Chapter 23. Advanced Userform Techniques


Chapter 10, “Userforms—An Introduction,” covered the basics of adding controls to userforms. This chapter continues on this topic by looking at more advanced controls and methods for making the most out of userforms.

Using the UserForm Toolbar in the Design of Controls on Userforms

In the VB Editor, hidden under the View menu in the Toolbars command are a few toolbars that don’t appear unless the user intervenes. One of these is the UserForm toolbar, shown in Figure 23.1.

The UserForm toolbar has tools to organize the controls on a userform.

Figure 23.1. The UserForm toolbar has tools to organize the controls on a userform.

More Userform Controls

Chapter 10 began a review of some of the controls available on userforms. The review is continued here. At the end of each control review is a table listing that control’s events.

Check Boxes

Check Boxes

Check boxes allow the user to select one or more options on a userform. Unlike the option buttons we discussed in Chapter 10, a user can select one or more check boxes at a time.

The value of a checked box is True; the value of an unchecked box is False. If you clear the value of a check box (Checkbox1.value = ""), when the userform runs, the check box will have a faded check in it, as shown in Figure 23.2. This could be useful to verify that users have viewed all options and made a selection.

Use the null value of the check box to verify that users have viewed and answered all options.

Figure 23.2. Use the null value of the check box to verify that users have viewed and answered all options.

The following code reviews all the check boxes in the language group and, if a value is null, prompts the user to review the selections:

Private Sub btnClose_Click()

Dim Msg As String
Dim Chk As Control

Set Chk = Nothing

'narrow down the search to just the 2nd page's controls
For Each Chk In frm_Multipage.MultiPage1.Pages(1).Controls
    'only need to verify checkbox controls
    If TypeName(Chk) = "CheckBox" Then
        'and just in case we add more check box controls,
    'just check the ones in the group
        If Chk.Object.GroupName = "Languages" Then
            'if the value is null (the property value is empty)
            If IsNull(Chk.Object.Value) Then
                'add the caption to a string
                Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & Chk.Caption
            End If
        End If
    End If
Next Chk

If Msg <> "" Then
    Msg = "The following check boxes were not verified:" & vbNewLine & Msg
    MsgBox Msg, vbInformation, "Additional Information Required"
End If

End Sub

Table 23.1 lists the events for CheckBox controls.

Table 23.1. Events for CheckBox Controls




Occurs after a check box has been checked/unchecked.


Occurs while the user drags and drops data onto the check box.


Occurs right before the user is about to drop or paste data onto the check box.


Occurs before the check box is checked/unchecked.


Occurs when the value of the check box is changed.


Occurs when the user clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the user double-clicks the check box with the mouse.


Occurs right before the check box receives the focus from another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the check box runs into an error and can’t return the error information.


Occurs right after the check box loses focus to another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses an ANSI key. An ANSI key is a typeable character, such as the letter A.


Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses the mouse button within the borders of the check box.


Occurs when the user moves the mouse within the borders of the check box.


Occurs when the user releases the mouse button within the borders of the check box.

Tab Strips

Tab Strips

The MultiPage control allows a userform to have several pages. Each page of the form can have its own set of controls, unrelated to any other control on the form. A TabStrip control also allows a userform to have many pages, but the controls on a tab strip are identical; they are drawn only once. Yet, when the form is run, the information changes according to the tab strip that is active (see Figure 23.3).

A tab strip allows a userform with multiple pages to share controls, but not information.

Figure 23.3. A tab strip allows a userform with multiple pages to share controls, but not information.

To learn more about Multipage controls, seeUsing the Multipage Control to Combine Forms,” p. 191, in Chapter 10.

By default, a tab strip is thin, with two tabs at the top. Right-clicking a tab enables you to add, remove, rename, or move a tab. The tab strip should also be sized to hold all the controls. A button for closing the form should be drawn outside the tab strip area.

The tabs can also be moved around the strip. This is done by changing the TabOrientation property. The tabs can be at the top, bottom, left, or right side of the userform.

