Chapter 11. The Interactive Service Hub

Using the Interactive Service Hub

The interactive service hub is a new web user interface designed to be used by service support teams. It is divided into two types of usage:

Image Tier 1—Tier 1 users see data with real-time multi-stream dashboards, and the data is based on entity views or queues. Multi-stream dashboards show data based on the same entity and are ideal for service support teams that support many cases at the same time.

Image Tier 2—Tier 2 users see real-time single-stream dashboards. This is typically useful for managers who need to monitor less data, but they need to see sophisticated data (either escalated or complex, for example).

Both types of dashboards (multi-stream and single-stream) are real time and are interactive in nature, allowing users to drill down on the data.

The interactive service hub architecture is similar to that of the Dynamics CRM mobile clients, in that the customization and business rules are cached in a local store. Every time you make a customization or change in the entities associated to the interactive service hub, you are asked to download the customizations, and that takes some time to complete, much like what happens with mobile clients.


You can improve the download wait time by using a new features introduced with Update 0.1 to prepare client customization. Refer to Chapter 22Customizing the System,” for detailed information.

The first time you access the standard CRM web interface, the system prompt you to try the interactive service hub, as shown in Figure 11.1 (found in the information bar across the top).


FIGURE 11.1 Interactive service hub suggestion.

If you click the Experience It Now button, you are directed to the new interactive service hub user interface on a new tab or browser window (see Figure 11.2).


FIGURE 11.2 Preparing the interactive service hub.


The direct links to the interactive service hub are as follows (where orgname is your organizations name):

For Online:

For On-Premises: http://crmserver/orgname/engagementhub.aspx

Once the interface downloads the metadata, you can start using this new interface, as shown in Figure 11.3.


FIGURE 11.3 The interactive service hub.

The interactive service hub comes with four predefined dashboards out of the box:

Image Tier 1 Dashboard

Image Tier 2 Dashboard

Image Knowledge Manager

Image My Knowledge Dashboard

You can create custom (interactive service hub) dashboards but only at the system level in Dynamics CRM 2016. Note that this is different from the standard CRM user interface, where users can create their own personal dashboards.

Image SEE the “Configurations and Customizations” section, later in this chapter, to learn how to create custom dashboards.

You can use these dashboards to see some nice graphical interfaces of the data by clicking the chart icon next to the dashboard name (see Figure 11.4).


FIGURE 11.4 Interactive service hub dashboard with visual filters.

The charts shown in Figure 11.4 are also called visual filters because they allow you to filter the data by clicking on the chart components directly.

Clicking the icon buttons in the lower-right corner of the screen allows you to change the dashboard view to tiles (see Figure 11.5).


FIGURE 11.5 Interactive service hub dashboard with tiles.

You can click each tile to display the list of records to easily navigate to them.

When you look at the stream view (shown in the columns on the form), there are some hidden (or not easy to catch) controls in the stream records. You can click the check boxes of any records inside the stream to display a list of actions on the top. For example, if you select a case, you see actions like Resolve, Cancel, and Do Not Decrement Entitlement Terms at the top of the column, as shown in Figure 11.6.


FIGURE 11.6 Interactive service hub stream record actions.

If you click the ellipsis (...), you see more actions you can take for the selected record(s), like Delete, Apply Routing Rule, Assign, and Add to Queue (see Figure 11.7).


FIGURE 11.7 More actions for the interactive service hub stream records.


You may notice that the navigation bar in the interactive service hub is very similar to the standard Dynamics CRM user interface. However, when expanded it, you find only Service and a few entities there (see Figure 11.8).


FIGURE 11.8 Interactive service hub navigation.

You can add more entities here or add custom entities, but this navigation area is designed to be streamlined for the Tier 1 and 2 agents. You can make configurations here, though, as described in the “Configurations and Customizations” section, later in this chapter.


Dashboards in the interactive service hub have two types of filters: time frame and field. The time frame filters allow you to quickly filter by the following time frames:

Image Today

Image Yesterday

Image This Week

Image Last Week

Image This Month

Image Last Month

Image Month Till Date

Image This Quarter

Image Last Quarter

Image Custom Time Frame

Figure 11.9 shows the interactive service hub time filters.


