

account forecasting alternatives, 82

accounting dilemmas. See also financial reporting

assessing economic reality, 183-184

asset capitalization policy

interest costs, 197-199

overview, 196

R&D (research and development) costs, 197

balance sheets

asset capitalization policy, 196-199

asset revaluation policy, 199-200

off-balance-sheet debt, 200-205

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 205-206

free cash flows, 205-206

income statements, 185

depreciation policy, 193-195

inventory costing policy, 190-193

recurring and nonrecurring events, 185-186

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

overview, 182-183

acquisition accounting, 214-218

acquisitions. See M&As (mergers and acquisitions)

adjusted present value model. See APV (adjusted present value) model

Almunia, Joaquín, 229

alternative valuation methods, 135

case study: Pure Digital, 133-134

DCF (discounted cash flow) models

APV (adjusted present value) model, 145-155

versus economic income models, 164-165

FCF to equity model, 155-158

overview, 144-145

economic income models

versus DCF models, 164-165

illustration, 162-163

methodology, 159-162

overview, 158-159

price multiples

enterprise value multiples, 141-144

price-to-book ratio, 140-141

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139

real option analysis, 165-170

Amoco, 5

APV (adjusted present value) model

illustration, 149-155

methodology, 145-149

overview, 145

aQuantive, 1, 23-24

Argentina, nationalization of YPF, 85-86

Article 12.5 of the TRLIS, 211

assessing economic reality, 183-184

asset capitalization policy, 196

asset revaluation policy, 199-200


asset capitalization policy, 196

asset revaluation policy, 199-200

asset turnover, decomposition analysis of, 34-38

noncurrent assets ratios, 36

ROA (return on assets), 27-29


balance sheets

asset capitalization policy, 196-199

off-balance-sheet debt, 200-205

contingent liabilities, 202-203

executory contracts, 203-205

unconsolidated debt, 201-202

Bank One, 2

best practices for valuation, 108-109

Blackboard, 143-144

Black-Scholes model, 167, 176

book value, 10-11

borrowing base, 221

BP (British Petroleum), 5

break-up value, 11

Bristol-Myers Squibb, 181-182

British Airways, 195

British Petroleum (BP), 5


calculating. See also equations

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

CAPM (capital asset pricing model), 152

continuing value

exit multiple method, 88-103

perpetuity growth method, 103-104

cost of unleveraged equity, 146

discount rate, 96-97

earnings multiples, 87-89

economic income, 158-160

entity value, 105-106, 146

equity value, 106-107

FCF (free cash flow), 93-96

FCF to equity, 156

forecasting period, 92-93

ITS (interest tax shield), 145

target’s WACC, 97-100

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 146, 152

CAPM (capital asset pricing model), 146, 152

cash flow. See also DCF (discounted cash flow) models

case study: Mattel, 46-47

CFFF (cash flow from financing activities), 44-46

CFFI (cash flow from investing activities), 44

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 44

cash flow analysis, 26, 42-48

CFFF (cash flow from financing activities), 42, 44-46, 205-206

CFFI (cash flow from investing activities), 42, 44, 205-206

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 42, 44, 205-206

for DCF (discounted cash flow) models, 93-96

discretionary cash flow, 43

cash flow analysis, 26, 42-48

cash flow from financing activities (CFFF), 42, 44-46, 205-206

cash flow from investing activities (CFFI), 42, 44, 205-206

cash flow from operating activities (CFFO), 42, 44, 187, 205-206

cash flow statement, 69

CFC (controlled foreign corporation) rule, 222

CFFF (cash flow from financing activities), 42, 44-46, 205-206

CFFI (cash flow from investing activities), 42, 44, 205-206

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 42, 44, 187, 205-206

channel stuffing, 181-182

choosing valuation methods, 230-233

Chrysler, 1, 6

Cisco Systems, 133-134, 137-138

CNA Financial Corporation, 206

consolidated financial statements

accounting for goodwill, 220-221

full consolidation approach, 218-220

purchase accounting, 214-218

tax considerations

of goodwill, 224

of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 222-223

when to use, 213-214

contingent liabilities, 202-203

continuing value, 101-104

exit multiple method, 88-103

perpetuity growth method, 103-104