The following lines of code were used to create the tab strip form shown in Figure 23.3. The Initialize sub calls the sub SetValuestoTabStrip, which sets the value for the first tab:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
SetValuesToTabStrip 1 'As default
End Sub

These lines of code handle what happens when a new tab is selected.

Private Sub TabStrip1_Change()
Dim lngRow As Long

lngRow = TabStrip1.Value + 1
SetValuesToTabStrip lngRow

End Sub

This sub provides the data shown on each tab. A sheet was set up, with each row corresponding to a tab.

Private Sub SetValuesToTabStrip(ByVal lngRow As Long)
With frm_Staff
    .lbl_Name.Caption = Cells(lngRow, 2).Value
    .lbl_Phone.Caption = Cells(lngRow, 3).Value
    .lbl_Fax.Caption = Cells(lngRow, 4).Value
    .lbl_Email.Caption = Cells(lngRow, 5).Value
    .lbl_Website.Caption = Cells(lngRow, 6).Value
End With
End Sub

The tab strip’s values are automatically filled in. They correspond to the tab’s position in the strip; moving a tab changes its value.


If you want a single tab to have an extra control, the control could be added at runtime when the tab became active and removed when the tab is deactivated.

Table 23.2 lists the events for the TabStrip control.

Table 23.2. Events for TabStrip Controls




Occurs while the user drags and drops data onto the control.


Occurs right before the user drops or pastes data into the control.


Occurs when the value of the control is changed.


Occurs when the user clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the user double-clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs right before the control receives the focus from another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the control runs into an error and can’t return the error information.


Occurs right after the control loses focus to another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses an ANSI key. An ANSI key is a typeable character, such as the letter A.


Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses the mouse button within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user moves the mouse within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user releases the mouse button within the borders of the control.



The RefEdit control allows the user to select a range on a sheet; the range is returned as the value of the control. It can be added to any form. Once activated by a click of the button on the right side of the field, the userform disappears and is replaced with the range selection form, used when selecting ranges with Excel’s many wizard tools. Click the button on the right to show the userform once again.

The form in Figure 23.4 and the following code allow the user to select a range, which is then made bold.

Use RefEdit to enable the user to select a range on a sheet.

Figure 23.4. Use RefEdit to enable the user to select a range on a sheet.

Private Sub cb1_Click()
Range(RefEdit1.Value).Font.Bold = True
End Sub

Table 23.3 lists the events for RefEdit controls.

Table 23.3. Events for RefEdit Controls




Occurs after the control’s data has been changed by the user.


Occurs while the user drags and drops data onto the control.


Occurs right before the user drops or pastes data into the control.


Occurs before the data in the control is changed.


Occurs when the value of the control is changed.


Occurs when the user clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the user double-clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the drop-down list appears by pressing on the drop-down arrow of the combo box or press F4 on the keyboard.


Occurs right before the control receives the focus from another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the control runs into an error and can’t return the error information.


Occurs right after the control loses focus to another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses an ANSI key. An ANSI key is a typeable character, such as the letter A.


Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses the mouse button within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user moves the mouse within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user releases the mouse button within the borders of the control.

Toggle Buttons

Toggle Buttons

A toggle button looks like a normal command button, but when the user presses it, it stays pressed until it’s selected again. This allows a True or False value to be returned based on the status of the button. Table 23.4 lists the events for the ToggleButton controls.

Table 23.4. Events for ToggleButton Controls




Occurs after the control’s data has been changed by the user.


Occurs while the user drags and drops data onto the control.


Occurs right before the user drops or pastes data into the control.


Occurs before the data in the control is changed.


Occurs when the value of the control is changed.


Occurs when the user clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the user double-clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs right before the control receives the focus from another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the control runs into an error and can’t return the error information.


Occurs right after the control loses focus to another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses an ANSI key. An ANSI key is a typeable character, such as the letter A.


Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses the mouse button within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user moves the mouse within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user releases the mouse button within the borders of the control.

