Chapter 26. Process Development

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, organizations can define and implement business processes. These processes help employees focus on their work rather than do manual steps. Dynamics CRM 2016 has business process flows (BPFs), actions, workflows (asynchronous and synchronous), and dialogs. In addition, tasks flows are a preview feature available in Dynamics CRM 2016 Online only. Business process flows and real-time (synchronous) workflows are processes specifically designed to be used by people who are not developers. However, it is important to understand how and why to use each type of process.

Table 26.1 summarizes the various options available in actions, dialogs, and workflows.


TABLE 26.1 Action, Dialog, and Workflow Options

The steps for creating any of these processes are similar. You start by going to Settings > Processes and clicking the New button. A new pop-up window opens, and in it you select one of the objects from the Category drop-down (see Figure 26.1).


FIGURE 26.1 Processes interface in CRM 2016.


Actions in Dynamics CRM are used to extend the standard functionality of the system. With actions, business users can implement the business logic, and then developers can hook up those actions to system events. Business users can write business logic the same way as in workflows. If there is a change in business process logic, business users can change the logic in actions without involving any developer. Actions can be tied to specific entities, or they can be global. (To make them global, you select None [global] in the Entity drop-down in the Create Process dialog shown in Figure 26.1.)

You can save actions as a template and then use the template to create new actions. Developers can then invoke the actions via code, using a plug-in, JavaScript, or a custom button on the command bar. Actions can be imported and exported as part of a solution.

Basically, you can think of an action as a wrapper for multiple server-side operations. It boosts performance because instead of sending multiple requests for software development kit (SDK) operations, those calls are bundled into one action, and you need to send only one request to the server. In addition, consider the following:

Image Actions are called (run as) under security context of calling the user.

Image Actions are available through organization.svc or organization.svc/web endpoints.

Image Actions can be invoked using C# code or JavaScript. You cannot invoke actions using OData.

Image Actions are not supported with offline clients.

Image Wait and Parallel Wait Branch steps are not available in actions.

Image Actions support both input and output arguments.

Behind the scenes, the business logic in actions is implemented using a real-time workflow. When you create an action, it is automatically registered as a real-time workflow to execute at stage 30 (core operation) in the execution pipeline.

The following data types are supported for arguments (see Figure 26.2):

Image Boolean

Image DateTime

Image Decimal

Image Entity

Image EntityCollection

Image EntityReference

Image Float

Image Integer

Image Money

Image Picklist

Image String


FIGURE 26.2 Supported parameter types for input and output arguments in actions.

You can specify whether an action is part of a database transaction or not. To do so, find the Enable Rollback check box, shown in Figure 26.2. If this is checked, the actions will be part of the main database transaction, and if there is an error, the whole transaction will roll back.

Actions are request and response classes that can be used in the Execute method of the CRM Organization service. You can generate these classes to use in your code by using the CrmSvcUtil.exe utility in the SDK, found under the Bin directory. To include request response classes for activated actions in that organization, you have to pass an additional parameter, /generateActions, at the end, as shown in Listing 26.1.

LISTING 26.1 Request Response Classes

CrmSvcUtil.exe /url:http://serverName/organizationName/XRMServices/2011/
/out:outputFilename.cs /username:username /password:password /
/namespace:outputNamespace /serviceContextName:serviceContextName


To download the CRM SDK, search for “CRM 2016 SDK” at

When to Use Actions

You use actions when you want to perform certain steps based on some criteria, such as when a case has been opened for some days and no action has taken place. In this example, a customer calls the customer care support line and would like the case to be escalated. The service representative can escalate the case with one click.

You can implement business logic depending on the number of days the case was open, and then it can be executed from within that case record. You can send email to a senior service manager, change priority, and assign the case to a queue in a single action named Escalate—and all these steps can be performed in a single process. In earlier versions of CRM, you implemented this sort of functionality using workflows.

How to Use Actions

To implement the previous example using actions, you need to create an action on the Case entity, as follows:

1. Go to Settings > Processes and click the New button.

2. In the dialog that appears, enter Escalate as the process name and choose Action as the category and Case as the entity. Then click OK.

3. In the dialog that appears, set the Process Name field and the Unique Name field (used in invoking actions using SDK or JavaScript). Ensure that the Enable Rollback check box is selected. You can save actions as process templates, which you can use to create new actions, and you can keep the check box Keep Logs for Workflow Jobs That Encountered Any Errors checked.


For successfully completed action jobs there will be no log.

4. Create an output argument of data type String, named Priority. Also create an argument for a user who is escalating the case. To do this, click the + icon to add a process argument, select EntityReference as the type, and select User as the entity for the EscalatedBy argument. Check the Required check box to make it a required field, as shown in Figure 26.3.


FIGURE 26.3 Input argument.

5. Enter business logic to check whether the case has been created before 30 days from the current date and then send an escalation email to the senior service manager from the user escalating the case. Figure 26.4 shows the escalation email, Figure 26.5 shows the case priority being changed to high, and Figure 26.6 assigns the case to the high-priority queue. Figure 26.7 sets the output variable Set Case Priority = High. Finally, if the case created is less than 15 days from the current date, send an email to the service manager, set the case to medium priority, assign the case to a medium-priority queue, and the set output variable Set Case Priority = Medium (see Figure 26.8).


FIGURE 26.4 Escalation email.


FIGURE 26.5 Changing the case priority to High.


FIGURE 26.6 Assigning the case to a high-priority queue.


FIGURE 26.7 Assigning the value High to the output argument.


FIGURE 26.8 Business logic in action.

6. Add a custom button named Escalate to the command bar of the Case entity and invoke the Escalate() function of the Action.js script when that button is clicked (see Figure 26.9).


FIGURE 26.9 Custom Escalate button on the case record.


To make modifications to the Site Map as explained in step 6 by adding a custom button, download the XrmToolbox from Using the SiteMap Editor included with that tool, you can easily edit the ribbon menu.

