Using CSS for Page Layout

You’ve learned how to use CSS to change the appearance of text and manipulate colors. Those are likely the most common actions you’ll take with CSS, but it is much more powerful than that.

You can place elements wherever you want on a page without changing the underlying CSS. In Chapter 6 you learned about using HTML to structure a page. Now it’s time to learn how CSS can change the layout.

The Box Model

In Chapter 6, you were briefly introduced to the box model. The simplest way to put it is that CSS treats every HTML element as if it’s in its own box. By default, when a browser renders a webpage, the boxes flow onto the page in sequence as it encounters them in the code. This is sometimes called normal flow.

FIGURE 15.1 shows an example from the New York Times.

The homepage of the New York times shows various news details within borders. Each of these borders vary in width, height, border color, thickness, visibility, margins, and padding around the content of the box.

Figure 15.1 Elements outlined on the New York Times homepage, illustrating the box model

For each element, you can control a number of parameters:

  • The width and height of its box

  • Border color and thickness around the box

  • Whether or not the border is visible

  • Whether the box itself is visible

  • Where the box fits in the flow of elements on the page

  • How much space is around the box (margins), and around the content within the box (padding)

You can also change the position of an element in the flow of a page by choosing whether to make it an inline element or a block element. This can have an effect on how much space is (or can be defined) around the box.

The CSS display property

Using the display property, you can change the flow of an element. These are the most common values:

  • block makes an element start on a new line and take up the full width of the container (forming a block of content, if you will).

  • inline leaves an element in its position in the flow of content. It will not start on a new line, and it will take up only the horizontal space it needs. Certain properties, like height and width, have no effect on inline elements.

  • inline-block is a hybrid of inline and block. The element will display inline but take on the properties of a block, like height, width, and spacing.

  • none completely hides the element and removes it from the flow. It will only be viewable in source code.

To set a link to display as a block-level element:

  1. In your style sheet, type the selector you want to change. In this example, use a.

  2. If you want the style to apply to a specific class, type a period followed immediately by the class name, then add a left curly brace. Here, use .button {.

  3. Type the property you want to assign to the selector. In this case, use display: block;.

  4. Type } to close the style declaration.

This moves any link (<a> tag) of the class button from inline to its own block (FIGURE 15.2).

A link is displayed as a block-level element in a paragraph. In the given paragraph within a border, the link, "Click the Button" appears at the bottom of the paragraph in a new line. The continuation of the sentence in the paragraph appears in a new line below the link.

Figure 15.2 This <a> tag of the class button now sits on its own line.

Height and width

Unless you specifically define a height and width, they’ll default to a size big enough to hold the content (with the caveat that block-level elements are the full width of their parent container). To define a specific size, you can use the height and width properties. They accept the same units you would use to measure text size: px, em, rem, and %.

To set a specific height and width for an element:

  1. In your style sheet, define the element to which you want to apply the rule, followed by a left brace. In this example, use aside {.

  2. Type width: followed by the desired width. In this case, 400px;.

  3. Type height: followed by the desired height. In this case, 200px;.

  4. Type } to end the style declaration.

This gives you a 400x200 box for all aside elements (FIGURE 15.3).

A screenshot shows an aside element added to a paragraph to differentiate it from the rest of the document. A sentence in two lines is displayed within a border of specific height and width. This border represents the full container with space below the displayed text.

Figure 15.3 An aside element with a set width and height. A border has been added to show the full container.

Finally, you can set minimum and maximum values for both height and width.

The minimum properties are min-width and min-height. They say, “Do not drop the container’s size below this value.” If you set min-width: 300px; the container will always be at least 300px wide but can be wider, depending on the content.

And max-width and max-height say, “Do not let a container go beyond this size.” So max-height: 500px means the container can be shorter than, but will never be taller than, 500px.

Each of these can make sense depending on the context. But the main thing to remember is that the height and width properties are fixed. They will always be exactly the size you define, no matter the size of the browser window or parent container (FIGURE 15.4).

A screenshot displays the contents of a page displayed within the border, leaving out the text at the left end of the page. This is because an element of incorrect width and height is defined for this container.

Figure 15.4 This element’s width has been set bigger than the browser’s width, causing the content to go beyond the user’s viewable window.

Padding and Margins

In Chapter 14, you learned how to adjust spacing for text to make it more readable and how to add whitespace when necessary. You can do the same thing with entire elements and everything they contain—text, images, and otherwise.