Using a Scrollbar as a Slider to Select Values

Using a Scrollbar as a Slider to Select Values

Chapter 10 discussed using a SpinButton control to allow someone to choose a date. The spin button is good, but it allows clients to adjust up or down by only one unit at a time. An alternative method is to draw a horizontal scrollbar in the middle of the userform and use it as a slider. Clients can use arrows on the ends of the scrollbar like the spin button arrows, but they can also grab the scrollbar and instantly drag it to a certain value.

The userform shown in Figure 23.5 includes a label named Label1 and a scrollbar called ScrollBar1.

Using a scrollbar control allows the user to quickly drag to a particular numeric or data value.

Figure 23.5. Using a scrollbar control allows the user to quickly drag to a particular numeric or data value.

The userform’s Initialize code sets up the Min and Max values for the scrollbar. It initializes the scrollbar to a value from cell A1 and updates the Label1.Caption:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Me.ScrollBar1.Min = 0
    Me.ScrollBar1.Max = 100
    Me.ScrollBar1.Value = Range("A1").Value
    Me.Label1.Caption = Me.ScrollBar1.Value
End Sub

Two event handlers are needed for the scrollbar. The Change event handles if users click the arrows at the ends of the scrollbar. The Scroll event handles if they drag the slider to a new value:

Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change()
    ' This event handles if they touch
    ' the arrows on the end of the scrollbar
    Me.Label1.Caption = Me.ScrollBar1.Value
End Sub

Private Sub ScrollBar1_Scroll()
    ' This event handles if they drag the slider
    Me.Label1.Caption = Me.ScrollBar1.Value
End Sub

Finally, the event attached to the button writes the scrollbar value out to the worksheet:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Range("A1").Value = Me.ScrollBar1.Value
    Unload Me
End Sub

Table 23.5 lists the events for Scrollbar controls.

Table 23.5. Events for Scrollbar Controls




Occurs after the control’s data has been changed by the user.


Occurs while the user drags and drops data onto the control.


Occurs right before the user drops or pastes data into the control.


Occurs before the data in the control is changed.


Occurs when the value of the control is changed.


Occurs when the user clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the user double-clicks the control with the mouse.


Occurs when the drop-down list appears by pressing on the drop-down arrow of the combo box or pressing F4 on the keyboard.


Occurs right before the control receives the focus from another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the control runs into an error and can’t return the error information.


Occurs right after the control loses focus to another control on the same userform.


Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses an ANSI key. An ANSI key is a typeable character, such as the letter A.


Occurs when the user releases a key on the keyboard.


Occurs when the user presses the mouse button within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user moves the mouse within the borders of the control.


Occurs when the user releases the mouse button within the borders of the control.

Controls and Collections

In Chapter 22, “Creating Classes, Records, and Collections,” several labels on a sheet were grouped together into a collection. With a little more code, these labels were turned into help screens for the users. Userform controls can be grouped into collections, too, and take advantage of class modules.

The following example checks or unchecks all the check boxes on the userform, depending on which label the user chooses.

Place the following code in the class module, clsFormEvents. It consists of one property, chb, and two methods, SelectAll and UnselectAll.

The SelectAll method places a check in a check box by setting its value to True:

Option Explicit
Public WithEvents chb As MSForms.CheckBox

Public Sub SelectAll()
chb.Value = True
End Sub

The UnselectAll method removes the check from the check box:

Public Sub UnselectAll()
chb.Value = False
End Sub

That sets up the class module. Next, the controls need to be placed in a collection. The following code, placed behind the form, frm_Movies, places the check boxes into a collection. The check boxes are part of a frame, f_Selection, which makes it easier to create the collection because it narrows down the number of controls that need to be checked from the entire userform to just those controls within the frame:

Option Explicit
Dim col_Selection As New Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ctl As MSForms.CheckBox
Dim chb_ctl As clsFormEvents

' Go thru the members of the frame and add them to the collection
For Each ctl In f_Selection.Controls
    Set chb_ctl = New clsFormEvents
    Set chb_ctl.chb = ctl
    col_Selection.Add chb_ctl
Next ctl

End Sub

When the form is opened, the controls are placed into the collection. All that’s left now is to add the code for labels to select and unselect the check boxes:

Private Sub lbl_SelectAll_Click()
Dim ctl As clsFormEvents

For Each ctl In col_Selection
Next ctl

End Sub

The following code unselects the check boxes in the collection:

Private Sub lbl_unSelectAll_Click()
Dim ctl As clsFormEvents

For Each ctl In col_Selection
Next ctl

End Sub

All the check boxes can be checked and unchecked with a single click of the mouse, as shown in Figure 23.6.