FIGURE 11.9 ISH time frame filters.

If you select the Custom Time Frame option, you see the Start-Date and End-Date calendars.

Apart from the time frame filters, each entity may have other fields configured to be used as filters. If you click the filter icon, you see the filters, as shown in Figure 11.10.


FIGURE 11.10 Interactive service hub field filters.

Image SEE the “Configurations and Customizations” section, later in this chapter for information on how to configure filter fields.

Recent Views and Records

You can click the clock icon in the navigation bar to access the recent views and records in the interactive service hub, as shown in Figure 11.11.


FIGURE 11.11 Recent views and records.

The recent record list also shows you the dashboard records you recently viewed.

Quick Search

By clicking the find icon in the navigation bar, you can access to the Quick Search tool, as shown in Figure 11.12.


FIGURE 11.12 Quick Search.

The entities configured out of the box are Account, Contact, Activity, and Case. To add custom entities to this list, you can go to the CRM standard web interface and click Settings > Administration > System Settings. Then, on the General tab, you can set the Set Up Search options (see Figure 11.13).


FIGURE 11.13 Set Up Search options in System Settings.

Click Select to add entities, as shown in Figure 11.14. Be aware that the entities must be enabled for interactive experience.


FIGURE 11.14 Selecting entities for Quick Search.

Image SEE the “Configurations and Customizations” section, later in this chapter.

You see more entities here than in the interactive service hub because the interactive service hub shows only the entities that are configured to be displayed in the Service area. So if you add a new entity here, make sure the entity is configured to be displayed in the Service area so you can use it in the interactive service hub.

Quick Create

You can quickly create new entity records by clicking on the + icon in the navigation bar. You can then see the list of entities you can create, as shown in Figure 11.15


FIGURE 11.15 Interactive service hub Quick Create.

By default, you can only create entities of types Activity, which can be Phone Call, Task, Email, or Appointment. (Note that you cannot create Service activity records, nor can you enable them to work with this interface.) By default you can also create other records of the types Knowledge Article, Contact, Account, and Case.


Streams are basically views in the interactive service hub dashboards, and you can edit the properties in them by clicking the ... to the right of a stream title. In this way, you can change the sorting of the stream. Clicking the stream title changes the sort direction from ascending to descending and vice versa, as shown in Figure 11.16.


FIGURE 11.16 Stream properties.


Customers in the interactive service hub are divided in accounts and contacts. To see the accounts, go to Service and then click Accounts in the navigation bar. The view shown in Figure 11.17 appears.


FIGURE 11.17 My Active Accounts.

This view shows a list of accounts. Notice that the view is not very different from the views in the standard CRM web user interface. However, there is a new icon in this interface, down in the lower-left corner. When you click this icon, you go to an entity-specific dashboard (in this case, a dashboard that works only for Account entities) that is not available from the Service > Dashboard menu option (see Figure 11.18).


FIGURE 11.18 Accounts Dashboard view.

If you click the chart icon, you see the visual filters, as shown in Figure 11.19.


FIGURE 11.19 Accounts Dashboard view with visual filters.

Social Profiles

If you have CRM connected and integrated with Microsoft Social Engagement, you can see the social profiles, as shown in Figure 11.20.


FIGURE 11.20 Active Social Profiles view.

Image For more information about Microsoft Social Engagement and how to connect it with Dynamics CRM, SEE CHAPTER 14, “Microsoft Dynamics Social Engagement.”


To work with cases, click on Service > Cases in the navigation bar. On the My Active Cases page that appears, you see a list of cases in a view that is similar to the views in the standard CRM web user interface (see Figure 11.21).


FIGURE 11.21 My Active Cases view from the interactive service hub.

This interface also has the entity-specific dashboard icon in the lower left, and you can click it to go to the dashboard.

If you click the chart icon, you will see the visual filters, as shown in Figure 11.22.


FIGURE 11.22 Cases Dashboard view with visual filters.

To open a case, click a title record. Cases in the interactive service hub are displayed by default with a modern user interface, as shown in Figure 11.23.


FIGURE 11.23 Case form.