contracts, executory, 203-205

control premiums, 9-10

controlled foreign corporation (CFC) rule, 222

cost method (financial reporting), 213-214

cost of unleveraged equity, 146

cross-border considerations, 109-212


Daimler-Benz, 1, 6

DCF (discounted cash flow) models

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

APV (adjusted present value) model

illustration, 149-155

methodology, 145-149

overview, 145

continuing value, 101-104

discount rate, 96-97

versus economic income models, 164-165

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

overview, 17-18, 92, 144-145

target’s WACC, 97-100


contingent liabilities, 202-203

unconsolidated debt, 201-202

decomposition analysis, 32

asset turnover, 34-38

financial leverage, 38-41

integrative framework, 41

net profit margins, 32-34

Deutsche Telekom (DT), 211-212

direct valuation methods, 17, 135

DCF (discounted cash flow) models

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

APV (adjusted present value) model, 145-155

continuing value, 101-104

discount rate, 96-97

versus economic income models, 164-165

FCF to equity model, 155-158

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

overview, 17-18, 92, 144-145

target’s WACC, 97-100

economic income models

versus DCF models, 164-165

illustration, 162-163

methodology, 159-162

overview, 158-159

real option analysis, 165-170

discount rate for DCF (discounted cash flow) models, 96-97

discounted cash flow models. See DCF (discounted cash flow) models

discretionary cash flow

Mattel, 46-47

overview, 43

dividend discount model, 129

DoubleClick, 23

drivers of option value, 167-168

DT (Deutsche Telekom), 211-212

DuPont model, 27-29


earnings multiples, 15-16, 87-91

advantages, 91

calculating, 87-89

case study: Mattel, 89-91

limitations, 91

earnings per share (EPS), 15

eBay, 23-24

EBO (Edwards-Bell-Ohlson) model, 159

economic income models, 18-19

versus DCF models, 164-165

illustration, 162-163

methodology, 159-162

overview, 158-159

economic reality, assessing, 183-184

economic value added (EVA) model, 159. See also economic income models

Edwards-Bell-Ohlson (EBO) model, 159

Electronic Data System, 1

enterprise value multiples, 16, 141-144

entity value

calculating, 146

overview, 105-106

EPS (earnings per share), 15


CAPM (capital asset pricing model), 152

continuing value, 104

cost of unleveraged equity, 146

economic income, 158-160

entity value, 105, 146

equity value, 106

FCF (free cash flow), 94-96

FCF to equity, 156

ITS (interest tax shield), 145

operating value, 93

WACC (weighted average cost of capital), 97-100

equity method (financial reporting), 214

equity risk premium (ERP), 98

equity value, 106-107

cost of unleveraged equity, 146

FCF to equity model, 155-158

EVA (economic value added) model, 159. See also economic income models

EV/EBITDA multiple, 16, 141-144

events, recurring versus nonrecurring, 185-186

executory contracts, 203-205

exit multiple method, 102-103

expropriation, 85-86

expropriation risk, 109

Exxon, 1-2, 5


FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), 190

FCF (free cash flow), 93-96, 205-206

for DCF (discounted cash flow) models, 93-96

FCF to equity model, 155-158

FCF to the firm model

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

best practices, 108-109

case study: Mattel, 111-118

continuing value, 101-104

cross-border considerations, 109-111

discount rate, 96-97

entity value, 105-106

equity value, 106-107

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

target’s WACC, 97-100

FCF to equity model, 155-158

FCF to the firm model

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

best practices, 108-109

case study: Mattel, 111-118

continuing value, 101-104

cross-border considerations, 109-111

discount rate, 96-97

entity value, 105-106

equity value, 106-107

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

frequently asked questions, 124

target’s WACC, 97-100

FIFO (first in, first out), 183, 190-192

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 190

financial leverage, decomposition analysis of, 38-41

financial reporting

asset capitalization policy

interest costs, 197-199

overview, 196

R&D (research and development) costs, 197

balance sheets

asset capitalization policy, 196-199

asset revaluation policy, 199-200

off-balance-sheet debt, 200-205

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 205-206