Use frames, collections, and class modules together to create quick and efficient userforms.

Figure 23.6. Use frames, collections, and class modules together to create quick and efficient userforms.


If your controls can’t be placed in a frame, you can use a tag to create an improvised grouping. A tag is a property that holds more information about a control. Its value is of type string, so it can hold any type of information. For example, it can be used to create an informal group of controls from different groupings.

Modeless Userforms

Ever had a userform active but needed to look at something on a sheet? There was a time when the form had to be shut down before anything else in Excel could be done. No longer! Forms can now be modeless, which means they don’t have to interfere with the functionality of Excel. The user can type in a cell, switch to another sheet, copy/paste data, and use toolbars and menus—it is as if the userform were not there.

By default, a userform is modal, which means that there is no interaction with Excel other than the form. To make the form modeless, change the ShowModal property to False. After it is modeless, the user can select a cell on the sheet while the form is active, as shown in Figure 23.7.

A modeless form enables the user to enter a cell while the form is still active.

Figure 23.7. A modeless form enables the user to enter a cell while the form is still active.

Using Hyperlinks in Userforms

In the userform example shown in Figure 23.3, there is a field for email and a website address. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to click these and have a blank email message or web page automatically appear? You can! The following program creates a new message or opens a web browser when the corresponding label is clicked.

The application programming interface (API) declaration, and any other constants, go at the very top of the code.

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _
    "ShellExecuteA"(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _
    ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, _
    ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

Const SWNormal = 1

This sub controls what happens when the email label is clicked, as shown in Figure 23.8:

Private Sub lbl_Email_Click()
Dim lngRow As Long

lngRow = TabStrip1.Value + 1
ShellExecute 0&, "open", "mailto:" & Cells(lngRow, 5).Value, _
    vbNullString, vbNullString, SWNormal

End Sub
Turn email addresses and websites into clickable links.

Figure 23.8. Turn email addresses and websites into clickable links.

This sub controls what happens when the website label is clicked:

Private Sub lbl_Website_Click()
Dim lngRow As Long

lngRow = TabStrip1.Value + 1
ShellExecute 0&, "open", Cells(lngRow, 6).Value, vbNullString, _
    vbNullString, SWNormal

End Sub

Adding Controls at Runtime

It is possible to add controls to a userform at runtime. This is convenient if you are not sure how many items you will be adding to the form.

Figure 23.9 shows a plain form. It has only one button. This plain form is used to display any number of pictures from a product catalog. The pictures and accompanying labels appear at runtime, as the form is being displayed.

Flexible forms can be created if you add most controls at runtime.

Figure 23.9. Flexible forms can be created if you add most controls at runtime.

A sales rep making a sales presentation uses this form to display a product catalog. He can select any number of SKUs from an Excel worksheet and press a hot key to display the form. If he selects 20 items on the worksheet, the form displays with each picture fairly small, as shown in Figure 23.10.

Here, the sales rep has asked to see photos of 20 SKUs. The UserForm_Initialize procedure adds each picture and label on-the-fly.

Figure 23.10. Here, the sales rep has asked to see photos of 20 SKUs. The UserForm_Initialize procedure adds each picture and label on-the-fly.

If the sales rep selects fewer items, the images are displayed larger, as shown in Figure 23.11.

The logic in Userform_Initialize decides how many pictures are being displayed and adds the appropriate size controls.

Figure 23.11. The logic in Userform_Initialize decides how many pictures are being displayed and adds the appropriate size controls.

A number of techniques are used to create this userform on-the-fly. The initial form contains only one button, called cbClose. Everything else is added on-the-fly.

