Authorization Options

At this point, you’ve configured authentication, but not authorization. Apache is able to challenge clients and confirm identities, but it has not been told how to allow or restrict access to the clients bearing those identities. This section describes two strategies for controlling access to your repositories.

Blanket access control

The simplest form of access control is to authorize certain users for either read-only access to a repository or read/write access to a repository.

You can restrict access on all repository operations by adding the Require valid-user directive to your <Location> block. Using our previous example, this would mean that only clients that claimed to be either harry or sally and that provided the correct password for their respective username would be allowed to do anything with the Subversion repository:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn

  # how to authenticate a user
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Subversion repository"
  AuthUserFile /path/to/users/file

  # only authenticated users may access the repository
  Require valid-user

Sometimes you don’t need to run such a tight ship. For example, Subversion’s own source code repository at allows anyone in the world to perform read-only repository tasks (such as checking out working copies and browsing the repository with a web browser), but it restricts all write operations to authenticated users. To do this type of selective restriction, you can use the Limit and LimitExcept configuration directives. Like the Location directive, these blocks have starting and ending tags, and you would nest them inside your <Location> block.

The parameters present on the Limit and LimitExcept directives are HTTP request types that are affected by that block. For example, if you wanted to disallow all access to your repository except the currently supported read-only operations, you would use the LimitExcept directive, passing the GET, PROPFIND, OPTIONS, and REPORT request type parameters. Then the previously mentioned Require valid-user directive would be placed inside the <LimitExcept> block instead of just inside the <Location> block:

<Location /svn>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn

  # how to authenticate a user
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Subversion repository"
  AuthUserFile /path/to/users/file

  # For any operations other than these, require an authenticated user.
    Require valid-user

These are only a few simple examples. For more in-depth information about Apache access control and the Require directive, take a look at the Security section of the Apache documentation’s tutorials collection at

Per-directory access control

It’s possible to set up finer-grained permissions using a second Apache httpd module, mod_authz_svn. This module grabs the various opaque URLs passing from client to server, asks mod_dav_svn to decode them, and then possibly vetoes requests based on access policies defined in a configuration file.

If you’ve built Subversion from source code, mod_authz_svn is automatically built and installed alongside mod_dav_svn. Many binary distributions install it automatically as well. To verify that it’s installed correctly, make sure it comes right after mod_dav_svn’s LoadModule directive in httpd.conf:

LoadModule dav_module         modules/
LoadModule dav_svn_module     modules/
LoadModule authz_svn_module   modules/

To activate this module, you need to configure your Location block to use the AuthzSVNAccessFile directive, which specifies a file containing the permissions policy for paths within your repositories. (In a moment, we’ll discuss the format of that file.)

Apache is flexible, so you have the option to configure your block in one of three general patterns. To begin, choose one of these basic configuration patterns. (The following examples are very simple; look at Apache’s own documentation for much more detail on Apache authentication and authorization options.)

The simplest block is to allow open access to everyone. In this scenario, Apache never sends authentication challenges, so all users are treated as anonymous. See Example 6-1.

Example 6-1. A sample configuration for anonymous access
<Location /repos>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn

  # our access control policy
  AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/access/file

On the opposite end of the paranoia scale, you can configure your block to demand authentication from everyone. All clients must supply credentials to identify themselves. Your block unconditionally requires authentication via the Require valid-user directive, and it defines a means to authenticate. See Example 6-2.

Example 6-2. A sample configuration for authenticated access
<Location /repos>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn

  # our access control policy
  AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/access/file

  # only authenticated users may access the repository
  Require valid-user

  # how to authenticate a user
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Subversion repository"
  AuthUserFile /path/to/users/file

A third very popular pattern is to allow a combination of authenticated and anonymous access. For example, many administrators want to allow anonymous users to read certain repository directories, but they want only authenticated users to read (or write to) more sensitive areas. In this setup, all users start out accessing the repository anonymously. If your access control policy demands a real username at any point, Apache will demand authentication from the client. To do this, use both the Satisfy Any and Require valid-user directives together. See Example 6-3.

Example 6-3. A sample configuration for mixed authenticated/anonymous access
<Location /repos>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn

  # our access control policy
  AuthzSVNAccessFile /path/to/access/file

  # try anonymous access first, resort to real
  # authentication if necessary.
  Satisfy Any
  Require valid-user

  # how to authenticate a user
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Subversion repository"
  AuthUserFile /path/to/users/file

Once you’ve settled on one of these three basic httpd.conf templates, you need to create your file containing access rules for particular paths within the repository. We describe this later in Path-Based Authorization.

Disabling path-based checks

The mod_dav_svn module goes through a lot of work to make sure that data you’ve marked unreadable doesn’t get accidentally leaked. This means it needs to closely monitor all of the paths and file contents returned by commands such as svn checkout and svn update. If these commands encounter a path that isn’t readable according to some authorization policy, the path is typically omitted altogether. In the case of history or rename tracing—for example, running a command such as svn cat -r OLD foo.c on a file that was renamed long ago—the rename tracking will simply halt if one of the object’s former names is determined to be read-restricted.

All of this path checking can be quite expensive, especially in the case of svn log. When retrieving a list of revisions, the server looks at every changed path in each revision and checks it for readability. If an unreadable path is discovered, it’s omitted from the list of the revision’s changed paths (normally seen with the --verbose option), and the whole log message is suppressed. Needless to say, this can be time-consuming on revisions that affect a large number of files. This is the cost of security: even if you haven’t configured a module such as mod_authz_svn at all, the mod_dav_svn module is still asking Apache httpd to run authorization checks on every path. The mod_dav_svn module has no idea what authorization modules have been installed, so all it can do is ask Apache to invoke whatever might be present.

On the other hand, there’s also an escape hatch of sorts, which allows you to trade security features for speed. If you’re not enforcing any sort of per-directory authorization (i.e., not using mod_authz_svn or similar module), you can disable all of this path checking. In your httpd.conf file, use the SVNPathAuthz directive as shown in Example 6-4.

Example 6-4. Disabling path checks altogether
<Location /repos>
  DAV svn
  SVNParentPath /var/svn

  SVNPathAuthz off

The SVNPathAuthz directive is on by default. When set to off, all path-based authorization checking is disabled; mod_dav_svn stops invoking authorization checks on every path it discovers.

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