You can click the phone icon to make a quick phone call to the customer, and when you do, an alert confirmation is displayed, as shown in Figure 11.24.


FIGURE 11.24 Alert for a Skype phone call.


The example shown in Figure 11.24 assumes that you have Skype installed on your computer. If you don’t, you do not see this confirmation.

At the same time a quick form for a new phone call record opens on the right side of the screen, as shown in Figure 11.25.


FIGURE 11.25 Phone call record.

There are some differences in the process flow between the interactive service hub interface and Dynamics CRM. For example, click the stage you want to work with, and you see the Make Active link on the bottom of the box displayed for the stage, as shown in Figure 11.26.


FIGURE 11.26 The make active process flow.

Making the stage active allows you to move to the next stage. When you do, you can click the Next Stage link to move the process flow to the next stage.

Knowledge Articles

The knowledge articles in the interactive service hub have an improved interface compared with the one that comes with the standard CRM user interface. Remember that the standard interface forces you to start an article by selecting a template. However, this is not required for new articles created with the interactive service hub interface. Figure 11.27 shows the My Active Articles interface.


FIGURE 11.27 My Active Articles view.

When you choose to create a new knowledge base article, you see a process flow not shown in the standard CRM user interface (see Figure 11.28).


FIGURE 11.28 New Knowledge Article view.

The interactive service hub user interface has a rich text editor for entering article content that allows you to easily add images and links, as shown in Figure 11.29.


FIGURE 11.29 New Knowledge Article view.

You add an image by entering the URL of an image file you have stored on any external website, and you can easily see a preview of the image before adding it to the content of the article (see Figure 11.30).


FIGURE 11.30 Adding images to the New Knowledge Article view.

Configurations and Customizations

You can customize the interactive service hub in several different ways. If you want to add a custom entity or any system entity that doesn’t come with the interactive service hub by default, you can add it by going to Settings > Customizations and opening the default solution. There you see the Enable for Interactive Experience check box (see Figure 11.31).


FIGURE 11.31 Enable for Interactive Experience option.

Enabling this check box alone is not enough to have your custom entity appear in the interactive service hub interface, however; you also need to add your entity to the Service area by checking the Service check box under Areas That Display This Entity (which basically adds the entity to the sitemap for the Service area).


In the interactive service hub there is no way to customize the sitemap to add other links to web resources or custom pages as you can do with the standard CRM web interface. The interactive service hub shows only the entities that are enabled for interactive experience in the Service area.

When you check Enable for Interactive Experience for an entity, two new type of forms are created:

Image Main—Interactive Experience

Image Card

These new forms are explained in the next section.

Main—Interactive Experience Form

Interactive experience will not work without at least one Main—Interactive Experience form. When you check Enable for Interactive Experience for an entity, one form of this type is created. You can, however, create more forms of this type by clicking Forms > New > Main Form—Interactive Experience. You might need to create new forms of this type, for example, to assign to different CRM roles.


Even though the interactive service hub application interface is based on the new mobile client application, it does not support the new interactive controls available for mobile clients. For more information about these controls, see Chapter 18, “Mobility.”

The interactive service hub interface doesn’t allow you to change the form if you have more than one form created with permissions. Only the first one is displayed, and you might need to change the order by clicking the Form Order option and then selecting Main Form Set—Interactive Experience, as shown in Figure 11.32.


FIGURE 11.32 Form order for Main Form Set—Interactive Experience.

Choose the form you want to use and move it to the top and click OK.

Card Form

The other new form type introduced with the interactive service hub is the Card form. The Card form is used to display data in dashboards under streams. To create a new form of this type, Forms > New > Card Form. Figure 11.33 shows the card form).


FIGURE 11.33 Card form editor.

Card forms are limited forms for which you cannot edit field attributes to configure events that occur on changes or loading or saving events. In addition, the sections are limited to only four fields (see Figure 11.34).


FIGURE 11.34 Card form properties.

For example, if you add a new field called Website, it appears in the dashboard as shown in Figure 11.35.


FIGURE 11.35 Card form used in the dashboard.

