

Simple Validation API 577586

step initialization code 563

Step Sequence type 556

validation 565576

visual panel updates 574576

Worker interface 176

callback methods 181

read-only JavaFX properties, Table 177

thread-safe Task update methods, Table 178

Worker.State values, Table 176

wrapped libraries 502

writeProperties() method, TopComponent 361

wsgrp file 384

wsmode file 393

wstcgrp file 384


XML file type 721740

create new 725

MIME resolver 673

XML Text Editor

add to application 731

modules, Table 731

XMLUtil parse() method 727



YES_NO_OPTION, Dialog 532

YES_OPTION, Dialog 530

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