consolidated financial statements

accounting for goodwill, 220-221

full consolidation approach, 218-220

purchase accounting, 214-218

when to use, 213-214

economic reality, assessing, 183-184

free cash flows, 205-206

income statements, 185

inventory costing policy, 190-193

recurring and nonrecurring events, 185-186

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

tax considerations

of goodwill, 224

of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 222-223

financial review

case study: Microsoft acquisition of aQuantive, 23-24

cash flow analysis, 26, 42-48

decomposition analysis, 32

asset turnover, 34-38

financial leverage, 38-41

integrative framework, 41

net profit margins, 32-34

overview, 25-26

ratio analysis, 26-27

DuPont model, 27-29

integrative framework, 41

ROE model, 29-32, 41

financial statements

asset capitalization policy

interest costs, 197-199

overview, 196

R&D (research and development) costs, 197

balance sheets

asset capitalization policy, 196-199

asset revaluation policy, 199-200

off-balance-sheet debt, 200-205

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 205-206

consolidated financial statements

accounting for goodwill, 220-221

full consolidation approach, 218-220

purchase accounting, 214-218

when to use, 213-214

free cash flows, 205-206

income statements, 185

inventory costing policy, 190-193

recurring and nonrecurring events, 185-186

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

for pro forma analysis

case study: Mattel, 53-57

preparation of, 49-53

tax considerations

of goodwill, 224

of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 222-223

financial synergies, 7

firm value, 105-106

first in, first out (FIFO), 190-192

Fitch, report on Mattel, 48

Flip camcorder, 133-134

Ford, 6


CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 205-206

free cash flows, 205-206

forecasting period (DCF model), 92-93

forward multiples, 88

free cash flow. See FCF (free cash flow)

full consolidation approach, 218-220

fundamental value, 11


GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles), 213

General Electric Company, 4

General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC), 201

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 213

GlaxoSmithKline, 5

GMAC (General Motors Acceptance Corporation), 201

goodwill, 215

accounting for, 220-221

tax considerations, 224


Hewlett-Packard (HP), 1

historical financial review. See financial review

HP (Hewlett-Packard), 1

hurdle rate, 97, 100-101


ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), 86

IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), 185

impairment, 199

Imperial Sugar Company, inventory costing policy, 190-193

implied price, 89

income statements, 185

inventory costing policy, 190-193

recurring and nonrecurring events, 185-186

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

interest costs, 197-199

interest tax shield (ITS), 145

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), 86

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 185

International Harvester Corporation, 3-4

inventory costing policy, 183-184, 190-193

ITS (interest tax shield), 145


JPMorgan Chase, 1-2

Krichner, Cristina Fernández de, 85-86

last in, first out (LIFO), 190-192

LBOs (leveraged buyouts), 5

leveraged beta, 146

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 5

liabilities, contingent, 202-203

LIFO (last in, first out), 190-192

liquidation value, 11

liquidity ratios, 39

Loews Corporation, 206

Luehrman, 178

Lufthansa, 195


M&As (mergers and acquisitions)

creation of shareholder value, 8-9, 232

cross-border M&A activity, 212

examples, 1-2

mergers and acquisitions “waves,” 3-6

motivations for, 6-8

premiums, 9-10

tax considerations, 222-223

value destruction, 10

managerial synergies, 7

Mannesmann, 1-2

market value, 11


cash flow analysis, 42-48

common-size income statement data, 33

discretionary cash flow, 46-47

earnings multiples analysis, 89-91

economic income models, 162-163

FCF to equity model, 156-158

FCF to the firm model, 111-118

financial statements, 66

Fitch report, 48

pro forma analysis

pro forma financial statements, 53-57

sensitivity analysis, 59-60

ROE (return on shareholders’ equity) model, 31-32

working capital and noncurrent ratios, 37-38

McDonald’s, 36

mergers and acquisitions. See M&As (mergers and acquisitions)