To add the custom button to the command in step 6, download Ribbon Workbench from You can use Ribbon Workbench to add custom buttons and specify what function to be called on button click.

The Escalate() function passes the current case ID and current user ID parameters to the EscalateRequest function. This method executes SOAP message to execute the new_Escalate actions. The action is executed, and in response, you have the priority value that you have assigned in the action business logic. You can parse the response by using the ShowResponse() function of Action.js and use it in an alert message to a customer care representative (see Listing 26.2 and Figure 26.10).

LISTING 26.2 Action.js

var requestXML = new XMLHttpRequest();
requestXML.onreadystatechange = ShowResponse;
function Escalate() {//function for the command bar
    var recordId ="{","").replace("}","");
    var userId = Xrm.Page.context.getUserId().replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
        EscalateRequest(userId, recordId);
function EscalateRequest(EscalatedById, CaseId) {

    var postUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/XRMServices/2011/Organization
    .svc/web";//WebService Url
    var requestText = "";
    requestText += "<s:Envelope xmlns:s="
    requestText += "    <s:Body>";
    requestText += "        <Execute xmlns="
    requestText += "            <request  xmlns:a="
    requestText += "                <a:Parameters xmlns:c="http://schemas">";
    requestText += "                    <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>"
    requestText += "                        <c:key>EscalatedBy</c:key>"
    requestText += "                        <c:value i:type="a:EntityReference">"
    requestText += "                            <a:Id>" + EscalatedById + "</a:Id>"
    requestText += "                            <a:LogicalName>systemuser
    requestText += "                            <a:Name i:nil="true" />"
    requestText += "                         </c:value>"
    requestText += "                    </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>"
    requestText += "                    <a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>"
    requestText += "                        <c:key>Target</c:key>"
    requestText += "                        <c:value i:type="a:EntityReference">"
    requestText += "                            <a:Id>" + CaseId + "</a:Id>"
    requestText += "                            <a:LogicalName>incident
    requestText += "                            <a:Name i:nil="true" />"
    requestText += "                        </c:value>"
    requestText += "                    </a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType>"
    requestText += "                </a:Parameters>"
    requestText += "                <a:RequestId i:nil="true" />"
    requestText += "                <a:RequestName>new_Escalate</a:RequestName>"
    requestText += "            </request>"
    requestText += "        </Execute>"
    requestText += "    </s:Body>"
    requestText += "</s:Envelope>""POST", postUrl, true);//true is for async
    requestXML.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/xml, text/xml, */*");
    requestXML.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
    requestXML.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "
function ShowResponse() {
    var x = requestXML.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("a:KeyValuePairOfstringany
    for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        if (x[i].childNodes[0].textContent == "Priority") {
            alert("The case has been assigned to " + x[i].childNodes[1].textContent
+ " priority queue.");


FIGURE 26.10 Alert message with a response from an action.

7. Write plug-ins on pre- and post-stages of the Escalate message (see Listing 26.3). In some scenarios you need to do some data validation before the Escalate message executes, and you can write this business logic in a plug-in and register it on pre-operation of the Escalate message. The plug-in code should validate the business logic and abort the Escalate message if conditions are not met. When you register your plug-in, you see new_Escalate available under Messages.

You have to make sure the action is activated; otherwise, you will get a runtime error. The input parameters of the plug-in context should receive the input arguments defined, and post-operation should have both input and output arguments defined in the actions (see Figure 26.11).


FIGURE 26.11 Post-operation output arguments in the plug-in.


A class library project must be created in C# to create the plug-in, and sdkinmicrosoft.xrm.sdk.dll must be referenced. Be sure the assembly is signed as well (as explained in Chapter 25, “Plug-ins”).

LISTING 26.3 Plug-in Code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
namespace ActionsPlugin
    public class ActionsSample :IPlugin
        string priority = string.Empty;
        public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            IPluginExecutionContext context =
            EntityReference caseRecord = context.InputParameters["Target"] as
            EntityReference EscalatedBy = context.InputParameters["EscalatedBy"] as
            priority = context.OutputParameters["Priority"].ToString();

Image For more information about registering and debugging plug-ins, SEE CHAPTER 25.

Business Process Flows

Business process flows (BPFs) provide visual presentations of processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Business users can create efficient and streamlined business processes that let end users know where they are and what to do next with current record to reach a conclusion. Users can the see the BPF control at the top of the entity records.

Enabling an Entity for BPF

You can enable the BPF feature for an entity by allowing it on the form customizations. To do so, go to Customizations > Customize the System and then select an entity for which you want to enable business process. Once it is enabled, you cannot reverse it. You get two new fields for the entity: ProcessId and StageId. ProcessId holds the ID of the process associated with the current record, and StageId holds the ID of the current stage of the record in the process. You can have a maximum of 10 active BPFs per entity.


You can change the maximum number of business flows by updating the Organization entity’s MaximumActiveBusinessProcessFlowsAllowedPerEntity property.

Enabling Default BPFs

Microsoft provides several ready-to-use business processes for entities. You can enable them from Settings > Data Management > Add Ready-to-Use Business Processes. Go to Settings > Processes, and you see BPFs created and activated for the following entities:

Image Account

Image Contact

Image Campaign

Image Case

Image Marketing List

Image Opportunity


A BPF must be activated before you can use it. You do this activation by navigating to Settings > Processes and selecting the BPF you want to activate.

The BPF guides users from various stages in sales, service, and other business processes from start to finish. BPFs have predefined stages, and each stage has steps. You can mark steps as required, but even if you do this, you cannot force users to complete that step before moving to the next stage. BPFs can be designed for a single entity, or they can span multiple entities. For example, you can start from a Lead entity and then move on to Opportunity, Account, Quote, Sales Order, Invoice, and then come back to Opportunity to close it as won. You can also have multiple process flows for a single entity. For example, you can have a process flow for low-priority cases and another one for high-priority cases.