Resizing the Userform On-the-Fly

One goal is to give the best view of the images in the product catalog. This means having the form appear as large as possible. The following code uses the form’s Height and Width properties to make sure the form fills almost the entire screen:

' resize the form
Me.Height = Int(0.98 * ActiveWindow.Height)
Me.Width = Int(0.98 * ActiveWindow.Width)

Adding a Control On-the-Fly

For a normal control added at design time, it is easy to refer to the control by using its name:

Me.cbSave.Left = 100

But, for a control that is added at runtime, you have to use the Controls collection to set any properties for the control. Therefore, it is important to set up a variable to hold the name of the control. Controls are added with the .Add method. The important parameter is the bstrProgId. This code name dictates whether the added control is a label, text box, command button, or something else.

The following code adds a new label to the form. PicCount is a counter variable used to ensure that each label has a new name. After the form is added, specify a position for the control by setting the Top and Left properties. You should also set a Height and Width for the control:

LC = "LabelA" & PicCount
Me.Controls.Add bstrProgId:="forms.label.1", Name:=LC, Visible:=True
Me.Controls(LC).Top = 25
Me.Controls(LC).Left = 50
Me.Controls(LC).Height = 18
Me.Controls(LC).Width = 60
Me.Controls(LC).Caption = cell.value


You lose some of the AutoComplete options with this method. Normally, if you would start to type Me.cbClose., the AutoComplete options would present the valid choices for a command button. However, when you use the Me.Controls(LC) collection to add controls on-the-fly, VBA doesn’t know what type of control is referenced. In this case, it is helpful to know you need to set the Caption property rather than the Value property for a label.

Sizing On-the-Fly

In reality, you need to be able to calculate values for Top, Left, Height, and Width on the fly. You would do this based on the actual height and width of the form and on how many controls are needed.

Adding Other Controls

To add other types of controls, change the ProgId used with the Add method. Table 23.6 shows the ProgIds for various types of controls.

Table 23.6. Userform Controls and Corresponding ProgIds































Adding an Image On-the-Fly

There is some unpredictability in adding images. Any given image might be shaped either landscape or portrait. The image might be small or huge. The strategy you might want to use is to let the image load full size by setting the .AutoSize parameter to True before loading the image:

TC = "Image" & PicCount
Me.Controls.Add bstrProgId:="forms.image.1", Name:=TC, Visible:=True
Me.Controls(TC).Top = LastTop
Me.Controls(TC).Left = LastLeft
Me.Controls(TC).AutoSize = True
On Error Resume Next
Me.Controls(TC).Picture = LoadPicture(fname)
On Error GoTo 0

Then, after the image has loaded, you can read the control’s Height and Width properties to determine whether the image is landscape or portrait and whether the image is constrained by available width or available height:

' The picture resized the control to full size
' determine the size of the picture
Wid = Me.Controls(TC).Width
Ht = Me.Controls(TC).Height
WidRedux = CellWid / Wid
HtRedux = CellHt / Ht
If WidRedux < HtRedux Then
    Redux = WidRedux
    Redux = HtRedux
End If
NewHt = Int(Ht * Redux)
NewWid = Int(Wid * Redux)

After you find the proper size for the image to have it draw without distortion, you can set the AutoSize property to False and use the correct height and width to have the image not appear distorted:

' Now resize the control
Me.Controls(TC).AutoSize = False
Me.Controls(TC).Height = NewHt
Me.Controls(TC).Width = NewWid
Me.Controls(TC).PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch

Putting It All Together

This is the complete code for the Picture Catalog userform:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ' Display pictures of each SKU selected on the worksheet
    ' This may be anywhere from 1 to 36 pictures
    PicPath = "C:qimageqi"
    Dim Pics ()

    ' resize the form
    Me.Height = Int(0.98 * ActiveWindow.Height)
    Me.Width = Int(0.98 * ActiveWindow.Width)
    ' determine how many cells are selected
    ' We need one picture and label for each cell
    CellCount = Selection.Cells.Count
    ReDim Preserve Pics(1 To CellCount)