As stated earlier, there are two ways to add spacing to an element: around the outside of the whole box, which is margin, and around the content inside the box, which is padding. That, taken with height, width, and border, creates the complete amount of space a block-level element takes up (FIGURE 15.5).

A figure depicts the box model of cascading style sheets.

Figure 15.5 How padding, margin, height, width, and border affect a block-level element

You can define padding and margin values using the same units as those for height and width. Using a single value for either property applies the same value to all four sides of the element.

To add padding and margin to a paragraph:

  1. In your style sheet, type the selector you wish to target, followed by a left curly brace. In this case, use p {.

  2. Type padding: followed by the value; this example uses 20px;.

  3. Type margin: and the value; here, use 20px;.

  4. Type } to close the declaration.

This adds a little extra spacing to your paragraphs (FIGURE 15.6).

A screenshot shows two paragraphs within a border with usual spacing between the paragraphs, indicating that there is no padding and spacing applied here.

A screenshot shows two paragraphs within a border and there is an extra space between these two paragraphs and between the border and the paragraphs indicating that the padding and spacing are applied.

Figure 15.6 The first image shows two paragraph elements with neither padding nor spacing. The second has both.

Finer control over values

With both padding and margin, you’re not locked into assigning a single value to the attribute for the entire element. You can define a different value for the left, top, right, and bottom of each box. There are a few ways to do it.

You can explicitly define each side, as shown in TABLE 15.1.

Table 15.1 Padding and Margin Side Properties











You can also use a shorthand version, in which you set the values for each of the four sides individually in a single declaration:

padding: [top] [right] [bottom] [left];
margin: [top] [right] [bottom] [left];

For each property the values are applied in clockwise order around the element, starting from the top. Slightly shorter would be:

padding: [top/bottom] [left/right];
margin: [top/bottom] [left/right];

Here, you have two values instead of four, where the first value sets the top and bottom spacing, and the second value sets the left and right spacing.

Finally, there’s also a three-value declaration:

padding: [top left/right bottom];
margin: [top left/right bottom];

Here, the first value is for the top spacing, the middle value is for the left and right, and the last is for the bottom.

Using margin: auto

Sometimes when you set a width, you might want to center the container on the page. That’s very easy to do using the margin property. You can set margin to the value auto, and it will calculate the width of the parent container, subtract the width of your target element, and distribute the leftover value evenly on both sides.

Say you have a wrapper class that has a width of 800px:

.wrapper {
    width: 800px;

On most tablets and desktop devices, the width of the window (and therefore, the entire website) will be more than 800px, and your content will look like what you see in FIGURE 15.7, where there is a lot of space to the right of the container.

A screenshot shows the usage of the wrapper class in a fixed-width container. Three paragraphs on the Case of identity are presented within the border. Here, all the contents are aligned to the left of the window.

Figure 15.7 A fixed-width container (.wrapper) without using margin: auto aligns the content all the way to the left of the window.

Using the keyword auto with margin allows you to automatically center that content in the middle of the window.

You can use the auto keyword in two ways: as the only value for margin (margin: auto) or in conjunction with a set top and bottom (margin: 30px auto). Both cases result in horizontal centering. The latter also includes a 30px margin before and after the container.

To center an element automatically with margin: auto:

  1. In your style sheet, type the selector you wish to target, followed by a left curly brace. In this case, use .wrapper {.

  2. On a new line, type width:, followed by the value. In this case, 800px;.

    Setting a width for the container isn’t strictly necessary, but without it you will not see the results of using the auto keyword.

  3. On a new line, type margin:, then the values, including values for options like top or bottom margins. In this case, type 30px auto;.

  4. On a new line, type }.

Your full ruleset looks like this:

.wrapper {
    width: 800px;
    margin: 30px auto;

That results in a div with the class wrapper being center aligned on a page (FIGURE 15.8).

A screenshot shows a fixed-width container with the usage of the keyword, "auto: margin." Three paragraphs on the Case of identity are presented within the border. Here, all the contents are aligned to the center of the window.

Figure 15.8 Centering a container using margin: auto

Element Flow

By default, elements flow onto the page in the order they appear in the HTML, depending on whether they are a block or inline element. FIGURE 15.9 shows how the elements on a page naturally flow, with block-level elements outlined. You can see that block-level elements take up the entire width of the page and dictate most of the natural flow. Links and other text formatting fall in line with those blocks (like the links in the unordered list).