When returning to the original entity (in the previous example, Opportunity), you are limited in terms of the actions you can perform. For example, you can only close the Opportunity entity, and no other actions are allowed.

Designing a BPF

You can create a BPF by going to Settings > Processes and clicking the New button. You then fill in the name of the BPF and select Business Process Flow from the Category drop-down. BPFs are always associated with an entity, unlike actions, which can be defined as global. Select the entity from the Entity drop-down, which lists the entities for which BPF is enabled (see Figure 26.12).


FIGURE 26.12 Creating a new BPF.

Next, the Business Process Flow Designer screen opens. It is divided into three main parts: a command bar at top, a description area, and a process definition area. The process definition area is divided into stages, and each stage has Stage Name and Entity as mandatory fields (see Figure 26.13).


FIGURE 26.13 Business Process Flow Designer screen.

One entity is shown in the Business Process Flow Designer initially, and you cannot change the primary entity (the one selected on the previous screen). You can add other entities to the process in later stages, and the Business Process Flow Designer lists all the entities that have the BPF enabled for. The next step is to click Relationships to select the relationship between the entities; keep in mind that there can be multiple relationships between two entities. This way you can differentiate between them.

When you click the entity name, it is added to the process. You can delete a stage in the process by clicking the X button in the top-right corner of the stage. You can delete any stage in the process, but there is no way to delete the primary entity in the process. A multi-entity process can have a maximum of five entities.

If you have a process flow that moves from case to phone call to task, you might want to update the case record after the task. To do this, you can close the process cycle by selecting the Case entity under Close Process Cycle, and you cannot add any new entities after that.

You can click Insert Stage at the bottom of the Business Process Flow Designer (refer to Figure 26.13) to add a new stage in the process definition. You can select an entity in the process definition and add a stage for that and give them the following properties:

Image A stage will always be added at the end.

Image There can be a maximum of 30 stages per entity in a process.

If you have at least three stages, you can move stages up and down by using the arrow keys at the bottom of the Business Process Flow Designer. When you move a stage, all the child steps move along with it. You can select a stage by clicking it; when an X appears on the right side of the selected stage, you can click it to delete the selected stage. When a stage is deleted, its child steps and their labels are also deleted.

When you add a stage, you provide a name to that stage and select the stage category. This stage category is populated from a global option set named Stage Category, which you can customize to your requirements.

To enhance a business process flow with branching, you can create a BPF with multiple branches by using If-Else logic. To add the first branch for a stage, choose Add Branch below the stage and specify the If condition, as shown in Figure 26.14.


FIGURE 26.14 If-Else logic branching.

Click the + button under the branching rule to add another condition to the rule.

To add a second branch for the same stage, choose Add Branch again, below the same stage. The Else clause is displayed. You can choose Else to convert it to Else-If if you have more than two branches from the same stage or if you want to enter a branch only when certain conditions are satisfied.

The branching condition can be formed of multiple logical expressions that use a combination of AND or OR operators. The branch selection is done automatically, in real time, based on rules defined during the process definition. Each branch can be maximum of five levels deep. All peer branches should always merge to a single stage or must end the process.

A stage can have multiple steps, and whenever a new stage is added, a new step is also added. You can add a new step by clicking the + icon. When a step is added, it is added at the end of the selected stage. You can move steps up and down by using same arrow keys that you use for stages. You cannot move a step from one stage to another stage; if you want to do this, you have to delete the step from the stage and then add a new step to the other stage. You can have a maximum of 30 steps for each stage.

You can map a step to an attribute by clicking the text box under the Field column, and you can provide a step label of your own choice, or it will get copied from the selected Fields Display value. If your process requires some steps to complete any mandatory fields before moving to the next stage, you can select the Required column in front of that step. You can have multiple required steps in a stage.

BPFs can also be associated with security roles. Users who have the appropriate security roles can see or use them, and you can have multiple BPFs for an entity. All of them can be associated with a single security role.

In addition, you can set the order of BPFs for each entity. To do so, open a BPF and then click the Order Process Flow button on the command bar. The entity at the top of the dialog that appears will be set as the default (see Figure 26.15).


FIGURE 26.15 Setting the order of BPFs.

When a user creates a new record, the list of activated BPFs for that entity is compared with business processes for the security role of that user. The first activated BPF is set by default. Once the record is created, users can switch BPFs via the command bar.

A pop-up window opens after a user selects to switch BPFs from the command bar, with a list of active BPFs for that entity. You can select the process from there, and that process will be activated for that record.


You can use dialogs to have users perform a business process in an order that you want them to follow, such as when a structured flow is required. Dialogs are also good for surveys, such as customer satisfaction surveys where the next question depends on the current answer.

Table 26.2 shows the main differences between dialogs and workflows.


TABLE 26.2 Differences Between Dialogs and Workflows

To create a new dialog, follow these steps:

1. From the main interface, navigate to Settings > Processes and then click New.

2. Enter the name Customer Satisfaction Survey for the process. Select Account from the Entity drop-down. Then select Dialog from the Category drop-down (see Figure 26.16).


FIGURE 26.16 Creating a process dialog.

3. Click OK, and you see the Dialog Designer (see Figure 26.17).

The following sections explain some of the items in the Dialog Designer.


FIGURE 26.17 Dialog Designer.

Input Arguments

Input arguments are used to pass parameters from a parent dialog to a child dialog. The input arguments can be Single Line of Text, Whole Number, Date and Time, Date Only, and Lookup, as shown in Figure 26.18.


FIGURE 26.18 Input arguments.

When you try to add a new input argument, you are alerted about the need to change the runtime to run as a child process if you didn’t do it before.


Variables are used to store computed data or strings that need to be concatenated on future pages of the dialog. Like input arguments, they can be set to Single Line of Text, Whole Number, Date and Time, Date Only, or Lookup.