methods of valuation. See valuation methods

Microsoft, 1, 23-24

Mobil, 1-2, 5


DCF (discounted cash flow) models

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

continuing value, 101-104

discount rate, 96-97

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

overview, 17-18, 92

target’s WACC, 97-100

DuPont model, 27-29

FCF to equity model, 155-158

FCF to the firm model

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

best practices, 108-109

case study: Mattel, 111-118

continuing value, 101-104

cross-border considerations, 109-111

discount rate, 96-97

entity value, 105-106

equity value, 106-107

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

target’s WACC, 97-100

nondiscounted cash flow models, 18-19

Monsanto, 5

Monte Carlo simulation analysis, 59

Moody’s Analytics, 26

Morningstar, 26

motivations for M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 6-8


definition of, 14

earnings multiples, 87-91

advantages, 91

calculating, 87-89

case study: Mattel, 89-91

limitations, 91

overview, 15-16

forward multiples, 88

price multiples

earnings multiples. See earnings multiples

enterprise value multiples, 16, 141-144

price-to-book (P/Book) ratio, 140-141

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139

trailing multiples, 88


nationalization of YPF, 85-86

negative spread, 160

net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT), 159

net profit margins, decomposition analysis of, 32-34

Nextel Communications, 1

nondiscounted cash flow models, 18-19

noncontrolling interest, 218-220

noncurrent assets ratios, 36

nonrecurring events in income statements, 185-186

Nortel Networks Corporation, 188-189

NPV/q, 178


O2, 211-212

off-balance-sheet debt, 200-205

contingent liabilities, 202-203

executory contracts, 203-205

unconsolidated debt, 201-202

operating synergies, 6-7

operating value, 93

operational dilemmas (DCF)

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

continuing value, 101-103

discount rate, 96-97

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

perpetuity growth method, 103-104

target’s WACC, 97-100

option value, real option analysis, 165-170

overconfidence, 24


P/Book (price-to-book) ratio, 15, 140-141

P/CF (price-to-cash flow), 139-140

P/E (price-to-earnings) ratio, 15, 87-88, 89-91

P/EBIT (price-to-earnings before interest and taxes) ratio, 15, 87-88

P/EBITDA (price-to-earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) ratio, 15, 87-88, 141-144

permanent earnings, 185

perpetuity growth method, 103-104

Pfizer, 1-2

phantom profit, 193

Pharmacia, 5


asset capitalization policy, 196

asset revaluation policy, 199-200

inventory costing policy, 190-193

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

positive spread, 160

premiums, M&As (mergers and acquisitions) premiums, 9-10

preparation of pro forma financial statements, 49-53

price multiples

earnings multiples, 87-91

advantages, 91

calculating, 87-89

case study: Mattel, 89-91

limitations, 91

enterprise value multiples, 16, 141-144

overview, 15-16

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139

price-to-book (P/Book) ratio, 15, 140-141

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, 15, 87-88, 89-91

price-to-earnings before interest and taxes (P/EBIT) ratio, 15, 87-88

price-to-earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (P/EBITDA) ratio, 15, 87-88

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139

pro forma analysis, 49

case study: Microsoft acquisition of aQuantive, 23-24

financial statements

case study: Mattel, 53-57

preparation of, 49-53

Monte Carlo simulation analysis, 60

scenario analysis, 60

sensitivity analysis, 59-60

Providence Equity Partners, 143

P/Sales (price-to-sales) ratio, 136-139

purchase accounting, 214-218

Pure Digital, 133-134, 137-138


Quaker Oats, 1

R&D (research and development) costs, 197

ratio analysis, 26-27. See also ratios

DuPont model, 27-29

integrative framework, 41

ROE model, 29-32, 41

ratios. See also ratio analysis; value

liquidity ratios, 39

noncurrent assets ratios, 36

price-to-book (P/Book) ratio, 15, 140-141

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, 15, 87-91

price-to-earnings before interest and taxes (P/EBIT) ratio, 15, 87-88

price-to-earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (P/EBITDA) ratio, 15, 87-88