A screenshot of the page "codepen.io/chriscoyier/full/JpLzjd" is shown.

Figure 15.9 This fantastic screenshot shows this page from Chris Coyier: codepen.io/chriscoyier/full/JpLzjd.

However, there are a few ways to change the flow of elements. You might want to do this to pull out certain content (like a quote or an aside), draw attention to an image, or even reorder elements when viewing the site on a smaller device.

The most common way to change the flow of HTML elements is to use the float property.

Using floats

The float property takes an element out of its normal flow and places it to the right or left inside the container:

aside {
        float: right;

This moves the aside element to the right and lets everything else flow around it (FIGURE 15.10). You can see the code in CODE 15.1.

A screenshot shows an example of the float property. The screenshot displays a container with a floating content within a border towards the right of the window. A paragraph which is left aligned flows around it.

Figure 15.10 An aside that floats to the right of the rest of the content

Note that the floated element will be surrounded by any elements below it, so if you want it to appear in the top of a container, it will have to be the first element.

You can even use float to create a grid of elements. Floating all elements of a particular type takes them out of the normal flow and lines them up next to each other. Before the creation of the layout modules Flexbox and CSS Grid (which you’ll learn about in Chapter 16), this is how many web designers created column-based layouts.

To create a grid layout with floats:

  1. In your style sheet, type the selector you wish to target, followed by a left curly brace. This example targets paragraphs, so use p {.

  2. Type float:.

  3. Type left; to force the element to float on the left side of its container.

    To force the element to float on the right side, you would use the value right.

  4. Type margin: to set the spacing between the elements. For this example, use 15px;.

  5. Type width: to set the width of each element. This example uses 300px;.

  6. Type } to close the style declaration.

This makes the paragraphs flow onto the page in a grid (FIGURE 15.11).

A screenshot shows an example of setting paragraphs in a grid using the float property.

Figure 15.11 A grid of paragraphs achieved using the float property

Clearing floats

While this can work, it can also cause havoc for any elements in the normal flow. Elements can end up in unexpected places to work their way around floated elements. And although there are better ways to achieve a grid (as you’ll see in Chapter 16), you could always use the clear property, which tells the element to place itself below any floated content:

.next-section {
     clear: left;

Other values for this property include right and both.

Using the position property

Another way to place elements and containers precisely is by using the position property. It accepts several values, which I’ll list in a moment.

This property is often accompanied by a set of properties that position elements in specific areas of the window or container: left, right, top, and bottom. These all accept the normal units (px, em, rem, %), and they all have slightly different meanings depending on the value of position. Here are the values for position, and positioning properties:

  • static: This is the default value. There is no special positioning.

  • relative: Places the container based on its normal position. The directional properties will move the container away from its normal position.

    So left: 50px moves the container to the right by 50 pixels, similar to margin.

  • fixed: The container is in a fixed position on the page, so no matter what part of the page is being displayed to the user, the container will be in the same spot.

    The directional properties in this instance are exact coordinates; left: 0; top: 0; means the container will be at the left edge at the very top of the window.

  • absolute: The container is positioned in a fixed position in its parent container.

    Directional properties work the same way as those for the fixed position.

  • sticky: The container is positioned relatively (as in the normal flow) until the user reaches a specific scroll position. Then it sticks in place on the screen.

    For example, top: 0 positions the element relatively in the normal flow until the page is scrolled and there are zero pixels between the element’s top edge and the visible area of the webpage. Beyond that threshold, the element behaves as if it used fixed positioning and will be fixed to zero pixels from the top.

To get a better idea of how each of these work, check out Video 15.5.

To make a sticky sidebar:

The starting markup for this task is listed below. Since there’s no HTML5 element specifically for “wrapping” other elements (from a semantic meaning standpoint), it’s common practice to use the <div> element with a wrapper class:

<div class="wrapper">
  1. In your style sheet, type .wrapper {.

  2. Type width: 800px;.

  3. Type margin: 30px auto;.

  4. Type }.

  5. Type main {.

  6. Type width: 500px;.

  7. Type }.

  8. Type aside {.

  9. Type width: 260px;.

  10. Type padding: 15px;.

  11. Type float: right;.

  12. Type position: sticky;.

  13. Type top: 0;.

  14. Type }.

This code produces a two-column layout with a sticky sidebar. You can also add a background and border to aside to distinguish it a bit (FIGURE 15.12). You can see the code in CODE 15.2 and 15.3.