Steps are similar to workflows, with the exception of the main step, which gives you a Page option. Dialogs contain one or more pages that enable you to interact with users by asking questions the users need to answer. Based on the answer, you can change the flow of the process.


Think of pages as interfaces or pop-ups that are displayed to the user.

To create a welcome page, follow these steps:

1. Start a new workflow and click Add Step and Select Add Step Page. A red error icon appears.

2. Correct the error (shown with the red X icon) by clicking Add Step and selecting Prompt and Response (see Figure 26.19). After you add the prompt and response on the page, you will see also another red error icon.


FIGURE 26.19 Adding a prompt and response to the page.


Of course, you can create the dialog in the order shown (input, variables, and then steps), but for purposes of illustration, you are creating it backward.

3. As indicated by the error, complete the step by clicking Set Properties. Then you can enter the question, the response type, and the tip for the page.


Notice that if the response type is set to None, all the related options at the bottom of the form are disabled.

4. Click Save and Close and add another page with another prompt and response step inside. On this page, set Response Type to Option Set (Radio Buttons), as shown in Figure 26.20. Fill out the other options as shown in Figure 26.20 to ask whether the client is very satisfied, a little satisfied, or not satisfied with your services.


FIGURE 26.20 Customer survey configured.

5. Click Save and Close and add a check condition step, as shown in Figure 26.21.


FIGURE 26.21 Adding check conditions.

6. To ask a different question of customers who are not satisfied, click the <Condition> (Click Here to Configure) link to validate the previous page’s response. It is recommended to use Response Value instead of Response Label because it is likely that you can change the labels but not the values of the option set.

7. Click Save and Close and add another page with another prompt and response step to ask why the customer is not satisfied. For this question, allow the user to enter a free-text description of the problem. You could add more questions with fixed options on a real process.

8. To record the selections to a field on the entity (even though you can see the user response on the dialog sessions, discussed later in this chapter), select the entire last step, click Add Step, and then click Update Record (see Figure 26.22).


FIGURE 26.22 Adding the Update Record step.

9. Click Set Properties, and in the Description field under the Details section, set a dynamic value from the dissatisfaction response text (see Figure 26.23). You can update any field on the account form with values from the dialog session. This is an important piece to consider when using dialogs and processes: Because you’re updating the record, you can easily launch a workflow process on the field values set by the dialogs.


FIGURE 26.23 Updating the Description field, based on the user response text.

10. Click Save and Close to close the Update Account page, and click Save and Close to close the Dialog Designer.

Dialog Activation

Before you can use the dialog you just created, you need to activate it by clicking the Activate button. When you click the Activate button, a confirmation window appears.


You can always deactivate a process by clicking the Deactivate button. If you need to make any change to a process, you must deactivate it first because the capability to edit it is disabled for an activated process.

Testing the Dialog

To test the dialog you made for accounts, you need to go to the accounts. From there, you can select any account record, and you then see a Start Dialog option added to the ... item on the command bar (see Figure 26.24). When you click this button, a new window opens, and from it, you can select the dialog you want to use (see Figure 26.25). Select the Customer Survey dialog and click Add to start the process.


FIGURE 26.24 Start Dialog option.


FIGURE 26.25 Selecting the dialog.


You need to have the pop-up blocker disabled to use dialogs; otherwise, they won’t start.

The first screen shows the welcome text. Even though you didn’t add any questions on this page, the user can enter a comment here. You will be able to see the comments and the dialog responses in the Dialog Sessions link that is related to the record you are running in the dialog.

Click Next. You now see the customer survey question you configured; select this option and click Next.

On the next page, you see that the user can answer a question in a free-text form to explain why he or she is dissatisfied.


Notice that this field differs from the comment text box that is on the bottom of the dialog because this is specifically related to this question, whereas comments are related to the entire dialog process.

Click Next. The final page asks you for confirmation. If you are okay with all the dialog responses, click Finish. If not, you can move backward and then forward again and click Finish on the last page when you’re ready.


You can start a dialog by using a direct URL that runs the dialog. (This is helpful for programmatic access such as Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) software integrations.) You can access a dialog with a URL similar to this for On-Premises:


The values for DialogID, EntityName, and ObjectID are found in the URL of the dialog. To grab this URL, you can launch the dialog and press Ctrl+N to get the dialog to open in a new window, where you can see the address bar.


A workflow is a series of functions or methods, called steps, that are performed sequentially. The flow can change the processing direction by using conditionals, referred to as conditional branches. Figure 26.26 shows a conditional workflow as it would appear on a flowchart.


FIGURE 26.26 Workflow flowchart example.

A workflow is an excellent tool for managing both data and processes. With workflow rules, you can easily ensure that certain steps are followed and that required business processes are executed.

In CRM 2016, workflows are divided into two categories:

Image Asynchronous workflows

Image Real-time (synchronous) workflows

Asynchronous Workflows

Asynchronous workflows in Microsoft Dynamics CRM use a Windows service to act as a host application for the workflow engine to work. This Windows service, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service, must be running on the Windows CRM server (or a designated asynchronous server); otherwise, the workflows won’t execute. Figure 26.27 shows the service and its status.


FIGURE 26.27 Checking that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service is running.


If the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service is not running, you can’t see any of the asynchronous workflows described in this chapter. However, they run as soon as you start this service because the workflows are queued. So it is a good idea to verify that this Windows service is running by going to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and starting the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service if it is not running.

Another consideration is that asynchronous workflows might not run immediately; depending on the server overhead, they might take some seconds or minutes to complete (or even start). If you need a process to run immediately, you should consider creating real-time workflows, which are executed synchronously, or plug-ins, which can be set to be executed synchronously. Another factor in favor of workflows is that they are treated as entities in CRM, so you can use the Advanced Find tool to look up workflows, and you can also create reports based on them.

Image Refer to CHAPTER 25 for detailed instructions about creating and using plug-ins.