A Card form has a special section called Color Strip, and you can add only one field to this section, and it can be of type Boolean Picklist or status Reason. You can configure the color in the field property page by selecting the option and then clicking the Edit button for the selected option. Figure 11.36 shows a color setting.


FIGURE 11.36 Editing the color for a Card form.

The colors you select are displayed to the left of the stream record as a vertical colored line.


Field properties have two new specific interactive service hub—related attributes (see Figure 11.37):

Image Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience

Image Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard


FIGURE 11.37 Field interactive service hub–related attributes.

Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience

You can use the Appears in Global Filter in Interactive Experience option with the following field data types:

Image Option Set (picklist)

Image Two options (Booleans)

Image Whole Number (integers)

Image Floating Point Number

Image Decimal Number

Image Currency

Image Date and Time

Image Lookup

When you set this flag on a field, you can use it in the global filter in the Entity interactive dashboards. Figure 11.38 shows a Billable field of type Boolean for the Timesheet entity.


FIGURE 11.38 Interactive service hub field filters.

Select the value you want to filter on and click Apply. You can then remove all filters by clicking on the last X (Cancel) button. To remove only a particular filter field, you can hover on the field and click the X button that appears.

Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard

You can use the Sortable in Interactive Experience Dashboard option with any field type. Setting this option allows you to use the field in dashboard streams to change the sort field. You can do this when you go to an entity dashboard and click the ... under the stream title and then select Edit Properties. You then see the field available in the Sort By drop-down, as shown in Figure 11.39.


FIGURE 11.39 Sort By drop-down.

When you select the field and click OK, you then see the field in the stream title, so you can click there to change the direction from ascending to descending or vice versa.


As mentioned earlier in this chapter, you can create new system dashboards. To do that, you select Settings > Customizations > Customize the System. Then you select Dashboards > New > Interactive Experience Dashboard, as shown in Figure 11.40.


FIGURE 11.40 Creating a new interactive experience dashboard.

You are then asked to choose a layout, and you can select one of the following options:

Image Multi-Stream:

Image 4-Column Overview

Image 3-Column Overview

Image 2-Column Overview

Image 3-Column Overview II

Image Single-Stream:’

Image 5-Column Overview

Image 3-Column Overview

Image 5-Column Overview II

Image 2-Column Overview

The Multi-Stream and Single-Stream types differs in terms of where the visual filters and tiles will be displayed. The Multi-Stream option shows the visual filters on the top, while the Single-Stream option shows the visual filters and tiles to the right, as shown in Figure 11.41.


FIGURE 11.41 Choosing a layout.

Say that you select the Multi-Stream 4 Columns Overview option (which is the default) and click the Create button. The new dashboard editor window opens, an in it, you enter a name for the dashboard. Also, unlike with standard dashboards, you must select a filter entity and the view for the selected entity (see Figure 11.42).


FIGURE 11.42 Dashboard editor.

With the selected layout, you can add charts only on the top layer of the Visual Filters section for the entity type you selected for the dashboard (see Figure 11.43).


FIGURE 11.43 Add Component dialog for visual filters.

You can then add streams to the bottom layer of the dashboard. Here you can select any of the interactive service hub—enabled entities, and you can indicate whether you want to display a queue or an entity view (see Figure 11.44).


FIGURE 11.44 Add Stream dialog.

When you finished adding the visual filters and streams, click Save and then on Close in the command bar. Make sure to publish all the customizations before you try to load the new dashboard in the interactive service hub interface.

Entity Dashboards

New to the interactive service hub interface is the ability to create entity-specific dashboards that, as discussed earlier in this chapter, are available when you click the dashboard icon in the lower-left corner of the entity views. If you enabled a custom entity, you have to create a dashboard manually as there is not one created by default when you enable the interactive experience. To do that, expand the entity and click Dashboards > New > Interactive Experience Dashboard. This option only allows you to create a multi-stream dashboard using one of the four layouts, as described earlier in this chapter.


This chapter looks at the interactive service hub, a new user experience interface for the service support team. You have seen how to use it and how to configure and customize it by creating interactive forms and dashboards. The interactive service hub will likely be improved in the future to look more like the mobile client applications.

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