A screenshot shows a sticky sidebar. It displays a two-column layout in which the content of two paragraphs is present towards the left of the window and a sticky sidebar with grey background color is placed at the top right corner of the window within a border.

Figure 15.12 A two-column layout with a sticky sidebar

Creating Layers and Overlapping Elements

Although taking elements out of the natural flow can create interesting layouts for your content, you can run into situations where content overlaps and becomes unreadable. For example, if you had not set the width property on the main div in the previous task, your users would have run into a problem (FIGURE 15.13). Because we’ve fixed the position of the aside, the browser is essentially saying, “Keep the aside in this spot, no matter what the rest of the flow looks like.” That means when the user scrolls, the main text overlaps the aside.

A screenshot displays a two-column layout with a sticky sidebar at its top-right corner. Here, the body content present around the sticky sidebar overlaps with the content that is present within the sidebar which becomes unreadable to the user.

Figure 15.13 Overlapping elements as a result of positioning

CSS has a fix for that: the z-index property. You can think of z-index as a layer or stacking property, where the value is an integer. The closer the integer is to 0, the “lower” on the page the element is (FIGURE 15.14). You can also think of elements with a lower z-index as being “behind” elements with a higher z-index.

The three-dimensional view of the z-index property shows five stacks arranged one above the other. It runs perpendicular to the display and positioned on the Z-axis. The stack represents canvas.

Figure 15.14 A visualization of what z-index represents on a webpage

A ruleset that uses z-index looks something like this:

aside {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        z-index: 10;

Creating an Overlay Using z-index

One practical example of using z-index is to create a piece of content that should be shown in front of the rest of the content. You see this with popups asking you to join mailing lists, for example.

In this task, you will learn the basics of how to do that. In the real world, you might make the overlay dismissible with a bit of JavaScript, but you will clearly see how z-index works.

To create an overlay using z-index:

The markup being styled will be the following:

<div class="overlay">
    <h3>This is an important alert!
    <h1>A Case of Identity</h1>
    (content goes here)
  1. In your stylesheet, first type the element you want to apply the styles to, followed by a left curly brace. In this case, .overlay {.

  2. Now set the position of the element to absolute by typing, on a new line, position: absolute;.

  3. Since the element is absolute, you can now use positional properties to move it. Move it down the page a little bit. On a new line, type top: 10%;.

  4. Move the element in front of all other elements using z-index. Since the default z-index is 0, on a new line type z-index: 1000;.

    This will make sure the overlay is above the rest of the content—as long as nothing has a z-index over 1000.

  5. Strictly so you can more easily see the result, apply a background color to the element. On a new line, type background: #cfcfcf;.

  6. You can also center the text. On a new line type text-align: center;.

  7. Finally, adding some padding so it stands out a bit more. On a new line, type padding: 40px;.

  8. On a new line, type }.

This results in a block of text that is layered on top of the main page (FIGURE 15.15).

A screenshot shows an overlay obtained using the keyword "position: absolute" and z-index. It displays the text " This is an important alert" over a block of a grey background. This is placed over the content in the page, hiding the content.

Figure 15.15 An overlay created using position: absolute and z-index.

A Note About Creating Layouts

In recent years, great strides have been made in creating layouts with CSS. The practice of laying out elements on a webpage moved from tables, in HTML, to floating elements and clearing them using CSS. There are many frameworks designed to help you to create beautiful grid layouts. A framework is a set of structured files (HTML, CSS, and maybe JavaScript) that give you a head start on creating websites. See the sidebar “Using CSS Frameworks” to learn more.

But now, CSS Grid and Flexbox (two suites of layout properties you’ll see in Chapter 16) have much wider browser support, so they should be used instead of floating and clearing elements. They allow for code that is semantic, much cleaner, and easier to support. The techniques you saw in this chapter—floats, positioning, and changing the default flow—still have their place in web design, though.

At this point, you have enough tools in your toolbox to create nice-looking layouts. In Video 15.6, you put most of that to the test by creating a pricing table.

Wrapping Up

You know all about how to change the default flow of a page and the elements/containers on it. You’ve learned about common methods like floating (and clearing those floats), changing the position of elements, and z-index.

You can probably imagine that you’ll run into a lot of fringe cases when you try to make these properties work for complex layouts—which is why frameworks became popular in the first place. But CSS has solved that with two important new systems: CSS Grid and Flexbox.

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