By default, any valid CRM user can create processes; however, the permissions to create processes can be configured by roles to prevent users from creating new processes that might burden the system. The security privilege Activate Real-Time Processes is required to activate real-time processes, and Execute Workflow Job is required to start a workflow.

Image Refer to CHAPTER 17, “Settings,” for more information about setting permission levels.

Workflows can be started by the particular triggering events and run settings. These are the triggering events:

Image Record Is Created

Image Record Status Changes

Image Record Is Assigned

Image Record Fields Change

Image Record Is Deleted


The Record Fields Change event enables you to reference any field on the underlying entity. The details of each event are outlined later in this chapter.

These are the run settings:

Image Run This Workflow in the Background

Image As an On-Demand Process

Image As a Child Process

Run This Workflow in the Background

Run This Workflow in the Background is a recommended option, as it determines whether the workflow runs asynchronously or synchronously. When selected, the workflow allows for variables such as wait conditions that are not available for real-time (synchronous) workflows.


Provided that your workflow doesn’t use wait conditions, you can convert your real-time workflows to background workflows and vice versa.

As an On-Demand Process

If the As an On-Demand Process option is specified, the process can be triggered manually by going to the associated entity and clicking ... > Run Workflow, as shown in Figure 26.28. A window appears, allowing you to select which on-demand workflow to run.


FIGURE 26.28 Running an on-demand workflow for the Account entity.

As a Child Process

Child processes are not executed automatically when the associated events are triggered. Instead, they are executed only when they are called through the Start Child Workflow activity.

If you need to perform a series of steps that are common to other entities or to the organization, using a child workflow makes sense.


Only the related entities’ workflows can be used to call a child workflow. For example, you can’t call a child workflow associated with the Invoice entity from a workflow of the Account entity.

A good example of a child workflow is a child workflow created for the Contact entity that could be called from another workflow associated with the Contact entity, which would be fired when an account is created using the Primary Contact relationship. The same child workflow could also be fired from another workflow created for the Phone Call entity that would fire the related Regarding contact.

If neither As On-Demand nor As a Child Process is selected, the workflow still runs automatically if the triggering event is fired.


If a workflow calls itself (on the same entity) more than seven times in an hour, the eighth instance fails. This failure happens to prevent a workflow from creating an infinite loop. For example, a birthday workflow (because the loop happens once a year) does not trigger any failure.

To create a new workflow, follow these steps:

To access the Workflow Manager, follow these steps:

1. From the main interface, navigate to Settings > Processes.

2. To create a new process of type Workflow, click New, and the Create Process dialog appears.


There are also options to create a blank process or a new process from an existing template. For this example, you’re going to create a blank process; however, as explained later in this chapter, when you’re working with the process, it can be saved as a regular process or as a process template. If saved as a process template, it can be referenced in this list for additional customization or other options.


You can uncheck the Run This Workflow in the Background (Recommended) check box if you want the workflow to be real time, as explained later in this chapter.

3. Enter a name for the new process, select an entity record type, select Workflow from the Category drop-down, select New Blank Process, and then click OK.


When creating a new workflow, you must associate it with a base entity.

Now you are ready to start adding any of the following steps:

Image Stage

Image Check Condition

Image Wait Condition

Image Create Record

Image Update Record

Image Assign Record

Image Send Email

Image Start Child Workflow

Image Perform Action

Image Change Status

Image Stop Workflow

These steps are explained as:

Image Stage—Although stages are used for grouping purposes, they are also stored in the database. They enable you to report on the different stages and various stage metrics, such as the number of records affected for each stage. If you have a complex workflow with several steps in it, grouping steps makes the workflow easier to read and understand. You can collapse or expand the stages to fit the screen.

Image Check Condition—A check condition is a Boolean evaluation similar to the If-Then conditional in programming. A check condition can be either true or false.


An If-Then conditional indicates how conditions are evaluated—for example if a = b, then c = d.

Image Wait Condition—The wait condition can put a workflow to sleep until a condition changes, such as the property of the associated entity, or after a period of time has elapsed.

Image Create Record—Use this activity to create a new instance of any entity. The user can hard-code the properties or retrieve them from the associated entity.

Image Update Record—This activity updates an existing instance of an entity.

Image Assign Record—This activity assigns the associated entity to a user or a team.

Image Send Email—This activity sends an email by creating a new message or using a template. You can create a new email message or use a predefined template (which is recommended).

Image For additional information about how to create email templates, refer to CHAPTER 17.

Image Start Child Workflow—This activity calls a child workflow. As described earlier, a child workflow needs to be created with the As a Child Workflow setting.

Image Perform Action—This activity calls an action process, as explained earlier in this chapter, in actions. It asks you to select an action from list of available active actions and then select the entity. Then you need to provide values for input parameters, if any.

Image Change Status—This action changes the associated entity status. The status type varies by entity.

Image Stop Workflow—This action stops the execution of the current workflow. You can change the result status of the workflow from Succeed to Canceled. Use this activity step inside a conditional to prevent the workflow from continuing if a property doesn’t meet the criteria you expect.

While most of these are self-explanatory, the check condition can be a little tricky.

To add a check condition, follow these steps:

1. Click Add Step and select Check Condition.

2. Enter an optional description in the Type a Step Description Here box. The condition you’re going to add says that if the account is equal to some value, perform some action. To add this condition, click the <Condition> (Click to Configure) link (see Figure 26.29).


FIGURE 26.29 Using a check condition.

3. Select Account, Account Name, and Equals to enter a fixed-value condition in the Specify Workflow Condition dialog that appears.

Image For more information about working with the Specify Workflow Condition dialog, refer to CHAPTER 8, “Working with Marketing.”

4. To set a dynamic value, select an entity from the Entity drop-down and then click the desired field in the list box to set the condition.

5. Click Save and Close to continue.

6. Click Select This Row and then click Add Step. Then click Send Email.

7. Click Set Properties.

8. Enter a subject and body message for the new email (see Figure 26.30).


FIGURE 26.30 Configuring the email properties.