    ' Figure out the size of the resized form
    TempHt = Me.Height
    TempWid = Me.Width

    ' The number of columns is a roundup of SQRT(CellCount)
    ' This will ensure 4 rows of 5 pictures for 20, etc.
    NumCol = Int(0.99 + Sqr(CellCount))
    NumRow = Int(0.99 + CellCount / NumCol)

    ' Figure out the ht and wid of each square
    ' Each column will have 2 pts to left & right of pics
    CellWid = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Int(TempWid / NumCol) - 4, 1)
    ' each row needs to have 33 points below it for the label
    CellHt = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Int(TempHt / NumRow) - 33, 1)

    PicCount = 0 ' Counter variable
    LastTop = 2
    MaxBottom = 1
    ' Build each row on the form
    For x = 1 To NumRow
        LastLeft = 3
        ' Build each column in this row
        For Y = 1 To NumCol
            PicCount = PicCount + 1
            If PicCount > CellCount Then
                ' There are not an even number of pictures to fill
                ' out the last row
                Me.Height = MaxBottom + 100
                Me.cbClose.Top = MaxBottom + 25
                Me.cbClose.Left = Me.Width - 70
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ThisStyle = Selection.Cells(PicCount).Value
            ThisDesc = Selection.Cells(PicCount).Offset(0, 1).Value
            fname = PicPath & ThisStyle & ".jpg"
            TC = "Image" & PicCount
            Me.Controls.Add bstrProgId:="forms.image.1", Name:=TC, Visible:=True
            Me.Controls(TC).Top = LastTop
            Me.Controls(TC).Left = LastLeft
            Me.Controls(TC).AutoSize = True
            On Error Resume Next
            Me.Controls(TC).Picture = LoadPicture(fname)
            On Error GoTo 0

            ' The picture resized the control to full size
            ' determine the size of the picture
            Wid = Me.Controls(TC).Width
            Ht = Me.Controls(TC).Height
            WidRedux = CellWid / Wid
            HtRedux = CellHt / Ht
            If WidRedux < HtRedux Then
                Redux = WidRedux
                Redux = HtRedux
            End If
            NewHt = Int(Ht * Redux)
            NewWid = Int(Wid * Redux)

            ' Now resize the control
            Me.Controls(TC).AutoSize = False
            Me.Controls(TC).Height = NewHt
            Me.Controls(TC).Width = NewWid
            Me.Controls(TC).PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch
            Me.Controls(TC).ControlTipText = "Style " & _
        ThisStyle & " " & ThisDesc

            ' Keep track of the bottom-most & right-most picture
            ThisRight = Me.Controls(TC).Left + Me.Controls(TC).Width
            ThisBottom = Me.Controls(TC).Top + Me.Controls(TC).Height
            If ThisBottom > MaxBottom Then MaxBottom = ThisBottom

            ' Add a label below the picture
            LC = "LabelA" & PicCount
            Me.Controls.Add bstrProgId:="forms.label.1", Name:=LC, Visible:=True
            Me.Controls(LC).Top = ThisBottom + 1
            Me.Controls(LC).Left = LastLeft
            Me.Controls(LC).Height = 18
            Me.Controls(LC).Width = CellWid
            Me.Controls(LC).Caption = "Style " & ThisStyle & " " & ThisDesc

            ' Keep track of where the next picture should display
            LastLeft = LastLeft + CellWid + 4
        Next Y ' end of this row
        LastTop = MaxBottom + 21 + 16
    Next x

    Me.Height = MaxBottom + 100
    Me.cbClose.Top = MaxBottom + 25
    Me.cbClose.Left = Me.Width - 70
End Sub

Adding Help to the Userform

You’ve designed a great userform, but now there’s just one thing missing—guidance for the users. The following sections show you four ways you can help users fill out the form properly.

Showing Accelerator Keys

Built-in forms often have keyboard shortcuts that allow actions to be triggered or fields selected with a few keystrokes. These shortcuts are identified by an underlined letter on a button or label.