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139

solvency ratios, 39-40

working capital ratios, 35-36

real option analysis, 165-170

rear-end loading, 196

recurring events in income statements, 185-186

relative valuation methods, 14, 135

earnings multiples, 87-91

advantages, 91

calculating, 87-89

case study: Mattel, 89-91

limitations, 91

overview, 15-16

enterprise value multiples, 16

price multiples

earnings multiples. See earnings multiples

enterprise value multiples, 141-144

price-to-book (P/Book) ratio, 140-141

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139


asset capitalization policy

interest costs, 197-199

overview, 196

R&D (research and development) costs, 197

balance sheets

asset capitalization policy, 196-199

asset revaluation policy, 199-200

off-balance-sheet debt, 200-205

CFFO (cash flow from operating activities), 205-206

consolidated financial statements

accounting for goodwill, 220-221

full consolidation approach, 218-220

purchase accounting, 214-218

when to use, 213-214

economic reality, assessing, 183-184

free cash flows, 205-206

income statements, 185

inventory costing policy, 190-193

recurring and nonrecurring events, 185-186

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

tax considerations

of goodwill, 224

of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 222-223

Repsol, 85-86

residual income models, 18-19

return on assets (ROA), 27-29

return on shareholders’ equity (ROE) model, 29-32, 41

revenue recognition policy, 186-189

Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993, 224

ROA (return on assets), 27-29

ROE (return on shareholders’ equity) model, 29-32, 41


scenario analysis, 60

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 138

sensitivity analysis, 59-60

shareholder value, impact of M&As (mergers and acquisitions) on, 8-9, 232

shareholder’s equity, return on, 29-32, 41

Skype Technologies, 23-24

Snapple, 1

solvency ratios, 39

spread, 160

Sprint, 1

Squibb Corporation, 181. See also Bristol-Myers Squibb

Standard & Poor’s, 26

Standard Oil Company, 3-4

statements. See financial statements

Stern Stewart & Company, 159


consolidated financial statements

accounting for goodwill, 220-221

full consolidation approach, 218-220

purchase accounting, 214-218

when to use, 213-214

tax considerations

of goodwill, 224

of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 222-223


financial synergies, 7

managerial synergies, 7

operating synergies, 6-7


tangible net worth, 221

tax considerations

of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 222-223

tax havens, 222

Telefonica, 211-212

Thomson Reuters, 26

T-Mobile, 211

TNT Express, 229-230

traditional valuation methods

best practices, 108-109

cross-border considerations, 109-111

DCF (discounted cash flow) models

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

continuing value, 101-104

discount rate, 96-97

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

overview, 92

target’s WACC, 97-100

earnings multiples, 87-91

advantages, 91

calculating, 87-89

case study: Mattel, 89-91

limitations, 91

use of, 86-87

trailing multiples, 88

transparency regimes, 222

trend analysis, 26

Tronox Inc., 202-203

turnover, asset turnover, 34-38


unconsolidated debt, 201-202

undiversifiable risk, 98

United Parcel Service (UPS), 229-230

United States Steel Corporation, 3-4

unleveraged beta, 146

UPS (United Parcel Service), 229-230


valuation, overview of, 2-3

valuation methods, 134

best practices, 108-109

case studies

Pure Digital, 133-134

YPF, 85-86

caveats, 231-232

choosing, 230-233

cross-border considerations, 109-111

DCF (discounted cash flow) models

acquirer’s hurdle rate, 100-101

APV (adjusted present value) model, 145-155

continuing value, 101-104

discount rate, 96-97

versus economic income models, 164-165

FCF to equity model, 155-158

forecasting period, 92-93

free cash flows, 93-96

overview, 17-18, 92, 144-145

target’s WACC, 97-100

earnings multiples, 87-91

advantages, 91

calculating, 87-89

case study: Mattel, 89-91

limitations, 91

overview, 15-16

economic income models

versus DCF models, 164-165

illustration, 162-163

methodology, 159-162

overview, 158-159

nondiscounted cash flow models, 18-19

overview, 12-14

price multiples

earnings multiples. See earnings multiples

enterprise value multiples, 16, 141-144

price-to-book (P/Book) ratio, 140-141

price-to-cash flow ratio, 139-140

price-to-sales ratio, 136-139

real option analysis, 165-170

relative valuation methods, 14

use of, 19-20, 86-87

valuation process, 10-12

value. See also ratios

book value, 10-11

break-up value, 11

continuing value, 101-104

exit multiple method, 88-103

perpetuity growth method, 103-104

entity value, 105-106

calculating, 146

equity value, 106-107

firm value, 105-106

fundamental value, 11

goodwill, 220-221

liquidation value, 11

market value, 11

operating value, 93

option value, real option analysis, 165-170

shareholder value, impact of M&As (mergers and acquisitions) on, 8-9, 232

value destruction in M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 10

Value Line, 26

Vodafone, 1-2

Volvo, 6


WACC (weighted average cost of capital), 97-100

Warner Lambert, 1-2

“waves” of M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 3-6

weighted average cost method, 190

weighted average cost of capital (WACC), 97-100

working capital ratios, 35-36

YPF, 85-86

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