9. Click Save and Close.

Workflow Activation

Before you can use a workflow you have created, you need to activate it by selecting the record (in Workflows) and clicking the Activate button. When you click the Activate button, a confirmation window appears.


You can deactivate a process by clicking the Deactivate button. If you need to make any change to a process, you must deactivate it first because the capability to edit is disabled for an activated process.


In order to activate or deactivate a workflow, you must be the owner of the workflow.

When a workflow is activated, it is unavailable for further editing. To make additional modifications, you must deactivate the workflow, perform the changes, and reactivate the workflow.

Testing the Workflow

When a new account is created, the process sample is fired, and if the name is the same as the website property, the email is sent. You can see the progress of a process by looking at the status reason. To do that from the CRM web interface menu, click Settings and then System Jobs. In the screen that appears, you can see a column titled Status Reason that lists the various reasons (see Figure 26.31).


FIGURE 26.31 Monitoring process progress.


System jobs showing workflow history are available only if the check box Automatically Delete Completed Workflow Jobs to Save Disk Space is not checked.

When working with this screen, you have the option to select from the drop-downs at the top to filter the view. By default, they are set to All System Jobs and All Entities.

Note that the workflow engine is asynchronous and that the workflow might not be immediately trigged when an account is created. When the process finishes, the new email activity is created, and when you go to your activities, you can see the email in the email activities area.

Depending on your email router configurations, the email may be sent directly to the destination, or it may be queued as an activity (see Figure 26.32).


FIGURE 26.32 Workflow results with a new email activity created for the new account.

You have to change the drop-down to All Emails to see the email activities because they are not shown by default if your email router is configured to send the emails automatically.

Image For more details about setting up emails and about using the email router, refer to CHAPTER 20, “Email Configuration.”

Workflow Events

Workflows can automatically start executing when one or a combination of the following events is triggered:

Image Record Is Created—This event is triggered when a new record of the associated entity is created.

Image Record Status Changes—This event is triggered when a record of the associated entity status changes, such as when a record of an account is activated or deactivated, or when a record of an Opportunity entity’s status changes to Won.

Image Record Is Assigned—This event triggers when an instance of the associated entity is assigned to a user.

Image Record Fields Change—This event is very useful because you can use it to trigger a workflow when the selected field of a record from the associated entity changes.

Image Record Is Deleted—This event is triggered when a record of the associated entity is deleted.

Real-Time (Synchronous) Workflows

Real-time workflows, also known as synchronous workflows, are defined by using the Workflow entity record. They execute using the Event Execution Pipeline, much like plug-ins, and they can be executed pre-operation, post-operation, or during the core operation. Also, as with plug-ins, you cannot execute a real-time workflow before the Create operation or after the Delete operation.

Real-time workflows cancel and roll back the core platform operation if they are executing during database transaction and any exception is thrown. Plug-ins and workflows that were triggered by the same event and queued up after execution of the workflow don’t execute at all.

All activities and child workflows are part of a single transaction in real-time workflows. On the other hand, asynchronous child workflows are queued and execute in a separate transaction.


You cannot use Wait or Parallel Wait Branch conditions in real-time workflows. In addition, these workflows are not queued like asynchronous workflows for execution, and you cannot see the execution logs of real-time workflows that completed successfully.


You can convert real-time workflows to asynchronous workflows and back to real-time workflows, if necessary, by selecting the option shown at the top of the workflow configuration page.

In the following steps, you’re going to create a real-time workflow with a business requirement that if business users change an opportunity stage, you need to update the probability. Whereas this would have been done using JavaScript in previous versions of CRM, you can do this using a real-time workflow in CRM 2016, as follows:

1. Go to Settings > Processes and click the New button. Select the category Workflow and uncheck the Run This Workflow in the Background (Recommended) check box. (If this check box is checked, the workflow will run as an asynchronous workflow.)

2. In the window that appears, define workflow properties, including the process name, and save the workflow as a template or process. Select whether you want this workflow to run as a child process or on-demand. Finally, opt to retain workflow logs for workflows that encounter any errors (see Figure 26.33).


FIGURE 26.33 Real-time workflow properties.

3. In the Options for Automatic Processes section, define the scope of the workflow. You can select at what event this workflow should execute. As indicated previously, you cannot run real-time workflows before record creation or after record deletion; you can select Record Is Created and Record Is Deleted options, but you cannot change the start when the drop-down option is in front of them. For this example, select only Record Fields Change. Click Select Properties and select the Sales Stage option.

Notice that you can also select whether the workflow should run under either owner of workflow or user modifying the record context. In this example, select the user who made the changes to the record.


Because of the Execute Context options, there might be security issues to consider relative to what the workflow is doing and why. For example, if the workflow is running under a system administrator (which happens if you select the owner of the workflow context), an error may appear when a user tries to run the workflow. For example, users don’t normally have access to data validation across the system due to their security constraints, so such an error might occur with that type of validation.

4. Put your business logic in the last section and update the Probability field on the opportunity record when the sales stage changes, as shown in Figure 26.34.


FIGURE 26.34 Business logic in a real-time workflow.

5. Click the Activate button on the command bar to activate this process.


You can always covert a real-time workflow to an asynchronous workflow by clicking the Convert to a Background Workflow button in the command bar.

6. To test the workflow, go to an opportunity record, change its process code, and save the record. The real-time workflow executes, and the probability changes according to the business logic defined in the workflow.

Workflow Scope

Workflows created through the Workflow Manager interface can be applied to the following areas:

Image Users

Image Business Units

Image Parent: Child Business Units

Image Organization

These items are the various scope options that the workflow will apply to across the system. If you select User, the workflow will work for only the user who owns the workflow. If you want the workflow to work on the entire business unit or on the organizational level, you should select the appropriate option for that. Note that only the user who owns the workflow can see the tracking history.