You can add this same capability to custom userforms by entering a value in the Accelerator property of the control. Alt + the accelerator key selects the control. For example, in Figure 23.12, Alt+H checks the VHS check box. Repeating the combination unchecks the box.

Use accelerator key combinations to give userforms the power of keyboard shortcuts.

Figure 23.12. Use accelerator key combinations to give userforms the power of keyboard shortcuts.

Adding Control Tip Text

When a cursor is waved over a toolbar, tip text appears, hinting at what the control does. You can also add tip text to userforms by entering a value in the ControlTipText property of a control. In Figure 23.13, tip text has been added to the frame surrounding the various categories.

Add tips to controls to provide help to users.

Figure 23.13. Add tips to controls to provide help to users.

Creating the Tab Order

Users can also tab from one field to another. This is an automatic feature in a form. To control which field the next tab brings a user to, you can set the TapStop property value for each control.

The first tab stop is zero, and the last tab stop is equal to the number of controls in a group. Remember, a group can be created with a frame. Excel does not allow multiple controls to have the same tab stop. After tab stops are set, the user can use the Tab key and spacebar to select/deselect various options, as shown in Figure 23.14.

The options in this form were selected with the Tab key and spacebar.

Figure 23.14. The options in this form were selected with the Tab key and spacebar.

Coloring the Active Control

Another method for helping a user fill out a form is to color the active field. The following example changes the color of a text box or combo box when it is active.

Place the following in a class module called clsCtlColor:

Public Event GetFocus()
Public Event LostFocus(ByVal strCtrl As String)
Private strPreCtr As String

Public Sub CheckActiveCtrl(objForm As MSForms.UserForm)

With objForm
    If TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "ComboBox" Or _
        TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
        strPreCtr = .ActiveControl.Name
        On Error GoTo Terminate
            If .ActiveControl.Name <> strPreCtr Then
                If TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "ComboBox" Or _
                    TypeName(.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
                    RaiseEvent LostFocus(strPreCtr)
                    strPreCtr = .ActiveControl.Name
                    RaiseEvent GetFocus
                End If
            End If
    End If
End With

    Exit Sub

End Sub

Place the following behind the userform:

Private WithEvents objForm As clsCtlColor
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set objForm = New clsCtlColor
End Sub

This sub changes the BackColor of the active control when the form is activated:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
If TypeName(ActiveControl) = "ComboBox" Or _
   TypeName(ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
   ActiveControl.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
End If
objForm.CheckActiveCtrl Me
End Sub

This sub changes the BackColor of the active control when it gets the focus:

Private Sub objForm_GetFocus()
ActiveControl.BackColor = &HC0E0FF
End Sub

This sub changes the BackColor back to white when the control loses the focus:

Private Sub objForm_LostFocus(ByVal strCtrl As String)
Me.Controls(strCtrl).BackColor = &HFFFFFF
End Sub

This sub clears the objForm when the form is closed:

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
Set objForm = Nothing
End Sub

Transparent Forms

Ever had a form that you had to keep moving out of the way so you could see the data behind it? The following code sets the userform at a 50 percent transparency (see Figure 23.17) so that you can see the data behind without moving the form somewhere else on the screen (and blocking more data).

Create a 50 percent transparent form to view the data on the sheet behind it.

Figure 23.17. Create a 50 percent transparent form to view the data on the sheet behind it.

Place the following in the declarations section of the userform:

Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "USER32" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "USER32" Alias _
    "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _
    ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "USER32" Alias _
    "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "USER32" _
    (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Integer, _
    ByVal bAlpha As Integer, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000
Private Const LWA_COLORKEY = &H1
Private Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2
Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = &HFFEC
Dim hWnd As Long

Place the following behind a userform. When the form is activated, the transparency will be set:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim nIndex As Long

hWnd = GetActiveWindow
nIndex = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)
SetWindowLong hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, nIndex Or WS_EX_LAYERED
'50% semitransparent
SetLayeredWindowAttributes hWnd, 0, (255 * 50) / 100, LWA_ALPHA

End Sub

Next Steps

In Chapter 24, “Windows Application Programming Interface (API),” you will learn how to access functions and procedures hidden in files on your computer.

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