If an entity has Ownership Type set to Organization, not User or Team, the scope will always be Organization in the workflow.

Task Flows

Microsoft introduced a preview of a new process called a task flow in Dynamics CRM 2016 Online. A task flow is a type of BPF. You use task flows to help users accomplish individual smaller goals, which can help move forward the larger business processes. For example, if someone is working on an opportunity and there are some corresponding tasks for advancing the opportunity to next stage, task flows may be handy.


A preview feature is not complete but is made available in a release so customers can get early access and provide feedback. Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have limited or restricted functionality.

Task flows are currently in preview, and they are available for mobile users only. They are not supported for solution import/export.

Task flows operate at the user level. This means if two users are working on the same record and then both launch their task flows, the two users have separate experiences, working on different pages at same time. In a BPF there is only one active flow per record for all users, but in a task flow, different users can work on different task flows for the same record.

Task flows are not enabled by default. You have to enable them by following these steps:

1. Go to Settings > Administration and click System Settings.

2. Click the Preview tab and select the I’ve Read and Agree to the License Terms check box.

3. Select Yes for Enable Task Flows for Mobile Preview and click OK.

Microsoft provides three task flows out of the box:

Image Update Contact

Image Make Contact on Opportunity

Image After Meeting

You can use them as templates to create your own task flows, or you can create new ones from scratch.


The three out-of-the-box task flows are visible under Processes when Task Flow for Mobile is enabled on the configuration.

Follow these steps to create a task flow:

1. Go to Settings > Processes and click New.

2. Enter a name for the task flow in the Process Name field.

3. Select Business Process Flow from the Category drop-down.

4. Select Run Process as a Task Flow (Mobile Only).

5. Select the type of entity from the drop-down list and click OK.

6. Click Details to expand the panel and then click Set Image to set an image to use as the task flow’s launch icon and background image. In the pop-up window, either upload a picture or select the default image and click OK.

7. In Business Process Flow (Classic), type a name for the page. For each field you want to display on the page, enter a label and select the source and field. Source can be Base Entity and all the lookup fields (N:1) for base entity record.

8. Click Insert Page to add another page to the task flow.

9. To add a branch in the task flow, click Add Branch, set the conditions for when you want the branch to appear, and click the checkmark. Then click Insert Page to add a page in the branch.

10. Set business rules for the task flow by clicking Business Rules and setting the scope to this specific task flow. (You cannot set the scope to be Entity.)

11. When you are done editing the task flow, click Save.

12. Click Activate to make your task flow available for use.

Task Flows on the Mobile App

If you log in to Dynamics CRM mobile and click the leftmost icon in the footer, you see all the available activated task flows. If you have set up the image, you see it as an icon, as shown in Figure 26.35.


FIGURE 26.35 Dynamics CRM mobile app.

Click that icon, and you see the first page of your task flow (see Figure 26.36).


FIGURE 26.36 Dynamics CRM mobile opportunity task flow.

Click the Next button to go to the next page of your task flow. You can update data here and click the Done button to close the task flow or go back by using the Back button.

The task flow is enabled for the Manager, Vice President, CEO-Business Manager, System Administrator, and System Customizer security roles by default.

Exporting and Importing Processes

If you want to be able to export processes, you need to create a solution (Settings > Solutions) and include the processes in that solution. Then you can export the solution and import it to the destination organization. You can also use the SDK to write code in the solution to create solution and package processes.

Image To learn more about how to create, export, and import solutions, refer to CHAPTER 22, “Customizing Entities.”

Creating Workflows in Windows Workflow Foundation with Visual Studio

You also create processes by using Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF). WWF project templates are included in the Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 setup.

To start developing workflows with WWF, you must install the following components on a development machine:

Image .NET Framework 4.5.2

Image Visual Studio 2013/2015


Only Visual Studio 2013 Professional and later will work; the Express version of Visual Studio is not supported. Chapter 22 explains the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 SDK in greater detail.

No-Code Workflows

No-code workflows are XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) files; they contain workflow markup in XML format.

The advantages of no-code workflows include the following:

Image Can be deployed without compiling

Image Easier to develop

Image Can be deployed on CRM On-Premises servers

Image Can share WWF activities if you add parallel tasks or Loop-While conditions

Before you can create a no-code workflow, you should first create the workflow with the CRM Workflow Designer interface, as explained earlier in this chapter, and then create a new solution, include the workflow in the solution, and then export it and extract the zip file.

To create a no-code workflow, follow these steps:

1. Open the solution file with Visual Studio 2015 and create a new project based on the Activity Library template (see Figure 26.37).


FIGURE 26.37 Creating an Activity Library project in Visual Studio 2015.

2. Add to the project references to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll and Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.dll. These files are located in the SDKBin folder.

3. Add to this project the existing XAML file you located in the unzipped solution file under the Workflow folder.

4. Add the CRM workflow controls to the toolbox by adding the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.dll file. Right-click the General tab and click Choose Items. Then browse and add the file Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.dll, which is located in the SDKBin folder (see Figure 26.38).


FIGURE 26.38 Adding CRM controls to the toolbox.

After you export the solution, you can unzip the solution file and locate the XAML file, which is included inside the Workflow folder.

When you add the controls to the toolbox, you see a new group of activities that are specially designed to be used with CRM (see Figure 26.39).


FIGURE 26.39 Workflow activities for CRM.

The following sections describe how to build a workflow that will create a Phone Call activity for every new contact added to CRM.


To start development on the workflow, you need a CRM Workflow activity (located in the General section on the toolbox), which is also included by default when you initially created an empty workflow. Add a CRM CreateEntity activity inside the CRM Workflow activity.

To continue with the workflow development, follow these steps:

1. Add an Assign activity from the Primitives group in the toolbox before the CreateEntity activity.

2. Click the To property and enter CreatedEntities (“CreateStep1_localParameter”) (see Figure 26.40).


FIGURE 26.40 Assigning to a variable.

3. Click the Value property and enter New Entity (“phonecall”).

4. Add a SetEntityProperty activity after the Assign activity (see Figure 26.41).


FIGURE 26.41 Adding SetEntityProperty.

5. Enter “subject” in the Attribute property, CreatedEntities (“CreateStep1_localParameter”) in the Entity property, “phonecall” in the EntityName property, and “Call this new Contact” in the Value property.

6. Click the last activity you added (the CreateEntity activity) and enter CreatedEntities (“CreateStep1_localParameter”) in the Entity property and “phonecall” in the EntityName property.

7. Click Save.

8. Copy the XAML file to the original solution you unzipped.

9. Compress the solution and import it back into the CRM 2016 web interface.


Custom XAML workflows are not supported in Dynamics CRM Online.


When working with this type of solution, you may get an error similar to “This workflow cannot be created, updated, or published because it was created outside the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application. Your organization does not allow this type of workflow.” If this happens, it is because you need to enable declarative workflows on your server. For information on how to do this, see


Once you manipulate a workflow with Visual Studio, you can no longer edit it with the native CRM Workflow Designer.

Custom Workflow Activities

You can use custom workflow activities to extend the steps available when you create a workflow. By default, you can create steps such as Create, Update, Assign, and Send Email. For example, if you need to add a step that is not on this list, such as for sending an SMS message or calling an external web service, you need to build a custom workflow activity to do so.

Unlike the no-code workflows illustrated previously in this chapter, custom workflow activities are compiled in dynamic link libraries (DLLs), and you can use them from the workflow interface found in either the web or Outlook client applications as new steps.

To create a custom workflow activity, you need to open Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 and create a new project, using the Class Library template that is inside the Visual C# > Windows Project Templates.

After you create the project, you must add the references for Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll and Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow.dll. You can find these files in the CRM 2016 SDKBin folder.

To use CRM entities’ classes in code, you use early-binding entities. You need to generate the CRM classes by using the CrmSvcUtil.exe tool (also in the SDKBin folder). If you run this utility on the server with the minimum parameters, as follows, you get an output file generated with all the classes needed on GeneratedCode.cs:

crmsvcutil.exe /url:http://localhost/Organization1/XRMServices/2011/
Organization.svc /out:GeneratedCode.cs

You need to include this file in your solution.


The classes generated by the CrmSvcUtil.exe tool are .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) supported.

Next you are going to use sample code to repeat the same example you used for the no-code workflow but this time using a custom activity. You need to delete the Activity1.xaml file created by the Activity Library project template. Then create a new class file named CustomActivityLibrary.cs that contains the code shown in Listing 26.4.

LISTING 26.4 CustomActivityLibrary.cs

using System;
using System.Activities;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow;
namespace CustomActivityLibrary
    public class CustomActityLibrary : CodeActivity
        [Input("My contact")]
        [Default("{575A8B41-F8D7-4DCE-B2EA-3FFDE936AB1B}", "contact")]
        public InArgument<EntityReference> inContact { get; set; }
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            // Get the tracing service
            ITracingService tracingService =
            // Get the context service.
            IWorkflowContext mycontext =
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory =
            // Use the context service to create an instance of CrmService.
            IOrganizationService crmService =
            // Get the Contact
            Contact myContact = new Contact();
            myContact.ContactId = inContact.Get(context).Id;
            // Creates the Phone Call activity for this contact
            PhoneCall myPhoneCall =
                new PhoneCall();
            myPhoneCall.Subject = "Call this new contact";
            myPhoneCall.RegardingObjectId = new
                 (Guid) myContact.ContactId);
            tracingService.Trace("PhoneCall created.");

Build the solution in debug mode to create the assembly.

To deploy the custom workflow activities, you need to register the compiled assembly as a plug-in, using the Plug-in Registration Tool, which is explained in Chapter 25 and available in the SDKBin folder.


If you get a “Public assembly must have public key token” error when registering the plug-in, be sure the assembly is signed. You manage this in the properties of the project in Visual Studio, as explained in Chapter 25.

After deploying the custom workflow activity, you can use it on any workflow. To do this, go to Settings > Processes and click New. Enter a name for the process. In the Entity field, select Contact, and in the Category field, select Workflow. Click OK to move to the next step. Then click Add Step, and you see a new group called Custom Activities Library with the custom activity inside (see Figure 26.42).


FIGURE 26.42 Using a custom activity on a workflow.

Click Add Step, select the custom activity, and click Set Properties.

You can set any custom property you added on the code. This example uses the My Contact property used to send the current contact where the workflow will be running.

Click Save and Close to close the Set Custom Step Input Properties and then click Save to save the workflow. Click Activate to test this solution.


After you make any change to the code and recompile the solution, you may have to restart the Microsoft CRM Asynchronous Processing Service. In some situations, you might also need to restart the IIS before redeploying the modified assembly. There is no need to start an asynchronous service when working with real-time workflows.

You can install custom workflow activities on CRM Online also—but in sandbox mode only.


To learn more about .NET 4.5.2 and WWF development, check


This chapter illustrates how to use and work with processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016. With the use of actions and BPFs, business users have a huge amount of flexibility and a number of options that allow them to implement their specific business logic. In this chapter, you have learned that dialogs are synchronous and interactive processes, whereas workflows can run both asynchronously and synchronously, and actions can be considered a form of real-time workflows.

Actions can solve some tricky problems by allowing the creation of custom fields (flags) that fire plug-ins from a command bar button. Previously, the only way to fire plug-in code was by creating a custom field that, when updated, would save the record and fire the plug-in attached to a Create or Update event.

In addition, actions allow you to move logic previously managed by JavaScript to plug-ins so that the intellectual property can be protected.

Task flows are the next big thing, allowing business users to create task flows as per their own requirements, with no developer required.

Process development is limitless; in fact, most organizations barely begin to scratch the surface with take process development. It is possible to use it for sales force automation tasks and for alerting of almost anything.

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